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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. 32 minutes ago, Yasai.3549 said:

    So you're describing like, most WvW hit and run builds. 

    You do realise that alot of roamer builds you meet aren't actually hit and run, they're more or less dueling builds focused on survival. Your complaint here is pretty invalid because WB has strengths in other areas than raw usage of celestial stats. For one, WB has insane mobility, almost on the same level of Thieves. That alone is huge for the damage they can do in short amount of time. You play WB, you are embodying a Thief playstyle, and guess what, Thieves are actually pretty bad vs Celestial survival bunker builds. Who would've guessed? 

    Maybe you should start playing more smartly, watching which specs are easier match ups for you and get out of fights you can't win. 

    Yeah...that's what glorified +1 is called and guess what....a better designed class for that role is currently failing at that. This is how you used to play DH...this is just a reharsal of an old gameplay option and they spent like 4 years to come up with that. This is something I can come up with the week before releasing an expansion..and that's my point. This elite like most EoD specs are not something that requires 4 years worth of development...I hope this time around they use the time to actually design something useful..rather than watch old gameplay footage, add what few players cried about for years ( aka mobility in guardian case) and call it a day..

    P.S WvW WB uses celestial too...otherwise they explode on contact

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  2. 15 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

    There's no way you're going to convince me that Willbender is bad in WvW. Not a chance.

    Yeah....celestial stats exist in wvw plus the additional F2, uses all boons and feel like a god....only that's what playing celestial means in WvW on literally any class that can make use of it. But we both know...you're being carried by the stats not the build, remove that concentration and suddenly your "fun" build would stop being so fun

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  3. 2 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

    Tbh nothing against ele war and mesmer being on top for a few months, considering the last few years. But not so over the top.

    Cata specs are weak to condis which is also their main source of dmg....full counter and diversion spam are the most annoying things in existence but can be dealt with. You'd need to look outside the box of copy/paste builds from metabattle though and actually learn a specific profession inside out, being able to suit tailor builds to deal with specific specs and most general siituations.

    Most players in the end cannot play a class outside of what posted on metabattle....and that's why they will be always victims and never the victors. I thx the gods the old school playerbase was not as whining and entitled as the GW2 playerbase.

    Can you imagine this lot playing in a game with assisted  timed team burst, perma ranged blind, fake cast rotations and insta perma interrupt?...Good lord in heaven! These people would write a whine thread as long as the Bible!

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  4. On 2/5/2023 at 5:06 PM, Doggie.3184 said:

    All I know is I been 100% to 0'd in 1-2 seconds by sneaky Rangers a lot in WvW from a bazillion range, even when on a mount wearing Sentinel armor and I literally have to have godlike reflexes to break stun the split second I'm cc'd and hopefully not get CC'd again and use every dodge when it comes outa nowhere with inescapable range which I don't even think two dodges clear it all.

    I have had 0 deaths to a Deadeye's Stealth attack and may not of ever even been hit by it before due to it's 100 telegraphs and slow speed, and generally kill them or shoo them away. We're even fighting Mag which throw a lot of Thieves around. In fact my Ele on a celestial build I never played before that I was testing 1v1'd one at the tail end of me fleeing from a Zerg ambush with me starting at half health cuz of Fall Damage got him to 5% before a Necro jumped down and nuked me, lol. 

    They also run way more SB than DE because obviously they've going to take advantage of how broken Sniper Rangers are. They are #1 Server and fight dirty literally 24/7.

    Not to mention I am a veteran pvper with several thousands of hours of experience. I see these same Rangers instantly drop people around me constantly who are new or less experienced and even more vulnerable to such abuse all the time and protecting them fast enough just isn't possible. 

    "I am an experienced PvPer"....."All I know is I been 100% to 0'd in 1-2 seconds by sneaky Rangers a lot in WvW"...like an experienced pvper would know how to strife/dodge/LoS...and teleport

    • Confused 3
  5. Trying to understand the meaning of this elite now.......I see zero benefits in playing one other than dash around with gs/double sword in wvw...hoping to catch some target on low HP..otherwise they'd win by outsustain you....so just a worse core guardian with extra mobility, comparable to untamed as a worse core ranger with a bubble. Your only advantage in a fight is mobility and that's it:


    In PvP: you now lack the dmg to justify the lack of sustain needed to duel others and you need engage skills to starts fights, and given the presence of busted specs like distortion spam virtuoso and CO, the only thing you can actually "burst" are bad thieves/core guardians as they lack on call OP active defenses. Overall I see the smoke...but not the boom...useless dashing WvW spec that can be easily outsustained like any other guardian spec, it requires massive outplay and inexperienced opponents


    in WvW:...yeah you can use celestial but still...even with the huge mobility trying to catch enemy offguard with hit and run tactics, you can still only afford 2-3x mistakes where the enemy can easily recover full HP without even attempting to dodge ( lol vindicator just randomly dodge as they can defend/attack at the same time) , other celestial builds have 2-3x more sustain and similar or better dmg from range in most instances.


    Sure some PvEr now will emojy me as he thinks willbender is super fun in PvE but..meh...I am not a PvEr as such...EoD expansion continues to be something I wish to get refunded for

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  6. 6 hours ago, ZolracAtrox.2908 said:

    How in the world is  a Scepter Catalyst "an effort to play class"?

    The fact that Core Ele and Sword Weaver are def complex classes, doesn't automatically mean that all ele's builds are complex.

    Both Scepter Catalyst and Support Tempest are almost braindead classes. Even Holosmith (the other class that should be nerfed asap) requires more effort to master than Scepter Catalyst; due to combos and heat management.


    If you wanna have a complex class to be good, ask for Sword Weaver or Full Kit Engi buffs; don't cry about Auto Carry-list.

    Can you read properly before commenting? I specifically stated that playing catalyst takes as much effort to play as what you lot have been using for the last 8 years since HoT: low effort braindead specs that play themselves! I know that because I have been using most of them also, tired of actually putting effort in a game...where a trained hamster on a wheel, can go and reach super sayan mode while using  any of the  0 IQ gw2 specs: druid, boonbeast, beastmaster, bunker chrono, perma distortion virtuouso, tools holo, condi spellbreaker, core necro, reaper, harbinger,  vindicator,  renegade blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Basically catalyst is as braindead easy as what you lot use and I find it insulting that people even dare to speak! Elementalists have been asking for "zero effort...all reward" gameplay option for years, asking for ranged combat so that us too could sit, fire and forget from 900/1200 range...exactly the same gameplay abused by you "pro" for all these years.

    Does any you know what the word: balance mean? Balance: Equality.....braindead vs braindead gameplay...fun for all ...complex vs braindead is not balance...it's BS. 

    Again as I said, I don't care about nerfs or buffs, I  want equality! As long as catalyst remains as braindead easy as the rest...I am happy , it's time for eles to switch off their brain too ..like the rest of you have been doing for years....

    Just put as many emoji as you like, spend all day adding emoji to my posts....they make you lot mad AF, I am only stating the truth...

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  7. 36 minutes ago, Zex Anthon.8673 said:

    They didn't have to "dare" to play ele at high level. It's no secret that ele is really good in the right hands. It has probably the highest skill ceiling out of all the classes.

    Indeed! And now eles have something that requires as much effort as the rest to play...people hate it...they call for balance and what balance that would it be...a balance were they press 2 buttons with specs that defend, attack and support all at yhe same time...meanwhile as @Grimjack once said: " to play ele, you need to look 30s in the future" and as I said to him that time: " kitten that! I don't want to put 10x more effort than the rest who literally facepalm on the keyboard". I don't want to put more effort! That's why I stopped playing ele in 2017 after they nuked weaver from orbit, you want me to dodge for my life while looking for a way to melee through aoe kitten....meanwhile a hamster on wheel camp the staff on a necro or mesmer...press 2 buttons and feel like god, that's sort of balance this community want...sadly for you all...the ele hate is finally over! I genuinely don't care how many times they nerf catalyst....as long as it remains as braindead as the rest of the specs in this game....it's all good, I want a spec for eles where they can switch off their brain too. Somebody playing a ranger( spent 6k hours playing one), a necro, a mesmer, engi etc etc shouldn't dare to come here at talk about balance. I always find it funny...Somebody playing a condi druid, or a condi mirage/virtuoso, a core necro, a tools holo or scrapper , a vindicator or pewpew renegade....come on the forum to whine. A complete lack of self-respect, integrity, honesty....shameful 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Zex Anthon.8673 said:

    Hooo boy, theres a superiority complex on this one.

    Playing ele doesnt make you better than everyone else. Ele is one of the least reactive  classes out there. You can literally play a rotation and still do good.

    The problem with catalyst is there is so much active defense built into that rotation that you dont need to make any damage trade offs like taking earth/water or something other than berserkers amulet.

    And that's why you and the rest were playing ele before catalyst....I wonder where all of you "pro" were when @grimjack and another were literally the only ones daring to play ele at high level...meanwhile they were 0 eles during MAT....even less in ranked..

    I dare you to tell us what you play....

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  9. On 2/3/2023 at 12:54 AM, Ragnarox.9601 said:


    Usable range? Man I am only one playing d/d all I see is infestation of scepter eles and its getting annoying, oneshot potential of them is really high. They are kitten and need to be dealt with. 

    And yes when something is broken 95% players play that... s/f cata/weaver/tempest is living proof of that.



    It's something people need to learn to deal with, elementalist is a ranged class design....period! 95% of players using scepter...it's the normal course of actions.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    I am usually holding back on these "they are biased" accusations, but at this point it really seems like class bias...

    Why is elementalist getting another weapon reworked right after their scepter rework, while other classes keep waiting to get their weapons revisited?

    Elementalist had to wait 10 years for scepter changes and half of that for staff change....do please illustrate a profession which has been in the same position. For the first time in 10 years, ele can range combat...for the first time GW2 ele is like GW1 ele.

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  11. 5 hours ago, Zex Anthon.8673 said:

    Ele's been capable of winning 1v3 for years, catalyst just made it so silver players can too.

    An ele who could win 1vs3 years ago....could have won 1vs10 playing a condi mirage or scrapper...anything else and he would have been the same. Years ago I tried core necro for exactly 10 hours...the day after I was tanking 5 people. The reason you can 1vs X at all in this game....it's because otherwise awful players had been give the ability  to win thx to specs that play themselves..so much they would not evem need to dodge anymore...fast forward to now and you can 1vsX in gw2

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  12. 4 hours ago, Zex Anthon.8673 said:

    Ele's been capable of winning 1v3 for years, catalyst just made it so silver players can too.

    The vast majority of you lot had the chance of leaving bronze or even get the chance to win at all against far better players..

    While being carried by braindead builds that still require 2 braincells to use effectively, starting with HoT : dragonhunter, reaper of all sorts, bunker chronomancer, druid immobilize with smokescale,  daredevil....a bunch of pve heroes nobody knew about the day before....those same pve heroes becoming platinum tier over night while playing a reaper for example....when they literally tried a necro for the first time...for few hours the day before and today they were winning all matches, with 4-5 reapers per match rushing mid like a mindless zerg spamming aoe shouts all around...then F1 and go super sayan mode...same thing with trapper dragonhunters...a bunch of nobodies reaching platinum years ago...while playing yet another braindead build, a trained monkey could play well. Then we had PoF and you lot again abused the hell out of another round of monkey brain specs...condi mirage, scourge, holosmith....

    But now the same bunch dare to cry that ele has a spec, players of all level can play effectively without being forced to master a piano.....you are all a bunch of kittening hypocrites, I wish they made all specs to require the same level of effort to play as a weaver after the atrocious nerfs....if so most of you would have never left bronze...

    Unfortunately Anet gave you specs where you press F1 , 2 and 3 ....and do a gazillion of insta aoe dmg/condi fart...thx to those specs you lot managed to leave that hellhole of the bottom bronze after 1st league tournament 


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  13. 2 hours ago, Tnanever.3192 said:


    THAT'S THE PROBLEM - there should be no class that kills any other class regularly, given roughly equally skilled players.  What you're describing is bad balance, which this game has.  Winners should be decided on player skill and strategy, not arbitrary class choice.

    You are seeing equal skill level, what you are not seeing is how people get hardcore mad, their faceroll tactics of fire and forget from range doesn't work anymore vs warrior, who know use longbow and have better sustain and ele, with scepter finally buffed after 10 years from launch. Regardless of how many nerf threads are created, the changes will remain, altered maybe but they will remain. Scepter ele, tanky warrior...a reality people here need to get used to...or uninstall and move elsewhere

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  14. 7 hours ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    Only major problem rn is cata and arguably a few other specs.


    get down to the wire and many will be decent.


    if you just hard nerf cata and shave off holo, vindi and spellbreaker than pvp will be in one of its most balanced states

    You'd just start whining about the best next thing that kills you regularly....and it could be even a spec of the only class you play...The amount of times I read:"nerf this and that and game will be balanced"....then proceed to list all specs you can't win against with your cookie cutter build.....only to start whining again when new specs , that smash you around on that cookie cutting build, start to emerge..lol

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  15. "I am platinum and play AT...I know what I am talking about".....really 80% of you got out of bronze playing some aoe condi kitten tank or some boonspamming monstrosity for the last 5-6 years...in duo most likely. So much that even the idea of actively dodging attacks is considered heresy.

    Skilled gameplay? Competitive community?....this is GW2...and this is just a glorified roulette mode, and the only time they tried to implement an actual matchmaking......most of you cried they were unable to leave bronze league, you cried so much...they changed the matchmaking(2014) to what it is now....

    If they have kept the same approach as in past games...the majority would have even failed to unlock the pvp mode....let alone join it, only to spout some non sense about their right to leave the bottom league just because they show up to play. 

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  16. 16 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    Oh yeah dude, we've had at least two patches go through at this point that didn't contain anything to even attempt to dowse these problems.

    I just don't understand the marketing tact behind it. You'd think they actually wanted people to stop playing their game.

    I remember you laughing at people pointing out the issue with Full Counter even before any change, calling them noobs as wars were easy to deal with....a little buff later and your little pewpew druid tactic stopping at being effective...that was enough to send you lot in a frenzy against warrior and ele.

    Realistically both warrior and ele have never been this accessible and effective since Oct 2015 pre-HoT launch....and people like you are mad as hell. It has been 7 years since ele and warrior were so widespread in use and feared to go against.....and you people are so graciously mad about this. You don't get to laugh at scepter eles anymore....and you are mad....you don't get to pewpew and outsustain wars from 1200 range...and you're mad. Elementalist and Warrior have finally brought up to the same faceroll, monkey skill level of the professions you lot have always enjoyed like condi mirage, immobilize druid, boonbeast, core necro etc etc etc etc..all faceroll gameplay options since 2015....2-3 buttons low effort trash with absurd rewards. Elementalist and Warrior finally have low effort builds like the rest of the other trash....and people are mad....I love the chaos, paranoia and flamboyant hypocrisy of this joke of the so called "competitive" community.  So it's dishonorable to play ele or warrior now? Where was it your so called "honour" when playing double bird ranger? Immobilize druid? Boonbeast? Stealth dragon hunter? Scourge and reaper at launch? Scrapper or holo? Condi mirage? Renegade pewpew? ....I ask you lot where was your "honourable" gameplay?....ha wait...that was pure skill....isn'it?

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  17. 5 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    I believe if you make another 13 nerf threads about ele.....not even NCsoft will be able to ignore you! Go for it Trevor!

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  18. 9 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    go roam as ele and see for yourself, m8. It IS ele specific at this point.

    You can play fullberseker glasscannon Dagger/dagger Coreele and people will tell you that you are carried by your build. But when you clap them with Celeharb, which is still on day1 EoD release balancing, everything is fair and square.

    Go and test it... no matter what build you play, people will tell you that your carried by elementalist. Even when you play 13kHP core ele with dagger/dagger.

    Which is sad. some of us play those builds for a long time... they didnt get any buffs... but all of a sudden their noobish. I cant wait for the time, when they butcher catalyst and sceptre, so i can play my build, which is neither using catalyst, nor is it using sceptre, without being called a noob....  People work in mysterious ways.

    Cata in combination with sceptre overperforming sheds a bad light on the whole of elemenatlist.... and it succs.

    Dear Anet, please nerf ele.... Ele mains know how to deal with playing a bad class..  we are used to it...

    I literally stopped playing for now, because almost every single fight, ends with an insult. I dont take that stuff personally, but the whole attitude towards ele atm, makes playing it unsatisfying to say the least.

    Flawled logic.....

    I have been stating the same thing for years now on the ele subforum especially, balance goes both ways: if you can get results on one class by pressing A and B only....I want same gameplay option on all professions.

    And when somebody playing a druid..or a renegade...or a mirage/chrono/virtuoso comes on the forum and cry about catalyst..all I think is :"go kitten yourself!" . If I can press 2 with a longbow, go stealth-heal and come back...easy peazy lemon squizi on a ranger while playing druid....who are people to say the same faceroll gameplay should not be applied to ele? If I can precast GS/hammer 2 on a guardian and then teleport on you from where you can't even see?...why is that then a problem on an untamed?

    If I can stun/daze you while stealthed  on a thief/mesmer....why is that a problem if I stunlock you with a hammer warrior?

    It's all love and jokes when the faceroll option is limited to the profession they love to play...when that faceroll option is extended to another profession..all hell break loses and Anet sucks at balance.

    This brings me to your post now....why the kitten should only  ele be forced to go hard mode to accomplish anything when other professions can literally go chimpanzee level of effort to have fun in this game? You want people to play piano on ele to reach as high as 6k dgm maybe...when other professions can get same numbers maybe by farting...while backpedaling?

    P.S I played ranger for 6k hrs, warrior and guardian for 1.5k hrs and other professions for 100 hrs or so, I know exactly what faceroll gameplay means and scepter catalyst is a clear example.....but so are dozen other things in this game, remove one...then we remove the kitten all of them

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  19. On 1/23/2023 at 12:02 AM, Damocles.4908 said:

    The Warr cc is strong but very predictable...I mean just watch for the pattern.

    War CC can be chained, it being on low CD on several skills....the word "predictable" should be used when CC is on a 30s+ ..not on a 12s CD on average on 3-4 skills . I am not even here to ask for nerfs or buffs....I just despise the victimhood of the warrior community. 


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  20. 6 hours ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

    And Ranger can spam daze, chains, and condi bomb you at range.

    Ranger can spam daze and condi bomb?...C'mon now, I have played warrior for over 1k hours now, it's not that weak anymore in PvP/WvW, surely it's not some boon spamming atrocity but it's not that wounded dog anymore, that much it's clear and the warrior community should really stop the niagara falls now....just stop....just kittening stop already! It's cringe at this point!

    I can farm your every day ranger on literally anything, by comparison even your run of the mill warrior knows how to use Full Counter and endure pain with shield and it can becomes an annoyance even when played by a donkey...and again by comparison a ranger played by a donkey can be killed almost instantly by looking at it.

    I am not even asking for nerfs/buffs or anything just all of you must stop with these donkey kitten commentary, stop taking as example a class with a single block I can steamroll through like childplay

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  21. 5 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    Actually, Untamed technically doesn't have any telegraphs between instant strike teleport bursts and the very large bright green bubble they hide in that masks all animations.

    Amazing design.

    I would like to see you on an Untamed...alone not duo against decent players in Ranked, 1g for every time you avoid death..otherwise you pay 1g for every time you die

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  22. 7 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Ranger doesn't have the telegraphs that warrior does.

    I died to an untamed between PvP and WvW, exactly this number of times......0 since its launch not even in the free for all arena I was able to die to one , I guess I could die if I fight Boyce or ROM. Comparing a well played spellbreaker to a glass spec with a pve rotation...it's pretty asinine, the Untamed is at best a +1 when paired with other good players..otherwise it's a laughable spec.

    But again just to be on the same page...you guys are talking about the glass burst on metabattle right?....And apparently this spec has an easier time to CC a target compared to a well played spellbreaker?.....

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  23. 13 hours ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

    Is the old (bad) ANet back? OP omega unfun specs making this gamemode even worse and suddenly ANet acts like there's nothing wrong on PvP once again, where's the "transparent communication" now?

    Why can't we get balance hotfixes like other games? When there are CLEARLY overperforming unskilled things.

    Do something about Defense Spellbreaker, do something about Catalyst, and after that. Do something about the classes that are gonna be stronger after Catalyst and Defense Spellbreaker nerfs.

    Anet should remove PvP and just introduce dragonbash arena..there you can have your 1x build with 3-4 skills on it...that's the only way to please the constant pvp whining. It'd be easier to realize that pvp not for everybody....and effort is required to win

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