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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Must be thief main..you can contribute to the discussion ( or end it) by telling us the counterplay to the build in question and it's not simply deadeye...it's shadow art deadeye, go on then explain us
  2. Maybe you can tell us the counterplay for stealth camping rifle champ with shadow arts....'cause I know the counterplay to condi thieves, they can't kill much outside gold division I dare to think
  3. I'm pretty scared of Firebrand, pretty much variants, and Fire Weaver next patch based on these notes. It's because of you people if they will nerf the wrong things.......
  4. The first has a plethora of counterspecs and counterplay option while the latter basically has none still Anet pushed in the wrong direction will nerf condi thief which I rarely see these days and will leave SA deadeye out of the picture while it's literally a plague in both PvP and WvW....As I stated in a previous thread, it's possible to counter condi spec on basically all classes unless heavily outplayed....but Anet still go and put nerfing precedence on condi thief while permastealth horror is a thing...just why?
  5. @"Cal Cohen.3527" Can we get some kind of "hint" about the major shake up in mind? Class mechanic changes? Class revamps? ..anything, even a small hint would be fine..although I would not blame you for not sharing any info with this playerbase...it does tend to go wild with speculations which get turned in half-truths..
  6. God's love thank you! , I have to wait for a honest thief player to come out and state the issues at hand. I have already stated that CC lock must go from this game and particularly I am looking at Headshot and Pistolwhipe, both those skills allow the thief player to assume two very frustrating playstyles to deal with. 1) Headshot : the thief just prevents you from doing any action by repeatedly spamming https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot at 4 ini for 15 ini, they can prevent you from using any skill meanwhile they pressure you with their AA spam , it's very hard to outplay a thief playing this way if you haven't got instant cast heals, instant stealth (like mesmers and engis) or passive heal ( like wars and eles ) 2)PistolWhip : Again a spammable stun with baked in evade, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pistol_Whip the thief just teleport in and can't be hit while cleaving for great amounts of dmg
  7. What you ask it's simply not possible...the players themselves make the game toxic to play. Permastealth trolls and gankgroups are rampant in WvW atm, in the past people used to /bow before any fight ...now they'll chase you while being in groups..then they'll drop siege on you, with time I adapted my builds and playstyle to deal with such toxic behaviour. With that said..I don't run away from an immininent defeat out of respect for myself and the enemy...I take the lesson and come back stronger, that's how I got to this point
  8. And so Warriors should run what Elite instead? Bubble is only used in zergs, everything else is useless except Signet of Rage which has it's limits. You run a no busted elite like the rest
  9. That elite is broken behind anything I ever seen, it was an extremely bad balance decision , it should have been deleted in all gamemodes..a long time ago and this time limiting the nerfs to pvp mode only will be surely a grave mistake, the elite is overstacked with benefits and seemingly not cons
  10. I have to say i dont agree with you here which is strange.Pets can be kited only if the ranger does not run beast mastery which most do run. Otherwise the pet has far-greater mobility passively than you do as a player in combat let alone ones that have dashes, leaps, blinks, etc There is no realistic kiting them at general in combat speeds. The only way you avoid pets generally is if you have constant access to superspeed or stealth which breaks their targeting causing them to run back to the pet owner or to another target till you re appear this might be enough of a gap to make pets seem avoidable. But generally on most professions that cannot stealth often there is no kiting the pet. The pet is going to get you how much it gets you depends on the situation. The pets are viable mostly at point blank range even with beastmastery traited because 80% of pet attacks are 1s+ cast time and with stop animation , the more skilled the opponents the harder to land any pet attack as you need to find gaps in the enemy defensive rotations and even if manage that..the rock gazelle is the only one that can deal huge power burst due to a bug when it happens...other pets can deal as much dmg as an AA from a warrior or thief..which is still good in my opinion. The main reason why rangers are forced to get beastmastery is because Anet (apologetically) said that increasing attck/speed of core pets would cause problems with the same models used in the core game hence why HoT/PoF pets are better overall. Pets are the ranger mechanic and they're part of the dmg not a separate entity like people want to believe, without the pets the overall dmg of rangers drop by a lot...almost by 70% , outside couple heavy hitting skills ( maul and rapid fire ) the DPS of ranger is rather lacklustre ; considering the fact that PvP offers a more controlled DPS environment, a PvE benchmark can be used more effectively to demonstrate what I am saying. My only gripe about ranger pets is that attempting to kill the pet is not a viable strategy to reduce the rangers effectiveness (currently). The pets that are not the birds are generally as tanky as another player and can be swapped too easily on demand or revived via soul beast fusion with no punishment. In pvp or wvw if you are under attack by a ranger killing the pet should be a viable option to reducing the rangers effectiveness. But you dont really have that choice so you have to ignore the pet and just avoid its key skills for the most part. P.S I don't justify bugged attacks like rock gazelle and with that said I believe that tanky pets should offer support option for the player and only rock gazelle remains outside the spectrum and possibly bristleback, but I do expect squishy pets, that die in a couple aoe , to deal as much dmg as other profession auto-attacks in the 1-2k range ..anything less would be completely unreasonable Any pet that can perform a Disabling attack even more so attacks that are not commanded by the ranger do need to be made more visible imo. Some pets have these kind of things others dont. I'd love to see more DPS oriented pets like bird/felines where they're squishy but do hit hard or utility pets like bears/moa and some canine that do far less dmg but arguably ( need some buffs here ) offer more support utility . As I have explained pets are the ranger mechanic and asking to disable another profession mechanic for a limited amount of time it's not really an option..unless you allow ranger to effectively stop mesmers from casting clones for 60s or prevent a thief from restealthing or stopping a warrior from gaining adrenaline. I can understand people asking to remove tanky pets with DPS as that should not be allowed but asking to easily kill pets and leave rangers helpless for 20s+ it's not really an argument, it sounds more like a bad joke than a good idea well people kill mesmer clones in one hit and they can't shatter, mesmer can only resummon it easy if they trait for it, why rangers should be different and pets can't die having 40k hp? rangers have a backup pet already and they should put a cd of 60s after the pet dies to ress. today i was playing pvp and i killed the ranger and he left me with 20% of my life, i was trying to finish him and the pet was stunning me while the ranger was downed, the pet killed me then the pet ressed him because my class don't have a stun while downed, but he could only do that because in the middle of the fight i was not able to kill the pet because he would ress just be changing it, tell me how is that fair? 1) no pet has 40k HPThis is true but they have enough where in most cases the ranger can swap it out the moment they see someone attempting to kill it or fuse with it which completely invalidates the idea of even attempting to do so.2) there is already a 60s CD for dead petsNot when used with soul beast which is an odd ball factor3) comparing pets to clones is absurd...maybe they should add a 60s CD for each clone destroyed alsoI do agree with this though pets should not be compared to clones. Cones have a wider number of effects they can be used for on command of the caster where as pets are pretty standard from the moment you see it you know mostly what it can potentially do even if you cant always read when it will do it. That said pets are in my personal opinion too tanky in general.The birds are fine as far as damage goes and they are super squishThe felines some of which are ok i think they are just under used in general thoughBears are not tanky enough to draw peoples attention out side of soulbeast for damage immunitiesSmokescale despite it supposedly being equivalent to a bear in terms of stats has far more damage due to its skill kit and offers much more utility if not too much utility to rangers in general with they damage they have. Its why the pet is so over used almost every ranger build uses it.Wolves/canines are a nice mix but need more tells on their non command cc attacksPigs are good idea of a utility type pet that come with big risk for the reward. (as anyone can pick up your plasma if you are careless)The deer is a bullet bil that needs to be removed from the game. LOLIt's very easy for thieves/mesmer/revs and generally any class with high evasion to completely kite the pet in the vast majority of cases, you keep forgetting what I have stated before about buffing pet movement speed, the devs cannot do it because it would affect the core game and reason why HoT pets are more resilient....there was an old thread in the ranger forum where the devs acknowledge the fact that path issue is a critical issue , rangers have been waiting for fix on pets since launch..if anything you should expect buffs to core pets as they're in shamble Smokescale has seen its damage nerfed by well over 70% already...really the thing does a total of 2k dmg when you count all the hits on a medium armor target They should just move the dmg from pets to ranger and change pets into utility skills...something the rangers have been requesting for years
  11. I have to say i dont agree with you here which is strange.Pets can be kited only if the ranger does not run beast mastery which most do run. Otherwise the pet has far-greater mobility passively than you do as a player in combat let alone ones that have dashes, leaps, blinks, etc There is no realistic kiting them at general in combat speeds. The only way you avoid pets generally is if you have constant access to superspeed or stealth which breaks their targeting causing them to run back to the pet owner or to another target till you re appear this might be enough of a gap to make pets seem avoidable. But generally on most professions that cannot stealth often there is no kiting the pet. The pet is going to get you how much it gets you depends on the situation. The pets are viable mostly at point blank range even with beastmastery traited because 80% of pet attacks are 1s+ cast time and with stop animation , the more skilled the opponents the harder to land any pet attack as you need to find gaps in the enemy defensive rotations and even if manage that..the rock gazelle is the only one that can deal huge power burst due to a bug when it happens...other pets can deal as much dmg as an AA from a warrior or thief..which is still good in my opinion. The main reason why rangers are forced to get beastmastery is because Anet (apologetically) said that increasing attck/speed of core pets would cause problems with the same models used in the core game hence why HoT/PoF pets are better overall. Pets are the ranger mechanic and they're part of the dmg not a separate entity like people want to believe, without the pets the overall dmg of rangers drop by a lot...almost by 70% , outside couple heavy hitting skills ( maul and rapid fire ) the DPS of ranger is rather lacklustre ; considering the fact that PvP offers a more controlled DPS environment, a PvE benchmark can be used more effectively to demonstrate what I am saying. My only gripe about ranger pets is that attempting to kill the pet is not a viable strategy to reduce the rangers effectiveness (currently). The pets that are not the birds are generally as tanky as another player and can be swapped too easily on demand or revived via soul beast fusion with no punishment. In pvp or wvw if you are under attack by a ranger killing the pet should be a viable option to reducing the rangers effectiveness. But you dont really have that choice so you have to ignore the pet and just avoid its key skills for the most part. P.S I don't justify bugged attacks like rock gazelle and with that said I believe that tanky pets should offer support option for the player and only rock gazelle remains outside the spectrum and possibly bristleback, but I do expect squishy pets, that die in a couple aoe , to deal as much dmg as other profession auto-attacks in the 1-2k range ..anything less would be completely unreasonable Any pet that can perform a Disabling attack even more so attacks that are not commanded by the ranger do need to be made more visible imo. Some pets have these kind of things others dont. I'd love to see more DPS oriented pets like bird/felines where they're squishy but do hit hard or utility pets like bears/moa and some canine that do far less dmg but arguably ( need some buffs here ) offer more support utility . As I have explained pets are the ranger mechanic and asking to disable another profession mechanic for a limited amount of time it's not really an option..unless you allow ranger to effectively stop mesmers from casting clones for 60s or prevent a thief from restealthing or stopping a warrior from gaining adrenaline. I can understand people asking to remove tanky pets with DPS as that should not be allowed but asking to easily kill pets and leave rangers helpless for 20s+ it's not really an argument, it sounds more like a bad joke than a good idea well people kill mesmer clones in one hit and they can't shatter, mesmer can only resummon it easy if they trait for it, why rangers should be different and pets can't die having 40k hp? rangers have a backup pet already and they should put a cd of 60s after the pet dies to ress. today i was playing pvp and i killed the ranger and he left me with 20% of my life, i was trying to finish him and the pet was stunning me while the ranger was downed, the pet killed me then the pet ressed him because my class don't have a stun while downed, but he could only do that because in the middle of the fight i was not able to kill the pet because he would ress just be changing it, tell me how is that fair?1) no pet has 40k HP2) there is already a 60s CD for dead pets3) comparing pets to clones is absurd...maybe they should add a 60s CD for each clone destroyed also
  12. I have to say i dont agree with you here which is strange.Pets can be kited only if the ranger does not run beast mastery which most do run. Otherwise the pet has far-greater mobility passively than you do as a player in combat let alone ones that have dashes, leaps, blinks, etc There is no realistic kiting them at general in combat speeds. The only way you avoid pets generally is if you have constant access to superspeed or stealth which breaks their targeting causing them to run back to the pet owner or to another target till you re appear this might be enough of a gap to make pets seem avoidable. But generally on most professions that cannot stealth often there is no kiting the pet. The pet is going to get you how much it gets you depends on the situation. The pets are viable mostly at point blank range even with beastmastery traited because 80% of pet attacks are 1s+ cast time and with stop animation , the more skilled the opponents the harder to land any pet attack as you need to find gaps in the enemy defensive rotations and even if manage that..the rock gazelle is the only one that can deal huge power burst due to a bug when it happens...other pets can deal as much dmg as an AA from a warrior or thief..which is still good in my opinion. The main reason why rangers are forced to get beastmastery is because Anet (apologetically) said that increasing attck/speed of core pets would cause problems with the same models used in the core game hence why HoT/PoF pets are better overall. Pets are the ranger mechanic and they're part of the dmg not a separate entity like people want to believe, without the pets the overall dmg of rangers drop by a lot...almost by 70% , outside couple heavy hitting skills ( maul and rapid fire ) the DPS of ranger is rather lacklustre ; considering the fact that PvP offers a more controlled DPS environment, a PvE benchmark can be used more effectively to demonstrate what I am saying. My only gripe about ranger pets is that attempting to kill the pet is not a viable strategy to reduce the rangers effectiveness (currently). The pets that are not the birds are generally as tanky as another player and can be swapped too easily on demand or revived via soul beast fusion with no punishment. In pvp or wvw if you are under attack by a ranger killing the pet should be a viable option to reducing the rangers effectiveness. But you dont really have that choice so you have to ignore the pet and just avoid its key skills for the most part. P.S I don't justify bugged attacks like rock gazelle and with that said I believe that tanky pets should offer support option for the player and only rock gazelle remains outside the spectrum and possibly bristleback, but I do expect squishy pets, that die in a couple aoe , to deal as much dmg as other profession auto-attacks in the 1-2k range ..anything less would be completely unreasonable Any pet that can perform a Disabling attack even more so attacks that are not commanded by the ranger do need to be made more visible imo. Some pets have these kind of things others dont. I'd love to see more DPS oriented pets like bird/felines where they're squishy but do hit hard or utility pets like bears/moa and some canine that do far less dmg but arguably ( need some buffs here ) offer more support utility . As I have explained pets are the ranger mechanic and asking to disable another profession mechanic for a limited amount of time it's not really an option..unless you allow ranger to effectively stop mesmers from casting clones for 60s or prevent a thief from restealthing or stopping a warrior from gaining adrenaline. I can understand people asking to remove tanky pets with DPS as that should not be allowed but asking to easily kill pets and leave rangers helpless for 20s+ it's not really an argument, it sounds more like a bad joke than a good idea
  13. I have to say i dont agree with you here which is strange.Pets can be kited only if the ranger does not run beast mastery which most do run. Otherwise the pet has far-greater mobility passively than you do as a player in combat let alone ones that have dashes, leaps, blinks, etc There is no realistic kiting them at general in combat speeds. The only way you avoid pets generally is if you have constant access to superspeed or stealth which breaks their targeting causing them to run back to the pet owner or to another target till you re appear this might be enough of a gap to make pets seem avoidable. But generally on most professions that cannot stealth often there is no kiting the pet. The pet is going to get you how much it gets you depends on the situation. The pets are viable mostly at point blank range even with beastmastery traited because 80% of pet attacks are 1s+ cast time and with stop animation , the more skilled the opponents the harder to land any pet attack as you need to find gaps in the enemy defensive rotations and even if manage that..the rock gazelle is the only one that can deal huge power burst due to a bug when it happens...other pets can deal as much dmg as an AA from a warrior or thief..which is still good in my opinion. The main reason why rangers are forced to get beastmastery is because Anet (apologetically) said that increasing attck/speed of core pets would cause problems with the same models used in the core game hence why HoT/PoF pets are better overall. Pets are the ranger mechanic and they're part of the dmg not a separate entity like people want to believe, without the pets the overall dmg of rangers drop by a lot...almost by 70% , outside couple heavy hitting skills ( maul and rapid fire ) the DPS of ranger is rather lacklustre ; considering the fact that PvP offers a more controlled DPS environment, a PvE benchmark can be used more effectively to demonstrate what I am saying. P.S I don't justify bugged attacks like rock gazelle and with that said I believe that tanky pets should offer support option for the player and only rock gazelle remains outside the spectrum and possibly bristleback, but I do expect squishy pets, that die in a couple aoe , to deal as much dmg as other profession auto-attacks in the 1-2k range ..anything less would be completely unreasonable
  14. I'm fine with the condi ambushes getting redone instead, as long as the end result is a non braindead playstyle, but is that actually doable without upsetting pve? It should be, because in theory Condimirages dmg output should be nearly the same only the application should be more active and for that with higher risk for the Mesmer and less abilities to play defensive all the time. But even if it would lead to underperfroming PvE builds, Cal mentioned that they can compensate in PvE for dmg loses through mechanic changes by adjusting numbers. I think this is a bit off putting for one i dont think staff damage output should be what it is period no matter how you shift it. Axe should be the go to tool for hard condi dps from mirage but very few mirages use this because of the ease of staff. Axe mirage actually applies the things you just listed. Its more active with good damage output and has higher risk and requires the mesmer to play offensively. Also the conditions are pretty limited 2 main damaging conditions which is good because its easier to know what you should avoid and what you dont need to avoid vs staff autos which are slightly rng. With the ambush attacks just being boosted af. Getting hit by a few staff autos might not do much damage while in other moments a few hits from staff autos might cause tons of damage. All of this while boasting a passive defensive play style with hard defensive tools on top of it that you need to force out. There is also the matter of the fact that staff attack bounce around meaning there is potentially no end to the condition application so long as you are trying to engage the mirage it just is constant application. Ideally swapping to staff should lead to a dps drop for the utility and defensive play style it provides. As far as ambushes anet should really consider removing the ties that IH gives as far as caster to clone ambush attacks even more so while the caster is disabled. Clones should only cast ambush attacks when the caster actually uses an ambush attack. if the caster is cc'ed and dodges even with IH clones should not perform ambush attacks ideally. One is already being allowed to potentially evade some if not all of potential follow up damage while disabled which is something no other class can do while its disabled without first breaking the effect causing the disable.Shatters should be changed to be unique to mirage too. That's why people complain about condi mirages ...people have been complaing about Infinite Horizon even before they'd nerf Elusive Mind...it's same thing with druid, instead than nerfing Celestial shadow and Ancient seed as I suggested in a thread long time ago...they nerfed everything around it ...they seem to always do that but I have hope for the new team with Cal and Ben because they seem to go directly for the throat
  15. I hate fighting wars..but really the only problem is Rampage which will be fixed shortly, rest takes practice to fight properly. I have few suggestions for you : -Make a warrior and fight other classes , you'll understand how you can counter war-Duel good/great warriors for as long as you can , you'll understand the most used tactics and how to anticipate them
  16. The holosmith covers a let's say a 'heavy duty burst bruiser' , it shares the role with warrior while ele remains a ..condi/tanky bruiser sort of and ranger being a "thorn in the side" role; necro and mesmers are more like artillery , thief and rev are "bane of my existence" role and guardian a "not today" role. If you take away the sustain of holosmith, it won't be able to compete with thief or rev for the hit and run role and will get outsustained by ele and warrior while rangers will simply run circles around it...my it's just an assumption but the call to reduce holo effectiviness during team fight and access to quickness is the right call. I did complain about holo sustain but really it was more a problem with how good it was during teamfights , I have noticed that the reduced radius of shockwave has been enough for me to limit their overall pressure because it's easier to kite them and avoid their big hits, let's say that my initial impression was wrong. If we really must reduce holo sustain than it's imperative that healing turret or alchemy/toolbet lines are not touched , we want to increase build diversity not decreasing it , without heat therapy they're not overwhelming at average level of skill....let's keep it that way and focus entirely on the elite traitline
  17. Anet still use forum feedback as base for their balance decisions and because FB symbolbrand is arguably harder to play than a condi thief/condi mirage , there will be less chance for a whining thread to appear on the forum while decent players know that a symbol brand Fb is vastly superior as duellist....this is the main reason balance stays bad in GW2 . They tend to nerf builds the average Joe complain about on the forum and leave other unseen specs out of the equation ..with time these specs will end up polarizing the whole game as good players swarm to them with catastrofic results
  18. You can kite pets. Rock Gazelle hurts but I don't think ranger is as egregious as you're claiming now, especially with the unblockable synergy soulbeast had being trimmed. Did you notice the part where he claims ranger has access to 15 stacks of stability every 20s ....? No need to tell you more..
  19. You are 6 years too late to complain about ele...it has been nerfed to irrelevance with only couple of poor man gimmicks left...nerfing those will change absolutely nothing as the class is dead already and should be deleted Seriously? U sound like mirage players saying their class has been nerfed to uselessness. Weaver is definitely overperforming on some builds just like the rest of the classes are. Stop pretending their weak cuz their obviously far from it. Actually no, we have FULL right to say this because our damage has been based one ONE TO TWO traits at most. Fireweaver is only relevant because of Sunspot. Fresh Air ele, and Weaver are being held up only becaue of well, Fresh Air. You tell me what we have left if you hit fresh air and Sunspot. Go ahead. If you say tempest, I'll laugh, because Six out of the Nine classes checks auramancer tempest with their power builds. All I kno is I've seen many weavers in last few month doing crazy condi burst with equal crazy sustain. No class should be capable of both no matter how much ele's try to pretend the class is still the same as it was in 2017-18. I definitely is not The problem with fire weaver is they have very easy burning burst combos that have minimal telegraphs, on top of very good sustain with healing, cleansing and evades. The only thing keeping them from being more op is their low mobility. Sunspot can add a lot to their burst with the burning rage trait, but they still have a lot of damage and fire aura uptime without it. Low mobility? I always did decent with d4 on elect, sword 2 tele, the teleport utility etc as well as swiftness on element switch which could be basically perma swiftness. They seemed to have above avg mobility to as well but again that's my opinion and I'm not a great ele player so lol You don't seem to be playing ele at all hence my crux with the GW2 community : You don't play the class you ask nerfs for...your knowledge is limited, @"Cal Cohen.3527" specifically asked the community to look at things from the big picture point of view. The fire weaver build neither use the lightning flash or dagger offhand because they need all the blocks and invulnerability they can get their hands on given the powercreep......people come here asking for nerfs when they don't even what the hell they're up against. That's why the devs should not be taking the forum seriously, **I multiclass, I spent hundreds/thousans of hours in 4 specific professions* = ele -ranger -warrior and guardian while I have been duelling for years all other classes and only against the best players of each whenever possible, I bothered to check Cd, builds used and all....here you don't even know what the ele in front of you is running** I actually played weaver for a month strait and badically only weaver a few months back just as it got the fire buff and got pretty decent swapping attunments during the time and noticed right away I had good burst with fire and air and with menders good sustain with water. Just because I'm honest in saying I'm not a ele main doesn't mean I never played it for one and second of all I've played against many weavers that bursted well while taking two players to down in any amount of time that woulda take far to long for one player to do. See my crux of the community is players that main a class that has obvious op specs or builds that are so biased they act like their fine or underperforming while calling every other class OP. As of since last buff to fire weaver their no different. Again you have no idea of what you're up against....fire weavers don't have water traitline at all and neither they use mender...good grief and again here with the hyperboles :" saw one weaver taking out 2 players" AND??? A good player on any class can take out two noobs at once or do you need video proofs of every class winning outnumbered fights? I meant water attunment, yeah heals arent as good not trusted for but can still be very effective. Also did water traitline not get a slight dps buff in the line fee passes ago to not make it such a bid dps loss. In any case I didnt use water traitline often and the atunement still gave me good additional sustain The water attunement doesn't heal you unless you trait for it already said so...the fire weaver have limited condi removal for that reason alone, that's why it can be easily killed by any condi spec who knows how ele works Just a side note: Fire weaver has rather good cleanse. That is the main reason for focus offhand - fire aura and exploding fire aura, which cleanses 2 conditions every 8 seconds apart from the many cleanses for every fire aura they get, cleansing 1 condition. If dagger had fire aura, people would probably use dagger instead of focus. I kind of like the fact that you have to watch attunements for burst and defensive rotations. I guess that is what you mean by "knowing how ele works". Agree also on fire weaver and water based builds having very different issues to work on. And FA ele is a whole new topic. People are complaining about burning rage fire weavers I think Yaah, I think so too, but wasn't this thread about FA? I don't know... maybe it was staff zerker, I simply don't know... :trollface: It's a typical nerf thread full of disinformations and hyperboles..nothing new and nothing we won't see again, the scenario remains the same...people are not used to an ele with any resemblance of killing power so they will rush any ele they see in pvp expecting easy kill..only to die few secs after hugging a weaver for the whole duration of primordial stance . ..
  20. You are 6 years too late to complain about ele...it has been nerfed to irrelevance with only couple of poor man gimmicks left...nerfing those will change absolutely nothing as the class is dead already and should be deleted Seriously? U sound like mirage players saying their class has been nerfed to uselessness. Weaver is definitely overperforming on some builds just like the rest of the classes are. Stop pretending their weak cuz their obviously far from it. Actually no, we have FULL right to say this because our damage has been based one ONE TO TWO traits at most. Fireweaver is only relevant because of Sunspot. Fresh Air ele, and Weaver are being held up only becaue of well, Fresh Air. You tell me what we have left if you hit fresh air and Sunspot. Go ahead. If you say tempest, I'll laugh, because Six out of the Nine classes checks auramancer tempest with their power builds. All I kno is I've seen many weavers in last few month doing crazy condi burst with equal crazy sustain. No class should be capable of both no matter how much ele's try to pretend the class is still the same as it was in 2017-18. I definitely is not The problem with fire weaver is they have very easy burning burst combos that have minimal telegraphs, on top of very good sustain with healing, cleansing and evades. The only thing keeping them from being more op is their low mobility. Sunspot can add a lot to their burst with the burning rage trait, but they still have a lot of damage and fire aura uptime without it. Low mobility? I always did decent with d4 on elect, sword 2 tele, the teleport utility etc as well as swiftness on element switch which could be basically perma swiftness. They seemed to have above avg mobility to as well but again that's my opinion and I'm not a great ele player so lol You don't seem to be playing ele at all hence my crux with the GW2 community : You don't play the class you ask nerfs for...your knowledge is limited, @"Cal Cohen.3527" specifically asked the community to look at things from the big picture point of view. The fire weaver build neither use the lightning flash or dagger offhand because they need all the blocks and invulnerability they can get their hands on given the powercreep......people come here asking for nerfs when they don't even what the hell they're up against. That's why the devs should not be taking the forum seriously, **I multiclass, I spent hundreds/thousans of hours in 4 specific professions* = ele -ranger -warrior and guardian while I have been duelling for years all other classes and only against the best players of each whenever possible, I bothered to check Cd, builds used and all....here you don't even know what the ele in front of you is running** I actually played weaver for a month strait and badically only weaver a few months back just as it got the fire buff and got pretty decent swapping attunments during the time and noticed right away I had good burst with fire and air and with menders good sustain with water. Just because I'm honest in saying I'm not a ele main doesn't mean I never played it for one and second of all I've played against many weavers that bursted well while taking two players to down in any amount of time that woulda take far to long for one player to do. See my crux of the community is players that main a class that has obvious op specs or builds that are so biased they act like their fine or underperforming while calling every other class OP. As of since last buff to fire weaver their no different. Again you have no idea of what you're up against....fire weavers don't have water traitline at all and neither they use mender...good grief and again here with the hyperboles :" saw one weaver taking out 2 players" AND??? A good player on any class can take out two noobs at once or do you need video proofs of every class winning outnumbered fights? I meant water attunment, yeah heals arent as good not trusted for but can still be very effective. Also did water traitline not get a slight dps buff in the line fee passes ago to not make it such a bid dps loss. In any case I didnt use water traitline often and the atunement still gave me good additional sustain The water attunement doesn't heal you unless you trait for it already said so...the fire weaver have limited condi removal for that reason alone, that's why it can be easily killed by any condi spec who knows how ele works Just a side note: Fire weaver has rather good cleanse. That is the main reason for focus offhand - fire aura and exploding fire aura, which cleanses 2 conditions every 8 seconds apart from the many cleanses for every fire aura they get, cleansing 1 condition. If dagger had fire aura, people would probably use dagger instead of focus. I kind of like the fact that you have to watch attunements for burst and defensive rotations. I guess that is what you mean by "knowing how ele works". Agree also on fire weaver and water based builds having very different issues to work on. And FA ele is a whole new topic.People are complaining about burning rage fire weavers I think
  21. You are 6 years too late to complain about ele...it has been nerfed to irrelevance with only couple of poor man gimmicks left...nerfing those will change absolutely nothing as the class is dead already and should be deleted Seriously? U sound like mirage players saying their class has been nerfed to uselessness. Weaver is definitely overperforming on some builds just like the rest of the classes are. Stop pretending their weak cuz their obviously far from it. Actually no, we have FULL right to say this because our damage has been based one ONE TO TWO traits at most. Fireweaver is only relevant because of Sunspot. Fresh Air ele, and Weaver are being held up only becaue of well, Fresh Air. You tell me what we have left if you hit fresh air and Sunspot. Go ahead. If you say tempest, I'll laugh, because Six out of the Nine classes checks auramancer tempest with their power builds. All I kno is I've seen many weavers in last few month doing crazy condi burst with equal crazy sustain. No class should be capable of both no matter how much ele's try to pretend the class is still the same as it was in 2017-18. I definitely is not The problem with fire weaver is they have very easy burning burst combos that have minimal telegraphs, on top of very good sustain with healing, cleansing and evades. The only thing keeping them from being more op is their low mobility. Sunspot can add a lot to their burst with the burning rage trait, but they still have a lot of damage and fire aura uptime without it. Low mobility? I always did decent with d4 on elect, sword 2 tele, the teleport utility etc as well as swiftness on element switch which could be basically perma swiftness. They seemed to have above avg mobility to as well but again that's my opinion and I'm not a great ele player so lol You don't seem to be playing ele at all hence my crux with the GW2 community : You don't play the class you ask nerfs for...your knowledge is limited, @"Cal Cohen.3527" specifically asked the community to look at things from the big picture point of view. The fire weaver build neither use the lightning flash or dagger offhand because they need all the blocks and invulnerability they can get their hands on given the powercreep......people come here asking for nerfs when they don't even what the hell they're up against. That's why the devs should not be taking the forum seriously, **I multiclass, I spent hundreds/thousans of hours in 4 specific professions* = ele -ranger -warrior and guardian while I have been duelling for years all other classes and only against the best players of each whenever possible, I bothered to check Cd, builds used and all....here you don't even know what the ele in front of you is running** I actually played weaver for a month strait and badically only weaver a few months back just as it got the fire buff and got pretty decent swapping attunments during the time and noticed right away I had good burst with fire and air and with menders good sustain with water. Just because I'm honest in saying I'm not a ele main doesn't mean I never played it for one and second of all I've played against many weavers that bursted well while taking two players to down in any amount of time that woulda take far to long for one player to do. See my crux of the community is players that main a class that has obvious op specs or builds that are so biased they act like their fine or underperforming while calling every other class OP. As of since last buff to fire weaver their no different. Again you have no idea of what you're up against....fire weavers don't have water traitline at all and neither they use mender...good grief and again here with the hyperboles :" saw one weaver taking out 2 players" AND??? A good player on any class can take out two noobs at once or do you need video proofs of every class winning outnumbered fights? I meant water attunment, yeah heals arent as good not trusted for but can still be very effective. Also did water traitline not get a slight dps buff in the line fee passes ago to not make it such a bid dps loss. In any case I didnt use water traitline often and the atunement still gave me good additional sustain The water attunement doesn't heal you unless you trait for it already said so...the fire weaver have limited condi removal for that reason alone, that's why it can be easily killed by any condi spec who knows how ele works
  22. Fire weaver does not use dagger offhand and Lightning flash. It also uses air much less often in fights, so it cannot build up as much swiftness which is then only usable for unpressured movement between points - and rarely for escaping, because you will have to switch to other attunements (most often). Fire weaver is slow, as long as you don't change the build/runes to more mobility and away from fighting capabilities. @Psycoprophet.8107 said: You are 6 years too late to complain about ele...it has been nerfed to irrelevance with only couple of poor man gimmicks left...nerfing those will change absolutely nothing as the class is dead already and should be deleted Seriously? U sound like mirage players saying their class has been nerfed to uselessness. Weaver is definitely overperforming on some builds just like the rest of the classes are. Stop pretending their weak cuz their obviously far from it. Actually no, we have FULL right to say this because our damage has been based one ONE TO TWO traits at most. Fireweaver is only relevant because of Sunspot. Fresh Air ele, and Weaver are being held up only becaue of well, Fresh Air. You tell me what we have left if you hit fresh air and Sunspot. Go ahead. If you say tempest, I'll laugh, because Six out of the Nine classes checks auramancer tempest with their power builds. All I kno is I've seen many weavers in last few month doing crazy condi burst with equal crazy sustain. No class should be capable of both no matter how much ele's try to pretend the class is still the same as it was in 2017-18. I definitely is not The problem with fire weaver is they have very easy burning burst combos that have minimal telegraphs, on top of very good sustain with healing, cleansing and evades. The only thing keeping them from being more op is their low mobility. Sunspot can add a lot to their burst with the burning rage trait, but they still have a lot of damage and fire aura uptime without it. Low mobility? I always did decent with d4 on elect, sword 2 tele, the teleport utility etc as well as swiftness on element switch which could be basically perma swiftness. They seemed to have above avg mobility to as well but again that's my opinion and I'm not a great ele player so lol Is this the kind of feedback the devs need? Players asking for nerfs when they don't even know the build they're up against Actually when the weaver was buffed few months back sword dagger was used as a option sooo not everyone uses the exact meta build and were u there during my fights to kno their builds? Honestly U are the exact player the devs should ignore basing all u spout on assumptions at best. Ur exactly the player who will never look past thier class and admit broken kitten about it, there u go a assumption from me :) guess its teueIt's actually kinda pathetic u think people don't notice certain fire weavers bursting them down than using water attunment etc to basically heal up most dps taken while having 4 dodges if the so chose before swapping back for another burst or I'm sry me and other posters I've seen saying same kitten imagined it. Ele may have been underperforming in past but fire weaver and some hybrid builds are not. How long are ele's gonna cling to the were weak for?You still fail to realize how wrong you are.....ele sword doesn't burst..you go hug him while his stances are up or fail to see the active glyph which clearly hung on above the skill bar...and the build got only a single stunbreak with 2 counts, the other if present is used offensively....you lack the knowledge to beat a decent ele, you don't know the build......again swapping to water won't heal the fire weaver...because it's not treated , they have riptide..which again you believe to count for an automatic water heal
  23. Fire weaver does not use dagger offhand and Lightning flash. It also uses air much less often in fights, so it cannot build up as much swiftness which is then only usable for unpressured movement between points - and rarely for escaping, because you will have to switch to other attunements (most often). Fire weaver is slow, as long as you don't change the build/runes to more mobility and away from fighting capabilities. @Psycoprophet.8107 said: You are 6 years too late to complain about ele...it has been nerfed to irrelevance with only couple of poor man gimmicks left...nerfing those will change absolutely nothing as the class is dead already and should be deleted Seriously? U sound like mirage players saying their class has been nerfed to uselessness. Weaver is definitely overperforming on some builds just like the rest of the classes are. Stop pretending their weak cuz their obviously far from it. Actually no, we have FULL right to say this because our damage has been based one ONE TO TWO traits at most. Fireweaver is only relevant because of Sunspot. Fresh Air ele, and Weaver are being held up only becaue of well, Fresh Air. You tell me what we have left if you hit fresh air and Sunspot. Go ahead. If you say tempest, I'll laugh, because Six out of the Nine classes checks auramancer tempest with their power builds. All I kno is I've seen many weavers in last few month doing crazy condi burst with equal crazy sustain. No class should be capable of both no matter how much ele's try to pretend the class is still the same as it was in 2017-18. I definitely is not The problem with fire weaver is they have very easy burning burst combos that have minimal telegraphs, on top of very good sustain with healing, cleansing and evades. The only thing keeping them from being more op is their low mobility. Sunspot can add a lot to their burst with the burning rage trait, but they still have a lot of damage and fire aura uptime without it. Low mobility? I always did decent with d4 on elect, sword 2 tele, the teleport utility etc as well as swiftness on element switch which could be basically perma swiftness. They seemed to have above avg mobility to as well but again that's my opinion and I'm not a great ele player so lol Is this the kind of feedback the devs need? Players asking for nerfs when they don't even know the build they're up against Actually when the weaver was buffed few months back sword dagger was used as a option sooo not everyone uses the exact meta build and were u there during my fights to kno their builds? Honestly U are the exact player the devs should ignore basing all u spout on assumptions at best. Ur exactly the player who will never look past thier class and admit broken kitten about it, there u go a assumption from me :) guess its teueBefore firebuffs, they were using mender weaver which 1)had no burst and 2) were still using off hand focus when not playing against golem level players. I don't need to make assumptions...you're a living proof , you have no idea what the build is in front of you therefore you are in no position to give any educated balance suggestion
  24. You are 6 years too late to complain about ele...it has been nerfed to irrelevance with only couple of poor man gimmicks left...nerfing those will change absolutely nothing as the class is dead already and should be deleted Seriously? U sound like mirage players saying their class has been nerfed to uselessness. Weaver is definitely overperforming on some builds just like the rest of the classes are. Stop pretending their weak cuz their obviously far from it. Actually no, we have FULL right to say this because our damage has been based one ONE TO TWO traits at most. Fireweaver is only relevant because of Sunspot. Fresh Air ele, and Weaver are being held up only becaue of well, Fresh Air. You tell me what we have left if you hit fresh air and Sunspot. Go ahead. If you say tempest, I'll laugh, because Six out of the Nine classes checks auramancer tempest with their power builds. All I kno is I've seen many weavers in last few month doing crazy condi burst with equal crazy sustain. No class should be capable of both no matter how much ele's try to pretend the class is still the same as it was in 2017-18. I definitely is not The problem with fire weaver is they have very easy burning burst combos that have minimal telegraphs, on top of very good sustain with healing, cleansing and evades. The only thing keeping them from being more op is their low mobility. Sunspot can add a lot to their burst with the burning rage trait, but they still have a lot of damage and fire aura uptime without it. Low mobility? I always did decent with d4 on elect, sword 2 tele, the teleport utility etc as well as swiftness on element switch which could be basically perma swiftness. They seemed to have above avg mobility to as well but again that's my opinion and I'm not a great ele player so lol You don't seem to be playing ele at all hence my crux with the GW2 community : You don't play the class you ask nerfs for...your knowledge is limited, @"Cal Cohen.3527" specifically asked the community to look at things from the big picture point of view. The fire weaver build neither use the lightning flash or dagger offhand because they need all the blocks and invulnerability they can get their hands on given the powercreep......people come here asking for nerfs when they don't even what the hell they're up against. That's why the devs should not be taking the forum seriously, **I multiclass, I spent hundreds/thousans of hours in 4 specific professions* = ele -ranger -warrior and guardian while I have been duelling for years all other classes and only against the best players of each whenever possible, I bothered to check Cd, builds used and all....here you don't even know what the ele in front of you is running** I actually played weaver for a month strait and badically only weaver a few months back just as it got the fire buff and got pretty decent swapping attunments during the time and noticed right away I had good burst with fire and air and with menders good sustain with water. Just because I'm honest in saying I'm not a ele main doesn't mean I never played it for one and second of all I've played against many weavers that bursted well while taking two players to down in any amount of time that woulda take far to long for one player to do. See my crux of the community is players that main a class that has obvious op specs or builds that are so biased they act like their fine or underperforming while calling every other class OP. As of since last buff to fire weaver their no different.Again you have no idea of what you're up against....fire weavers don't have water traitline at all and neither they use mender...good grief and again here with the hyperboles :" saw one weaver taking out 2 players" AND??? A good player on any class can take out two noobs at once or do you need video proofs of every class winning outnumbered fights?
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