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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. I rarely loose to thief in duels , keep in mind this is either in PVP duelling servers or the Arena. WvW is another story. Happy to share tips / build in-game. Mack Magnusson (Berserker) In WvW there are no tips against good thieves...especially those who abuse shadow ports and have good reflexes, you just hope to get lucky and get a timed burst in, basically no class can catch up with a thief determined to run away unless you get lucky. Warrior get it worst because the steal skill does loads of damage, one of the worst steal skills to deal with, the other being the chill with ele and fear with necro....it's a losing match up but hardly your fault. Thief is the slippiest class in the game, at its best..nothing can touch it except another thief or lucky guardian/rev/ranger burst
  2. That rangers and thieves are fine as they are....just add single ranged AoE weapon with decent base dmg and that's all is needed, I neither need an invite to zerg or I feel bad, generally I don't join zergs regardless even on my guardian, I play solo only and I use builds aimed for that. Let the zerglings enjoy their boonball , they already cry about rangers and thieves when they get sniped while en route to their zerg, no need for more drama
  3. Lol NO..neither hammer or core guard needs buffs....
  4. Hammer glacial Heart hits very hard on a relatively low CD....it's not hard to land it even without JI, it's a powerful end fight weapon for teamfights.....far from being the worst weapon in the game.
  5. In the core game when every class had to build for its own safety, the concept of no-holy-trinity worked fine (ele had a bit of support, but that was a joke compared what the expac support specs can do). I disagree. Support works in other games, for a set of reasons that I'm not going to fully explain here, but Support existed in gw1, and frankly balance was pretty good. Now yes, ALL teams were almost always required to have support, in particular the monk class. But even though monk was the most popular, it didn't exclude other support builds like Ritualist supports, Dervish Supports, and Elementalist supports...my favorite build was an Emo-Bonder, which unfortunatly didn't work in SPVP because they "balanced" it to not be able to work there, but there were off-shoot healer Ele builds that functioned in a some-what similar fashion. Anyway the point is that i do not think the addition of support specs were remotely the cause of the issues in balance, mostly because it's an issue exclusive to GW2 only and not other games. Adding support elites to GW2 was an absurd decision hands down..when you decide to design your game around no holy trinity, you go and provide self-sustain tools if you then add team support options to these self-sustain tool you end up with a broken mess of a game. Elites like scrapper-tempest-firebrand should have never seen the light of the day....especially firebrand, why go and add support elite to a profession already designed to be the most supportish of them all? Playing PvP or WvW right now is an absolute nightmare, these boonball take no dmg and just steamroll everything in sight...they even added aoe cap on skills making stacking that much more easier and useful.....one stupid decision after the other
  6. Don't worry my friend, patch incoming! This upcoming patch will fix everything you'll see, here just a list of changes you should expect and that will improve your PvP experience : 1) Elementalist :-Obsidian Flesh CD increase from 60 to 120s, plus you can get interrupted while channeling-Base healing reduced by a further 60% down from base 1k water burst-Signet of Restoration heal reduced from 170 to 60-Stone Resonance barrier reduced to 120 from 500 2)Revenant-Infuse Light CD increased by 1/2s from 30s , up to 30 and 1/2s CD-Facet of Strenght might duration reduced by 1/4s from 6 and 1/2s, to compensate might stacks increased from 1 stack to 5-Seven shot torment duration reduced by 3/4s 3)Engineer-Purity of Purpose added 1s ICD This is the list of changes so far, more changes will come!
  7. I can tell you which servers to avoid as they're dead no good guild presense or pugs : Ring Of Fire - Riverside...
  8. There is just not enough boon hate for zerg fights..do you get it or not?
  9. People asking for nerfs on stealth, thief..ranger.....meanwhile I find myself alongside 10+ people trying to kill a boonball small team from Desolation made up of : scourge-condi rev-scrapper x2 -Firebrand and tempest.....perma boon despite all the efforts to strip them , perma boon ball snowballing like cheese..the same people who enjoy this meta then come here asking for nerfs on thief or necro when alone they get killed sporadically by a passing roamer...so understandably they become salty . The thread may have been made with the best intentions but like many similar threads before it...not worth listening to
  10. this is partly cuz how weaver is designed: you get locked out of 3rd weapon skills and quick attune swaps. i tried bringing this up on ele forums but most everyone was pretty upset by this pov. weaver has been used effectively in the 3 most recent mATs. anyone who says weaver is bad/useless is spouting nonsense i play FA and fire weaver as my off class and i can assure u neither of them require u to "look 30s into the future". on FA especially, u have instant access to your burst. 0 clairvoyance required well ur also not the best ele in the game and ur also not playing sword lr or LR at all apparently so player skill issue i think we can all agree that the players who make it to mAT finals/semifinals are of relatively equal skill. the fact that u were able to compete as a weaver against players of equal skill as you is undeniable evidence that weaver doesn't take much more skill to play than other meta builds unless u claim to be 5 times better than every other top player in the game, in which case we have a different problemFacts can represent a simple addition like 1+1=2....on the other hand we have opinions like 1+1=0. Facts here are shown by the distribution of professions in game....opinions instead are based on personal experience...a moot point. The relation between effort and reward should be equal among professions.
  11. this is partly cuz how weaver is designed: you get locked out of 3rd weapon skills and quick attune swaps. i tried bringing this up on ele forums but most everyone was pretty upset by this pov. I mean, at times. It works 2 ways, Ele is very rotationally based so if you just copied what a good Ele did alot you'd be 80% of the way there already. Its very easy to just Go from Fire Earth to Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Fire, Fire, Air, Earth, Water, etc etc etc Very very very easy to do. But also its very hard to set up your Weave Self with Earth Shield CCs, with your Gale all of which have hugely different recharges, with enough damage to force defensives prior to all this, while preventing your gameplan from being screwed up and dodging important skills etc. Weaver still busted though, all it takes is determined nonskillcapped players to make it work. No version of the 4 best Weaver builds is "bad" to be honest.What you're saying doesn't detract anything from what I stated before where I mention core ele especially....core ele is close to trash tier...weaver being busted is the least of the worries
  12. It really depends on the balance of other ranger specs in the future, anything taken from them should then be given to the new spec. I feel like people are asking for a melee oriented spec more focused on staying on the target rather than trying to keep it at distance
  13. Nerfing Druidic Clarity would effectively remove the ability of rangers to mass clear condi when all other support specs can...thus making druid even less than a good choice plus killing it for general solo players. All other support have ways to deal with heavy focus, thus removing Celestial Shadow would make druid completely pointless to play, plus again it would kill the spec for solo roaming . Play first other support specs and write down the whole list of self support they have where you would effectively remove druid with your suggestions.
  14. Don't you notice how things don't add up? If I can wreck rangers after only using necro for 60 hrs ( seriously I love this class now, everything click together beatifully, from core to scourge, amazing traitlines and easy to digest gameplay ) it means that some credit should be given to those who actually win while using ranger...like with every other class, this is what I am trying to get to with this thread, people who jump on ranger don't automatically become roaming gods and ofc I am not a roaming god but I do believe to be just a tad above average, enough to run multiple builds on multiple class even when slighty outnumbered. The class is undeniably strong and like some other professions may require some nerfs more than buffs but it's by no mean the overlord hardcounter for necro, I have plenty of ways to cut that distance through dodge or sheer absorbtion of all RF burst with shroud ( soulreaping - Eternal Life and death or blood...I never run short of shroud ) and once I get on top of the ranger, 8 times out of 10 I win easy Against some good reapers , I had to kite for dear life while using ranger in order to win and most times I didn't even manage to win ( fought this death reaper, super tanky and with very high dmg still ) so yeah most of the times the complaints againt this class are overly exagerated even if warranted
  15. Because good rangers with lb and reveal can invalidate the "no risks" shadowstep gameplay. Shadowstep + shortbow+permastealth....you basically only die if you're bad and despite all that goes around, good thieves can basically get away from anything still. Ranger can invalidate many cheesy playstyles through a combination of ranged, mobility and good sustain. It's an adaptable duellist with great access to ranged attacks....all the hate it gets is warranted. I had so many runs with Wvw thieves ...permastealth...deadeyes....condi core....Wvw thieves are the last category of players that should open their mouth when it comes to balance
  16. This here.Druid and soulbeast are both reducing your reliance from pets. Druid by reducing the stats of your pet and soulbeast by disabling you to switch pets and giving you the ability to trade your pet for new skills and stat boni. Having the third elite spec focusing on pets and increasing their efficiency is the most logical step in my opinion. A spec for people who want to play with pets and actually want a powerful pet at their side. And that playstyle seems to be fairly popular, considering how many people are requesting the return of the famous "bunny thumper". This here. Soulbeast is a DPS spec, Druid a Support spec, thus a Bruiser is needed. Heavy CC from a Hammer and strong dps from the pet would work. I bet the spec will even have life steal when you CC someone or condi transfer when you CC them.A bruiser is not needed at all on ranger! Soulbeast can already make for an excellent bruiser in WvW especially and just viable in PvP where on the other hand we can use core ranger as a very viable bruiser for side noding. You need to understand 2 things : 1) A bruiser playstyle requires sustain by default an adding additional sustain on ranger currently without upping the skill level requirement would end up creating a super broken spec and Anet would end up nerfing core ranger to hell to balance new e-spec and 2) Some people enjoy play just core ranger or druid or just soulbeast...or all of them ; any future e-spec must be balanced around the previous three...not the other way around. How can you propose to add a Bruiser to ranger when I can still play as boonbeast ( watered down but still viable sort of ) or tanky core ranger or bunker druid with staff mobility? Any further sustain addition to support a bruiser playstyle would destroy the class delicate balance that's what worry me the most, I want to keep the current balance of ranger as much as possible...yes I know already that the new elite will bring inevitably more nerfs to core ranger that how Anet works , we don't need an elite which would invite even more nerfs at this point
  17. All I want is a proper solution to the problem. Ignoring or patching problem took us where we are now. No thanks. There are other games to spend time on. There is no practical solution because of the inclination of this playerbase to hate anything AI related working even remotely good.
  18. But...one thing they could do is to add an elite which will yes have access to multiple pets at the same time but...the pets would turn to spirit form , they take no dmg but regular F2 is removed and replaced with a 1200 range ground target AoE of different type based on pet family
  19. It's far easier to introduce new pets in accordance with new content than balancing older pets to be viable with 8 years worth of content It's easier for the devs and better for the players who otherwise would have to wait and hope for several patches across years before anything worth using appears. We should count our lucky stars, without smokescale and gazelle , half the current ranger population would not be here What you ask as an elite was already present in the past with the Birds beastmaster which was consequentially nerfed out of existence literally...with nerfs to birds , axe and GS A "Beastmaster" elite would be massacred by nerfs and knowing Anet they would start from core....At least 2-3 patches then finally nerf the elite...few months later they would nerf the pets some more for good measure
  20. ranger too has very good sustain, regeneration, heal with protection, strong healing skill it all adds up.I even started running lb + sword/axe and using natural healing.The sustain is actually nutty. but I cant land my bursts very often cuz axe 4 is so kitten whacky The sustain is nutty because you know how to keep distance and regroup which is no trivial matter these days. Otherwise at melee range you'd get vaporized by anything but a thief which essentially is the only thing you don't need to get away from atm. Generally speaking the GW2 ranger is a carbon copy of ranger from other MMOs and the sustain,dmg is in accordance with the casual nature of the game The sustain of ranger in GW2 in terms of accessibility is relative to other professions roaming capable like engi , revenant and necro , these 4 really have the top sustain in all game modes as far as 1vs1 goes. Ranger can be useful in Wvw thx to its superior mobility over the other 3 which by contrast enjoy a far far better experience during zerg fights
  21. the pew pew thing from ranger unless spammed by cc by multiple enemies, such as cripple and immob/stun, and aren't able to get away LB2 is extremely avoidable and reaper also has a move i coulda sworn that blocks projectiles, so i don't think lb2 is a problem. In fact: i've literally run to a corner hide behind walls to avoid lb2. Not only Reaper, Core Necro can also completely block projectiles with almost-unnoticeable Poison field on low cooldown. Its just not taken on some builds because it inflicts Weakness on the caster, but any cleansing Necro is probably using it. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corrosive_Poison_CloudCooldown is like 20sec with trait because Corruptions are reduced by 33%, not the usual 20%.I need no poison field while on necro, with just 40% shroud I can facetank all dmg coming from an average ranger, those who can't follow up with CC or bait CD and just sic'em . My favourite build atm is core condi MM , I teleport the minions (1200range teleport) to snare and immobilize the ranger who meanwhile randomly use the GS block and from there is free estate
  22. Bots exist wherever there is gold to be made, remove the gold and you remove the bots and you are left only with those interested in the gamemode. Make the fashion rewards enticing enough and you attract an interested crowd; God knows back in GW1 how many PvErs and similar tried their best to improve, get better and finally start winning and farm fame...all to get that animal emote, that simple emote reward was coveted by the hardcore and casuals, both ready to put in the work. That was the main reason behind the success of GW1 PvP, you played alongside individuals who were there for the prestige ...and not for the legendary amulet, the gold etc
  23. Could have been a good idea 3 years ago. Enacting this now would be like pulling the plug on life support. GW1 had an actual prestige system through titles which could be grinded, but good players could grind them exponentially faster. (Consecutive wins doubled the points each round for 8v8, and after every 5 round in 4v4). You cannot remove rewards before something like that is in place. Just remove all forms of gold from PvP and add another type of esthetical reward that would count as prestige and at the same time you solve the bots problem or anybody who is not really invested in the game mode
  24. All I am seeing from new players is a complete lack of the most basic concept of online PvP : -Peeling for your allies-Ressing your teammates-Stomping the enemy All this doesn't require years, months..not even weeks to understand, it's common sense that still new player fail to display, it doesn't matter how many "combos" you learn if you fail at the most basic factions which makes the whole "carrying" a virtual impossible task and that frustrate those who were able to master such simple concepts. I sincerely doubt anybody with a shred of inteligence would "insult" you if you show a good grasp of PvP
  25. This! At one point someone thought it was a good idea to match up people based on the average rank of the teams not individual ranks. This resulted in the kitten fest known as the current matching system. It wasn't someone...it was the crying community few years back, before we had the "per individual rank" matchmaking and things were working, vet would play alongside other vets and so on...ofc the lowby players unable to win on their own started to cry on the forum....they cried so much that after season 3 , the matchmaking was changed into this "average rank kitten" so that vets get "to carry" those undeserving of their rank and who think to be better than what they're really are
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