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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Patch not gonna happen during PvP season which ends 24th feb...so anything after it's a good guess and must be within Q1 2020 so March it is
  2. How are your suggestions supposed to solve the issue? -You still can't chase the thief through infiltrator's return-The stun is still there making the landing of PW as easy as ever Increasing the ini does jack squat, because the thief will simply play more passively..maybe just maybe having a skill that applies CC and dmg while in defense mode..it's an absurd design....just maybe
  3. Go and play other professions while equipping same amulet...you may get an idea about what the word 'squishy' really means, just a hint....it means that you die if you screw up....no shortbow 5...no shadow's return...no stealth, did you ever consider the fact that thieves use 'squishy' amulets because they can safely do so?
  4. Ha the irony.... Everyone includes me, otherwise I would say everyone else. Irony would be if I was saying I don't do that, and here I am. Jeez.... I feel like the only thing people read nowadays is video game scrolling text. Deep Down you know that the rest of the ele kit cannot compete with the rest of the game in terms of dmg and sustain, core ele get outshined by basically everything..even core engi and if not a core ele would struggle to defeat a core engi at equal level. All the nerf cries are towards weaver, which anet has powercrept to keep ele relevant in the game...and ele being relevant is not something this community wants as you really well put it. But do not fret, anet will surely nerf weaver and with it ..the rest of your powercrepts specs, for years all of you have enjoyed powercrept builds confusing the change with an increase in your own skill level. I guess that anet has decided to nerf all of you down to core ele level rather than buff ele to your powercrept level, ofc once everything get nerfed considerably there would be no reason to keep weaver as it is now. So...what the kitten point of your thread? Once your powercrept class get nerfed in a month...there won't be need to keep weaver as it now and it will be nerfed accordingly...are you maybe asking to keep your powercrept spec and nerf weaver?....lol sorry buddy What is my spec? The point of the thread is these two classes are not to be overlooked or fly under the radar. NERF EVERYONE. Don't worry...ele is never overlooked, they allow it to shine for few months between a dead period and another, after 4 years of tempest misery they decided to give ele players some decent spec...that will be nerfed soon anyway and ele will go back being a pointless class to have in game...all in line with your original thread about nobody really wanting balance. There is a reason anyway I play on 3 different mains, I can play on ele only for few months every few years it seems, the class is badly designed that it can only compete with the rest if given simiar tools in terms of sustain and dmg...but the idea never really work.
  5. Ha the irony.... Everyone includes me, otherwise I would say everyone else. Irony would be if I was saying I don't do that, and here I am. Jeez.... I feel like the only thing people read nowadays is video game scrolling text.Deep Down you know that the rest of the ele kit cannot compete with the rest of the game in terms of dmg and sustain, core ele get outshined by basically everything..even core engi and if not a core ele would struggle to defeat a core engi at equal level. All the nerf cries are towards weaver, which anet has powercrept to keep ele relevant in the game...and ele being relevant is not something this community wants as you really well put it. But do not fret, anet will surely nerf weaver and with it ..the rest of your powercrepts specs, for years all of you have enjoyed powercrept builds confusing the change with an increase in your own skill level. I guess that anet has decided to nerf all of you down to core ele level rather than buff ele to your powercrept level, ofc once everything get nerfed considerably there would be no reason to keep weaver as it is now. So...what the damn point of your thread? Once your powercrept class get nerfed in a month...there won't be need to keep weaver as it now and it will be nerfed accordingly...are you maybe asking to keep your powercrept spec and nerf weaver?....lol sorry buddy
  6. Yes its invisible, cleanses and chains together with press of a button, no having to use a skill than other skills to stack it ie smoke fields in gw2. Long duration stealth is 10x easier in eso, archeage u get 10+ seconds at press of one button and bdo as well lol. Actually I'd say gw2 has the most hoops to go thru for long duration stealth, most limitations as well compared to all the other mmo's I've played. Devs even went as far as marked zones in wvw where more than 2 sec stealth reveals u lol. https://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/potions The main benefit of ESO compared to GW2 is the vast number of anti-stealth options open to all professions, potions or reveal magick/skill all good to negate nightblade, keyword here is negate..... There is counterplay in ESo easily accessible to all players, something not present in GW2 where a thief player can basically stealth and run away, do whatever
  7. To put it in very simple terms...stealth in Gw2 is just broken, the implemented design is not healthy and lacks all competitive elements found in all other well known MMOs out there sporting the same stealth concept. To cite few examples : 1) World of Warcrafthttps://wow.gamepedia.com/Stealth 2) Final fantasy : A realm rebornhttps://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Hide 3) Elder scroll Onlinehttps://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Stealth The main points here are : You cannot restealth while in combatAoE dmg reveals youPenalties while stealthedEasy for the enemy to detect youAll the elements above are missing from Gw2 in their entirety, it is for this reason that I consider stealth in GW2, one of the worst implementations I have ever seen in a MMO, there is no other way to say it but I still have hope in one small corner of my heart that anet devs will address all these issues with the next balance pass..a faint hope. I have no doubt that the thief/mesmer police will come here mocking, "insulting" and with the usual L2P gibberish but..I am not worried about that, those among you who played other MMOs..know that I am right, the devs here know that I am right...whether any of this will ever be addressed....... Things like deadeye, PU one shot....should not exist in a MMO
  8. So the patch will come out March 2020 at the earliest , good to know
  9. Did anything change about the foundations of the game like base HP and armor?...I have a very bad feeling about everything
  10. Yes, give ele 19k hp baseline.We will never see a downed ele anymore, because they have so much dmg mitigation and ways to heal themselfes back up. Same with guards. Oh also eles are ranged and can kite hardcore, while warrior is basically a full melee class (and no, rifle is not a viable weapon on war) Also, thieves max hp, to never be bursted down and always reset the fight. so ele ranged is viable and warrior not? :o Obviously, have you ever set a foot into wvw? Staff is a thing.Even fresh air is using scepter, which is ranged. wvw? this is spvp forumwhere staff ele is a thing? also rifle warrior is viable doing 18k crits, just one trick ponny And one trick ponys are generally not meta and thus not viable, so my point stands, rifle is not viable. Ive just checked metabattle, and there is a staff support build on the site, also scepter builds, like i said. You ignored my scepter comment completely. Btw no rifle metawarrior on there thinking i ignored because scepter ele is a joke same as rifle warrior Ok, great argument, yikes, thank goodness ppl like you are not making the balance decisions what was your argument, metabattle? lmao I made points on why ele has less hp than warrior, you argued that my points were wrong without giving any proof i provided more arguments to proof my points, you havent done anything to disprove mine. And yes metabattle, because it generally gives a good starting point to what is played and what isnt. You obviously have a great understanding of pvp and everybody else is factually wrong when they disagree with you, you dont need facts and points to be right, everybody should just listen to your opinion, and thus this will be my last reply to you. Have a great day :) im not even talking about hp lol, talking about toughness, i agree with the hp sentences ;), but if you need metabattle to understand builds you cant say that you have great understanding of pvp Omg you are so kitten that i honestly have to reply again.I know that your original post was about armor, but the post i was replying to was about hp, and you replied to my hp post, so we are talking about hp (maybe offtopic, but who cares) .Maybe you should read and think about it before you reply. I never stated i use metabattle to understand a build. I use metabattle to get an understanding of what ppl play, because im not that high up on my horse to think that i know about every possible build for each individual class. Assuming that would be nuts. I use other sources outside of my own brain, because most of the time you wont be able to figure out every possible way to play or in general find every possible solution to fix a problem. Metabattle might not always have the best and refinded builds but it gives a good outline to what is played and viable, just because you think some of them are bad and "jokes" doesnt mean that they are, and that other ppl dont use them successfully Your only reliable source to appear credible would be yourself playing the actual class, if that would have been the case..you would have never stated something like viable scepter ele build on metabattle..you lost any credibility once you've said that. Btw I do play warrior and personally if I slot : strength 3-2-2 / tactics 1-2-2 and discipline 2-3-3 with battle sigil and fireworks runes ( WvW) or strength runes ( PvP)....I would be effectively immortal to any ele build (outside fireweaver hence why you lot are so desperare to see it nerfed..it's the only ele build you cannot walk all over by simply breathing)...nah I don't use SB to deal with a core/tempest ele, that would be overkill xd.... In the end do multiclass before attempting any balance discussion You do know this post is pretty old, right?Second, you think balance devs of every game play every single class and build on a high level themself before they make changes?Third, ive seen good scepter eles, just because you cant win a fight with it doesnt mean the build is bad. I can win also on scepter...it always depends on the skill level of the opponent but winning some fights won't change the fact that 3/4 of the scepter skills are fillers
  11. Yes, give ele 19k hp baseline.We will never see a downed ele anymore, because they have so much dmg mitigation and ways to heal themselfes back up. Same with guards. Oh also eles are ranged and can kite hardcore, while warrior is basically a full melee class (and no, rifle is not a viable weapon on war) Also, thieves max hp, to never be bursted down and always reset the fight. so ele ranged is viable and warrior not? :o Obviously, have you ever set a foot into wvw? Staff is a thing.Even fresh air is using scepter, which is ranged. wvw? this is spvp forumwhere staff ele is a thing? also rifle warrior is viable doing 18k crits, just one trick ponny And one trick ponys are generally not meta and thus not viable, so my point stands, rifle is not viable. Ive just checked metabattle, and there is a staff support build on the site, also scepter builds, like i said. You ignored my scepter comment completely. Btw no rifle metawarrior on there thinking i ignored because scepter ele is a joke same as rifle warrior Ok, great argument, yikes, thank goodness ppl like you are not making the balance decisions what was your argument, metabattle? lmao I made points on why ele has less hp than warrior, you argued that my points were wrong without giving any proof i provided more arguments to proof my points, you havent done anything to disprove mine. And yes metabattle, because it generally gives a good starting point to what is played and what isnt. You obviously have a great understanding of pvp and everybody else is factually wrong when they disagree with you, you dont need facts and points to be right, everybody should just listen to your opinion, and thus this will be my last reply to you. Have a great day :) im not even talking about hp lol, talking about toughness, i agree with the hp sentences ;), but if you need metabattle to understand builds you cant say that you have great understanding of pvp Omg you are so kitten that i honestly have to reply again.I know that your original post was about armor, but the post i was replying to was about hp, and you replied to my hp post, so we are talking about hp (maybe offtopic, but who cares) .Maybe you should read and think about it before you reply. I never stated i use metabattle to understand a build. I use metabattle to get an understanding of what ppl play, because im not that high up on my horse to think that i know about every possible build for each individual class. Assuming that would be nuts. I use other sources outside of my own brain, because most of the time you wont be able to figure out every possible way to play or in general find every possible solution to fix a problem. Metabattle might not always have the best and refinded builds but it gives a good outline to what is played and viable, just because you think some of them are bad and "jokes" doesnt mean that they are, and that other ppl dont use them successfullyYour only reliable source to appear credible would be yourself playing the actual class, if that would have been the case..you would have never stated something like viable scepter ele build on metabattle..you lost any credibility once you've said that. Btw I do play warrior and personally if I slot : strength 3-2-2 / tactics 1-2-2 and discipline 2-3-3 with battle sigil and fireworks runes ( WvW) or strength runes ( PvP)....I would be effectively immortal to any ele build (outside fireweaver hence why you lot are so desperare to see it nerfed..it's the only ele build you cannot walk all over by simply breathing)...nah I don't use SB to deal with a core/tempest ele, that would be overkill xd.... In the end do multiclass before attempting any balance discussion
  12. You don't think light classes have other advantages that heavy classes don't have? You know, different strengths and weaknesses? Trade-offs? To make it so there is some variety in the game? So that everything isn't boring and homogeneous? You think heavy classes are just better than light in every single way? ??? Its not like light classes have dominated the meta at various points in the last 7 years. Noooooo. Because heavy classes are innately better. Right? That's why every single tournament has featured only heavy classes, literally nobody ever plays a light class. Not once, in 7 years. The meta where literally everyone was playing 5x celestial Elementalist. That didn't happen. Because light classes are innately worse. Right? There is literally nothing a Weaver or Mirage or Reaper has that can POSSIBLY overcome that god-mode 300 toughness difference. They might as well just log out. .... Nice of you to list celestial ele instead than simply ele yes....that's the main difference , as somebody who actually play both classes actively let me explain : on guardian I don't need to worry about healing stats....because the class has access to powerful heal burst on 1.9k base healing at 0 healing power ( meditations ) or can use Honor and still have enough sustain with symbol spam at 0 healing power. The dmg modifiers of guardian are like 3x higher than ele...reason I save up some stats compared to ele and still do 3x more dmg while being 3x easier to play in the same role Yah..on ele you must alway stuck healing stats to have any sort of sustain...it's the only class you're forced to do that...also your hyperbolic comments 5x cele team..lol..it was once a team won with 4 eles and a thief; meanwhile in ranked few months before you would face 3 dh per team (pre nerf traps) and right now in pve you have 7 dh out of 10 people for raids. You could jump on ele right now...you could play fire weaver...and I still would come on top as guardian, people who don't multiclass cannot give accurate an intra-class analysis, that's your issue
  13. Bandit's Defense on Daredevil is a 16s cd (traited) stunbreak, endurance regen, Pulmonary Impact proc on interrupt, 1.5s block, and the knockdown has both a lower cast time and lasts longer than the CC on GS4's Counterattack Kick.Not even close. One is a weapon skill and another utility slot, rofl. Ranger GS is literally busted and has everything -> evades,mobility, long block, CC's, spammable AOE damage (melee but still literally spams it)3s block channeling, 15s cd, EVADE->CC like fullcounter. Closest what I'd compare would be shield stance on warrior. There is literally no excuse to give anyone such busted skill and weapon to have everything at once "Ranger GS is literally busted" LOL it can't trade with anything outside of GS4. Coming from someone who plays a class that can evade while CC'd that's rich. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1130944/#Comment_1130944 I already said to nerf the block duration to 2 seconds, honestly 1.5 would still be fine. Just don't touch the cooldown and dumb down the game even more. There are so many classes with the ability to deal with blocks. Increasing the cooldown to 25 seconds is just ridiculous on a skill that can be baited out as easily as Full Counter and has even more ways to counterplay it.Like this exploit on gs autos was fixed and you were spamming threads how ranger is dead? :???Getting rid of obvious powercrept skill/exploits = DUMBING DOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN THE GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!1111p.s im not playing even ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Ranger GS is a melee weapon that trades very poorly with almost everything. The only 2 reasons we were able to stand on node in a team fight or 1v1s on side nodes were due to the evades on the auto attacks and GS4's block. If GS4's cooldown gets doubled, ranger GS would be practically useless considering most other meta specs can pump out as much damage as a Maul crit every second or two. Now, obviously you have trouble reading because you can't seem to comprehend the fact that I have listed several ranger nerfs that actually reduce the strength of the skills MORE than what Vallun proposed. But yeah, if we're getting rid of obvious powercrept skills/exploits, let's remove Mirage's ability to dodge while CC'd, nerf Distortion/Desert Distortion and shatters because I'd say instant cast, high damage/hard CC abilities that mesmer receives for free are way more unhealthy than a 12s cooldown block tied to a 3/4s animation knockback. Plus, if we increase cooldowns enough, then we won't have anything better to do than spam 1 which is what happened to Druid. Doesn't that sound like fun? p.s. I'm not playing either ¯\(ツ)/¯Ye, everyone do 5k+ autoattacks and average ttk is roughly 5 seconds by auto attacks only /sObsly I didnt read because didnt ask you for your "nerf suggestions". Changing topic onto another class to distract your own, how smart, no one ever done that ! (random nonsense complaints that arent even connected in any way ?).shatters because I'd say instant cast, high damage/hard CC abilities that mesmer receives for freeSo, basically, lets delete ranger pets, they get them for free ! They do high damage that other people have to avoid and spam CC's at their own will and have TWO of them with autoheal on swap ! The most busted thing is that they can use it even being dowend ! NO ONE CAN USE THEIR "features" being dead but ranger... cuz reasons.... ! The same goes for adrenaline/shroud/etc, they are all comes for "free" and therefore must be deleted wink-wink Maul has 1.5k base damage traited on meta demo. 189% crit damage = 2.8k damage crits on Maul. Generally with some buffs here and there, GS Mauls will hit for 3.4k every 3.25 seconds if the enemy doesn't dodge the gigantic, audibly roaring spirit bear. In other words, if someone does more than 1k damage per second, they will probably end up out-trading ranger greatsword's Mauls. The autos are slow and weaker than other autos so we lose in that regard as well. I have a screenshot of 0 might soulbeast landing 20,5k maul on 0 vulnerability, demo amulet mesmer.Pretending that mault doesnt boom people for 10k+ with ease is just plain wrong. That scenario is some "stars & planets aligning" stuff. He'd have to be running Berserker with Scholar, Marksmanship for MoC and Remorseless, Pop Sic Em, and have Eternal Coliseum Sword Buff, otherwise with no might he's going to top out around 10k-12k max on a light target with no tough or prot. This means that the Ranger who hit with this Maul, would explode like a Thief running Berserker with no defense traits or utilities if you attacked it at all. And you wouldn't need to hit it with a Power Shatter, like a single Full Counter would chop it in half. Then a follow up Warrior GS#3 would down it. You'd have run such a gimmicky build to pull that off, I'm talking unrealistically gimmicky, that the person who gets hit with that strike deserves to be 1HKO, especially if it was a Mesmer. How do you get hit by that elongated primed gimmick as a Mesmer? If you were complaining about some ranged attack that can hit you from 1500 range for 6k-7k I'd understand, but Maul? Come on man, the Mesmer has a plethora of stealth's & teleports to get away from that. Getting hit by a marks gimmick Maul is just lazy if you're playing Mesmer. Oh and might I add that priming a Maul Gimmick like that is no more or less powerful or difficult to do, than a stealthed Power Shatter gank, with no more or less of a CD to be able to use. Well actually, the 28s CD on Sic Em is much more limiting than Power Shatter play right now. that soulbeast in question ran signet of stone, alot of stealth. missed attack from stealth followed by spaming anything, when he lands any hit you insta die to 15k+ dmg from anything.People srsl need to open their eyes, when someone deals 20,5k dmg with 1 ability with 4s cooldown, while having 0 might and target with 0 vulnerability. then something IS wrong.Why is a mesmer main trying to lecture others about balance in a game? Where are these example of balanced gameplay in the mesmer class?...From condi mirage to one shot PU mantra of pain core BS....where is the balanced gameplay you talk about here? I see people jumping from their main to condi mirage or deadeyes to "win" duels..but here you are trying to lecture people about true balance....give me a break
  14. Just give us an example of skill based dmg application of any class in GW2.....I DARE YOU , go on and give me an example of complex dmg rotation in gw2 that requires super-human cordination and concentration. What will you pick ? : spin to win reaper ? ; spint -teleport guardian ? ; shiro teleport herald ? ; stealth burst clown fiesta? ; bull's rush CC lock? ; pewpew gazelle hero? mantra/symbol spam champion? 1-2-3-4-5 holo? C'mon give me an example of skillful dmg application which you obviously play.... ha as cherry on the cake : You talk about light armor class lore as they should rely on dodges to survive but you conveniently forget that light armor should also do 3x more dmg than the rest..hence the light armor does any of that make sense to you?...if not I don't know why you have mentioned light armor or simply you never played another MMO before GW2
  15. I donno seems u kno very little cuz weaver is indeed one of if not thee strongest specs right now as it has bunker level sustain due to healing and evades plus very potent condi bursts so.... A bunker is very very niche build which is useless for anything else in this setup - and still there are other professions which can do same thing and still can be more useful. Overall, Eles are quite mediocre in all gaming modes. You always can point out to something that is much more sustainable and have better or comparable DPS at the same time, and more useful to the team. This is wrong in almost every way. @mortrialus.3062 covered it. For the mobility, it is better than necro and guardian, and about the same level as engi. I would not call that bad. Also, for a duelist build, it is decent in team fights. Better than similar builds (SB and condi mirage).You are an extremely biased guardian main....but as somebody who plays guardian himself I know that sword weaver is the only thing that hold a candle to guardian, from core to Firebrand and it's the aspect that annoys such biased playerbase. I could play a honor/valor/dh scepter build and simply walk all over any ele build that it's not a sword weaver....with only 800 hrs on guardian, I was able to easily kill a top weaver ele while he was using FA, the guy could not past through all my blocks while I could easily keep up with him using teleports...despite him abusing superspeed air as much as he could. You are as biased as @mortrialus.3062 ..you are not somebody who can give objective balance analysis, in the post you replied to, @MoriMoriMori.5349 was talking about ele in general in his post, he did not specify sword weaver and any unbiased player knows that ele class in general is trash tier without sword weaver and trash tier is ofc where people like you want to see other classes stay indefinitely. @mortrialus.3062 playing a class with access to builds like condi mirage which carries even the worst players thx to a trait (Infinite horizon) that plays the game for them , a condi mirage simply equip staff....then proceeds to run around/hiding behind a wall/stealthing/teleporting away...all the while the clones do all the dmg.......or we have one shot PU core mesmer, another example of unskilled gameplay...stealth and run, keep trying with bursts from stealth till you don't succeed YOU!...Playing a class with access to builds like : symbolbrand, burn DH, LB dh and one shot core guard...and 800 hrs was all it was needed to learn all of them...I don't need to explain them to you do I? Generally speaking GW2 is not a game where I would expect to find balance talk, given how is a PvE MMO..but here we are...I seriously can't understand you and @mortrialus.3062 ....do you seriously think that what you play requires more skill or intellect to play than an ele?
  16. They never nerf the real issues....like never, like with mirage, they nerfed elusive mind and chaotic interruption instead than Infinite Horizon which has always been the main issue with mirage, mindblowing design where you allow clones to apply main mechanic of the elite...
  17. LOl I have seen players jumping from ..thief to warrior , guardian etc to prove a point ..they all got demolished within secs...life it's hard when you can't chain stealth to run away and reset CD..trust me, you fuck up..you die..no shortbow 5 and no 5-2 bye bye
  18. It's a single stack of burn guys...once I use discipline war with shout cleanse, I can easily outpace the fire weaver...unless I am fighting a pro who outplay me, stop it guys pls...the class is super fucking weak unless you become a demi-god on it at which point you should just go and faceroll hard on any other class once you reach that level. Once you play ele for long enough, it's super easy to outpace the average ele, the class is so pathetic that is hard to put it words anymore...this comes from somebody with 8k hrs on ele, man the utilities are piss poor garbage compared to a warrior, a guardian or rangers...the traitlines save : Fire and Weaver lines..are shameful, sad and upsetting. I repeat, unless you're some P3 pro ele, it's quite easy to faceroll fire weavers...I mean 400 hrs on warrior and I am trashing P1 weavers...the whole class is a joke sadly ......
  19. Huh...In the OP I am clearly talking about a post-patch scenario where boon and heal have been nerfed by a hefty amount, it's only logical that we make sure boon and raw healing are not the only things that receive nerfs. That's exactly what's hilarious to me. Thief was shaved off long ago. And now when people are seeing that their beloved classes will be toned down abit too.. you immediatelly jump the gun and want to make sure that classes like Thief (or any other class that uses active defenses rather than passive) will be nerfed accordingly to keep them as mediocre and as irrelevant as they are now. I mean sure yea.. nice foreshadowing. God forbid thief will be as strong as it was in like 2014 and D/P becomes meta again? Don't worry it won't you can relax and be sure thief will be as useless as it is now. Nor would i worry about mesmer. That class was also nerfed so hard i doubt it'll come back any time soon. Mediocre??????????? MEDIOCRE???????? Which build is exactly mediocre on thief? Dieing becuase you do a set of huge mistakes....it's how any game supposed to play , being able to constantly reset fights when doing kitten up or running away when kitten hit the fan...no that's just GW2 BS it's not part of your "skillset" , don't kid yourself. What mediocre factor there is with a class been meta since launch 7 years ago? S/D that jump back and forth with impunity? acro staff vault spammer? shadow art deadeye? pistolwhip spammer? perma stealth BS?....go on with your bias and tell me how mediocre thief is...it must be meta for its mediocrity, it must be top roamer for its mediocrity and whatsnot...poor thief community, I will light a candle and pray for you Please just l2p the game Yeah players on most other classes have to learn to play their class...it's not like we can take out our shortbow and press 555 to run away or press 522222 to stealth away everytime you screw up...on other classes you screw up...you die.....no infiltrator's return and no stealth On other classes you don't die when you get breathed onI guess you die in any game if you don't know what wasd is...not surprised here
  20. Huh...In the OP I am clearly talking about a post-patch scenario where boon and heal have been nerfed by a hefty amount, it's only logical that we make sure boon and raw healing are not the only things that receive nerfs. That's exactly what's hilarious to me. Thief was shaved off long ago. And now when people are seeing that their beloved classes will be toned down abit too.. you immediatelly jump the gun and want to make sure that classes like Thief (or any other class that uses active defenses rather than passive) will be nerfed accordingly to keep them as mediocre and as irrelevant as they are now. I mean sure yea.. nice foreshadowing. God forbid thief will be as strong as it was in like 2014 and D/P becomes meta again? Don't worry it won't you can relax and be sure thief will be as useless as it is now. Nor would i worry about mesmer. That class was also nerfed so hard i doubt it'll come back any time soon. Mediocre??????????? MEDIOCRE???????? Which build is exactly mediocre on thief? Dieing becuase you do a set of huge mistakes....it's how any game supposed to play , being able to constantly reset fights when doing kitten up or running away when kitten hit the fan...no that's just GW2 BS it's not part of your "skillset" , don't kid yourself. What mediocre factor there is with a class been meta since launch 7 years ago? S/D that jump back and forth with impunity? acro staff vault spammer? shadow art deadeye? pistolwhip spammer? perma stealth BS?....go on with your bias and tell me how mediocre thief is...it must be meta for its mediocrity, it must be top roamer for its mediocrity and whatsnot...poor thief community, I will light a candle and pray for you Please just l2p the gameYeah players on most other classes have to learn to play their class...it's not like we can take out our shortbow and press 555 to run away or press 522222 to stealth away everytime you screw up...on other classes you screw up...you die.....no infiltrator's return and no stealth
  21. The game mode is dying because it has been made to cater to the least common denominator in terms of skill, instant gratification generation....GW1 assassin would have been far to hard to understand I get that..
  22. Huh...In the OP I am clearly talking about a post-patch scenario where boon and heal have been nerfed by a hefty amount, it's only logical that we make sure boon and raw healing are not the only things that receive nerfs. That's exactly what's hilarious to me. Thief was shaved off long ago. And now when people are seeing that their beloved classes will be toned down abit too.. you immediatelly jump the gun and want to make sure that classes like Thief (or any other class that uses active defenses rather than passive) will be nerfed accordingly to keep them as mediocre and as irrelevant as they are now. I mean sure yea.. nice foreshadowing. God forbid thief will be as strong as it was in like 2014 and D/P becomes meta again? Don't worry it won't you can relax and be sure thief will be as useless as it is now. Nor would i worry about mesmer. That class was also nerfed so hard i doubt it'll come back any time soon. Mediocre??????????? MEDIOCRE???????? Which build is exactly mediocre on thief? Dieing becuase you do a set of huge mistakes....it's how any game supposed to play , being able to constantly reset fights when doing fuck up or running away when shit hit the fan...no that's just GW2 BS it's not part of your "skillset" , don't kid yourself. What mediocre factor there is with a class been meta since launch 7 years ago? S/D that jump back and forth with impunity? acro staff vault spammer? shadow art deadeye? pistolwhip spammer? perma stealth BS?....go on with your bias and tell me how mediocre thief is...it must be meta for its mediocrity, it must be top roamer for its mediocrity and whatsnot...poor thief community, I will light a candle and pray for you
  23. We should celebrate power mesmers rather than crying about them...they prove to have the guts and skill to face you head on.....not like the condi variant staff camping who are the opposite..they lack both skills and guts, the AI plays for them while they spam 2-3 buttons over and over
  24. Funny how you don't mention Spellbreakers and Weavers regarding evade/block/invulnerability uptime when both significantly outpace Mirage in evade/block/invulnerability uptime. Weaver is notoriously bad, having 6s higher evade than SP Daredevil and Spellbreaker and nearly 10s more seconds than Mirage. You keep talking about weavers ...but the truth is that outside your own imagination , this invincible army of unkillable super burst weavers is nowhere to be seen...what I play is full of reapers/core necros/core revs/heralds/core rangers/soulbeast/condi mirages ( I always bow to any power mesmer out of respect..because 98% of mesmers I face are condis). You want nerf weaver so bad?..Fine keep asking on the forum ..it won't matter much but where the hell are all these weavers you're whining about?...just where?, I meet a half decent fire weaver( that doesn't die instantly) once every few weeks out of dozen of players in PvP...in WvW there are nowhere to be seen both roaming or zerg fights. It's so OP but I rarely see them in pvp..in wvw nobody ever roam on a weaver....so tell me where the hell they are hiding?
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