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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. This could become a pet focused new elite spec, tbh. Being able to train your pet into a bigger and stronger version, maybe even if slightly altered command skills. Ranger themselves most likely would get a penalty to their own stats to make up for that, tho. Stronger pet, weaker ranger, but the playstyle is focused on hard CC, so that you deal less damage doesn't matter that much, since your job is mostly to keep the enemy in place for your pet to kill it. Revival of the bunny thumper thematically! That's the worst idea ever no pun intended. It's not the idea on its own that it's bad but....the general environment in which is created . The GW2 community would not care at all about the diminishing stats on ranger as all they'd see would be them...being killed by an AI and not the actual ranger; the community would rise up in arms to see the pets being nerfed to the ground and below...no compromises ...no mercy. Just recently we had core ranger pets butchered because of the beastmaster build with double bird....why would you think that an entire elite based on the same concept would fare any differently? We have all seen the modus operandi of the GW2 community and the devs ...one cries for nerfs all the time..the other ready to oblige at every turn for as long as it takes to change the subjects. Tiger - Smokescale - Bristleback - rock gazelle - Birds - Iboga - Wyvern....all of them have been hard nerfed and you guys ask for more of the same thing while knowing the end result? If the ranger community can hold any hope of seeing the next elite succeed then...you better pray it will have nothing to do ( for bigger part) with pets or ranged combat, these are two aspects of ranger which have been always hated ( undeniably and unjustifiably ) by the GW2 community. Please for the love of the class....do not ask for stronger pets, new pets or super ranged burst
  2. Stats themselves do little to the overall balance, something broken in PvP will most certainly be broken and more in WvW; if anything wvw stats allow for certain builds to actually become viable and change the status quo a little. When something is underpowered in PvP will keep being underpowered in WvW no matter if you use trailblazer or minstrel or diviner stats
  3. Asking for nerfs always backfire...eventually your main will be reached by the hands of the nerf god.... I agree with you, also why nerf, buff can be an option too. Usually a profession is too strong because their counters are not good enough.Thats why I made a thread to Buff Warriorshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/113407/warrior-needs-a-buff#latest ... Elaborate more on Rezzing/downstate, what is it that you dislike about it.SHHHHHHHHH.....Don't you ever dare to call for buffs on this forum.....carebears will come running at you with pitchforks , torches and a hangman's knot ..while shouting "PowerCreeeeep, Powercreeeeeppp urgh zug zug" from the top of their lungs...trust me lol Don't ever ever ever mention the word "BUFF" on the GW2 forum...here they only want to see everything else but their profession...reduced to ashes on the ground
  4. Yeah....the class has been nerfed several times since you left, druid especially has seen nothing but nerfs for 1.5 years straight, they touched everything including staff and heal coefficients; Soulbeast can now only work with one pet at time so..you need to work accordingly and Core ranger not surprisingly still stands to this day. About the pets....all "but the never used since launch" Moas and Devourers have been nerfed several times , some like smokescale do a fraction of the original dmg, while the most offensive glassy pets barely break the 1.4k dmg barrier on a tanky enemy; now mind you there is still Jacaranda and Gazelle that can deal good dmg still and I expect it to be "rectified" in the not far future.....just because some "trashbot" manages to get killed by a Jacaranda lightnings ...yeah..I know. If you were thinking of playing again some sort of "beastmaster"..yeah sorry it's gone but overall the class is still fun and enjoyable to play, the weapon skills are solid, they do what they're supposed to do; the core trait lines are pretty "stable" with..."decent" traits and the utilities are not top notch but not bad either. With a few hundred hours practice you should be able to enjoy the class again, all three elite choices ( core-druid-soulbeast) work in my opinion from PvE to WvW and with that said.....shall I be honest with you? You coming back is not worth your time, things will get worst before getting better ( assuming they'll ever will); yeah GW2 still occupies the Top spots when it comes to art and game engine ...everything else though....you'll find better elsewhere
  5. Asking for nerfs always backfire...eventually your main will be reached by the hands of the nerf god....
  6. Typical nerf thread from your stereotypical necro........ So this maximum effort ....."swap to staff 3-5 then F1 and 11111" build below....needs no nerfs ...it's balanced and harder to play than a glass cannon ele What about this one?...balanced indeed I'd say, look how it "dies to OP rapid fire"... How about this one?....It does indeed die too easily to rangers and should be buffed,,,,any ele build can easily do much better and way more easilyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IJELIMf8fU That quickness trait was a godsend And this is why once again I invite the devs to steer clear from the forum in general if they're looking for unbiased feedback
  7. Lol WvW is just dead content XDBut for a real answer yeah the visual cancer of this game is way out of track. Therent really something you can do about it, its just to taxing on the brain. but hes actually right trolling or not :P sPvP and WvW should be the real endgame content.. cus fighting people with a brain is harder then fighting same hardcoded npc's 100 times am i right? These days, players tend to reflect their ingame success with self-worth ....you do the math....
  8. "Thief is weak in 1v1...." I go...and read again the description of skills like : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infiltrator%27s_Strike ; https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infiltrator%27s_Returnthat 1200 range GTFO teleport on demand.........https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infiltrator%27s_Arrow ; https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadowstep .....I am left speechless
  9. I cry every time somebody put "buffs" and warriors in the same sentence , the class it's basically an easier version of power herald to play and such is balanced accordingly with less reward for the "effort" which I believe strongly it's the right way to go.....if you wrongly buff that we end up with a far easier to play version of power rev. You need to be very careful here, warrior is certainly not the only class forced to play a certain weapon set to obtain mobility and it's not the only class with a bunch of useless utilities outside the ones everybody plays. The class has already access to sustain lines like Defense and tactics maybe you may to tweak something there ok but....we don't want something having too much sustain while playing 3 offensive traitlines as it was with warrior in the past...do we? You certainly would laugh at somebody asking to have huge sustain on ele while playing Air/Fire....in the same way we can't have too much sustain on Wars playing Discipline/Strength, regardless of the range a class supposed to be played...they all must follow same rules
  10. This is what hard nerfs tend to look like: -Mist Form: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP only.-Obsidian Flesh: Increased cooldown from 50 seconds to 60 seconds in PvP only Just saying.....that playing a class like revenant or guardian,engineer or thief...you never get to experience what hard nerf really looks like. Receiving a hard nerf means that the nerfed skill/utility would be better off being deleted.....a 5-10% slap on the wrist is merely a fix...let alone being considered a hard nerf...that's laughable https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2020-02-25#Utility Check ele.....stunbreak CD increased from 40s to 75s CD, all arcane utilities do as much dmg as a full cleric thief with his dagger.....that's the nature of Hard nerfs....
  11. From the patch of July 7 2020:Demonic Resistance: Reduced damage reduction from 20% to 10% in PvP and WvW.Fiendish Tenacity: Reduced base heal from 197 to 132 in PvP and WvW.Crystal Hibernation: Reduced pulse base healing from 620 to 496 in PvP and WvW.Spirit Boon: Reduced protection duration when invoking Glint from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW.Shining Aspects: Reduced base heal from 444 to 355 in PvP and WvW.Facet of Chaos: Reduced protection duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/109335/game-update-notes-july-7-2020 For some reason you didn't even bother to check your claimed "facts". You must be referring to these "facts" am I right? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Searing_Fissurehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Echoing_Eruptionhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pain_Absorptionhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Banish_Enchantmenthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Call_to_Anguishhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Embrace_the_Darknesshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Demonic_Defiance Add to this...trailblazer/dire/torment runes...and you have a winner... PS they gutted fire weaver while being less resilient, less mobile and ...less able to withstand 2-3 opponents at time and with no ability to win teamfight or even used to win monthly.....with 3 different variations of the same concept.....hallo French Worms
  12. This is a small list of currently overtuned specs that require more than one pass : too much dmg, too much sustain compared to the rest . Small scale gameplay is dominated by revs, engis....way too much sustain for the level of dmg they can apply. Renegade Power Bombardment Condi Herald Can only hope for future balance changes at this point......
  13. hmm not sure about this..played thief for long time and ranger aswell (pretty much only 2 i play)ranger on more deffensive stats has far better burst then a thief.i mean people will say im crying but thief burst is so sad right now.. mean while on my ranger who is using durability runes and some armor (dunno which but no zerk stats at all) is doing far better dmg wise.tbh i dont really mind the nerfs ill play thief till i quit but thief isnt as it used to be. they nerfed staff thief well nerfed not rly increased the ini use on staff 5 which was not really needed so that zerg build ur on about is not that good anymore u can do 2 vaults and ur out of ini. so thief is in same state as ranger useless and probably next nerf is inc again.cus thief is not useless in sPvP and since wvw takes alot of kitten from sPvP they probably get nerfed again for nothing rly. I have a screenshot of a thief dealing upward of 10k+ dmg between a backstab and a HS followed by around 8k+ more dmg soon after. Do you mean 10k with a backstab + HS, or either backstab or HS? The former, sure, if youre low hp, possible. The latter, unless youre a glass and theyre playing a very bad build, is not possible. Yeah ok with 4k armour there is absolutely no way the thief got 10k+ damage from a single backstab without shenanigans. Im not even sure its possible with shenanigans. And no, there are dozens of videos showing that thief burst is indeed sad. we have a frontstab on a squishy thief. 2k. A backstab would do 4k. So how exactly do you think a thief wouldve backstabbed for over 10k on a 4k armour guy? With 4k armour youd take half the damage, so unless the thief somehow miraculously got a 400% damage boost from somewhere, Im gonna call BS. I have clearly stated 10k dmg as a combination of a backstab and a Heartseeker while the target has 4k armor...I was full HP It was many things, "clearly" it was not. But this is at least possible .... with shenanigans. Not in any realistic scenario, of course, in a realistic scenario youd take 2k from backstab and 1k from heartseeker. I assume that the Thief is playing something like DA/SA/CS (which is a really bad build since you dont even have trickery), he was at full hp, had pre-stacked might somehow, used assassins signet, and you had vuln or condis on you somehow. Otherwise, its still not possible. There’s a couple of important things here. The first strike is 6k. That’s pretty heavy for a thief using sPvP stats but I’d buy those numbers based on WvW stats and getting some significant vulnerability onto the target. The second strike is only for 2.8k, which is not that significant for HS (still high HP so the modifier is pretty low). The combo of an Air sigil and some life steal off food is what pushes this over 10k for the two skills. (Nearly 1k off the sigil is 10% of the damage). Now, with 18k HP, that pushes the ranger below 50% and the next Heartseeker hits a bit harder. The last HS is below 25% and hits the hardest. If I had to guess with the self-reported stats the thief is running a very one shot oriented build. Backstab, HS x3. Likely a very quick sequence because there is probably a time limit to how long the damage is that high (or the thief is running very glassy). On a lower toughness opponent they probably would have hit a 8k+ BS and a 4k+ base HS. Again that’s with WvW stats where base power can be much higher. This is why people should record their gameplay and then slow down the video so they can see everything that hits them. Recording software can passively run in the background so you just hit record when something interesting happened and you want to figure it out. He was a [sA] thief and I was standing still in bay, my aim was to calculate how much dmg I could receive while having the highest possible armor rating on a ranger. From the screenshot you can see that it all happened within the space of 1.5s. I am not suggesting whether the build is legitimate or a hack because I don't care really...all I am saying that thief is far from being the weak class as some would make you believe , thief is one of the top duelist in WvW , when it comes to 1v1 potential thief and ranger are a cut above the rest when mastered though and that's fine given their core design ideology. Yes...I know that whatever I say won't stop people from shouting : "my class is UP buff me", if Anet wants to give 20k backstab dmg to thieves let them....with my screenshot I have proved that thieves do high dmg...that's all....now people can keep asking for buff all they want till they shut down these servers....I really couldn't care less at this point
  14. hmm not sure about this..played thief for long time and ranger aswell (pretty much only 2 i play)ranger on more deffensive stats has far better burst then a thief.i mean people will say im crying but thief burst is so sad right now.. mean while on my ranger who is using durability runes and some armor (dunno which but no zerk stats at all) is doing far better dmg wise.tbh i dont really mind the nerfs ill play thief till i quit but thief isnt as it used to be. they nerfed staff thief well nerfed not rly increased the ini use on staff 5 which was not really needed so that zerg build ur on about is not that good anymore u can do 2 vaults and ur out of ini. so thief is in same state as ranger useless and probably next nerf is inc again.cus thief is not useless in sPvP and since wvw takes alot of kitten from sPvP they probably get nerfed again for nothing rly. I have a screenshot of a thief dealing upward of 10k+ dmg between a backstab and a HS followed by around 8k+ more dmg soon after. Do you mean 10k with a backstab + HS, or either backstab or HS? The former, sure, if youre low hp, possible. The latter, unless youre a glass and theyre playing a very bad build, is not possible. Yeah ok with 4k armour there is absolutely no way the thief got 10k+ damage from a single backstab without shenanigans. Im not even sure its possible with shenanigans. And no, there are dozens of videos showing that thief burst is indeed sad. we have a frontstab on a squishy thief. 2k. A backstab would do 4k. So how exactly do you think a thief wouldve backstabbed for over 10k on a 4k armour guy? With 4k armour youd take half the damage, so unless the thief somehow miraculously got a 400% damage boost from somewhere, Im gonna call BS. I have clearly stated 10k dmg as a combination of a backstab and a Heartseeker while the target has 4k armor...I was full HP 5k backstab>? while your maul can hit easily for 8k? and then u do 5 and maul again? and u have beast abilities and go on thief is in a sad state, and i dont really care but if u think thief is what it used to be in core days then keep dreaming.8k maul while using that experimental build in that screenshot?...No way in hell you'd reach that high unless you run an equally glassy build like the thief like WS/MM and soulbeast with sic'em and some luck...but at that point you'd receive upward of 9k dmg bursts from anything out there
  15. hmm not sure about this..played thief for long time and ranger aswell (pretty much only 2 i play)ranger on more deffensive stats has far better burst then a thief.i mean people will say im crying but thief burst is so sad right now.. mean while on my ranger who is using durability runes and some armor (dunno which but no zerk stats at all) is doing far better dmg wise.tbh i dont really mind the nerfs ill play thief till i quit but thief isnt as it used to be. they nerfed staff thief well nerfed not rly increased the ini use on staff 5 which was not really needed so that zerg build ur on about is not that good anymore u can do 2 vaults and ur out of ini. so thief is in same state as ranger useless and probably next nerf is inc again.cus thief is not useless in sPvP and since wvw takes alot of kitten from sPvP they probably get nerfed again for nothing rly. I have a screenshot of a thief dealing upward of 10k+ dmg between a backstab and a HS followed by around 8k+ more dmg soon after. Do you mean 10k with a backstab + HS, or either backstab or HS? The former, sure, if youre low hp, possible. The latter, unless youre a glass and theyre playing a very bad build, is not possible. Yeah ok with 4k armour there is absolutely no way the thief got 10k+ damage from a single backstab without shenanigans. Im not even sure its possible with shenanigans. And no, there are dozens of videos showing that thief burst is indeed sad. we have a frontstab on a squishy thief. 2k. A backstab would do 4k. So how exactly do you think a thief wouldve backstabbed for over 10k on a 4k armour guy? With 4k armour youd take half the damage, so unless the thief somehow miraculously got a 400% damage boost from somewhere, Im gonna call BS. I have clearly stated 10k dmg as a combination of a backstab and a Heartseeker while the target has 4k armor...I was full HP
  16. hmm not sure about this..played thief for long time and ranger aswell (pretty much only 2 i play)ranger on more deffensive stats has far better burst then a thief.i mean people will say im crying but thief burst is so sad right now.. mean while on my ranger who is using durability runes and some armor (dunno which but no zerk stats at all) is doing far better dmg wise.tbh i dont really mind the nerfs ill play thief till i quit but thief isnt as it used to be. they nerfed staff thief well nerfed not rly increased the ini use on staff 5 which was not really needed so that zerg build ur on about is not that good anymore u can do 2 vaults and ur out of ini. so thief is in same state as ranger useless and probably next nerf is inc again.cus thief is not useless in sPvP and since wvw takes alot of kitten from sPvP they probably get nerfed again for nothing rly. I have a screenshot of a thief dealing upward of 10k+ dmg between a backstab and a HS followed by around 8k+ more dmg soon after. In the screenshot I was using an experimental build, made for the sake of testing and I was using : 2.9k toughness = 4k armor....why do thief players keep lying so blatantly? ..."thief burst is sad right now"....please stop it....there are dozens of videos out there proving you wrong
  17. Apparently everything on ele that represent a hazard for carebears is "bad game design"...everything that may prove to be a challenge while fighting an ele is considered ...OP They nerfed FA...They nerfed fire weaverThey nerfed focusThey nerfed healingThey nerfed swordThey deleted staffThey nerfed a low dmg trait not used since launch till now Even Tempest support is considered OP.....and we're talking about the least represented class atm when most games are like 2-3 necros/engis per side .....
  18. Best moments I recall playing GW2 were in 2013 playing D/D thief into hammer warriors.Absolutely everything was telegraphed with clear visibility and almost no studying effects bars for random auras/abilities/minor trait passives/etc. such that the wins felt like you properly outplayed your opponent. We have so much ability bloat and combat effect obfuscation today it's just crazy. Tack on the insane armor/infusion particle effects disco and it's hard to tell sometimes whether or not people are casting skills at all. Exactly. Imagine what the game would feel like today if only these classes/builds were permissible and in play:Warrior Berserker SpellbreakerGuardian DH - Power variants only, with burns as small attritionHerald Power Shiro onlyScrapper & Holos with no Flashbang - Power variants onlyThief Daredevil Deadeye - Power variants onlyRanger Druid Soulbeast - Power variants onlyMesmer Chrono Mirage - Power variants onlyEle Tempest Weaver - Condi amulets can be allowed here, but Shocking Aura Share and Lightning Rod need to go or be seriously nerfedNecro Reaper Scourge - Condi is of course fine here because that's what the class mainly revolves around ^ When you really consider that, and look over that list. It's apparent that the problems of why the game feels bad right now is almost entirely inside of 2x things: 1) Too much passive CC. 2) The way condi was implemented in this game, condi dominant metas ALWAYS make for terrible play dynamic in any patching.The main problem of this game is having devs listening to biased players rant and consider them for real game balance....have you ever played anything else outside ranger?
  19. When it's not your class....those tools to counter suddenly disappear am I right? , most of the people here are far too eager to jump on "nerf train" when it's not their class. None of you could kite, Chain CC, Outrange a Lighting rod ele who was using 3 dps lines just like poor poor sad engi player right?None of you could kite, Chain CC and outrange ranger pets am I right? None of you in this thread could find these "special counter tools" when other professions were under the spotlight! ....Nothing but a bunch of hypocrites using L2P BS arguments when it's convenient to them AKA when they play the class in question
  20. I am expecting the same BS for new elites, following the same balance path and application as we've seen with HoT and PoF 1) Another broken/OP ill design for necro , guardian and engineer basically doing everything2) Some other stealth based abusing dumb design for thief3) Some busted sustain/damage/CC spam crap for warrior that will be nerfed hard in PvP after 1-2 years of constant nagging on the forum4) Another high sustain duellist build for ranger with min team support that will be repeatedly nerfed until out of PvP5) Some broken mess for revenant which will be either useless or completely broken and barely nerfed after that6) Some overly complex mess of an ill design for elementalist that will either have long ass casting time on skill with ridiculous high CD that produce laughable dmg..only to be buffed to relevance later on and subsequently nerfed to the ground ( or close to it)7) Yet another condi/stealth based broken spec for mesmer...that will had nerfed after years of crying on the forum Did I miss anything?
  21. "OVERTUNED" it's not a word you are allowed to use on this forum....while playing a necro https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/ig35bp/profession_and_race_statistics_from_the_past_few/ Go back to the necro forum to contemplate...
  22. Aren't pet supposed to be powerful/useful to justify the fact we can't get rid of them? I stopped using core ranger because all pets now do negligible damage , if I want to do dmg..I do so using a soulbeast and have 3x more of it, druid offers more utility with mass clear and stealth Not even in PvE now there is any reason to use core ranger over soulbeast or druid, there is not a single pet now to justify the loss of benefits coming from the elites , we all use smokescale-gazelle and owl, the other 47 or so pet are completely and utterly useless with rare occasions where one or two of them become useful somehow Jacaranda is the last pet doing great aoe dmg in PvE, if you want to use a core ranger..that's the main pet to benefit from the double pet mechanic. ....Sorry man didn't want to lash at you...I am just very frustrated with the balance in this game and when somebody playing a necro comes on the forum asking to nerf the last remaining aspects of professions that still hold a candle in the spotlight when their own vastly eclipse it in terms of popularity...then I go absolutely ballistic Seriously somebody abusing a class quickness aoe spam around for 6-7k crits on 2.4k armor targets like necro on reaper.......shouldn't really open his mouth, somebody playing a core necro...or a reaper...or a scourge complains about a pet doing his localized aoe dmg in its small circle after 1s cast animation, we should all be laughing at this thread...not justify it in any shape or form
  23. Really enjoyed the casting, "the last remaining high rated ele" no way I'd miss that xd ; what Blam says reflect the opinions of every other ele I know (including me ofc)...loads of work for modest/bad reward and core ele being trash level yeah.....
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