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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Yeah...we say this after CMC ( most honest dev at this point ) admitted that Mirage Cloak was a terrible design idea. This is what I meant for "lack of honesty" from players....fair enough, pls keep going with the L2P arguments...see where that brought you . I remember years ago when I made a thread suggesting Anet to nerf Celestial Shadow and Ancient seeds and turn druid into a proper support spec for teamplay...ofc all rangers attacked me with L2P arguments and some more trolling....few years later...see where druid is now. You people need to realize the way this company think : They want to keep the whales happy for as long as possible and while you're happy to play around brokenly designed traits...the devs will destroy everything around it while attempting to reach some resemblance of balance....if the playerbase would denounce the real issues from the start instead than going with their L2P arguments...things would be different If instead than L2P arguments the mesmer playerbase would have used the the situation to suggest a proper balance decision (like small ICD on IH or dmg nerfs on ambush skills) chances are ..Anet would have not insanely taken away a dodge or other questionable choices like CI nerf where the problem was never the CC lock/punishing gameplay ) , which is to be expected from mesmers since GW1 , but rather the amount of gratuitous amount of dmg you could receive in a short amount of time, courtesy of all the ambush clone dmg. Same argument for condi mirage , all because of that single trait, if not for it ...Mirage Cloak would be at the very least tolerable
  2. I am not asking for more nerfs on renegade, the dmg nerfs on shortbow were enough I believe...what I am talking about is people's attitude , especially when we face a strong AoE presence on point, when it's their class...you should learn how to kite and LoS from them....when it's your class.....it's not possible to kite or LoS so nerf When I have compared renegade to fire weaver I wasn't specifically talking about the playstyle but rather the gameplay which is mostlyslow moving melee centered AoE cleave , renegade is all about creating AoE denial on a point. Fire weaver was the first damn thing eles could duel with after years spent on retarded healbot with Tempest...but it got nerfed.....not nerfed.....it got DESTROYED, fundamentally speaking yes the nerfs were necessary, was too tanky (possibly) but the build should have not be deleted from the freaking game : they nerfed its sustain first, they then nerfed its dmg, then they removed the access to stability ...then they nerfed the sustain some more...jesus.Then people tried to play FA weaver...people whined again and they nerfed that one too (arcane skills do now less damage than a thief auto-attack with cleric stats).....then people tried LR weaver......people whined again QQ "I am dying to ele pls nerf"....they nerfed that one too. Now eles went back full circle playing healbot..all because people can't fucking stand the idea of dying to an ele after years of healbotting , that's all ele should be played for apparently. yeah like you I wish Anet would stop listening to every whining thread on this forum and instead base balance on actual numbers and data...no whimsical drama charged "feedback" Apologies if I came too strong on you...I am not trying to direct my frustration at you, I am trying not to be too invested in this game anymore, I log in once in while to craft something and log out.....generally I am still angry that my main class is reduced to a semi viable sub-monk when in the previous installation of the game (GW1) I used to be the greatest damage dealer in the game as far as class goes and above average duellist
  3. Instead of making a fairly useless class why don’t you ask for help? What class you play, traits, utilities, and then you’ll get positive feedback on how to deal with Mirages. I play thief and I cant stand mirages, theyre just too op. Spamming condis all over or bursting milion damage under 0.5s, and everything from stealth. kitten is this PS: I dunno if it matters but I lost somewhere my F1 key. Pls send rescue team CMC promised to nerf Plasma steal next balance patch....good luck to thieves after that
  4. Uhh excuse me, I don’t remember asking for nerfs with unconstructive feedback... Apologies...wasn't exactly talking about you, should have specified.I am just angry in general at the direction this game has taken , I hate how gameplay options get removed from the game for being "too toxic"..only to be reintroduced later on another profession with double oppression rate Renegade is just being played like and old school fire weaver, they share the same weaknesses but the renegade offers even more dmg, from range with the addition of strong teamfight presence.......but they still destroyed fire weaver with a nasty vengeance set of nerfs...meanwhile teams in AT play with double/triple rev...the double standards are unreal I don't even care if they nerf or buff renegade...I am just pissed at the arguments people use "to defend" this build...like fire weaver was that much worst..... People tell you to outrotate the renegade or don't stand on the point...funny though, the same strategy would have worked against all specs previously played like renegade.....
  5. I am, in fact, playing the same game and have played said game at a high level for the past 3 years understanding every matchup and class viability. I'm saying this as i am in the pvp balance discord and burn dh was spoke about a bit as it has a high consistency of huge burn stacks. If you watched previous mATs or the DL tournament you would also realise that burn dh, condi herald wereboth used in high level teams and is used in even platinum 3/lege games which i have personally witnessed, and played with/against. I also played renegade myself with 0 previous gameplay on it and gained a stupid amount of value. If you are defending a class that has barely any counterplay and is non intractable for a long period of time. There are many people who would agree with me, all of which at a high level so please understand the ability of each class. Maybe once you try to 1v1 or 1v2 a good kalla rene you will realise how stupid it is for the game :) FYI trying to debate/ discuss anything with @ollbirtan.2915 is pointless. I been reading on the forums for a bit just to keep myself up to date with the game and I have seen him or her literally tell veteran players with a higher experience in this game that they "need to get good" or "need to get out of gold". Imagine thinking rank in this game holds any value at all lmao when the Monthly tournament is one of the only few things that matter. I agree with him as someone who has spent time in other competitively minded communities. The difference between the GW2 community and other communities is staggering. Every competetive forum is going to have it's fair share of QQ from low tier and top tier players alike, and that's largely because we're all human. We're subject to error, to frustration, to bias... But in GW2 QQ seems to make up the majority of community discussion, even amunst top players. The best player of one class may think another is broken simply because their main is countered by it. Perhaps some quirk of their playstyle causes them to struggle vs said build. If a player excels at playing aggressively, and they happen to fight a class that is good punishing aggression, that is going to shape the player's opinion of that class. It's for this reason that a game like Smash takes so long to come up with a definitive community tier list. Opinions can vary drastically even between top players, and this is in a game which has much more rigorous discussion about the pros and cons of certain characters, strategies, and skill interactions. This is a game where the community takes the time to break apart every move frame by frame, analyzing the unique properties between each individual hitbox, such as launch angle, sdi multiplier, priority... This is a community where every match-up is discussed in detail between various players of all skill levels, yet top players are still subject to wildly biased, or flatly incorrect opinions about what is and isn't "OP". The reason why I went off on that tangent is to explain why the simple argument "X is a top player, therefore they know exactly what's wrong with Y class" isn't, and shouldn't be a sufficient argument to stand on it's own. The fact of the matter is that Kalla/Jallis Renegade does have exploitable weaknesses, a lot of exploitable weaknesses, but these are completely glanced over in discussions where it is brought up. No one talks about how you can tweak builds to better exploit these weaknesses, how to more efficiently play around their strengths. There's very little sharing of match-up knowledge between top players, just a bunch of "I know this match-up better than you because I saw X top player play it at MoTa" ect. All completely unhelpful and nonconstructive. How can we ever hope to gather data to make the right balance changes which will truly benefit the game when there is no attempt to gather or openly share said data?Because the same people who ask for "constructive feedback" used "unconstructive feedback" while asking for nerfs on other professions........I laugh when I see this type of threads, I mean similar builds have been gutted to oblivion for far less . Why in hell should renegade take a free pass when Fire weaver was gutted to the ground while being even less stackable?. We seen teams winning tournaments while playing even 3 revenants.....still weaver got destroyed by nerfs while we never seen a team winning tournaments while using 3 weavers....not even 2....actually fire weaver even at its peak was sporadically used for AT. What are again the weaknesses of Kalla/Jallis....:-Lack of strong condi removal ?....Fire weaver wasn't exactly swimming in condi removal-Lack of range?.....Actually Kalla users have strong ranged pressure with that artillery shortbow compared to Fire weaver-Lack of teamfight potential?....Hell no...Renegade can teamfight/sidenode more than fire weaver, Jalllis alone can turn the tables in a teamfight-Lack of reflect?...Actually renegades have access to block projectiles so.... Renegades even have more stability than Fire weaver pre-Feb patch.....the more I think...the more these double standards are apparent
  6. What upsets me most is the method in which players will discuss this build if power creeps downward far enough that this becomes meta. Just about anyone here could point out Ventari's flaws to you at the time being. It's not meta so most people don't hold bias against this build and are able to assess it's stregnths and weaknesses clearly. In the event that it starts winning At's the tone will shift drastically. You'll hear things like "It just spams heals while having permanent damage reduction and giving out might, alacrity, projectile blocks, and permablinds. It can still heal even while in CC. Every other healer can be locked down to prevent them from gaining value, but this one just gives out constant boons and heals with no counterplay. It's brandead toxic design, and it's the reason why this game is headed downhill. It shouldn't be allowed to exist in conquest". What needs to change most is the way the community approaches meta builds. We need fewer complaints and more discussion. Why does this build work? What are it's stregnths, what are it's flaws? Which matchups does it win/lose? What teamcomps does it fare best in? Which give it trouble? All of these data points are helpful in enabling us to progress the meta in a way that new builds and strategies are able to rise. Too late for all of that...too many hypocrites flying around all too eager to denounce everything else but their own business. Players of each class believe their class takes the most skill and everything else is a noobtrap requiring nerfs at every turn. Things would be different if people would be more honest on this forum, that would constitute a more useful feedback for the devs. I have been accused of being a "biased ranged main" or ele or guardian...funny because I made a 200+ posts threads suggesting how to nerf druid and boonbeast back in the day , before that I complained about core fire cele d/d ele, in both cases I attracted the hatred of dozen of players. Have you ever see a necro suggesting nerfs to necro?...nope always playing the victim card while asking for huge nerfs on those things hardcountering the class. If you want real balance in a MMO, you must have experienced devs on the subject, I think CMC got the right idea about what is OP and UP....but his hands are tied by the skill team. You really cannot ask for sensible and honest feedback on this forum: Player A : "Fire Weaver is too oppressive with spamming AoE on the point, pls nerf"Player B : "You play Renegade which oppressive AoE on the point"Player A: "Noob L2P...just don't stand on the point d'ho" Player A : "Tornado does too much dmg , pls nerf"Player B : "Lich Form with quickness is just as busted"Player A : "Noob L2P...just dodge or LoS d'ho" And this is the state of this forum and why the feedback coming from here should be largely ignored as I always stated
  7. the reason why we keep going further down the 'nerf role' is because Anet allows it to continue. They allow Profession roles and Profession identity to be thrown around like a rag doll and treat it as trash. A Warrior Profession role player a Guardian Profession and a Necromancer, A Mesmer Profession role playing a Rogue, A Guardian Profession role playing a Necromancer Profession, A Elementalist Profession playing a Guardian Profession, Necromancer Profession, Thief Profession, Warrior Profession and a Mesmer Profession, etc... This is a Total Mess with 8 years in the making without having any intention, regard nor with any care to remedy It. is only getting worse as Anet continues to tolerate it The main focus of GW2 is PvE..everything else is an afterthought , the damage and sustain is designed with PvE in mind and the professions on the top happen to be the "less desirable" in PvE aka Anet will buff these professions to Kingdom come to make them more "appealing" in PvE, this is also the reason why nerfs tend to come very late ( if at all) and only when the devs got tired of the constant whining in PvP/WvW forum Did you all forget when Condi Thief got nerfed the day after one guy posted a video of him soloing a raid boss? And do you guys remember how that same build didn't get nerfed for 1.5 years before that faithful day? As long as it's not OP in PvE....it's very rare for something to be nerfed extensively
  8. Fire weaver ( ele in general outside the overplayed Tempest ) is below average with possibly the sole exception of PvE where the vast majority of nerfs have not been applied and that's where I hope you're planning to use Fire Weaver in which case yes, a combination of Viper-Marshal and Seraph will work....if you're experienced with ele, otherwise for a beginner I suggest a mix of settler/trailblazer
  9. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infinite_Horizon This has been the main and only source of problems with Mirage, Anet and the community are well aware of it; condi mirage became impossible to deal with because of this trait and the hidden power variant you meet is based around the same problematic trait. Luckily the build still seems to require a certain degree of skill to succeed with, so no many cannot pull it off...yet. I am expecting Mirage to make a full comeback once prominent specs like renegade and holo get toned down, this coupled with incoming nerf to plasma steal will bring back Mirage in full force but.... You are well experienced to know that this is GW2/Anet modus operandi : "replace one oppressive build with another"....nobody should be surprised at this point
  10. It's easier to take a break from the game waiting for the inevitable revenant nerfs thx to Renegade opening the way, knowing Anet they will surely nerf core revenant to bring in line renegade and also the double AT rev meta won't go unresolved for much longer I bet. Once the overperforming specs will be nerfed, more builds will become available I don't think Revenants have any relations to the overabundance of Immobilize on Rangers.Rangers have an elite and a pet used regularly for this "overabundant" immobilize you speak off...unless you're suggesting that WvW build is actually viable in PvP above silver rank. You should bring more condi removal for basic cleansing, furthermore as far as we are concerned you were talking about longbow especially. You suggest that longbow on ranger should be "brought in line" with warrior and dragon hunter longbow when the first is a condi weapon dealing more dmg than ranger longbow on its own without all the dmg modifiers and the second can deal upward of 7k dmg every 8s from 1500 range plus all the traps gameplay, but forget about this...Should we "bring in line" the rest of ranger weapons too? Can we buff ranger shortbow to the same levels of renegade shortbow? dagger to the same levels of spellbreaker,ele, necro, thief? Axe off hand to the same level of warrior Axe off hand? Warhorn to the same levels of necro warhorn?Sword to the same levels of revenant sword?....I can do this all day........you lack arguments The ranger gameplay with sic'em has been considered acceptable and on point, the devs wanted ranger to be played as ranged sniper, go check past streams from one year ago when people were crying about Sic'em...@Irenio If you don't like the idea..you should change genre of gaming because GW2 ranger is exactly like ranger in all other MMOs
  11. It's easier to take a break from the game waiting for the inevitable revenant nerfs thx to Renegade opening the way, knowing Anet they will surely nerf core revenant to bring in line renegade and also the double AT rev meta won't go unresolved for much longer I bet. Once the overperforming specs will be nerfed, more builds will become available
  12. Spam autoattack and rapid fire in the most cancer low skill braindead spec imaginable and win like 75% of all fights. Honestly the best thing that could ever happen to ranger is longbow was nerfed hard, it stifles any and all build creativity and it's not like ranger doesn't have a ton of other great weps to fall back on. I think you should fall back to a game where rangers are not master of longbow....I dare you to find a MMO where rangers are not synonymous of Longbow gameplay. Aion?https://aion.fandom.com/wiki/Ranger#:~:text=The%20Ranger%20class%20is%20the,two%20skills%20of%20CC%20ability....Nope WoW?https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/game/classes/hunter...Nope FF online?https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Archer...Nope BDO?https://www.blackdesertfoundry.com/archer-class-guide/...Nope Rangers have specialized in longbow combat since GW1 so..good luck with your nerf crusade....the devs do take notice of the skill level of the parties involved
  13. I agree that the "attack while defending" nature of MC is bad for the game, but I kind of chuckled to myself when he talked about Mesmer. He said that the one-dodge-mirage nerf was the right idea at the time and its still the right idea. He then goes on to say that Mesmer's kit doesn't have enough survivability to keep up with meta classes and something needs to be done about that. It seemed like he almost realized the obvious but didn't quite get there. Mirage wouldn't have a survivability issue if he hadn't taken a hatchet to its dodge bar. Chronomancer wouldn't have a survivability issue if they hadn't sent distortion to the shadow realm. Core Mesmer's issue isn't survivability, it just doesn't have enough mobility/damage/control to be worth taking over another profession. Mirage would probably find a place in the meta if they returned its second dodge bar, but I honestly think chrono may be beyond saving. When it was first released, the thing that made it good was that it worked as a replacement to the dueling traitline. The old phantasm system along with chronophantasma and pre-nerf illusionary reversion provided enough shatter food so that Deceptive Evasion could be sidelined, allowing you to take either inspiration or chaos along with chronomancer. I don't see chronomancer functioning well in this era without a complete redesign. Mesmer lacks sustain?. Blur into stealth into burst into Distortion into stealth into Teleport away into stealth into dodge reflect into etc etc...is considered not enough sustain compared to who? A mender bunker? Yeah as I suspected ages ago....this game balance isn't getting any better....in truth it will only get worst
  14. Stealth in GW2 is why I will never ever ever ever again buy any PvP game with stealth in it....I don't care about the nature of the game....it may be a MMO or MOBA or RPG with multiplayer...if there is stealth in it...I'll pass
  15. As a mesmer main since launch, I don't even think mesmers should have access to stealth -Best mesmer player comment on the forums - If you will ever design a MMO in the future...please let me know, I'd love to play it....definitely it will be more balanced than this...one
  16. CMC has been convinced that mesmer has sustain problems like wtf just happened? Yes there is Thief stolen item ECTO and what after that? What this man consider as "meaningful sustain"? A class with inbuilt reflect on evades, several forms of disengage with stealth and teleports away from enemy on a 8s CD , teleport stunbreak away from enemy, convoluted Iframe chain to grant "nominal" invulnerability from anything but effective unblockable attacks like steal...and this chain is on a relatively speaking low CD...mesmer needs no stats investment to gain all this. Let's not even open the book with condi mesmer trailblazer in WvW....Dear Lord....how can anybody sensible say that this class lacks sustain? CMC and these guys in the podcast must have played a different game when Chronobunker was running rampant. People cry on rangers and thieves or guardians or holosmiths......did you all forget about condi mirage? PB burst ? Chronobunker? Let's not change the narrative when it's convenient , mesmer received nerfs for a very good reason and the one dodge was certainly too much...but nerfs to condi mirage were certainly warranted . "Mesmer lacks sustain...."...Yeah didn't have to hear about that...good Lord
  17. They would have to turn PvP/WvW into a single player experience populated with AI controlled teammates and enemies , no amount of changes will ever turn players into the "god's gift to mankind" they believe to be. Truth is the vast majority of nerf threads are just an extension of a bruised ego, easier to ask for nerfs than facing the truth : you can't win all of them, there is always somebody better than you. The only changes that would satisfy people on the forum is the removal of damage/sustain from all professions except the one they play
  18. When every other match is stacked with renegade bunkers , core guardians and holos with a chance of necros...yeah...I don't blame people for giving up on this game
  19. Did they move your thread again? lol...it's like the mods think you're trying to stir up drama in the main PvP forum....
  20. The main issue is...they never bother to tune up the underperforming specs, what Anet does is simply remove/nerf what "overperform" AKA works in viability , nerf it and nerf it till people stop complaining about it at which point it means that the spec has stopped working. When a spec stops working what happen is that all those specs which were under the thumb will become the new "overperforming" and will replace the previously "OP" spec on the chopping block.....till people stop complaining about it.....
  21. Let's stop blaming stats for the tankiness of some specs , that tankiness comes from the class mechanic for at least 80% The most tanky specs in WvW don't rely on boons at all....folks should stop spreading lies about boons being the main culprit Wake Up Devs! Don't be fooled" PLAY YOUR OWN GAME BEFORE MAKING HASTY DECISIONS
  22. Pretty poor for such a warrior build, don't you think? Maybe he exaggerated with his 2k example, but in general he is right. Side note: You forgot the damage reduction food in your calculation. Side note 2: Before anyone here comes to the wrong conclusion from that example: the problem is not that warrior deals not enough damage (the damage is fine!), but that bunker builds are too strong (too many defensive boons!). BOONS don't make your build super tanky Class mechanics like : barrier spam, evasion, huge HP bar...those make your build super tanky, it's BS to claim that having protection even if "perma" will somehow turn you into a super tanky spec Just check how barrier keeps these players alive Neither protection or regen even if perma will keep you alive against huge burst
  23. "WvW lacks damage after the nerfs" " Is this really how we're gunna play gw2 now?" "And trust me there comes a point when even the mega blobbers are gunna sit in discord together and think thier amazing bc thier unkillable and be like this games too ez" https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1340043#Comment_1340043-yeah was testing build with 3.2k toughness which should be around 4k armor "But for a fully decked out zerker to get no where literally against a tanky dude thats literally by himself???" Dear OP...let's stop with the falsehood claims.....there is no damage in wvw atm? Are you kidding me? Just check the damage of the renegage shortbow bow.....check the screenshot in my linked comment......2shotted by a thief while I was using 4k armor build+ protection...the build was unusable, useless but made it to prove my point about these kind of threads that pop out from time to time. There is plenty of damage already and the sustain got nerfed by a lot since Feb....Learn to gear up properly and to actually read what the opponent is using...and check if you have weakness on you or blind If you keep claiming otherwise, I want to see a video of your "full zerk build" being unable to do damage to a tanky target...I dare you
  24. If you still want to try Tempest, try this: I call this one Stormcaller Berserker - Superior Rune of the Pack[&DQYpKxEuMBsXAQAAvgEAAEIBAADLAAAAJgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGAFsEGaUZCMKmI7iRil1kbbD-zVIYR03fINpAiQkEz0QNzCpjWA-wThis build is focused on critical damage, you just need 2 skills to kill a regular mob. This one Earth WalkerTrailblazer - Superior Rune of the Ogre[&DQYaJiUdMBt0AAAAcwAAAJEAAAB0EgAAmRIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGAFsEGaUZGsJmGrhViHzVXbD-zVJYkRffpUQgkTCUZI0RVY20kiPNA-wThis one has Rock Dog as pet, it helps a lot with bleeding and also defense. Is focused on immobilization, which applies bleeds.A cheaper version of this can beDire - Superior Rune of the Krait Don't take damage? Easier said than done when all you have is couple of doge and 2-3 defensive utilities on medium/high CD - no ability to switch range mid combat and some of the slowest animations in game. There is no much room for error and you are locked into a specific range against which the enemy can play around, on top of that you need to sacrifice a great deal of sustain to obtain that level of dmg necessary to achieve anything. There is much going on with ele that you forget how to actually have fun, I used to enjoy playing ele with all the combos and hard thinking required but with time I got tired of it...too much mental exercise for something supposed to be a videogame. Too much planning ahead and not enough time to enjoy the game, at this point in life I use videogame to relax and ele is not for the faint of heart anymore, old d/d ele was kinda of chill to use...enjoyed ele up to core zerk FA scepter.....for a time I enjoyed fire weaver and...tempest but now.....screw this
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