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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. 7 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

    Ele has never been weak, just stop gaslighting bro.

    like literally been at it for 11 years now, lmao.

    There have always been far better players than you who can make work builds the average pug could not run, they worked with ele even when it was getting kitten on and nobody would touch it with a 1m long pole..by contrast.the average player has always opted to play far simpler professions...winning but certainly never learning how to play, face tanking their way to whatever pointless level they consider an achievement

  2. On 3/23/2023 at 6:22 AM, doozer.7063 said:

    This forum man, getting worse day by day. There is not a single class does not have at least one braindead, forgiving and op build equally annoying and mechanically unhealthy as the bunker mesmers builds. But forum hero goldies still get lost in clones even vs virtuoso. 

    At least you're not an ele....your very existence would be challenged if you'd dare to have a build where you don't roll over and die when looked on...or worst...there is an ele build that can kill a player...god.....you'd be done for, people would create 10+ ele nerf threads per day....be glad that mesmer get kitten on only couple of times every other week

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  3. 1 hour ago, Sparetent.9756 said:

    As the topic says, the "pulling" that everyone has access to is annoying as heck! I am honestly so fed up of trying to shoot someone, then suddenly being pulled down off the wall and getting ganked. I play a ranger, so I need line-of-sight to shoot, meaning you can shoot me back too! I'm not some cheating Engineer that shoots explosives over a wall and you CAN'T shoot back! -.-

    Don't try anymore to shoot from the walls...let them in...find a safe spot and wait patiently at 1500 range for them to be too far from any ressing help...lock the target and down them...throw siege for more gusto...works like a charm for me...the rage I get it's real

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  4. 17 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

    Its just so odd that once ele gets a real ranged dps set of skills a very small and lode population of gw2 calls for nerfs and anet start to nerf it. Making ele only real dps skills melee only. Most of gw2 dose not spvp and most of gw2 dose not use these forms.

    From the wvw point of view its often that of roming only balancing and more of an issues of gear type (that is not in spvp for that very reason.) Effectively NOT part of wvw balancing mind set at all.

    As for pve ranged dps is more of an problem than help due to stacking of boons.

    It's not odd at all to me. Every profession except ele can swap to ranged combat to avoid pressure while keeping it on the enemy, even engineer can do that with the grenades set, the only profession which was barred from ranged combat was...elementalist, the main reason why ele found itself in a really bad spot for years was because of the forced melee range and not enough access to gap closers and mobility in general. It was pretty easy for necros, engis to just stay range and spam chill with wells and grenades...then get close for the kill once the ele player had exhausted all options, a thief could simply swap to shortbow and force dodges, then steal teleport apply chill and safely return away from the ele, a mesmet could just dance around the ele till all his cleanses were done....ele only had bad matchup, as melee only combat there was spellbreaker..but again full counter makes life miserable for every melee spec. Basically playing as ele was kitten..but playing against ele was easy ...and ofc that was called balanced by gw2 community

    All these necros laughing on the forum on how they could faceroll eles with ease without even trying and stuff like that...and then, and then scepter got finally reworked after 12 years and people hate it....'cause gw2 players hate one thing above all : equal playing field. Now an ele player doesn't need to kill himself, be stressed or frustrated on how to close the gap, while maintaining enough sustain/kill potential...that was way too much unreasonable work for a game,...now you don't need to dodge for your life or praying for enough time to get close to the target...now you can zap them back and punish them if they get close...so people whine and ask for nerfs of course. Now facing an ele is no more a walk in the park....necros aren't laughing anymore...thieves can't steal/chill/shortbow anymore....engis can't bout face spamming chill grenades any longer...and they hate it.

    P.S they may nerf the raw dmg of scepter with enough time now, but they won't ever take back the reworks, never done so for any other profession regardless of the amount of calls for nerfs. On top of that both staff and earth line too got a rework after almost a decade. It's finally fun and engaging again to play ele and I had to wait like 5 years for that...and a couple of developer replacements at the top..glad I did not delete the class.

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  5. On 3/19/2023 at 7:04 PM, Loke.1429 said:

    catalyst celestial, scepter focus (unblockable knockdown), auraspam, class stacking is unhealthy. Ive seen unkillable trios of catalysts and similar recently. Like 3v6 etc and still unkillable. I agree that there are worse things, but its quite high up there in my opinion. But anyway I shouldnt be saying this, because they will just nerf core and fk me over as well on my staff build.

    I seen scores of vindicator tanking half zerk, virtuoso literally laughing at you for 10s+ while being invulnerable.....harbingers lol..winning 1vs3 on their own....small scale is not a balance factor, they are far worst things and nobody cares about small scale, it's all about holding vs several bad players....nobody on anything can hold long vs equally good players .....

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  6. 3 hours ago, Mikhael.2391 said:

    You mean harbingers, not core necros or reaper or even scourge. I agree that harbinger is op but so is all EOD elites.


    Also i mean I win vs outnumbered because they are bad not because im so good. if you put 2 vs 1 and all of them have same skill level  the 2 will win as they should. but if u put a decent players against 2 bad ones then theres a chance they die and that is90% of wvw roaming videos on youtube. i dont think im the best by far but i recognize worst players than me.

    I don't want to deny whatever duellist build, necros want to play and neither I want to see nerfed the death trait line which is a core aspect of the class. All the nerfs must be directed to Harbinger...and specifically those elixirs, that elite is bonkers and should be reworked to something less kittenous than the iWin button is now...the rest I don't know, I won't claim to be an expert dev like the vast majority of wannabe says on this forum. About other EoD specs:


    1) Willbender is really annoying to face if they run celestial but manageable on most other specs, furthermore is quite weak in PVP  when not paired with good players in general, fun but not amazing

    2) Untamed is pure trash.....unaltered trash...the worst class design I have ever encountered in 15 years of MMOs, it should be deleted..right now and reworked completely, no if or but....it's just a core ranger with extra fluff ...completely useless as the pet mechanic is still the worst mechanic in thee game ...."your pet is down"...."your pet needs help"..."were you playing dead?"...that's ranger life in wvw since...ever if not using soulbeast

    3)Catalyst is already not as strong as before, the dmg nerfs to scepter can be felt, of course the gw2 playerbase would not be satisfied till the weapon is dead and buried as it was before the reworks, the class is still competitive but the player rate has dropped by like 40% now...there is the occasional cele bunker trolling and that's it, people have realized that a good condi burst is enough to bring them down...the most inexperienced ones ofc, still hated but.. I .can bring them down nothing too threatening like before

    4)Bladesworn is...whatever, just run the shout build and troll in 1v1 if the enemy is bad...and then get facerolled when +1...so whatever I guess...it's ok for a change of pace when leaving spellbreaker, I rarely see them in wvw

    5)Mechanist is again whatever....another potential cele troll build...used few times in samm groups by pugs and that's it..they die quite handily so..whatever


    7)Vindicator....jump jump, heal and troll pugs...then you come, apply some condi pressure/burst and gank them...see them rolling...really annoying in small scale when alongside other gimmick support specs, otherwise.....whatever let them have it

    8)Virtuoso...the other kitten spec alongside harbinger..like it is with necros, if they lose on PoF spec...they come back with virtuoso, 10s+ distortion into stealth and teleport and rinse and repeat with condi/power burst....needs to have core distortion removed again

  7. 9 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    It's bad because there is officially too much projectile reflect in this game.

    Same reason why DE is bad. Same reason why PD Thief is bad. Same reason why LB DH & Rifle War can't hit anything. Same reason why Rifle Engi is a complete liability in high tiers. Same reason why IH MIrage is just utterly useless at this point.

    Ranger only gets away with LB and SB because it has GS and Torch for non-projectile and pets with melee, and even then it barely gets away with projectile use.

    EOD brought in way too much extra anti-projectile bubbles, random mag aura spam, and a plethora of other random anti-projectile effects on random skills.

    You're the only person in the game that has ever been "neutralized" by projectile denial...

    Projectile denial didn't stop the renegade meta with 6 renegades out of 10 players in your dear MAT....maybe you can stop talking out of your behind...for once....and btw...GS on ranger is a thing...I dare to say this to the best ranger in the game 

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  8. 23 hours ago, Eddie.9143 said:

    dang nobody likes renegade okay lmao

    No...nobody except those playing it, love renegade, it's the epitome of busted gameplay, and it's more passive than anything currently in use....press pulsing stability utility....jalis elite...and press 1111-5-3, we had 1.5 years of rene meta....hope you enjoyed it,' cause we ain't going back

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  9. 6 hours ago, XxsdgxX.8109 said:

    Not even I, as a primarily Rev player, want Renegade to be a thing again and I dislike a lot how hard CMC has been pushing for it to be powerful again.
    Same with Condi Herald 😶

    Power Herald is just better and healthier gameplay for both the Rev player and their enemy.

    Neither rev players or GW2 players in general want healthy or "better" gameplay....or actually let me correct myself : GW2 players want "healthy gameplay" for the professions they don't play...not the ones they do, GW2 players want to win...they are not interested in challenging gameplay...they want to press 2-3 buttons and win while facetanking dmg with minimal or no effort

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  10. 21 hours ago, Exalted Quality.8534 said:

    scrapper was never a nuisance until grenade kit was inexplicably buffed.  instead of admitting your egregious oversight, and reverting the grenade kit buffs, you destroy scrapper instead. 10/10 galaxy brain. 

    That's what Anet does..always:

    1) They nerf around the problem till it becomes rarely used if not by experienced players with the class

    2) They go after the actual problem after nerfing everything around it...typically killing the spec

    3) They wait 8+ months before applying  a series of buffs that stretch for at least 1 x year

    4) Rinse and Repeat...by that time you already stopped playing or in those cases where the player is wise enough to multiclass...you swap main for the foreseeable future...only to come back to your actual main at the beginning of another buffing cycle...and leave when nerfed again at the end of the cycle.


    I have experienced the same process over and over again with elementalist and Anet....nerf to the ground...buff it after couple of years...then nerf it again to the ground and wait 2 more years at least.

    Luckily for you...engineer is not elementalist and it always has something good going on for it...the class has a good foundation, not matter how many nerfs it gets...something good bound to appear somewhere else...another hidden spec or just a consequence of yet another round of random buffs

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  11. The balance in this game is a joke! You introduce a dodge mechanic and nobody cares, they just facetank the world on their permaboon builds Everything is boring AF to play against, not even on full skinny glass cannon build you can down these clown builds.. We started with a single stack of might on crit every 5s....and now people go around with 25 might, perma quickness, superspeed, perma protection, perma regeneration.....everything is an absolute joke.....100% braindead gameplay. Let's not even start on all this block, block, invulnerability for days...rotating distortion.....how did I end up here from GW1? The gameplay in GW2 is more imbalanced than a P2W Korean MMO nobody ever heard about!

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  12. Bleed is more easily stacked on ranger than poison..by a small margin but poison is not only more devastating, but on SB it also heals and reduces enemy healing, it's the whole package. Bleed is more of a cover condition, alone it won't do dangerous dmg unless you reach 25 stacks of bleed consistently and that may be good in pve but not in pvp/wvw

  13. 23 minutes ago, Koensol.5860 said:

    Types "People who know how to play sPvP", proceeds to link metabattle which is literally known for being outdated and inaccurate. We are in a glass canon meta, everything one shots. Why try to play a damage build with a sustain traitline when you can add more damage from another? WS isn't gonna save you against power burst. And soulbeast has more than enough ways to survive with things like stealth, mobility, dolyak stance, block, and evades. You don't need WS. Especially as a roamer. I play in plat 1 just fine with this. And as for the sicem owp build, Eurantien solo Q'ed to legendary on this build, after which many started playing it with success: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcE2oMCGErjByMxi9a/pVi0nA-zZIPkMlA9qCKZIYrBA

    It may not be the most popular atm because of the amount of tempests and catas in the meta, but this version of the sicem build slaps so much harder than the WS version. You just need the reflexes and positioning to pull it off. 

    Your analysis is correct..but it's also true that the higher you go, the cheesiest most builds played will be. We're talking about builds that can eat a combo kd with modifier and still laugh at you. Still I would go with your approach, you make for a decent +1, a in good team..you go far

  14. 47 minutes ago, kroxx.1032 said:

    Well, already 6 months into this game or maybe some more, so im going to share my experience on the PvP scene as a "new" player.

    First of all, I played other mmorpgs before gw2, all pvp wise, and never seen such toxicity from OLD players towards new ones.


    Basically, your first months, while you are a clueless noob, you will get flamed for everything. The rate aprox is for every 10 games, you will have at least 1 lunathic 3/10 times. Ye block him sure sure..

    After a while, when you are not a complete noob and you know whats up, you decide to go to the PvP arena to try out some "duels"


    What you will find there is mostly a civil war, where no one respects the 1vs1, where basically fresh new players interrupt all the duels, and OLD players even more.


    I can understand the new players being that, just new players. But people who played 10 years and their only fun is interrupt people duels, and when you try to stand up to the bully, they will perma farm you, taunt, etc etc.


    So, as a "new" PvP player, what should i do? Conquest is terrible, a toxic kitten show where half of the matches are decided before game it even starts. PvP Arena same, even worst. You cant even learn a class without getting bullied the kitten out of you.


    And for anyone who thinks im wrong, go make a new character you dont have experience at all. Just do some conquest games and play the PvP arena for couple weeks. Im sure you will have a great experience in Gw2 😉 😉


    In conclusion, from all mmorpgs I played, gw2 pvp community is the most toxic and the worst i ever seen by far from OLD players.


    PvP in GW2 was ruined by new players who refused to learn the game mode in the first place. The game mode started well, not as good as GW1..but not as bad as now, unwilling to learn the hard way...new players these days want to win...from Day 1..no questions asked and the game was slowly adapted to accommodate that toxic mentality.

    From builds that play themselves with little to no player's input to an atrocious MMR, add to this a pointless leaderboard with even more pointless titles and ranks acquired with RNG and dodgy mechanics...and you have a terrible gamemode that further exacerbates the already volatile and toxic behaviour of people online.

    There was a gamemode suitable for people to learn their builds: HotJoin...new players abused and destroyed it, till it got removed; the devs in their foolishness added the ability to swap teams during a match...and people be people, would simply jump to winning team..rather than learn mechanics and class matchups, and HotJoin was merely the start..won't bother with the rest but yeah....

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  15. On 2/22/2023 at 4:43 PM, solemn.9670 said:

    It's just annoying to me that we have all these interesting stat prefixes available for use in WvW, it's fun to min/max with them, but every time I restat a legendary item to anything else I am reminded that running any less than 50% cele is a major disadvantage on pretty much every ele build besides glass scepter fresh air or meme builds/zerg builds like staff DPS.

    Cele has not helped with the whole "ele is op" slander either since almost every ele abuses the ever living crap out of full cele. It's boring to fight and boring to play.

    Nor is it any more fun on other classes.

    I don't want to spend 10 minutes 1v1ing on a cele build vs another cele build. Nor do I want the players who somehow (????) DO enjoy spending 10 mins 1v1ing to be going around stomping my non-cele off-meta builds and acting like they accomplished something. 🤷 

    Build wars 2

    It never ends....player's complaining never ends indeed. They cried to remove celestial from PvP as it would make the game balanced at least...they then moved to durability runes..remove it and the game would be balanced..........then they moved to mercenary amulet...remove it and the game would be balanced...then the whining moved mender..remove it and the game would be balanced....then they moved to knight/cavaliers...remove them and the game would be balanced...they then moved to trapper runes etc etc....then quickness sigil....then trapper runes.........It never kittening ends...it never does....MMO players these days are the epitome of entitlement and toxicity....what after celestial? Crusader? Minstrel?Trailblazer?......Shall we just play naked with a rock?

    The reality is nobody asking anybody to 1v1 for 10m in the middle of nowher, WvW is server vs server gamemode; people who enjoy to 1v1 for hours should just go in the Sanctum and organize their own tournament with rules



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  16. On 2/21/2023 at 12:49 AM, TheVaultHunter.6835 said:

    why is anet fixing things that dont need to be fixed?

    they are trying to nerf catalyst fresh air build and instead are hitting all the other fresh air builds harder than cata?

    why is superspeed duration cut in half? its not the problem with fresh air cata

    why are blinding flash ammunition changes reverted? taking away defensives the weaver needs more than the cata?

    i feel like they are having solutions for problems that dont exist

    FA weaver has never been broken in any way. The amout of defenses you give up for a bit of burst is just unfair compared to say a mesmer or thief

    Why is it being nerfed?

    Just play other classes like ranger, warrior and guardian....or the rest if you don't mind wasting an additional week trying builds. If you have been playing ele for years before catalyst....you accumulated enough common sense and awareness that playing another class will look like a walk in the park...just jump on a gs/staff druid or condi lb spellbreaker, vindibunkard or some distortion farting virtufoso....by..somebody who mains other professions and only back on ele when it becomes decent between a nerfing cycle and another, every few years

    Don't waste time with pointless threads, we have been there before since 2015, good for few months then nerfed out of existence for years till they decided to buff it again for few months....only to nerf it again..lol..gw2 ele in a nutshell, catalyst is soon to become weaver 2.0...useless tryhard trash...meanwhile the rest plays specs....a trained chicken would reach top 10 with 

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  17. You go on a stream and talk about counterplay and all....but your patch misses the very problematic thing most of all :  distortion into block into stealth...rinse and repeat...the actual issue you should resolve, but the priority is to please the criers ok...I get it, same anet as usual.....unless it's cried on the forums you most likely do nothing! Brilliant!

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