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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. This is what players should strive for...before starting to ask for nerfs left and right....it may give you a clue about the game in general...so as to avoid being ridiculued These days the term "TOp tier" get thrown around without much substance to back up anything.....
  2. Do you guys think...any dev will take you seriously?
  3. It's an extremely good thing the forum get ignored for great part...majority of people posting are completely out of depth and suggest things out of made up "game design experience" . I'd rather leave the balance in the hands of the people who actually designed the professions rather than listening to self proclamed MMO gurus who know very little to nothing outside the only profession they can play
  4. I was thinking of trying marshal stats, do you have any experience with it? I don't really have an idea of a build, I'm just looking for anything functional. I love how active weaver is, but as a necro/mes main, it's been a challenge to make it anywhere near durable as the other two light classes with comparable damage. As far as I know, there's no cheese rune that works on ele like it does on mes/necro (tormenting; not that necro even needs it), is there? I tried vampirism, but that obviously doesn't work against bosses. As others have said, elementalist is extremely hard to play compared to the rest and not really that rewarding if you consider the effort required to play it optimally, if you like weaver and just want have fun then play a condi burn sword weaver...anything besides that requires effort and time investment to get optimal results and in the end you can get same result for a fraction of the effort on other professions. If you want to have sustain on this class, you have to sacrifice damage and other way around...there is no free cookie on ele like necro or mesmer...sorry to say that, I can see that you really like ele, all I can say for now focus on sustain builds (so forget the build I have posted) and as you get more comfortable with the class, drop some sustain for dmg
  5. With that build, you have already enough precision and vitality trait works regardless of the main hand weapon used, it simply add more vitality when you equip a sword. About the build you want to use, just tell me what you need and can suggest something, I am quite good at stats mixing thx to years of WvW gameplay but for starters : -scepter is mostly power dmg, actually the dedicated condi skills don't do enough to deserve a heavy stats investment-power specs doing optimal dmg require huge stats sacrifices and that normally means low toughness and zero healing power-You can still run bruiser builds for PvE but I don't recommend running scepter...staff on the other hand, yeah you can make a bruiser staff ele with a mix of celestial/crusader/captain stat then use Fire/air line to gain enough might/precision/ferocity buffs PS you can change arcane with water like and run : Piercing shard - Flow like water and Soothing power , 2-3-3, you would have more than enough sustain even without running any healing power...at least in PvE
  6. and how?spining sword(SoJ) have 0 problems, its the way it works the full kit that interact to well with spining sword, guard aplies burn by natural 1 every 5 hits if you trait is 1 every 3 and in AoE, thats it, but for the other part they dont have a proper condy weapon set/utilities all is tied to passive justice ticking if you nerf passive justice or traits tied to it you make condi guard inviable, the only other way to nerf Soj for burnguard is reducing the ticks of SoJ but to compensate for power variant every tick have to hurt more no compensation. they have 4 casts, with 4 hits each, and each hit applies burning, plus additional burning every 3 or 5 hits. hyrbid style or even carrion can add stuff up real quick. NO COMPENSATION. REDUCE STRIKE, REDUCE AMMO, REDUCE REDUCE, DEUCE DEUCE Yeah, delete guard....There is a lot of more problematic classes that stayed problematic always, but delete guard... because no other variant work in this moment and this one is just a one trick pony We all defend our favorite classes cheese, but if dropping some nerfs on these will delete guard, it says much about the state of the game lolHeard that before.......but looking at everything with magnifying lens ...we can notice how everything is always cheese on the other professions so the nerf threads never stop, once something is nerfed to the ground...people will jump on the next best thing on that same profession and repeat the nerfing crusade process. Said this before and will say it again : A gaming studio that takes seriously the feedback coming from the playerbase ...it's bound to fail.I can go on this forum and point out the main of each individual and how their bias is so apparent...being adept only at single thing......necros main crying about rangers and thieves........rangers main crying about eles...etc etc etc.....this forum should be renamed The Vale of neverending suffering
  7. So.... Traps have are countered by Infused Light.Glad we took a whole page of back and forth to come to this conclusion. Considering OP is coming from a DH perspective, it's no wonder they have so many grievances regarding Herald.Apparently Heralds using Infused Light against his traps is too op or something. Well, there are more things like this than just DH traps but sure. I personally don't have issues with infused light but i can also control my attacks due to mechanics of the class i play. I just don't think it is ok to call players "plebs" when rev gains life via IL - sometimes you can't control it. The problem is... if u are p2 there is high chance to get few g2-3 players in team in ranked. You will stop attacking when rev uses IL, but your teammates wont. Easy as that.And how's that a balance problem? People should L2P when dealing with such mechanics! IL is not a problem, it's a punishing mechanic for mindless button smashing....the same people who keep claiming that IL is unbalanced are also the same people who claim Full Counter is balanced by comparison. There should be more punishing mechanics in this game no less! Enough of this zerg mode aoe spam BS and if people are so adamant in keep going with this charade then we should be ready to nerf every single punishing mechanic in this game that your favourite class surely has , from Guardian Mace to Thief Bandit's defense
  8. Let's act like most of the things people use nowadays aren't skills that the Febuary patch missed (Because that's totally what's happening.). I know you're trying to be funny but you're only giving players (The majority) that don't understand anything more reasons to whine about the game state which is not as bad as they make it out to be. That's like me saying "We're nerfing Renegade? Have we gone that low?" It's such an oblivious and stupid statement, of course were going to nerf it, it didn't get nerfed first off and secondly it was clearly overperforming with Sevenshot becoming a functional skill. Can we stop with this hypocrisy already? Devs have quite some way to go tuning everything, they didn't fix everything in one single patch. Thanks and stop spreading stupid egocentric statements, that's what truly kills this community, pointless memes. While your statement is true...you simply can't keep nerfing and expect a different result than now, people will still jump on what doesn't get nerfed each patch.......we'll reach a point where there is nothing left to nerf save the name itself of the professions
  9. I do not think anet likes to give ele blocks as ele can do things during blocked and most of the ele def up to now are lock out def. Unless they do give ele a channel shield. Every thing the shield dose is channel and some what def aimed. But if they make another elite spec. that simply dose the same thing as the core tempest and weaver (they all do the same thing) then its another wait of time. I think most of us deep down already know that in the end...we will be playing a bunker variant of the new elite for competitive environments, personally I have no illusions that this won't be the case, even if they'd give ele a strong and competitive blocking mechanic initially...we all know that Anet would nerf it to hell after the tears start flowing from the community when the number of eles rise above the below average normal quote.
  10. Running a mix of assassins and marauder/cavalier , a power scepter build will work nicely in PvE. Your highest hitting skills will be: fire scepter 2 and water 2 for groups of enemies and air/ earth and air/fire dual skills. Something across these lines ...http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAs2FDhpwiYkYRb5+2A-zRpYbRDtbIoAxQEhREE4RQGngiHA-e You can add/remove toughness and vitality as you see fit but overall crit chance MUST be above 50% and crit dmg above 200% with base power not below 2100 for optimal dmg, focus on quick kills rather than tanking dmg
  11. Fantastic Ideas all of them. Feels like a shame anet doesn't read this forums. Axe mainhand wouldn't need defensive if offhand weapons would provide something. And it's good it doesn't 1- Axe main hand applies : weakness-chill-bleed and good might stacking, a set up I used several times against power build with great success, the weapon needs no improvements if anything Axe off hand 4 ( path of scars ) needs a little more - for Axe mainhand the defense is in the weakness/chill application 2- LB3...dunno why it would make sense for a skill to work when you give your back to the target...when many skills before had that same aspect removed 3- The trick with sword is the camera flipping...a really common strategy, it offers great mobility and evasion especially when paired with dagger off hand, a staple of condi builds 4- Ranger GS is an amazing weapon overall...there should be zero complaints about it All weapons on this class range from decent to very good, there is nothing underpowered on this class except 2-3 pet families and some aspects of the druid ; people should really play more than a couple professions and for more than a few thousand hours, it would help understand what each profession get for how much and in what quantity 1 axe main-hand offers less damage and less survivability then LB, this is why lb is used and axe is not, extra range and actual hard CC combined with stealth offers more then axe + X can do. Axe 2 is a dead skill, and ranger cant afford to have dead skills due to unreliability of pets.When you think about axe vs lb, you will quickly realize that winters bite offers slightly over 1/3 the dmg off rapid fire, no hard CC. and auto from axe has half the range from LB while retaining the same damage, and that 1 stack off might wont carry half the range and 1/3 the dmg from main damage source AND a dead skill. 2 lb 3 is bugged, Im not proposing to making it shoot behind me through my back. If I do the same thing with lb 4 it goes on stow-cancel cd off ~4s. but lb 3 goes on full cd without activating which is just bizarre. It also has a cast time, doesnt state that it does and is impossible to stow-cancel. Which just feels weird to use. 3 I know that I can position myself to dash where I need to go, doesnt change the fact that evades are delayed, dont cover entire animation and sword itself has problem with even connecting the hits. 4 rangers GS is a very good all around weapon and I agree, but there is always room for improvement, it will make the weapon more pleasant and skillfull to use. being able to actually position the skill should be a given all in all has PLENTY of things that need improving. from basics like pets being stupid as one hell, to condi builds dealing all its damage SLOWLY with 1 condition and thus being easy to cleans, to weapons that try to do 2 things and fail at both.ranger right now is OK but IMO OK is not good enough. Every class should be good and solid-Axe main hand is a hybrid weapon and it's single handed, which means it can be paired with an off hand, it was not too long ago nerfed for doing too much power dmg for that same reason, it was doing too much for what it was offering and is supposed to do : a hybrid playstyle for short-range fights, it still offers grinding dmg against high toughness enemies, it offers weakness/chill against power dmg (something which is extremely huge as I personally still use the gameplay option..as others as well)How can you compare a weapon that get stronger the farthest you are from the target with a weapon that gets stronger the closer you are? -Ok I misunderstood then , yes its usuage requires perfect timing and distance otherwise it goes on full CD, whether intended or a Bug I don't know and people can go ahead and request its removal so that you can cancel cast it...even if I don't know why you would do that, if you're playing typical MM power ranger and I am on a burn DH playing around Spear of Justice.....you're pretty much screwed once I land the Spear ( unless you play a different build from the meta) -The delayed evade should be considered really a "use and keep it" tool, I often use this tactis to throw off pursuers or the likes, overall I love current sword and wouldn't change anything about it -GS5 works similarly to skills like shield bash and no changes necessary, the skill difference between users can be seen when the ranger has either paid attention to the opponent stunbreaks count or not...in one instance GS5 will be wastead as the enemy stunbreaks out of it, in another instance GS5 open the scene for GS2 burst -The only useless pet families are Moas and Devourers, then few others like : spiders-canine-drakes need some QoL changes on F2 ( like reduced CD or increased dmg), rest of the pets are balanced right now -Condi rangers really are sub division of the class, not really meant to be the main character on this class( maybe next elite), still for now the class has access to powerful traits like poison master and hidden barbs which require "sacrifices" in the build to function properly but yeah they do work wonderfully, if still required the ranger has access to burning with torch and flame trap , plus : chill on axe and few pets, confusion and torment on the Iboga...and there is slow also if really we need to extend it. There are ways to make condi ranger work in PvP and especially WvW so I really wouldn't say that your statement is true The class is more than OK, it has working specs from core to soulbeast, druid would need some help indeed but other than that , the class feels great, amazingly great to play and really only need a better "teamplay" build, here hoping with next elite not being another duellist spec
  12. The vast majority plays a single profession and not even to its full extent ......such an outcome would be expected
  13. We were there with burst meta.We moved away from it after the damage nerfs.We are now moving toward a meta of just staring at each other waiting for them to DC. -People were crying where we had burst meta : they were crying that specs like FA weaver, hammer burst DH, variants of thief, Power mirage mantra...etc etc etc etc -Now the same people are crying that specs like insert meta or so bunker/tank is too tanky blah blah blah I realize now that no matter what...people will cry and everything except their chosen class, can't be allowed to burst or tank. I just don't get it...I can take guardian as example.....people were crying wolf tears when players were using hammer burst.....unfair build.......then guardian players started to play mender dh/core....people were crying wolf tears....unfair build...now guardian players play burning builds......people are crying wolf tears once again. I can make a similar example for every single class.....what do you want hear about? ele?-Players use FA weaver.....people were crying wolf tears...unfair build...QQ...insta dmg..QQ-Players use LR weaver.....people were crying wolf tears......unfair build...QQ....too much CC...QQ-Players use Mender weaver/tempest.......people were crying wolf tears......unfair build..QQ....too much sustain....QQ No matter what.....this playerbase only cries wolf and it's not about asking to tone down overachieving builds, something reasonable individuals do....NO.....this playerbase will keep crying for nerfs till the object of their hatred is completely and utterly out of the equation
  14. You'd still find people who would claim that their base respawn time takes too long or something similar ......to explain their defeat
  15. My main concern is....where the sustain will come from with next elite? -We had aura healing, extra protection and 4 additional stunbreaks with Tempest-Evasion, Barrier and stances with Weaver
  16. Herald glassy? Herald is not a problem spec...it hasn't been for quite a long time after the off hand sword dmg nerf, what you're complaining about must be renegade running Jalis/shiro or Jalis/Mallyx for PvP....in WvW we have condi herald which still hasn't received nerfs like the PvP counterpart but.......overall both specs become an issue majorly when in company, they can be dealt with somehow on their own Also you said that heralds are not the problem....did you notice how TOP teams run double renegade and not double herald?....There is a reason for that.... Im not gold, ik what im talking about. If i said herald, i mean herald not rene.Idc about wvw. Main problem is infuse light - full hp back and not taking damage for seconds. Also im not talking about 1v1 but teamfight and too fast +1 (tp through wall)Not interested in your rank.... Smart revs will use IL as a semi-invulnerability during teamfights or to avoid certain death, all professions have that sort of skills, do realize that once a herald use IL and does that at the wrong time, it will have close to no defenses against a sudden condi/power burst ( save swapping to shiro and stunbreak/dodge) Maybe this video will help you out...but I still suggest to make a rev yourself to learn main mechanics/CD...it's just 3 main builds to learn so it's not hard. Don't take me wrong I make nerf threads too from time to time but I always target specific traits/skill doing more than they need to to do for their intended purpose, other than that I play all professions minus thieves and mesmers which I fought to death for hours, each time I log in...for the last 8 years so I memorized their CD/skill/animation by proxy. There are things to tone down on rev atm like renegade and condi rev( few changes to wvw version) but power herald is pretty much where it should be, the difference between a good and bad rev is like night and day
  17. NO- It has already an evade, decent dmg on power builds, applies great deal of poison for condi build....no need to overload skills up to the stars NO - How that would even work with pets like smokescale and the cheetah ?.....The "cheap teleport" burst is already a known feature of soulbeast, we should be all glad it's there...we're rangers not thieves ?? This doesn't solve the issue of Druid don't be good for front heal because of the dieing pet NO - it's the only worthwhile trait on druid and one of the two only way to get rid of insta condi burst from multiple sources Why? Overlapping druid with Chrono and Firebrand or Renegade...way too much quickness uptime already NO- Ranger has already an amazing access to regeneration....amazing is not even the right word Only if you reduce the CD to 20s NO - boon removal is not the theme of Soulbeast, something which should be left to another elite Overall these ideas are awful and would ruin the class tremendeously
  18. Fantastic Ideas all of them. Feels like a shame anet doesn't read this forums. Axe mainhand wouldn't need defensive if offhand weapons would provide something. And it's good it doesn't 1- Axe main hand applies : weakness-chill-bleed and good might stacking, a set up I used several times against power build with great success, the weapon needs no improvements if anything Axe off hand 4 ( path of scars ) needs a little more - for Axe mainhand the defense is in the weakness/chill application 2- LB3...dunno why it would make sense for a skill to work when you give your back to the target...when many skills before had that same aspect removed 3- The trick with sword is the camera flipping...a really common strategy, it offers great mobility and evasion especially when paired with dagger off hand, a staple of condi builds 4- Ranger GS is an amazing weapon overall...there should be zero complaints about it All weapons on this class range from decent to very good, there is nothing underpowered on this class except 2-3 pet families and some aspects of the druid ; people should really play more than a couple professions and for more than a few thousand hours, it would help understand what each profession get for how much and in what quantity
  19. Herald glassy? Herald is not a problem spec...it hasn't been for quite a long time after the off hand sword dmg nerf, what you're complaining about must be renegade running Jalis/shiro or Jalis/Mallyx for PvP....in WvW we have condi herald which still hasn't received nerfs like the PvP counterpart but.......overall both specs become an issue majorly when in company, they can be dealt with somehow on their own Also you said that heralds are not the problem....did you notice how TOP teams run double renegade and not double herald?....There is a reason for that....
  20. Heal Tempest >>> Heal Scrapper in PvP. Heal scrapper doesn't offer it's team much other than spam cleanses, and Tempest easily accomplishes that with less effort thanks to smothering auras + soldier/trooper rune. It's not terribly difficult to train down a support scrapper because it generally runs 1 stunbreak tops (Elixir Gun toolbelt). It needs to be in close proximity to it's allies to heal which means forcing it to kite greatly limits its ability to support its team. Meanwhile Tempest can kite and support by simply spamming auras. Heal Scrapper >>> Heal Tempest in WvW. In fact that's my problem with it. I wish it wasn' t so good in WvW so that Anet couldn't use that as an excuse to let it suck in other game modes. This is the first time in a while that it's been better than Holo as a dps bruiser in PvP, and that's literally it's whole schtick. There's very little reason to ever run one, dps or support in PvE. Even as a noob carry, heal scourge does the job 10x better. Did you actually watch the recent tournament?...There was like a single ele...and it was a tanky weaver played by @Blam ...who didn't accomplish anything all match and his team lost miserably -Tempest is no more meta-It got easily replaced by Healbreaker and Scrapper "Support by simply spamming auras"?...I think you should jump on Healbreak and see for yourself what survives better and heal for more on top of better condi clear for the whole team.....I mean do you see any team dropping a Healbreaker for a tempest? I think you missed the memo where Tempest got nerfed several times during the last few months , the only reason teams had to use Tempest was the "Glyph revival bug", with OF and mistform CD almost doubled, TOP teams had little reasons to run an ele instead than a Warrior or engi fro support Also.....Aura effect are melee range so dunno where you took your "Kite away and support" strategy from 600 radius is melee range? For context, that's the radius of pre-nerf holographic shockwave. People compained til the cows came home about how that skill CC'ed people who were nowhere near the intended target. Why does the narrative on these things always shift when it's convenient. DPS scrapper is currently very good at the moment. It has some team support with Elixir R, Elixir Gun, and Gyros, but that's a very different build than Med-kit heal scrapper. It's needs to face you to land med blaster (very difficult if not impossible while kiting) Bandage toss needs to be shotgunned. You need to be on top of the target you want to heal in order to land your 3-5-4 combo in med kit. The only heals scrapper has from range is a slight regen-like effect from Egun 5 or Mortar 5. So long as it can stack with its team it's good to go, but its support drops off if it's forced on the defensive. A far cry from heal tempest who can at least kite (within 600 range of allies) while spamming auras. Rather than end up in a fruitless discussion about the difference between aura share and shouts , I want to point out that I am not interested in any nerf of buffs for engi, I am merely correcting those people who mentioned Tempest in this thread while spreading disinformation , about the spec being the best in the game ; clearly at this point that misinformation has been rectified and that's it. This game would have been much better off if people would have used a different approach : the vast majority of times, a spec is deemed OP due to the mechanical limitations of the player themselves. Under no circumstances should a class/spec be nerfed because people find it unfair to fight against it, some times a spec truly is OP because it does too much in that particular role but other times....players simply want to have an easy target to kill and so they ask for nerfs, at least under this aspec the devs agree with me as they said on stream.....if people want a "fair fight" based solely on the abilities of the individual...they should play CHESS and not a MMO...but I doubt that many would be ready to accept the harsh truth of life : "they are not God's chosen" I remain of the opinion that : people ask for nerfs so actively as a last ditch effort to increase their mechanical skill aka.....it's easy to consider yourself a TOP player when the builds you face can't effectively hurt let alone defeat you..
  21. Heal Tempest >>> Heal Scrapper in PvP. Heal scrapper doesn't offer it's team much other than spam cleanses, and Tempest easily accomplishes that with less effort thanks to smothering auras + soldier/trooper rune. It's not terribly difficult to train down a support scrapper because it generally runs 1 stunbreak tops (Elixir Gun toolbelt). It needs to be in close proximity to it's allies to heal which means forcing it to kite greatly limits its ability to support its team. Meanwhile Tempest can kite and support by simply spamming auras. Heal Scrapper >>> Heal Tempest in WvW. In fact that's my problem with it. I wish it wasn' t so good in WvW so that Anet couldn't use that as an excuse to let it suck in other game modes. This is the first time in a while that it's been better than Holo as a dps bruiser in PvP, and that's literally it's whole schtick. There's very little reason to ever run one, dps or support in PvE. Even as a noob carry, heal scourge does the job 10x better. Did you actually watch the recent tournament?...There was like a single ele...and it was a tanky weaver played by @Blam ...who didn't accomplish anything all match and his team lost miserably -Tempest is no more meta-It got easily replaced by Healbreaker and Scrapper "Support by simply spamming auras"?...I think you should jump on Healbreak and see for yourself what survives better and heal for more on top of better condi clear for the whole team.....I mean do you see any team dropping a Healbreaker for a tempest? I think you missed the memo where Tempest got nerfed several times during the last few months , the only reason teams had to use Tempest was the "Glyph revival bug", with OF and mistform CD almost doubled, TOP teams had little reasons to run an ele instead than a Warrior or engi fro support Also.....Aura effect are melee range so dunno where you took your "Kite away and support" strategy from
  22. Yeah I wish to encounter them too...mind to share with the rest of the community? I am sure "TOP" teams would love to run double Tempest as well....
  23. Because unless you're called ele...you get to be OP/broken for years.....oh by the way @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048 plays an engi too so....
  24. The idea has been brought up several times in the past even before Tempest got released, the idea was to bring back the GW1 ele...sadly that idea never materialized although it would be a god send to have that as a third elite although........our ranged options suck for most part so unless we get a powerful ranged option with the 3rd elite...we would end up with a rather useless elite seen as its main selling point : weapon swap, would be completely redundant , I mean are you gonna swap between d/d and d/f? so yeah the lack of strong weapon choices outside daggers makes a weapon swap mechanic pretty useless at this point unless we get our hands on a really powerful single target ranged option to switch to
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