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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. It's simply not playable, what even this class supposed to be at this point ? a pseudo - healing bot with zero pressure? a flashing eye candy for pvers?. Lowest HP, lowest armor married to low/mediocre damage mostly reliant on a single easily removed condition...if not stacked quickly and high enough, an aspect that has been consistently reduced to uselessness every single time ele would move from joke status to threat level. It seems this class is not allowed to be of any real threat, merely a flashy presence in the background waving his hands. I can play few other classes...I have sustain- dmg -mobility -teleports...I have pressure....I go back to ele and ask myself : "how can you kill anything with a brain using this class?" The worst part is these devs never come here and explain what this class supposed to be , no honesty....
  2. LIke....do nerf cries ever stop to start with?..You just made a thread about SB because you died to one, for as long as PvP exist in a MMO..nerf threads will appear because....bruised ego from being killed by another player..... No i made one because i died to one and the pet did most the damage.then i saw. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/98643/take-a-look-at-pets-please#latest And then realized SB pets have not been scaled back. I and time will tell about thieves.So we delete the pets and move all dmg back to rangers...would that stop the whine threads ?...no it wouldn't, or maybe we lower pet dmg just enough to tickle you...and ofc rangers themselves should do no dmg
  3. LIke....do nerf cries ever stop to start with?..You just made a thread about SB because you died to one, for as long as PvP exist in a MMO..nerf threads will appear because....bruised ego from being killed by another player.....
  4. ?? Have you seen what burn dh can do to a zerg?? 8k burnticks applied in like 2 seconds as aoe. If that isnt busted, than what is? If that isnt busted, why even bring that big balance patch, if burn dh is fine, than everything else is too. Sure in 1v1 its not as good, but wvw is not about 1v1,or even smallscale, its about 30v30+And there it is devestating. If your 30 man cant clear a burn I've got bad news for you. @L A T I O N.8923 said: ?? Have you seen what burn dh can do to a zerg?? 8k burnticks applied in like 2 seconds as aoe. If that isnt busted, than what is? If that isnt busted, why even bring that big balance patch, if burn dh is fine, than everything else is too. Sure in 1v1 its not as good, but wvw is not about 1v1,or even smallscale, its about 30v30+And there it is devestating. Lol. Even An 8k burntick needs one cleanse Oh boy, you both have never played this build, the dmg is pretty much instant, depending on how many ppl you have around you.Especially bad if your caster are using projectiles, a reflect can nuke your frontline down before they even see the burn on them. The trait permeating wrath lets every third hit they do triggers a flame explosion that puts burning onto a group of ppl, EVERY reflected projectile counts as their own attack. Reflect has no max amount of reflects.They have several other condis that trigger with the burn to cover it. Here are 2 video that show what that build is able to do, and i played it myself and its just disgusting, especially in chokes, alone 4 uses of sword of justice will trigger burn soooo many times. First risen howls video with full explanation with every trait working together explained. Second figrin. The first clip of him engaging like 5 ppl says enough. Sorry, but imo a single class should never be able to burst down 5 ppl almost instantly, even when they dont expect it. No excuses. Did you try to even play that build?...it has close to 0 sustain, a pure meme build in the wrong hands....and on other hands, the "worker" warrior build is 4x times easier to play, 4x the sustain and 4x the output of lootbags it can get thx to healing.... GW2 players will never stop whining...for god's sake, people should go play PvE or skyrim with god cheat if dieing hurts their feelings so hard
  5. Lol....players have been asking to buff skills like dragon's tooth since 2012....and here people are asking for buffs on staff in 2020...like you have more chance finding gold and diamonds digging in your own yard than anet buffing ele properly
  6. Everything getting nerfed next patch and that won't stop nerf cries because it will remain easier to blame the game rather than yourself but more than anything it will remains easy to call everything else OP...while "forgetting" how OP is what you play yourself You are a thief main with even less room to talk than everybody else but again I won't expect you to agree with me, the OP is an ele main using condi sword weaver which I played extensively in WvW with a mix of trailblazer/dire....it's easy to claim "I always win every 1v1 vs rangers"...not too hard against typical bow ranger used to tower sniping. Sword weaver is neither hard or fair to fight against in wvw and the only reason I was advocating in favor of it was because everything around it was equally broken, the build was used by anet devs to sweep under the rag the real issues with ele class...which will now resurface again once sword weaver get gutted..the OP will now lose even to regular rangers..so any nerf boonbeast may receive will be completely void. To answer the OP anyway...he must have fought a mix of diviner/cavalier/marauder boonbeast with dolyak/axe/axe and cleansing sigils ....yes that set up can take care of overconfident condi weavers going all ham against a ranger; the build is as OP as condi sword...no real contest here, both can recover from several mistakes and both can let you win fights you should otherwise lose in term of gameplay. I normally jump on my 8k hours condi weaver to humiliate arrogant condi mirages at their own game...yes condi sword is a cheese build anybody can play effectively just as boonbeast or condi DE...but against a condi mirage I have no shame, that build it's the epitome of lack of skill
  7. Do you think a player doing this supposed 5vs1 on an ele can't do the same on another class?.....trash players will be trash regardless of the opposition, if those 5 can't kill an ele is because they're trash and they will continue to be so because their dmg/sustain will be nerfed just as much...end result is the patch won't change anything for trash players. Ele will be much worst at high level...no change will occur at low levels where all the complaints come from in the first place, if anything at that level even more options will become viable ...the 5vs1 won't go away
  8. Do you realize that the majority of players simply jump from one class to another?...The average player who only play one class and spec will simply leave the game, the class design is simply trash and the more you dig...the more it becomes apparent, blanket nerf to dmg and sustain without consideration for the inherent base design of each class....will simply pushes the average FOTM player towards one direction or another.. What new era are you even on about? It will be a new meta with new OP threads few weeks after its creation......what new era are you on about? Some people will have simply less choices when it comes to gameplay options...others will leave the game...what there is to celebrate about that?. Like there are actually people already? lmao. Look, people will come and go and go on with their cute little meta threads...it's all just chatter to me. The main point is, the dynamic of the game changes the less damage and sustainability that goes around. We can argue about the proportions of damage to sustain nerfs across professions all we want until the cows come home, but for once, there are actual substantial changes that will bring life to pvp. There are a lot of people, especially in wvw, that left the game due to the absurd powercreep. As far as class design goes, well....THAT should've been thought about when gw2 got released. I'm sorry, but classes are NOT going to get redesigned after 7 years, we have to be realistic here. You know, to me, this is kitten funny...the general pvp community begged, (myself included) for developers to reduce powercreep and now that it's actually here on the horizon being addressed it's like: "Oh my god! Don't nerf it like that!"......"ugh! They're not doing it right!"......"Be careful what you wish for!" ....."Wahh! Bunker meta".... It's like people on these forums are on perma-cynic mode.Reduce powercreep?....your celebrations will be short lived..as will be your "return"...you'll see
  9. Do you realize that the majority of players simply jump from one class to another?...The average player who only play one class and spec will simply leave the game, the class design is simply trash and the more you dig...the more it becomes apparent, blanket nerf to dmg and sustain without consideration for the inherent base design of each class....will simply pushes the average FOTM player towards one direction or another.. What new era are you even on about? It will be a new meta with new OP threads few weeks after its creation......what new era are you on about? Some people will have simply less choices when it comes to gameplay options...others will leave the game...what there is to celebrate about that?.
  10. Look...no amount of whine threads will ever change the fundamental problems of the class : a glass cannon with no actual cannon forced at melee range with healing burst as its only form of sustain , you lot can keep circling aroud this idea all you want but that's what you're playing now. This company balance this game using numbers and statistics nothing else, numbers is all you got to work with if you want to get your point across the board. The options are limited : A ) Change main and forget this class even exist, delete it from your characters listB ) Play it and shut up! Whine threads do nothing, no dev reads or respond to them..all they do is provide a platform for trolls to perform on, they come here because they enjoy seeing your frustration ..and frustration is not what you're supposed to feel when playing a videogame, nobody pays you to a play a videogame so why the hell would you get frustrated about it?. GW2 ele design is hot garbage period. Light armor class -lowest HP -melee range - no blocks/stealth....the numbers do not add up...it's shit design..period, it works only as healing bunker from time to time with huge periods of nothing due to being overlynerfed on that same aspect of bunkering...imposed on the playerbase by their own lack of understanding . You all should have known that sword weaver would have been curb stomped by nerfs soon or later, that's all they do with ele everytime he becomes somehow playable at high levels, again your options are limited now : stop the whining threads and keep playing your healbot with some condi dmg or change main and save yourself the frustration.
  11. Decent ele vs "2 people"....I like your honesty, you didn't try to say "decent ele vs 2 decent players"...but yeah decent anything can vs 2 below average of anything...it will always be so
  12. This is true, Ele needs a hoard more nerfs than what they're getting. For a class that has the lowest HP pool and mobility it does, it certainly has the ability to over-tank many people at once. A good player can tank many trash players on any class and a good player can play more than one class, the status quo won't change after the patch..trash players will still be tanked by a single player, consequently they will come on the forum to cry for more nerfs on profession X and Y....it has been so since the beginning of MMO games and so it will be till the end of MMOs. The vast majority of player, can only play a single build on a single class and no dev in any game will ever nerf their game to a point where players get far past their actual level...so yeah many hereB will keep dieing to good eles even after the patch, it's inevitable..the good ones wins.,..the bad ones stay at the bottom.
  13. Unsurprisingly those who stand against condi dmg...play professions that by virtue of existence easily nullify 70-80% of direct dmg be it through evade/blocks or simple vast access to protection and dmg reduction traits. Basically a huge percentage of those asking for nerfs on condi dmg...play either a rev or a warrior or something that's on average weak to condi burst because their builds are made to cheese out any direct dmg opponent hmmm... "@WillPaharu.4837Ignore this person devs. Stealth and evade up times are fine. The only real problem with some of the classes listed are the plethora of clones on mirage and the stun on pistol whip. It's clear by these threads that a lot of people are angry because…"...a thief main it seems..lol..MMO forums how sad they are @memausz.7264 ...a player who started GW2 with holosmith....yes I would expect a copy/paste build to run into problems with condi specs... @RedShark.9548 ...a warrior main, will most likely complain either about stealth or condi dmg or both MMO forums.... And what is the problem with me complaining about stealth, or condi? I have no fun AT ALL playing against oppressive condi speccs that constantly tick with like 3k dmg with only 1 dmg stat needed, going rest of their stats tanky. And when condis were rly popular they were ticking with 5-8k, which is burst dmg in a game were ppl on average run around 20k hp. And stealth? Yea thats fun, going stealth seemingly 24/7 AND high mobility ontop of that is no fun to play against, for everyone who doesnt have access to such a broken mechanic, free fight resets, whenever its not going your way, and then when you are winning chase with that superior mobility to death. Because boohooo squishy stealth user die quick, WHEN they get hit. And btw, im also complaining about high direct dmg numbers, you think i believe its ok to hit 15k on some skills? Lol. No. Oh and btw i also complain about high sustain, because when we someday might have lowered dmg, ppl will actually be able to react to bursts and actually use their heals, and then heal back up instantly, because thats powercrept aswell, so are boons and dodges/dmg mitigation on many classes. Mmo forums, where people voice their opinions, that are not aligning with yours, so sad, amirite? Geez dude. Fun is subjective and everybody is entitled to have fun just as much as you...my question is can any of you propose balance changes so that whatever the class, you only lose when outsmarted and not outclassed?....I don't think any of us can..heck not even the devs can...it's mathematically impossible
  14. No In no way does any Ranger build out brawl Fire Weaver, especially Boonbeast like setups that have lower damage output. There is this huge misconception that modern Ranger builds somehow have amazing condi cleanse, which is simply not true at all. They have moderate to low or in some situations no cleanse at all if they are full DPS. Your best bet against a Fire Weaver is to go at it with glass cannon DPS and hope you can land the 2-3 consecutive strikes through evades to down it immediately. If you can't do that you immediately lose the node and have to run. And no, longbow is ineffective against Fire Weaver. Too many reflects & evades. U don’t really need extra condi cleanse the resistance from owl and revenant runes are enough. Because weavers condition are very burst the more resistance the better and there enough condi clear to get rid of cover condis. I feel if you make ur rotations correctly on boonbeast your dps can heavily out way s fire weaver, but if u make a mistake u could possibly insta die, which is why I’m not saying boonbeast is the best 1v1 er just that it is very strong and has better mobility and team support or any 1v1er rn Eh I dunno man. I'm not seeing anyone use any such configuration. Here are reasons why that wouldn't work past a bottom plat 1 level:Owl is too low of health. It gets shrekt immediately when on node with any competent player. If you set it to retreat so it survives, they you're losing pet DPS and certainly pet CC utilities, and its pet skills are bad in general. So on a Core Ranger even, this pet is pretty useless right now.You would have to be a Soulbeast to use that merge skill for resistance. Why would I want a 3s resistance on a 40s CD with a bunch of other low damage skills with no CC, when I could be in Smokescale with Smoke Assault on a 20s CD that evades for just as long as the resistance as it deals damage and chases at the same time, while also having a 2s KD skill on the bar? You seem to be very specifically talking about.. boonbeasts.. so I dunno man. All I can say is that Soulbeast RIGHT NOW is much much better optimized as high mobility DPS with longbow/greatsword. If you seriously are wanting to still play boonbeast setups "the idea of something tanky that brawls on node" you need to discover core ranger. Core Ranger right now is a better boonbeast than a boonbeast. I disagree I picked up boon beast this season(though I was a plat3 Druid back when) and have maintained top 10 - around plat3 solo q on it. I can make the same argument about the core build, it lacks resistance and take gs for mobility, which is approaching meme territory for me and doesn’t even use plasma, which actually makes it surprising weak against mesmers etc. the core build probably survives well enough but it is incredibly lacking in areas, like I can argue that core symbol guard is better than firebrand just becuz it has some crazy match ups, but it just isn’t superior which is why no one plays and that’s also why no one will consider the core ranger build to be meta atm. You know what Dan, I actually went and experimented with some weird build structures after reading what you had said, to give it the benefit of a doubt. I ended up settling on this:Wilderness/Beast/SoulbeastMender with Eagle RuneAxe/Axe Energy Courge - GS Energy AgilitySmoke/GazelleTroll/Zephyr/Stone Sig/Light Ref/SOP Boy oh boy did I rethink defending Ranger tbh. Now when we are talking glass cannon specs, I feel the high risk high reward is balanced. As much as these gold division players want to complain about DPS Soulbeast, you can kill it in 2 hits just as easy as it can kill you in 2 hits. But when I seriously started messing around with Mender sustain variants... I dunno man, something feels very very off with the numbers. I think it is possible that we are experiencing a bug somewhere in Ranger damage when it is running low damage amulets, and this may be where people are launching complaint that needs to be paid attention to. Simply put: That Mender variant I was using that didn't even have Sic Em, was easily dealing at least half of the damage output of my Berserker Sic Em variant "no joke" and sometimes it felt more like 3/4ths the damage output of the Berserker Sic Em, but has like 6x to 8x the sustain factor. I mean I land 8k-12k Mauls on the Berserker Sic Em as an average output, then this Mender running full sustain outside of the damage mods on Soulbeast, is landing 6k - 7k Mauls, like what? And then the Axe #5 spin to win is seriously landing like 12k - 17k damage in team fights. Just... what? Something is not right there. When I have a Berserker Amulet on and am running Marks or Skirm along with Beast Mastery, the extra power & prec & feroc along with random vuln & various other damage mods, it should be jacking the damage output up way higher than what the Mender build with sustain lines is capable of. Something is not right there ^ Either the full sustain setups are somehow dealing more damage than they should be, or full dps setups have undergone some kind of hidden nerf that is restricting high level damage output. Either way, when you sit down and start actually comparing the damage outputs between high sustain low dmg vs. high damage low sustain on Ranger, it doesn't add up. The high sustain builds are dealing a lot more damage than they should be. lol for anyone who doesn't believe this, come 1v1 me on NA if you're online tonight. This build is ridiculous. I actually haven't lost a 1v1 yet, even to legend division players. Like... you can't kill this build 1v1. Note that I'm not saying "how amazing I am" I am stating that, you can't kill this build 1v1 if the player is competent at all. Like it will survive and eventually kill you when you mess up.You are not all knowing as I told you......you don't lose 1v1....such surprise..., maybe you want to share your --original build --buld with all the "pro" gs/lb gazellites who like to run their mouth on the forum
  15. Playing a single class hardly justify anybody to be considered an expert in game designing
  16. Unsurprisingly those who stand against condi dmg...play professions that by virtue of existence easily nullify 70-80% of direct dmg be it through evade/blocks or simple vast access to protection and dmg reduction traits. Basically a huge percentage of those asking for nerfs on condi dmg...play either a rev or a warrior or something that's on average weak to condi burst because their builds are made to cheese out any direct dmg opponent hmmm... "@WillPaharu.4837Ignore this person devs. Stealth and evade up times are fine. The only real problem with some of the classes listed are the plethora of clones on mirage and the stun on pistol whip. It's clear by these threads that a lot of people are angry because…"...a thief main it seems..lol..MMO forums how sad they are @memausz.7264 ...a player who started GW2 with holosmith....yes I would expect a copy/paste build to run into problems with condi specs... @RedShark.9548 ...a warrior main, will most likely complain either about stealth or condi dmg or both MMO forums....
  17. Then why compare those two? Condi cleanse has always been a weakness of ranger. Forced into wilderness survival and only multiple small condi cleanses, no big one. Only when druid was meta we had big condi cleanses, but still our main counter then was condi berserker. The self confidence of some people that post here is becoming laughable. Comparing meta builds to non meta builds, talking about traits that cant be picked simultaneously, putting forward examples of low skilled players, etc etc. I compare the two because I can as I play both....you can go and believe what you want, my statements stand..as my self-confidence
  18. No In no way does any Ranger build out brawl Fire Weaver, especially Boonbeast like setups that have lower damage output. There is this huge misconception that modern Ranger builds somehow have amazing condi cleanse, which is simply not true at all. They have moderate to low or in some situations no cleanse at all if they are full DPS. Your best bet against a Fire Weaver is to go at it with glass cannon DPS and hope you can land the 2-3 consecutive strikes through evades to down it immediately. If you can't do that you immediately lose the node and have to run. And no, longbow is ineffective against Fire Weaver. Too many reflects & evades. Evasive purity+ WS + Zephyr's speed ..it'a more than moderate cleansing..it's already 3x more than a core ele Except that they don't use all of that at the same time. That's like if I called out how much group support condi cleanse a warrior has, even though it's not practical to use. Look man, as I JUST got done stating that, there are many different variations of Ranger builds right now. Some more sustainy, others more DPS:The good Rangers out there don't even run Wilderness Survival right now. They're all running Marks/Beast or in some cases Skirm/Beast on Soulbeasts. Only Core Rangers are running Wilderness Survival. This means they are getting 4 condi cleanse if they use Troll Unguent - 2 Lightning Reflex - 2 Lesser Zephyr "If they don't select feroc trait over this" - 2 Quick Zephyr "IF they even use this over Protect Me. So you're talking FOR SURE two separate cleanses of a 4 and a 2, and then a possible four separate cleanses if they stat for vs. condi mirage or something, at a 4, a 2, a 2, and a 2. And they don't get to "Save" these skills for specifically condi cleanse. All of those functions often need to be used situationally for different things, so they often aren't even there to conveniently use vs. condi. <- That's all they get man, so stop acting like it's a Tempest or a FB or a Holo level condi absorb into boon kind of deal because it isn't. That's moderate to light, exactly what I just got done explaining to you.Soulbeasts, to be effective over core, have to run marks or skirm and beastmaster with soulbeast. My good stronk bro, they only get "Bear Stance" for direct condi cleanse, and then they have short lived -% condi damage in "Dolyak Stance" and "Second Skin", which Second Skin isn't exactly amazing when you aren't running Wilderness Survival, and aren't getting protection on each dodge roll. Soulbeasts get light to no condi cleanse, and the modifiers off Dolyak and Second Skin are hardly making up for that at this point. And don't even go into "oh but plasma" because it isn't being used by anyone anymore. It's not an effective method after all the boonbeast boon amplification nerfing, and in no way performs as well as Smokescale/Gazelle.No one uses Evasive Purity, its Nature Magic. This goes all back into the point I've been making for a long time now, about how "there is no one ranger build meta" so stop acting like there is. Not all Rangers deal 1-2HKOs with very high mobility and not all Rangers have moderate condi cleanse with good health regen. These are separate build structures, every bit as separate as a Fire Weaver vs. a Fresh Air Ele. So stop confusing yourself, stop confusing others. Are you complaining about sustainy core ranger? or are you complaining about high dps soulbeasts? Perhaps you are unable to distinguish between the different types of rangers, and thus you are approaching them wrong, because you aren't understanding how to spot a dps over a sustainy build, and so you're engaging everything improperly?Don't jump your guns everytime somebody mention ranger! I have over 3.5k hrs on ranger....do not assume anything in life....you are not all knowing "No one uses Evasive Purity, its Nature Magic"...that's all I needed.
  19. 1) you cannot equip 4/5 traitlines2) core ranger is 3x more viable than core ele3) i have 8k hrs on ele and 4k on ranger so I know what the heck I am on about4) Do no count things like cleansing fire and ether renewal..stick to skills people actually use in a semi viable manner ...I didn't mention druid cleansing of renewal signet did I?5) Go play more than one class for thousand of hours in all formats..so you lose that biased and uninformed opinion of yours6) I have compared core ranger which is a viable build with NM-WS and BM to core ele which has no viable build in pvp unless you want to prove otherwise to the rest of us..remember to slot cleansing fire and ether renewal in this "viable" core ele build of yours....
  20. No In no way does any Ranger build out brawl Fire Weaver, especially Boonbeast like setups that have lower damage output. There is this huge misconception that modern Ranger builds somehow have amazing condi cleanse, which is simply not true at all. They have moderate to low or in some situations no cleanse at all if they are full DPS. Your best bet against a Fire Weaver is to go at it with glass cannon DPS and hope you can land the 2-3 consecutive strikes through evades to down it immediately. If you can't do that you immediately lose the node and have to run. And no, longbow is ineffective against Fire Weaver. Too many reflects & evades. Evasive purity+ WS + Zephyr's speed ..it'a more than moderate cleansing..it's already 3x more than a core ele
  21. Troll Unguent was at 1s cast time...but it makes no sense as WHAO has instant healing + copied boons at the same cast time....
  22. No In no way does any Ranger build out brawl Fire Weaver, especially Boonbeast like setups that have lower damage output. There is this huge misconception that modern Ranger builds somehow have amazing condi cleanse, which is simply not true at all. They have moderate to low or in some situations no cleanse at all if they are full DPS. Your best bet against a Fire Weaver is to go at it with glass cannon DPS and hope you can land the 2-3 consecutive strikes through evades to down it immediately. If you can't do that you immediately lose the node and have to run. And no, longbow is ineffective against Fire Weaver. Too many reflects & evades. I find glass ranger to be the strongest build I've ever played on ranger. Has no match ups that are guaranteed to be losses, I often can beat fire weavers (but it's a waste of time) and it is one of the if not the best dps class right now. But a lot take gazelle away... and I'm not so sure anymore haha.Even without gazelle, ranger would be plenty strong to bring down any class
  23. Most classes have one build at best for all scenarios while necros can run core, reaper and scourge, I'd rather have working builds for all stages of my class than being one step away from oblivion with a single build with every balance patch
  24. Just wait for balance :P we won't get buffed but everyone will be nerfed xD Do you honestly think that necro won't be nerfed?....
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