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Everything posted by ixon.2496

  1. Honestly just let people 5 man queue. Turns ranked pvp into a valid place to practice for AT's.
  2. "On June 25, we’ll be introducing some quality-of-life and rewards improvements in preparation for the start of the next ranked season on July 2. To add some new build options, we’re introducing two new attribute amulets: Heretic (+1,000 power, +1,000 precision, +500 healing power, +500 ferocity) and Tyrant (+1,000 power, +1,000 condition damage, +500 precision, +500 toughness), and adding Ogre and Tormenting runes. On the rewards front, our goal is to make ascended armor and weapons more accessible in PvP by increasing the number of grandmaster marks that can be earned each season and decreasing the number of ascended shards of glory needed to purchase ascended armor and weapons. We’ll also be reintroducing reward track potions and adding new sources for karma from PvP rewards. Finally, like the prestigious colored titles we’ve added for WvW and endgame PvE, we’ll be updating the Champion Brawler title awarded for winning 10,000 rated arena games to a colored version. In the July 16 update, we’ll adjust the frequency of our daily automated tournaments to consolidate teams into fewer events and increase competitiveness. We’ll also add a new weekly tournament event on Sunday in each region that features increased rewards. This seems like a good time to mention that we’ll also be bringing back the Tournament of Legends event on a twice-yearly cadence—and we’ll be back in the near future to confirm the next event date. We’ll also address some long-standing feedback on the Djinn’s Dominion map in the July 16 update by making some improvements to the secondary map objective and the associated special action skills."
  3. Doing the story is by far the fastest. About 2 hours. WvW will take probably a week, or two. Depending on your WvW rank and Server score + how often you can play.
  4. It always leaves me a bit salty that they can make 20+ skills when they want to give Elementalist a new weapon, but then it comes to thief they avoid as much as possible.
  5. The phrase "This will include changes to address some overperforming builds in PvE" implied there would be more than Just pve changes to the balance. And that is on CMC.
  6. The phrase "Include" implied there would be more than Just pve changes to the balance. And that is on CMC.
  7. The fact the changes are so minimal and bland, tells you there isn't a balancing team anymore. Just one guy changing numbers at the weekend.
  8. Relic of Salt. Remove revealed on hit. Automatically whisper "L2P" to attacking player. 1 sec cd.
  9. No wonder. Anet doesn't listen. And have strung along WvW players for 5 YEARS
  10. Enjoy an even longer queues and a completely dead game mode, rather than the walking corpse of a mode we have right now 😘
  11. It doesn't even have to be about the team being stupid, you are forced together as a group of strangers with different classes and playstyles. There's no voice comms, typing is costing you time and people just get annoyed and ignore pings on the map. You can carry a team if the conditions are right, but matchmaking and skill disparity are so high within the same ranks that its a dice roll if its a possibility or not. Everything about ranked is a dice roll, its not competitive.
  12. Gotta love all the copium huffing here, pretending there's an ounce of integrity left in pvp. Anet doesn't care about the game mode, you'll get through the stages of grief eventually. Denial is a tricky one though.
  13. Too little too late. The experience was already ruined, people just like a scapegoat rather than accept PvP is a broken mess.
  14. Nah, I'm too far into getting my second legendary pvp armor set. And FYI I like PvP, when it's a fair match up, win or lose. Not my fault the matchmaking sucks.
  15. Until anet removes duo queue or just let's people 5 man again. There is no point giving a kitten, the population and attitude sucks because anet neglected pvp and burned it to the ground. Players have so little agency on the outcome of matches I don't blame them for not wasting their energy on a lost cause. Just farm your rewards and call it a day.
  16. Literally everyone ends up in gold 2 or 3, even brand new players playing on core classes. Then when you start climbing out of gold into plat, the matches become more and more one sided facerolls. It's deliberate, Anet forces everyone as close together in rating as possible and as soon as you become an outlier it stacks against you. Unless you party up to skew an advantage the system doesn't want you to climb. This is all made worse with low population. It's not just low population being the reason there's literally next to nobody in legendary rank anymore, its the system.
  17. I found that Revenant/Renegade scratches that itch for me in some ways. Revenant weapons like sword/sword feels quite thief like. And the renegade shortbow for the rogue archetype. Add on Shiro and you have your shadowstepping and dodge rolls.
  18. Honestly thief just takes more effort than other classes to perform well, little to no passive defenses. After maining thief for over 10 years and over 4000 pvp matches on it, I hardly touch it now. I'm just as well chilling on soulbeast or scrapper without feeling like I'm having to play perfectly with no room for error. Mainly because I like commiting to fights and cba doing stealth/runaway/reset. Also now that thief mobility is no longer the shining star it once was, mesmer used to be the only serious competition in that area. It just feels like thief is kinda lackluster and lost a lot of its place in the game to other classes, which while great for those classes, thief hasn't really evolved with the times. Spectre should have been game changing, as it stands now it's more underwhelming.
  19. @Rubi Bayer.8493 Pretty please pass this on? My bank tabs would be eternally grateful.
  20. Which makes no sense after how happy Anet were with the sales of EoD. I distinctly remember them proudly announcing how well it did. This definitely feels like they are winding down on development of the game.
  21. Soon™ Players have a right to be skeptical, especially anyone who's followed the WvW side of the game. Promises, lack of information and underdelivering.
  22. It doesn't bode well for the future of the game, all the scaling back on the level of content released.
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