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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. They should never have made it available in PvE to begin with, then people would not be complaining about its uselessness all the time. No one forced you to buy skins for a WvW mount. The way people spend their own money it's not any of your business and in the same vein it's not my problem if you can't bother to spend couple of days in another mode to get a mount....afraid of seeing your character die, nobody asked to add new functionality, simply suggested to moderately increase the running speed to be at least more than on feet running.....you can keep your roleplay commodities with other mounts
  2. I care more about real things to come..than waiting for "unicorn balance" where you don't see any more nerf threads on the forum, in that regard I may also wait for a time where everybody lives in a 4 stores mansion, drive a Ferrari, married to a Top Model...and no need to work for the rest of their life...you see?! The dumb skins are more realistic than your expectations
  3. Mesmer isn't the one thats most problematic, firebrand is. Firebrands get everything aegis? check invulns probably? check condi turning? check. Firebrands and guardians need hit really hard, they are like soulbeast but with more sustain. The irony of firebrand is thet before PoF launch, they hard nerfed tempest saying that it was too hard to kill and was doing too much dmg....like can you believe it?..yeah that's Anet...
  4. To this we need to add shaves to dmg and condi output ofc, increase the cast time of marks , wells and signet..and make so the enemy can at least recognize one skill from the another...right now necros are just aoe spammers with close to zero tell, you fight them hoping you dodge good enough...or get swamped by condis, fear chained to death
  5. If everybody will block, heal and dmg less respect to now...why should a d/p thief maintain its current stealth levels?
  6. Huh...In the OP I am clearly talking about a post-patch scenario where boon and heal have been nerfed by a hefty amount, it's only logical that we make sure boon and raw healing are not the only things that receive nerfs.
  7. The next balance patch will either destroy what is left of the game..or save it. I have zero complaints for the upcoming nerfs but please dear devs be mindful ....do not give a free pass to stealth - blocks and evades uptime of *thiefmesmer and revenant . I am worried because I seen no mention of this so far, all I heard is that there too much healing and boon uptime , yeah it's great to finally look at that but..what about dealing with specs like D/P thief - Herald - Mesmer**? Heal burst is possibly all the average player has in his deck to "counter" the never ending resetting abilities of thieves. mesmers and revs who just chain blocks/dodges or stealth on top of unparalleled mobility...I can only hope you'll keep that in mind with next balance patch because personally I would have nothing to play for anymore if you will go and curb only one aspect of the sustain spectrum while leaving the other untouched
  8. Too many shallow arguments and hidden agenda in this thread! 1) If you want burst...then you should have the : sustain-mobility of a zerker staff ele ... no stealth, no blocks, dodge chain, nike running BS 2) if you want prolonged fights..then max you should deal 2/10 of the enemy Hp on average, mediocre sustain/mobility...again no dodge chain or stealth chain BS 3) if you want to be an "unkillable tank" then you should do close to 0 dmg overall With all that said and done..I agree with the OP, if these new devs just go rampage and start nerfing healing/blocking and more "on the surface" sustain...**GW2 will lose half its population within months" because we would be left defenseless against stealth/dodge/block abusers that would get in that case..a "free pass".
  9. It was stated during the announcement in September that there would have been a new armor set available before the end of the year..but here we are and no upcoming armor set.. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/c/ca/Icebrood_Saga_PVP_set.jpg Any news?
  10. Lol. Admits they get lost in clones, and doesn't mention any specific skills to back up their point. "I find real one a hit then: IT'S GONE!"... "Highest evasion!" even tho same duration. Only 2 skills shuffle player with clones. one is on a 35 second cooldown, the other puts them all neatly in front of you to cleave.I don't play condi mirage, but I kill enough of them and understand the class well enough. Also, I'm just counting defensive cooldowns in general, and on a whole regardless of the type. The point is Ranger does have more on demand, which is all you need to mitigate big hits. By the by, around season, 9- I think? Prior to the heavy mirage nerfs, there was a discussion calculating the up-time of mirage evades vs daredevil. Not only did mirage end up having less than daredevil but SoulBeast was calculated to have on par defensive uptime BEFORE mesmer was nerfed. Yes that was including blocks; but what does that say about now? I dont get lost in clones,dont put words in someone's mouth our try and twist what they said that's a pathetic way to discuss things. I know where the teal mirage as I stated so lost in Cline's? Yeah. Problem is when u attempt to attack the real mesmer it just swaps places with its clone over and over essentially perma evading and I'm reading mirage players saying ranger has more evades?Man this community is somthing else.Games got no hope. Ofc they have no hope. People like you ensure that there is no hope.Mirage cant just switch their place with the clone willi nilly like you make it sound lol.And mirage doesnt have evade uptime like peeps like you would like to believe, for some reason high and might, the comunity hits the clones instead of mesmer and assumes it to count towards their "evade uptime" YOUR WORDS :Every single mirage I've faced spammed multiple clones and as soon as u hit the real mirage poof it's gone and is in a different location ie swept with its clone so u quickly find the real one and maybe get a hit off before poof gone again and it its place a clone and then repeat for rest of the fight. Mirage has probobly the highest evasion in the game due to this broken mechanic that only the anet design team would be ...... enough to implement lol. What you wrote sums up forums nicely. Lack of knowledge. Lack of understanding.Clear bias.Lack of skill.and 0 will to adopt and overcome.just whine whine whineYou two were buddies buddies when asking to nerfs for other classes...now bitter enemies when trying to defend your own class hahahaha, yeah you two describe the forum quite nicely!
  11. Focus the reaper vs focus the weaver- huge difference as a good weaver can stall 2 players easily.Of course fire weaver should do viable damage but its damage to sustain is way out of balance and the only reason the forums arnt blowing up regarding it is because if a players mediocre on weaver it dies very fast due to its ornate low sustain via hp/armor. With that said a good weaver that can utilize the specs evades and many defensive options it becomes far to sustainable for the condi burst it puts out. I see nothing wrong with complex builds being strong in good hands. I dont either but the build shouldn't be balanced on it's high skill floor either. If ur great on weaver u should have great sustain and ok damage potential or great damage and only ok sustain, having both is broken and fire weaver has both so...A class shouldn't be able to bunker on a node while having condi burst that rival damage build, its absurd.They should buff our scepter dmg so eles can finally play like a mage and not a pseudo warrior..you wouldn't like that either I believe
  12. For those unfamiliar with this GW1 shield skin https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/8/89/Draconic_Aegis.jpg I would be happy to pay 400-600 gems for this skin, what about you?
  13. Amazing build ty ( although I run axe/shield over hammer )
  14. For the love of god...can one mod please please please close this thread?...jesus...I regret opening this thread, always ready with their pitchforks these pvers....
  15. Like that will stop good players (on any class) to kill plebs who automatically come running on the forum
  16. It's not hard to obtain a warclaw in wvw even if you've never played wvw before, you can come in and get your mount in a couple of days max , I see no reason why the mount supposed to be useless (especially after I paid RL cash for the skins) in a pve setting, now that the mount is getting "rebalanced" in wvw...make sure we get something back in PvE
  17. .....Just enough nerfs to turn everything into this There you go...pure skilled gameplay, with the way it's going with all these nerf threads, GW2 should look like the game in the video by next year..have fun boys!
  18. Hmm what do you think the nerfs will be about? Increased CD on skill 4?
  19. This looks like your problemweaver is the easiest class in the game to kite. weaver has only one gap closer, and it's locked to air (which has low damage on condi build). As long as you cleanse glyph burst (25s cooldown) (or evade it. evaded hits still consume the charges) and kite properly, it's a manageable fight. This 100%. People who die easily to fireweavers are likely the people who die easily to reaper shroud. Dont stand next to them and they cant do any damage. Na not really. Zero problems vs reaper on any class. The problem with Weaver is that it can stand on node and you can't kill it.How laughable....
  20. Erm, no lol. Go watch sind streams. Supposvly he is facing people his rating and It's disgusting how simple yet effective s/p is (it always was but s/p is like the only real thing left in power builds since s/d is boring as kitten). Ummm yeah so what ur saying is a build that's been around with zero complaints of being op for how long is now being played by sind due to being bored of s/d and because he's finding some success with it other players to are trying the build that now its OP and bothersome? LolSo any somewhat viable build that people play on thief will result in exactly this, so basically thief isnt allowed any ok builds or nerf cry's insue lolIt's all due to initiative mechanic and the way anet keeps designing skills for thieves, they tend to create overstacked abilities that always do dmg and stun/daze or another unnecessary defensive mechanism, it's always a single skill doing all the work leaving the thief with ample space for other defensive tactics . Thief players tend to repeat the same sequence over and over again till they win...if anything fail they can always safely bail out of any situation unless being chased by another thief. Thieves and mesmers will be always complained about, too many inbuilt defensive mechanisms and too much dmg leave very small windows of opportunities to retaliate. Things like infiltrator's return - distortion makes seemingly impossible to punish thieves and mesmers unless they're the ones doing the mistake
  21. Necro to this day remains one of the most unfun classes to go against..especially core necro, being constantly loaded with disabiliting conditions on top of dmg ones...it's not fun and equally dumb. PvP has been trash mode since Dec 2014 with the Dhuum patch, ofc I don't expect a necro main to recognize that, no class is fun to fight in GW2...they all have highly unskilled mechanics...at least I can see past my own bias
  22. Well thats a fairly bold statement of you to make. Ill simply say i dont fully agree with you and move on. Some complaints are justified some are not. Its not just about winning or losing in every case. Complaints are made with the intention of nullify a class to a point where it's no threat to even a toddler playing naked any other profession....Obviously any gaming studio will never nerf any class out of usable state...reason the complaints never end...I mean you are in a thread started by somebody whining because he lost...
  23. Seen this argument made before and strongly disagree, if you limited pets like that then you'd effectively kill Rangers competitive build diversity and force everyone to start playing the same generic Soulbeast builds.Nobody is going to run a Druid.. a healing spec for the Smokescale and Core Ranger will more or less be pushed out of the game mode entirely.If you forbid non specs to used expansion pets then you'd also have to restrict the core pets elite specs could use too otherwise they would be blatantly superior to core class and that's something i'm pretty sure the Devs have said in the past they absolutely don't want elite specs to be.Well no one is going to resitrct core pets being combined with elites thats just silly but the other way around is possibly fair game. To reverse ideals of killing ranger build diversity this it means effectively that the ranger is potentially back peddling on 1 or 2 pets which is also not good. On this I agree, but rather than restrict those pets to elite specs I'd much rather see the other pets be improved or completely revamped to make them more useful and unique. Based on what i heard this wont happen unless anet decides to pretty much revamp the core game from the ground up but i mean.... dreams. It's not so much that Ranger is dead without smokescale or Deer etc it's that locking those pets behind specific specs means that you are effectively limiting people to a very small amount of viable builds.You say everyone is running these specific pets now on various builds but if you restrict them to the specs only then that problem is going to turn into every ranger is running the exact same cheapo OP build that everyone hates.That just leads to cries of nerf this nerf that (as we saw with the Soulbeast Sic-Em damage) and if the Devs do decide to nerf the build due to excessive use then that will effectively kill the Ranger entirely by screwing it's only viable playstyle and forcing people into other roles they're not interested in playing.. to which most will just take up another class entirely so they can keep playing high dps. In truth anything thats over used that feels way too cheap will always be complained about to needing nerfs. To that statement is why we saw rampage get over nerfed the way we did because you pressed 1 button and either you immediately win via cc damage chain or the person is prepared for it but has to blow hella defenses against it to ensure they didnt take 12k in a single strike. Overall when it didnt work it was just scary but when it did work it just felt extra cheap. People demanded it be culled. Sickem was much of the same thingMurge > Sickem > Elite skill > Rapidfire.... or Maul and Target died before they knew what hit em. Ideally 1 shot builds, skills, or mechanics just dont need to exsist on the level that most of them do in the game right now. Even if its a really competitive build or not its just not fun getting one shot. People dont like "not getting to play" regardless of their skill level, thats just universal feeling you want to feel impactful even if you die in the end as a result. IF you die without being able to have done anything right away its not a good feeling. People will demand culling and pick up their spears. It's true there are a number of pets that get little to no use what so ever.. For example I can't recall the last time I saw someone running around with a Krytan Drakehound or a White Moa bird.Imo the problem lies not in that SmokeScale and Deer are exceptionally good though.. it's that most other pets are pretty garbage at standard or just stand inferior to others due to their abilities falling short of other pets or Ranger skills. True.Tiger see's little use because Fury is so easily obtained from other sources, the best thing Tiger can contribute to really is 100% fury uptime but that can be obtained easily without it as well so overall kinda useless pet tbh which really sucks for me since Tigers are one of my favourite animals. Fire Wyvern is a cool one but it's F2 is so abysmally bad it's not even funny.Pathetic burn on what is a bad joke of a cast time.. far better off getting a fire field from Torch instead. Electric Wyvern isn't too bad though, I've taken to using it recently to add some more CC to my build.It can provide some decent CC for a pet, Cripple, Wing Buffet, the F2 and the lightning field can all provide CC which is pretty great, specially if your build was lacking in it like mine was.I can't speak as much for PoF pets though, I haven't really used them personally so i've little familiarity with them. People really do discredit Electric Wyvern a bit too much its not so bad of a pet tbh.Alot of the PoF pets aside from the creepy bush and the strange tongue worm thing are rarely used i know one is a cat that like blinks or something then you have the sand lion which looks like it would have potential but in reality its just kinda meh. I feel like they should expand on at least the HoT and PoF pets to open up options a bit more and maybe at least try to temp people away from just smokescale. It is a pretty strong block, I guess that's the tradeoff for the removal of evade though.I thought the evade on auto was fine. As did I, I made a Ranger build based around high evasion just for fun and I enjoyed it until the Greatsword change took away the only backup evade weapon that was viable to my Sword Dagger combo.At least I got the block now but it's not the same. Agreed, that was pretty broken. This part is fine no one will argue that counter attack was bad before if someone hit you at ranged but it did kind of make the gs predictable and could force the block to be ended early i just think as it is right now gs block should not be outperforming warrior shield block but thats just me. Minor number adjustment really only need to be made there. Again I agree, I like Warrior Shields but GS block shouldn't be outperforming a Shield.. I mean, it's a friggin shield!! that's it's primary function!! XDWarriors do get access to projectile reflect on block though but if you ask me that should not be a trait, it should be a default part of the shield block skill. I use the Smokescale myself largely for it's CC which is something I lack on my actual Ranger but the damage it deals and it's sturdyness is nice to have too.It is a well rounded pet compared to others that I definitely agree with. The thing with Smokescale though and by extention some othe rexpansion pets is that it's easy to see these pets as better because a good number of them have very uniqe catagories and abilities. There is only one Smokescale, one Deer, one Iboga, one Jacaranda and One Bristle Back. meanwhile other pets like Sand Lion and Tiger get lumped into the Feline category where they're competing against other felines for abilities/utility while trying to avoid becoming clones of another Cat but also still having to be restricted to the feline stat set.Hell the pet system could be entirely redeisgned so that you could customize your pets role and what skin your using could be purely cosmetic.Rather than pick between 7 cats you could just pick Feline, pick the skin/F2 ability and then choose what stat role you want, offensive, defensive, CC, support etc.. that would be so much better than what we currently have atm. I really like this last bit as an idea overall tbh at least with being able to just pick the f2 ability that would feel more like you trained x pet to do x thing rather than swapping to a whole new one altogether. Though like i said im not demanding smoke scale nerfs but its certainly a pet to keep an eye on for now. Ive always felt like ranger was one of the stronger professions and i still think it is and i dont think that it shouldnt be. But i do think that all the others should be right up there with it (at least on a core level) and undoubtably many of them are not. The main reason why people ask for nerfs is because they hate to lose...not because of the validity of their claims. The use of smokescale got nothing to do with their defeat and it's rather hilarious that people think the smokescale is the reason the ranger wins, the pet has seen already several nerfs..so many that it's completely useless outside a niche fightning scenario in 1v1.... The CC provided by smokescale is neither unique or random ...ulterior nerfs to the pet are pointless..as you will realize
  24. Maul wasn't changed directly but Sic 'em was nerfed down to 25% dmg and unblockable got shafted too. It deals only 2-3k dmg itself, it was the dmg modifiers along with other conditional traits that resulted in massive crits you know of.Now you can kinda do that with core ranger too but the dmg is split between the pet and ranger and to proc moment of clarity+remorseless you need to interrupt with either GS4 of GS5. This is kinda hard as we dont have the staying power we previously had with AA evade.Also, Maul has one of the biggest tells in the game so it's easily blocked with aegis/blinded or any other counterplay. GS would do a lot better if stab/stun breakers were not as common as the whole concept of ranger GS now is burst/CC based. Why would I force myself into a melee brawl situation with a ranger when I can choose to play safely from range? My staying power comes from the fact that I can switch between melee and ranged option on the fly and be equally effective...if I want the "staying power" of a warrior or a guardian, I would play one and that I believe is the same reasoning of the devs.
  25. The greatsword changes were a nerf in literally every way. The full duration block was easily done by spamming jump prior to the nerfs so essentially we lost out on Crippling Throw and the evade on gs autos. The knockback is even easier to dodge now and the evade is actually worthless because you're rooted in place and the duration is so short. Sword might feel more fluid simply because the forward leap is on 2 but it is straight up worse against any competent player. Yay great changes right? /s The ya block change is kinda lame with the root (i wish they would unroot that and whirling defense ranger really needs some better cleave), I really do agree with you there. Still feel like the removal of evade frame on auto is an overall good change for the game, I hope they continue to tone down the amount of I frames in the game. And judging but there patch preview I think they are going to. as for the sword having an instant forward leap is so good dor chasing down targets, Since the original sword auto rework I hated how sword felt as it seemed only good for defensive plays. Now thinking about it more i really wish they had put that dev time into dagger mh, torch offhand, and druid overall (boy does it feel lame now to play in PvP) I don't know what types of players you're fighting but greatsword ranger already had losing matchups against all of the current side noders: Holo, SPB, Weaver, Symbolbrand, etc. etc. prior to the nerfs especially against players that know how to play their specs properly like Helio or Grimjack. Losing the greatsword auto evades means we flat out do not have any staying power on node when using our primary melee weaponset in both team fights and 1v1s. It was a horrible change considering this classes' spot in the previous and current meta. @"Cal Cohen.2358" please add the evades on the greatsword autos back. Yes, we lost a ridiculous amount of utility with the removal of Crippling Throw (ie. cripple to prevent people from running away/chasing allies/getting to a point too fast for us to prevent a decap/projectile finisher that can blind when coupled with Smokescale F2) that you guys decided was perfectly fine to take away from us, but the loss of gs evades hurt the weapon more than anything else. The ability to survive on greatsword went from B+ tier to D at best. Good players can punish the non evade frames on Swoop consistently with interrupts to prevent the mobility and simply kiting away from the Counterattack prevents the knockback from landing. Our autos are essentially useless filler damage now and the entire weapon revolves around landing Mauls and running away with a "new" full duration block (that we had prior to the nerfs by spamming jump) into a potential Hilt Bash and more Mauls. You guys turned an incredibly fun, balanced weapon that rangers' have had since release into a one-dimensional shadow of it's former self. There's barely any distinction between the way a new player uses this weapon compared to an experienced one because you guys decided to nullify nearly all of the outplay potential whilst simultaneously lowering the skill ceiling to the skill floor. This is the answer you seek I already read that and I get what Eura is saying. His muscle memory got messed up because of the auto change and he misses the GS4 throw. He's had to change the way he plays as a result of the changes and now he has to play much more conservatively because of the loss of defense/utility on greatsword. The full GS4 block could've been done prior to the nerfs by spamming jump. The only thing that changed was a bug that allowed some attacks to hit through the block if we were in the air. I mean, great, they fixed the bug but I'd much rather have the pre-nerf gs over the current one. It's much, much weaker than it was (and it wasn't even overpowered to begin with). I believe the loss of defense across the board is intentional , you forget that nerfs are coming to all the sidenoders you say to have troubles with. As @Eurantien.4632 and others have stated, the full gs4 block is much favoured over the supposed jump block trick, you are in the minority asking to revert the changes I can guarantee that anyone who was comfortable with greatsword before the patch prefers the previous iteration over the current. Pressing spacebar a few times to get the full block duration isn't mind-bogglingly difficult. Damage is way higher at the moment because it's a burst meta. You need higher defense to survive but ranger gs staying power just got gutted.It's not mind-bogglingly diffulcult..it's unnecessarily difficult given how other professions with access to block , don't have to press spacebar repeateadly.
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