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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. 5 hours ago, Dr Meta.3158 said:

    There is the commonly used, easy to play, chronobunker build. A more difficult chronophantasma variation that is a very good team fighter and duelist but needs more attention towards negating incoming attacks. The classic power shatter chronomancer/mesmer/mirage builds. The safer IH power shatter mirage build. Lastly, the condi burst chronomancer build (getting buffed a little too).  The condi mirage build gets countered too hard by the predominance of elementalists in the game due to our lord and savior, CMC, blessed be.

    Theres a lot of mesmer builds but most are too difficult to play for most people either to effects get off the damage or to survive. They all suffer from the issue of low mobility making them not ideal for conquest outside of ATs where you can remedy that issue with better coordination... or play catalyst.

    99% of mesmers use this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mantra_of_Distraction , that greatly lower any skill requirement by about 3/4....just stealth/range/pewpew insta dazex2 from 1200 range and let the clones do the dmg, mostly condi, literally tried chronomancer/virtuoso...we must stop saying that mesmer is high skill anything. If you go for example in PVP arena, 3/4 of the players will be mesmers....ranked with double mesmer is not uncommon, nearly unkillable virtuso with distortion spam rotation or chrono bunker....wvw...let's not even open the book. 

    The class is not complained nearly as much as it should be....people would rather cry about couple of glass cannon builds that manage to down their cheese bunker spec. Already started to properly main mesmer....and 1v1 this class is just kitten to fight

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  2. 7 hours ago, Dr Meta.3158 said:

    Most mesmer players aren't good at mesmer. They will likely never know what mesmer is capable of like the few good mesmer players left.

    You mean the ones capable of playing aggressively while seamlessly able to chain CC/burst ....somehow mesmer players are typically left alone, mesmers are not critically nerfed unless you get something really really stupid that even cats and dogs can play effectively...but other professions typically ger critically nerfed for far less. It has always been far easier to play a tanky virtuoso( literally learned to play one over a weekend) than a glass Untamed and yet the latter got nuked from orbit almost immediately while virtuoso in typical fashion will take years to see finally adjusted. 

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    If a person with 10000 hours of their class, good game sense, good mastery of their class mechanics, and a good understanding of matchups wasn't oppressive to fight... that would be indicative of a much larger problem with balance. 

    I love fighting players who obviously know their class inside and out. It's a great way to learn what works, and what you only get away with because of player error. 

    Would it be more appropriate if this person wasn't challenging to fight despite the obvious hard work they put in?

    I rarely see this argument for other classes if at all..what's the difference?



  4. 12 hours ago, Dr Meta.3158 said:

    I think I learned overall from this thread that people are tired of long lasting fights in situations where they can actively do damage rather than waiting to do damage. It seems to be a psychological issue of feeling like they're wasting effort with no payout.

    I think the solution to this problem is playing a build where people don't have the ability to play at all. I may switch classes for a while. 

    Psychological? What kind of games have you ever played where you need to run around waiting for the enemy's defences to drop so that you can do dmg? This only happens in GW2 where people can go immune/dmg reduction/stealth/invulnerability..and with the added ability to do dmg in some instances....GW1 made me love MMO.....GW2 had the opposite factor....a joke and a disgrace of a balance. a mockery of the legacy left by previous designers....who must have all left after sniffing the direction this company was going

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  5. On 4/16/2023 at 2:56 PM, Dr Meta.3158 said:

    Play reaper. Do it.

    You missed the point entirely...the number of reapers in the game cannot be ignored, yes...there is loads of hot air and banter as you'd expect from typical forum threads but..the truth is the vast majority of folks here have never faced this level of necro gameplay:

     Yes...he doesn't play anymore and I know the "emoji kids" will see the age of the video and do their thing but whatever...this is just an example of what it means to play against actual necro players...not the "walk in a straight line for my sacred pewpew" sort of necros this lot in this thread must have faced. I faced this guy a couple of times in PVP and wvw and it wasn't a pleasant experience. There are a dozen players close to his level, who play variants of power and condi reaper, the combination of quickness GM  and chill spam can turn a fight from a certain defeat to insta win.

    Add the death trait line, a demolisher amulet and speed runes, worm stunbreak teleport, unblockable marks, dash and a 50% dmg reduction mechanic on a 10s CD  and it's not so fun anymore to talk gibberish like this lot in this thread.

    The same people who mock the OP and people who support his claim...are the same ones who used to laugh at "ele downstate" meme, then a couple of buffs later they come crushing on the forum crying that ele players on the same level of Grimjack, Blamthrax kicked their kitten while using an ele.....everything is fun and jokes when they can pew-pew some hotjoin hero on necro.....I'd love to see them when the enemy team get a couple of dudes like Holts plus support.

    Can necro be beaten? yes of course...like every other class, don't need any of the clowns here telling us "Just range necro"... D'HOOOOOOO, what a mastermind...teach us sensei, I'd say to them.

    This is not a thread claiming "OMG necro SO OPPPP" , this is just to say how oppressive is to fight a decently played necro...just like all other classes to a different degree, the same ones cried about by the PRO-champions here calling noobs everybody else

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

    There's a bunch of condi reapers now, i got annoyed at first too, but that's only cuz i didnt know i was playing against.

    It takes considerably more skill to beat one than playing it....it's the main selling point for Anet, cracked-up specs to sell copies of the game. Necro is just fire and forget unblockable aoe condis and then you kiting for dear life while they 5-3 after pressing F1.

    It takes coordination, right build with enough condi clear, CC and dmg to bring one down and that's too much to ask from average casuals...this is why necros are the most played profession in gw2 alongside guardian...low effort-high reward and easy to master

    • Confused 5
  7. On 4/14/2023 at 11:49 AM, Bazsi.2734 said:

    Oh noes, reaper too OP! I tried to melee it with my staff elementalist and I got killed dead! How is that fair? I even used my glyph of lesser elementals!

    Also chill is mean! What do you mean cleanse it and range? Am I supposed to just not walk up to their face, even though that's my roleplay? This is a terrible oversight! My sword/shield warrior roleplay got nerfed into oblivion, now my fire wizard is having a hard time too... I can't do anything in this game! Terrible balance! Bad bad REEEEEEEE!


    I can't tell if this thread is a joke or not. So I'll just assume it is, I mean of course this is a joke, you guys are smart. Smart and funny. 

    Oh noes....chill doesn't affect initiative....why Anet? Bad bad Anet REEEEEEEEEEEE! Let chill affect initiative too! 

    So GW2 forum works like this : "This class/spec can't counter my cheese...IT'S BALAAAAAANNNNCCEEED REEEEEEEEE"

    You can always count on rangers, mesmer and thieves to "defend" necro status..as they can pewpew from 1200 range...at least the average or below necros who are likely the majority REEEEEEEEE or simply their class not affected by chill....REEEEEEEEEEE

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  8. Coming from ranger...I'd say that Bladesworn does pretty well....at least people who main only warrior got their money worth something. You could be a ranger and wishing for a full refund by now as Untamed is kitten tier by comparison. I actually enjoy bladesworn, it could be improved to increase build diversity but....luckily I main warrior too and I am not stuck with ranger...god untamed is pure useless trash 

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  9. 50 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Can confirm. I farm Rangers on my Reaper.

    Every player is a PRO ranger...for as long as they can pewpew from 1200 and the target doesn't know what dodge or LoS are...by contrast if the target does know what those are...then the players on ranger from PRO ...they evolve to Tower Rangers or for the more skilled,  they reach the Forum Ranger level replacing arrows...with nerf threads still pressing 2 like maniacs( old habits are hard to shake off). Tower rangers are a common sight in wvw, typically holding towers all by themselves, pewpew anybody who dares to enter their 1200 range domain.

    Very very fast on their legs, if they see you approaching...they will be sprinting to the nearest tower if alone...only to jump out if they see you already being ganked by multiple players...perfect scenario for the sacred pewpew.

    In pvp...as there is no tower to cower behi.........I mean to hold as a strategic safe heaven, you will see all these rangers jumping on their trusted condi trapper high skill cap build with rabid amulet....that leaves us with the legendary Forum rangers who hold the fort, seekers of justice...ready to punish with a spitfire of nerf threads, any who dares to stand in the way of the most glorious pew pew .

    As the occasional necro user, it does always bring a smile on my face to down the PRO pew pew when you dodge their uber combo press 2. A dodge there...a side strife there and I am in their face...taking that bow shoving it down where the sun doesn't shine. As Mike T used to say " everybody got a plan...till they get punched in the face"

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  10. 57 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    It's about time Reaper got its spot in the meta. 

    Necro is a natural predator to Ele/Engi, so they'll help keep them in check. 

    I see this as an absolute win. Good on you Necro mains. Maybe we can give Scourge some love next?

    Average reaper farms average ranger without even breaking a sweat.....let's see how long the ele/engi hate would last when necros start using poison cloud properly....give it time than average ranger will cry even harder than now

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  11. One more thing: Anet doesn't balance for kitten! 

    When one build design is deemed OP, for doing too much of everything at the same time...they don't simply go and remove the concept from the game as any wise company would do...nope...Anet nukes from orbit the class that happens to follow that build design...only to move to another class few weeks/months later.

    A clear example is Willbender: few months before they nerfed Herald for having too much group utility/sustain/mobility/damage baked in the same build.......they nerfed Herald and made Willbender which does the same thing but easier...that's Anet

    They nerf Obsidian flesh/earth shield on ele...too much invulnerability uptime they say...then they gave distortion to Virtuoso, which is worst, the same exact reason why OF was nerfed...but it's ok on mesmer.

    They added cast time to Untamed only teleport to avoid mid animation teleports...but guardian does exactly that......

    And so on so on...that's Anet idea of balance......

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    No one? Literally none?

    I mean, I’m not a big theorycrafter, and I only play PvP casually, but I would like all my characters to feel equally effective.

    And I think anyone who cries, “nerf,” should play the spec for a bit to actually understand it.

    I’d also prefer ANet to tweak things in increments instead of outright nuking them when they think they’re overperforming… but I’d also prefer to be independently wealthy.

    Anet balances kitten! They only react to the loud and vocal pvp minority after they get tired of reading their never ending bitching and whining ...it takes months but eventually they reduce/remove things enough so that the vocal pvp minority stops whining and bitching for a couple of days...before starting whining and bitching about another thing for the next few months.

    The PvP in this game is kitten because GW2 players are too incompetent to realize that balance doesn't mean they get to win 9 times out of 10, balance means that 50/50 scenarios in ideal cases....60/40 on average.

    GW2 player is like..."I can do 10k dmg from 1200/1500 range with a single button...it's balanced...but that guy over there blocking my attack...it's unbalanced...remove it"....or "I press F1 on my 30K HP build and instantly get another 10K HP bar...that reduces dmg by 50% on top...but that guy over there has an invulnerability..and I don't care he has 10K base HP...remove its invulnerability, as it's OP"....or "I can completely shut down the other guy with ease...by spamming reflect...it's balanced...that guy can fire from 1200 range anyway" or what about "I can do kitten tons of dmg, I don't need to dodge, I have pulsing stability and I can down people by pressing 5-3..oh I am using tanky amulet..but that guy does dmg and has superseded.....yeah I don't care he's full glass stats....nerf him"

    GW2 player knows kitten about balance....too egomaniacs.....too self-centered and only interested in winning....not competition

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  13. 12 hours ago, MalekithDG.6124 said:

    Everything Im going to write is for WvW.


    1. Nerf boons. Start with Stability. Its too strong of a boon for a single... boon? Make it stackable in duration and decrease the duration by %80 on all classes.
    2. Nerf cata reflect/block/evade/invul uptime. Nerf the damage too while you are at it. This class puts bunker druid to shame. Not even ICBM's of the world can kill this bunker of a class.
    3. Introduce more boon corrupt/boonstip utilities to ALL classes.
    4. Nerf thief mobility (its the class identity i know.) IF YOU ARE NOT NERFING MOBILITY then for the love of god do something to daredevil. Make it only have 2 dodges or idk decrease evade time. Also remove smoke area from Pistol 5. Alternatives are making the "leap through smoke field" not grant stealth OR putting the smoke field/leap finisher into some other weapon thats 2 handed like staff or short bow. That way they have to decide "Am I going into stealth but i will have to abandon my main DPS weapon..."
    5. So much condi cleanse going on while not many boonstrips. Either balance that or nerf the condi cleanse.
    6. Nerf cele gear. Just.. Just nerf it. Idk how just do it.


    On a more personal note (these ones are for fellow rangers):

    1. Make pets invulnerable to damage. Its NEVER a good idea to focus a pet down while the ranger is available then WHY oh WHY I ask these pets are cleavable.
    2. REWORK, yes not nerf or buff, REWORK melee weapons of ranger. Why in a meta where every class has its own invul. / block / evade seconds while ranger only has access to a single block in GS (a weapon which attacks are telegraphed and can be dodged very easily. ).
    3. MAJORITY of the utility skills of ranger are UNUSED. Spirits? Traps? (sees minimal play) Survival? (exclude zephyr) Command?(exclude protect me and maybe sic'em but sic'em is just... bad.)
    4. Buff the overall damage. Pets suck as it is. Then where will rangers damage come from? Weapons? Weapons suck and LB / Axe easily countered by ENTIRE roster either being invul. OR reflecting OR stealthing OR Dodge spamming OR being insanely tanky OR 1 shotting the ranger OR blocking. Its a meme at this point lol.

    I know what you are thinking. "Nice wishlist ranger main, git gud". I have more time on Elementalist than i do in Ranger :' Be honest to yourselves guys for the better, healthier future. Do you think ranger is OK? When you guys ever thought "oh my god its a ranger i should engage with care".


    PS: I was so frustrated with the state of WvW I completely forgot this is a "prediction" topic and not a wishlist kekw.

    We need also to remove N2 from longbow, remove sic'em and remove SB elite...then remove druid ancient seed....nerf dolyak stance, nerf regen and protection uptime..remove also........etc etc etc...played ranger for 5 years now and I know every single thing that makes ranger as braindead as the rest of the professions in GW2. Never delude yourself into thinking that ranger takes any more skill than any other class in GW2....they are all braindead in their own circle

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  14. 16 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    So, we’re about three weeks out from the next balance patch, which means about a week away from the balance patch preview.

    Any predictions on what we’ll get? Where will the nerf hammer fall? What’ll be the next spec everyone’s crying is now OP?

    GW2 players should stop using the words "Balance patch"....because none of you want actual balance....all you lot want is to remove whatever you hate to fight against, and some of you on top of that even ask for buffs to make the only profession they play as much brainless as possible, as much low risk=high reward as possible. So let's stop with this circus-like threads ...nothing but clickbait for individuals who don't give a kitten about balance or competition.


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  15. On 4/5/2023 at 10:11 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    How about that movement impairing condition immunity eh?

    Who cares about immobilize/chill if you are CCed to death? .....can swap dolyak stance fo balanced stance..any day of the week for me, I play both and Balanced Stance is head and shoulders better than dolyak stance any day of the week. Immune to critical dmg + pulsing stability? Yes...I can stroll inside spamming CC for a good while...the immobilize can be easily cleared, especially on a spellbreaker. Sorry guys but I simply cannot accept the comparison

    P.S I gave up about that dead game mode ages ago...so do whatever you want in PvP

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  16. The trait was great as it was before, it would make Tempest that much better while trying to support in WvW when dashing through the usual sea of necros spamming chill...also useful when dealing with immobilize gank parties.....sadly once a great trait was changed into this travesty/joke for no kittening good reason. 

    So many useless traits on Tempest like Tempesteous aura, Latent stamina, Gale song...so many better ways to give alacrity to pvers without destroying a perfectly viable GM trait....kittening well done to whoever suggested changing the Trait.

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  17. On 3/31/2023 at 9:01 PM, Coldtart.4785 said:

    If you wanted these skills to be more controlled in where they land why not make them ground targeted like with Specter's leap? Moving through a target with burning speed has been a core part of dagger ele gameplay since day 1.

    It has always been a pain in the kitten to hit moving/dashing/stealthing targets and the majority of times you were forced to use LF+burning speed to hit skilled opponents, way lower pressure than now and this is why the change is good. You can literally de-target and you're back to dashing through pve mob.

    Ground target Burning speed? This must be the worst idea that I have ever seen in GW2! D/D ele has been high APM since launch...and you want to destroy it, there are hundreds of players who have never set foot in killing mob areas since they bought the game

    P.S once again PvErs trying to keep ele in 2012  as they tried with scepter changes

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  18. Maybe I am missing something important that I can't see and that's why I am making this thread: no matter what angle I look at it, my conclusion is always the same, the stats used by EoD pets are intended sabotage- extremely low toughness, pitiful F2 and awkward animations.

    The way I see it, they didn't want to make the pets viable for competitive play for fear of being forced to balance them later, " I want you to use those HoT pets forever no matter what" , but then again if I try to use those same pets in PvE..they are equally useless there and no worth using....so the end plan was to make EoD pets a complete waste of space overall.

    It's clear that whoever worked on soulbeast/druid.....left the company by the time Untamed was even a concept, let alone those...pets

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  19. 38 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

    Hey look, another cele thread. But its most definitely not a cele problem, its just those evil builds (that now literally every profession has at least one of). Its the traits and the runes and the skills right?

    Anyway, weird to not mention cele catalyst. Its the one build  that actually does power dmg too, not just condi vomit. Scepter and hammer are just that broken.

    They nerfed catalyst not only in pvp but also in wvw...while willbender, harbinger were only nerfed in pvp when nobody cares anyway. I used to see catalysts everywhere few weeks ago....then all of a sudden...gone, you only see 1-2 in large groups now...not solo roamers tanking the world. GW2 players won't leave base alone unless playing something completely broken. You meet a solo ranger once in a blue moon in T1-2, not hugely popular anymore as a class. Warrior or revenant roamers are not existent. All you see is 1-2  harbinger with scrappers on the side or 1-2 willbender outrunning anything but thieves.....the occasional virtuoso rotating distortion for 10s +....this is wvw right now

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  20. We're talking about 2-3 celestial harbingers every 10m of the map....celestial willbenders that outrun half zerg while having perma protection/regen then with access to aegis, resolution etc etc.....virtuoso that has perma distortion literally 3/4 of the time...you can't do anything literally nothing. The balance in GW2 is awful. How can a game developer in all good conscience consider this anything but stupid design: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_of_Ambition , no Cast time....aoe range...gives all boons on user and all condis on enemy...on a 72s CD.

    This https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Distortion is not something that should be available for 10s.....awful...disastrous balance 

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  21. First of all, I will state that you are a good player that's it and with that said all the following criticism is solely directed to the Untamed.


    It sucks, simple as that, it's possibly the worst class design I saw in a videogame, to the point where you don't know if it was developed by people working outside the company, it was designed with zerg/group fights in mind while being linked to a mechanic which becomes useless during zerg fight.....this is absolutely bonkers.

    There is nothing to justify melee combat outside using a whole elite on a whopping 1s cast time, go in for few secs hoping you don't die in the process while your entire class mechanic instantly goes on a lengthy CD with pets instantly killed . How that make any kittening sense? It doesn't...but people try their best to make this pile of trash work, after all they wasted money and they want to see a return for their time/money investment and I don't fault people for wishing that. But the truth is untamed is kitten, it a core ranger with a hammer and a bubble...that's all. It brings no team utility, still reliant on an obsolete mechanic and to rub even more salt in the wound : EoD pets are even worst than core pets, nobody use any of them outside the turtle....few rare times.

    In an ideal world, where people solely play ranger...they should be entitled to a full refund for those who want it

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