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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Not..they're not...check the date of the videos, all from 2020 post Feb patch
  2. Ranger GS leap is another , the eagle animation remains.....Also elementalist has bugs on animations..for basically all weapons : sword with fire/air - dagger main hand with fire breath - staff with fireball and lightning surge....so many......
  3. They should have nerfed the downstate of : 1)Mesmer2)Thief3)Necro Which can still do pre-Feb patch levels of dmg which is freaking stupid...where are their priorities?
  4. Complaining about the easiest class to kill in WvW while they use their easiest build to down...meanwhile the vast majority of WvW small fights consist of this For those linking PvP threads..... Going back to WvW....rangers can't do this "But but...ranger pewpew kills me" Did somebody say..ONESHOT? I think the OP is a guardian..... Did the OP ever fight a ...good thief? What is oneshot thief?XD Tired of linking videos....morale of the story? The OP must get used to oneshot builds as all professions can do itIt's 50% L2P issue, the other is the power creep of WvW of which all professions ALL of them suffer fromFor the sanity of the community I have left out videos of what I face in wvw on a daily basis.....condi heralds, reapers, immortal scrappers/spellbreakers, perma stealth thieves.........and rangers in T1 are as rare as white flies .....the roaming ones at least, the pewpew tower huggers don't count as players and their "tactic" can be replicated by all other professions so.....
  5. This is a personal list more than everything else, a list of main factors the next elite spec must include to be worth the purchase...not that I think my opinion should hold any meaning to you but personally I won't need another variant of GS/LB core ranger as it has been with soulbeast and druid in the end. 1 ) Must have access to AoE, in good measure, melee or ranged...with the latter being preferred , ideally without ridiculous cast time/animation 2 ) No pet reliant, I need something openly viable for zerg fights....no something barely usable in a GvG scenario with all godlike support coming from pro FB/tempest/scrappers -a note to those suggesting the root/crows build- 3 ) More condi removal , right now with the current balance it's really really really hard to keep with the condi burst dished out by specs like condi thief , condi herald primarily ...others can be truly a challenge : burning ele , burning guardian , condi core necro/reaper , condi mirage and I feel Anet is planning to release even more condi burst because..why not?! . Not asking ofc for perma resistance or condi immunity....I just need more than what I have now.....ideally they'd balance condis in WvW but..oh well Don't care about story as I am not pver unless required, got all 7 mounts and all masteries. At this point nothing would interest me more than an elite that will solve some of the ranger ever present issues persisting since launch; not interested in playing another "core ranger" with different pets but same playstyle....I hope for the best and pray for a better opportunity for the whole ranger community with End of Dragons
  6. Agree with removing Trapper Runes and then buff Ranger's Traps appropriately. Why is DH traps so oppressive and Ranger Traps need so much set up to hit. Both DH and condi ranger rely on that rune to be remotely playable as they both lack proper disengage and survivability from utilities or trait lines without sacrificing all damage. Not saying the runes aren't zero fun and awful to fight, but two builds absolutely rely on them.A DH would still be more usable than a ranger when we talk with traps without using Trapper runes...a DH can still pull you in inside the traps
  7. A lot has changed. Damage is lower overall, and there are still a few things that have sustain levels that are too high, whether that's from just pure defense, defensive boons, condition clear, healing values, etc. So bringing those down to acceptable levels is ok as well.Also, assassin herald is definitely not trash, and hasn't been trash for a while. Just because it can't one shot a zerg doesn't mean it's trash. It still hits really high 7k numbers on a skill that's only a 15s cooldown, a skill that has an evade frame that hits almost 10k, if not 10k or more, on a single target, and amazing cleave potential.Condi rev only falls behind because there are still a few overwhelming things that's pushing it out currently. Nerfing those overwhelming things will inadvertantly "buff" it to bring it back up.Condition in general is still a bit out of hand, mainly because of the change to burn and poison being able to go past 1 stack back before HoT (specialization patch), all while other skills are still crapping out multiple stacks of bleeds and torment as well as multiple stacks of burn.One thing I will say it, anet took way too long to make the changes that was made in this recent patch. They were all simple changes and could have been made much much sooner, but it is what it is. it's anet, after all. You say dmg is lower..then you state how high a rev can hit with skills on low CD...after that you state that sustain must be nerfed...when that happen it will be fun to watch people scatter once we go back to oneshot builds as @Thornwolf.9721 said. He nerfed sustain in Feb and we still have high burst builds....people still claim that dmg is low..when there are threads pointing how high some builds can get...soulbeast hitting for 10k burst, grenades holos...if the sustain get any lower ...lol
  8. Just look at PvP after CMC took over and watch WvW...I'd be you I'd pray daily to make sure he never gets there.....unless you play a rev/engi/guard/necro like his buddies over Discord
  9. LMAO I can see the struggle they have while deciding how to nerf ele even more..like...:" what's left to nerf on this class?" it's their likely question hahaha, hey CMC I can give you few ideas : 1) Increase CD of Fiery greatsword to 300s2) Increase CD of shocking aura to 45s CD3) Make overload 60s between each use or now they share CD..or better add both of them4) Just to make sure ele doesn't overperform increase CD of arcane shield to 75s5) Decrease dmg of Lightning Rod from 250 base dmg...to 50...for purity of purpose
  10. All these busted traits are designed to remove any kind of stat weakness a pure glass cannon could suffer from:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death_Perceptionhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_Onslaught No Pre-requirement ...just press F1 to get all the goodies , close 40% crit chance and 200% crit dmg from base level and if we compare this to ele with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elements_of_Rage which was nerfed while giving far less ferocity than current Necro traits, even if used in conjunction with the Air traitline sacrificing sustain in the process....
  11. I have one question..... Can you (dev) give us a clear and open interpretation about the design philosophy for each class?-What each class supposed to be in their eyes, I am really curious to know
  12. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/113396/intra-class-balance-dynamic-my-perspectives-things-id-like-to-see-happen-8-29-2020/p1An example of as long as it doesn't counter me...it's balanced! "Because I can pewpew necros from 1500 range...the class is balanced, ele though...curb nerf it to the ground".....something along these lines
  13. From now on when people complain about other classes , the common answer should be : be prepared for it, and LoS
  14. Be ready for all the L2P arguments....it's just you...the problem ofc
  15. LOL YEAH RIGHT! Oh wait....he's the same ele player XDDD how hilarious
  16. Which is the saddest , most stupid, absurd , ridiculous thing I ever seen in a videogame......I can do 3x more burning dmg on a freaking knight class...than the actual class supposed to be a fire mage template...every time I get reminded of the absurdity of this gaming studio....I get reminded why I keep away from it now From all thishttps://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Fire_Magic
  17. People asking to nerf Tornado because it does too much dmg...then come here telling you to L2P and not complain about somebody popping out a 5-6k dmg AA spamming machine under the effects of quickness when possibly fighting somebody else , not paying attention and got caught with your pants down...all is fine..... Somebody capable of dealing 20k dmg within 2s by pressing 11111...is suddenly less dangerous than a slow moving target with no defenses and only capable of pushing you around..in case you fail to dodge something you see coming from a mile away and only moving in a vertical line. People asking to nerf freaking Tornado... and then tell you to L2P...what the actual......
  18. Or they could get rid of Lich form (and any non racial elite transformation skills). At this point I'm pretty sure we all know that those elite transformation always end up being abused in a gimmick or another. NB.: I do agree with what you say on Reaper's onslaught and it's quickness generation. ye hard disagree with this one. transforms can be fine, but maybe for game health it would be better to just scrap em all since anet can't seem to balance em. i hate the idea of getting rid of interesting and game altering mechanics just cuz its too hard tho, really grinds my gears. i still despise the plaguelands change, its trash. there is always the chance of the replacing skill being a non choice too... which is worse then late late late balance imo.They "can't" balance the elites they want....somehow some professions always get the good shit , before it was plague then chill to the bone and now Lich form, then they add a GM trait with perma freaking quickness. Do people actually watch the GW2 streams? a freaking dev disagreeing with a player when he called necro OP , if this was an elementalist elite...it would have been nerfed to the ground and below a long time ago....oh wait...eles would never get such an elite to start with, at best we can get Tornado to spin around
  19. Or they could get rid of Lich form (and any non racial elite transformation skills). At this point I'm pretty sure we all know that those elite transformation always end up being abused in a gimmick or another. NB.: I do agree with what you say on Reaper's onslaught and it's quickness generation. Tell this to the devs playing necro 24/7 on stream...doubt you'll see that quickness trait going away anytime soon
  20. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/116151/why-is-this-allowed/p1https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endure_Pain
  21. Skills team got mad at CmC and don't let him do anything on his own anymore. Very biased bad management. Tbh im not surprised, I wouldnt let him do anything on his own too. Poor cmc boi, aka 'rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win the monthly' Considering CmC is the same guy who: Added 300 CD traits and never reworked themRemoved runes and amulets (Why remove expertise when you want condi to be attrition based?)Made Rev's staff unecessarily clunkyOvernerfed WeaverOvernerfed WarriorOvernerfed MesmerOvernerfed Stability (hello chain CC) I'm glad for the slower balance cadence. Just means we have more time before every class ends up in the gutter. The same guy who said that : "Lich form is fine" - "Rev is a class favored by the best players and best players tend to win" - "I see nothing wrong with grenades"....yeah I wouldn't expect much at this point. Oh also the same guy who increased the CD of Mist form to 75s.....while ....https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_S
  22. Condi scepter/staff...you can't go wrong there..I don't think there is anything worst in the whole game
  23. What @FrownyClown.8402 said is correct in part, stats do influence balance in WvW but what I have tried to say is that what is UP in PvP won't become OP in WvW and viceversa , regardless of that stats applied the status quo doesn't change much in my opinion at least
  24. Standing there eating someone's hits instead of mitigating, then posting a screenshot on the forums as nerf-bait is the new meta I guess. Mind you...many Holos just ElixirS (stealth )+ barrage you so.......
  25. These certain builds are often times most problematic althoug not frequently found. Not everyone wants to go the extra mile for specific stat combinations. Especially stats combining healpower and dmg can get out of hand (from my experience) and lead to builds that have way too much sustain with acceptable dmg.(Because they are rather niche they only get hit by nerfs indirectly as well.) Also mind that PvP has various unique changes to cooldowns boonduration etc.Its not just the stats and the removal of RNG in the weapons dmg. You forget that the Feb patch completely destroyed healing coefficients/base number on many classes that normally rely on them ...while the dmg has mostly stayed the same (roughly). These days a mere 500 healing has the same value as 0 healing and 1000+ healing barely reach the same value of pre-Feb gameplay but by investing in 1000+ healing you reduce that meager offensive power even more now. If you're talking about roaming then...make no mistakes the most successful and hard to kill specs have 0 healing power and rely on easier to get boon for sustain, those professions that can be played this way are already strong in PvP so no change here as I have said. The super roaming specs are the same : revenant - thief -engineer and necro ( less likely to be on its own ) while the rest rely "more" on personal skill level and will see less representation Yes we can have : settler and trailblazer stats but...without the actual dmg output ( which is universal for each class ) those stats will do little for you in the end of the day, you get to live longer no doubt but..to what end? As far as I can see what is meta/viable in PvP continues to be so in WvW...what's trash in PvP...it's still trash in WvW, you just get to live longer..but so will other specs that were already strong to start with Ex. after the Feb patch nerf, Fire weaver became trash....even if you use trailblazer/settler stats in WvW..you're still trash in the end when facing anything but a potato player, all because they more than halved the burning output , removed stability from stance and tripled CD on stunbreaks...so a dead spec forced at melee range with lackluster gap closers Condi rev is a major pain/OP in PvP and meta...in wvw we have trailblazer Condi rev which is OP/Broken and meta....see?
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