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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/581432616?t=04h03m32s2 rangers vs sind + his duo queue partner and some random mesmer. He quite clearly expresses what he thinks about ranger and even interrupts the gossip for it :D Also, holo fills the same role as ranger and does it better (and also needs a nerf) but ranger is A LOT more forgiving/face roll, thus the better choice for the majority of players. People are just annoyed by the longbow/pet gameplay....they consider it unfair to fight against but that again is the nature of MMOs...The whole class represent the typical archer archetypes as followed in other MMO : a very adaptable adventurer based on ranged combat, high survival rate and combat abilities. Ranger in GW2 is the same as in all other MMOs, a hard to kill duellist class....people should not expect any less when facing a ranger, it's the same in WoW ...Aion...FF online...ESO...Neverwinter....B&S...any MMO will have save version of the ranger class : a ranged duellist which is hard to kill, that's what people who play the class want and nobody can change it I want to play a hard to kill ranged duellist, not immortal or invincible ofc but still hard to kill, feel free to balance around the idea but expecting classes to play differently based on "fairness"....it's not right
  2. What top players? Outside the far node 1vs1, the class has zero presence : offers close to zero supports and can't really handle more than 2 badly played classes at the same time, the class has been nerfed to the ground because it doesn't really offer anything outside their 1v1 niche , despite their claims....they don't use rangers in their top teams...let's ask @bluri.2653 why there is no ranger in his team if it's so powerful. But enough of this pointless talk , take your bird pets whatever and let's increase the teamplay viability of rangers, so that at least the class is usable in wvw outside the even more pointless roaming as you lot like to call it, as it brings in no loot, badges..or fun.
  3. The only thing broken here is necro and the only class keeping in check the condi reaper/core/scourge is ranger. Nobody almost runs ranger anymore in wvw and in pvp you see double necros in soloq, reapers in AT...while you don't see a single ranger during tournaments...not a single ranger build considered by TOP teams, it speaks volumes about the current status of the class. The only ones making all these nerf threads are necros....why is that?..Be honest for once! You want ranger nerfed because it's the only class atm with threatening ranged dmg , necessary to deal with pulsing wells/aoe BS of current necros This is a necro : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102051/video-guide-by-a-pvp-noob-for-pvp-noobs-to-get-120-ranked-wins#latest Now come and do the same with ranger! The devs may want to nerf this crap before touching the last thing rangers have got viable in this game, you first started with druids, then with soulbeasts and now core ranger.....Dear anet nerf rock, paper is fine...signed scissor am I right dear @"cptaylor.2670" necro main?
  4. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zealot%27s_Firethis alone is about 9k burn dmg.1 skill. dunno how the rest works but the fact that 1 ability can whack people for over half HP, with no cast time on low cooldown AOE pulsing...oh and a passive that does the same every 10s. :D How are you getting 9k? mesmers torch burns for 3,5k. 1 stack for 9s.zealots does 4 stacks for 2s, so that equales 1 stack for 8s.on top of flip skill 3stacks for 3s = 1 stack for 9s, that already equals 17s burn if it was 1 stack. quick math thats 6,7k burn.add in power dmg, and radiant fire bonus burn duration and here ya go. about 9k, depending on the rune it could be much more, on mesmer im using hybrid.with balthazar I could see it being about 11-12k dmg over all if everything lands. Do you actually know how to play mesmer? whats the point of this post? other then to try and throw a jab at me?did you get excited after dealing 26% of teams damage? whats the point you are trying to make?You're comparing mesmer torch..to guardian torch in terms of dmg/utility.....the video is self-explanatory, it looks to me as you jumped on mesmer wagon when chronobunker was a thing, your class has been surfing the high waves for the last 5 years and it was about time for the right changes to occur. Can't remember how many turned pro overnight after switching to chronobunker and how many became gods of 1v1 when condi mirage got introduced
  5. Don't compare lightning rod eles to headshot spammers...it's like comparing a Fiat mini to a Porsche . Spamming 44444444....requires no good timing...you just spamm 111111..... when out of Ini; maybe we should increase the cast time of headshot from zero to 3/4s min.Using 44444....11111...switch to shortbow if losing and 555....there is nothing requiring good timing. Ofc it's fun to spam 44444.....
  6. Post this as a separate thing, pretty nice rework. The OP is a thief...you are a thief and the guy in the post you've quoted is a revenant.......if you want burning to be reworked...all conditions should be reworked. Longest duration and stacking in intensity? yeah...but your dmg must be cut down to 1/4 of current iteration.....lol condi thieves and herald/mallyx trying to be clever
  7. Why should they?...it's always the same drivel anyway : "nerf them and buff me" and "I only die because enemy uses OP class/spec pls nerf" Funny that you say that after your last thread(s) :P Are you talking about my nerf threads about guardian and necro?...pff expected somebody would come up with the same post and here is my answer : In one thread before I stated that no-ones wins in the nerf-war and that nerf to others will inevitably bring nerfs to your class...necros and guardians players now are simply paying the price for all the nerf threads they made ( and still make now ) ; necros asking to nerf counters like ranger, guardians asking to reduce unblockable accross the board...it always goes in circles So yeah..I am sure I can find a post of yours asking to nerf unblockable...ha the irony
  8. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zealot%27s_Firethis alone is about 9k burn dmg.1 skill. dunno how the rest works but the fact that 1 ability can whack people for over half HP, with no cast time on low cooldown AOE pulsing...oh and a passive that does the same every 10s. :D How are you getting 9k? mesmers torch burns for 3,5k. 1 stack for 9s.zealots does 4 stacks for 2s, so that equales 1 stack for 8s.on top of flip skill 3stacks for 3s = 1 stack for 9s, that already equals 17s burn if it was 1 stack. quick math thats 6,7k burn.add in power dmg, and radiant fire bonus burn duration and here ya go. about 9k, depending on the rune it could be much more, on mesmer im using hybrid.with balthazar I could see it being about 11-12k dmg over all if everything lands.Do you actually know how to play mesmer?
  9. Why should they?...it's always the same drivel anyway : "nerf them and buff me" and "I only die because enemy uses OP class/spec pls nerf"
  10. the only thing we can get from this screenshot is that each tick on average did 3400.Only thing I have notice is that dmg requires over 12 stacks of burning and knowing how the burn guard and how the typical necro player think...I'd say @Aktium.9506 was taking a nap inside purging flame, never tried to dodge/interrupt/blind spear of justice and generally just facetanking everything on his core necro build having lost the urge to actually dodge something...necro players are not used to dodging, at least a good 80% of them. Nobody in this game can take that much burning dmg unless they're facetanking everything without dodging anything ...this draws a clear picture of the skill level involved
  11. No burning class get used for Top tournaments or wvw zergs or pve end game...in all three of them..necromancer reign supreme and the devs noticed it, do you really think that forum "feedback" is all the devs use to balance the game?Tomorrow @Cmc will talk about pvp/wvw...it'll be fun to see him talking about scourge zergs in wvw or double core necro in pvp or reapers for pve end game
  12. That's true but ranger is just in pretty bad position to balance Core needs the pets to do dmg atm, the normal attacks just do mostly no dmgs But if you take soilbeast, the dmg on weapons are still ridiculous (if you go marksmanship) If you nerf pet dmg but buff weapons everybody crys about soulbeast dps If you nerf pet dmg but increase sustainability everybody crys about how unkillable ranger is If you just nerf, ranger is going to be useless again Maybe the team should adjust the other classes to ranger now People would cry either way, as dev you just need to make sure the class is viable and fun to play...the only way pvpers would consider ranger as balanced is if...the ranger itself poses no threat whatsoever even to a bronze peon ...basically "balanced" on these forum means trash tier, the moment you start killing people with a build..they'll call it Op and make a nerf thread
  13. Thief or guardian...they have mechanics..no matter how much you cry on the forum , they cannot or will be ever nerfed. Both class have been meta in pvp/wvw since release and they will be till they close down the servers
  14. Yeah...that's pretty much every online game with a PvP component, you can visit the pvp forum of all the major MMOs atm...all of them littered with nerf threads..that's MMO for you
  15. The reasaon they weren't an issue (although I have already complained about owl damage during core times, not on forums but 1v1 servers) is because ranger over all was complete garbage and nobody played with the exception of spirit ranger when people just complained about spirits instead. When ranger finally became a strong class with HoT, birds and other pets were unplayable because of the absurd AoE damage that HoT brought to the game while also being eclipsed by the ridiculously over powered smoke scale and bristleback. HoT pets were nerfed many times but core pets were still unplayable as they had too little survivabilty to survive in the previous meta games because of the aforementioned AoE damage that was still present (and still is on classes like holo).However, since the recent big balance patch the damage is overall much lower (a good direcetion imo), thus pets like birds and cats (not only tiger) thrive in 1v1s (with the exception of holosmiths who still have too much AoE for pets to be useful and to some extend revenant) as their damage hasn't been adjusted. Most rangers have even dropped smoke scale (best utility pet with good ability to chase) in favor of tiger+bird, which beats smoke scale + x in ranger 1v1 about every time.Erazik and me both have complained about it, kol thinks it's dumb and high profile players of other classes (e.g. sindrener) have complained about it as well. It's questionable design when pets (AI) deal more damage with their hardly telegraphed attacks than players do with telegraphed damage skills (not talking about tiger f2 here as that one is very telegraphed and easily dodgeable).Is ranger the most broken class right now? No, but that doesn't mean that those pets regularly hitting for 3k+ with their autoattack is fine, nor are 5k+ on bird f2 ok considering that it has almost no cast time or animation.https://ibb.co/0D90tQ8 1x maul+ 1x f2 + 1x bird autoattack against another ranger in a random ranked game. Admittedly very lucky with crits but 18.2k damage from 3 attacks which together occur in about 1.5 seconds (quickness) is still "a bit" high. Shouldn't they buff the utility of other non dmg pets in the same patch that dmg pets get nerfed? Nerfing cats and birds will only affect 1v1 as that's where you can use cats/birds..everywhere else they insta die ( not that I expect people to care about it...), having pets with zero dmg and 45s CD F2 is not what I would consider..balanced, dmg pets may have not received the nerf bat like other class with last patch...but for certain 80% of the remaining pets didn't get buffed since 2012.
  16. Lower dmg was the whole point of the patch, and outside few sustain outliers like core necro and condi rev the game seems to be going in the right direction when it comes to dmg...we can talk about buffs/changes with time
  17. 3k-4k-5k.....And the healing/sustain was much higher than now too...did you consider that? If you want that level of dmg than we must get back also that level of sustain I never asked for a return to core-gw2 balance, let alone this. Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true! I didn't wish for jack aside from maybe a 10% damage reduction from where we were, and certainly not a 30-50%. I thought pre-megabalance we were within 10% of reaching the overall goal for balancing with a small handful of exceptions. Druids, Renegades, Chronos, Dragonhunters and Scourges needed buffs. But you saw Power and Condition guardians, aggressive and support firebrands, Fire Weavers, Support Tempests, Condition mirages and core mesmers, core warriors and duelist spellbreakers, Daredevil SP thieves and DP core and Deadeyes, Soulbeast and Core Ranger, Reapers and Core Necromancers, Rifle Holos Prot Holos and Scrappers. All of which were VERy common in ranked. We've regressed to a point where if you aren't playing; Core Necro, Symbolbrand, ProtHolo, Lightning Rod Weaver/Tempest, Core DP Thief, and Power/Condi Revenant you might as well not play. Revenant having viable power and condition builds is basically the most build variety you will see now. That's not reason to wish back the hell that was GW2 when thieves had access to broken trait dmg like Pulmonary impact, your title is misleading....you're maybe asking the devs to fine tune current dmg/sustain levels and that's fine.....but nobody with memories still fresh want to see dmg buffs on thief I'd rather have devs unnerf condi mirage, power shiro and oneshot soulbeast....than deal again with pre-nerf thief
  18. 3k-4k-5k.....And the healing/sustain was much higher than now too...did you consider that? If you want that level of dmg than we must get back also that level of sustain I never asked for a return to core-gw2 balance, let alone this. An ele to reach 3-4k on hits...must be full glass with zero sustain..thief using two defensive traitlines +innate sustain and reaches the same levels of dmg..yet you ask for more....absolutely not, thief is the last class I want to see buffed...I'd rather fight 3 pre-patch power shiros than a single thief abusing infiltrator return to land 4-5k crits with impunity...HELL NO..HELL NOOO
  19. 3k-4k-5k.....And the healing/sustain was much higher than now too...did you consider that? If you want that level of dmg than we must get back also that level of sustain I never asked for a return to core-gw2 balance, let alone this. You must have missed the 3-4k hits on ele and rev while @bluri.2653 running SA/DD 2 non dmg traitlines , what more do you want? At this point I'd rather unnerf Ci mesmers and power revs than seeing thieves going back to glory days when they made PvP/WvW unplayable for anybody without 100k of reinforced armor on them. The extreme mobility and elusiveness are still there and you're asking to give them back that dmg which took dozen of nerf threads to lower it? what about .....no??
  20. 3k-4k-5k.....And the healing/sustain was much higher than now too...did you consider that? If you want that level of dmg than we must get back also that level of sustain
  21. PVP it s DPS Soulbeast is still viable, and core ranger is arguably one of the best side noders. Though I expect nerfs to these soon. There are also quite a few hybrid/condi builds that are decent for just fun queues. A class that is good only for duelling...get nerfed for being too good at..duelling.....
  22. Kinda like core Mesmer. In P1 games and higher, you may sneak on someone and get a quick down. The next time you show up the entire enemy’s team will focus fire, with little tools to prevent it and no sustain to handle the damage. I trick ponies die in G3. Anything from there on has to have tools to deal with most situation. @Trevor Boyer.6524 I have not played too much, especially after the mini patch. For guardian: Core not viable. I think it is slightly better than before. It is one of few power damage that can actually deal damage. But not enough to be anything but a nuisance for skilled players. DH, power, not viable. LB is unusable. The only really effective PvP trap no longer deals damage. DH does not support melee game play in sPvP, due to lack of retaliation. Condi DH with Sword of Justice is the oNly semi viable DH build. But pretty easy to outplay. Does well with good team support. FB, almost all mantras now are not viable. Pre The large patch FB had multiple playable setups, between support, condi dps and hybrid. Anet did some right nerfs and other nerfs that can be only described as dumb. Result is nothing but zeal FB symbol spam remains competitive. I was never a fan of FB and only it’s worst aspects remain. Overall, guardian, aside from FB symbol spam, is kitten. And by all measures, it is worse now than any point in the last 3 years. Condi rev is interesting. I think the only positive thing in the major patch (and had nothing with PvP patch) was the corruption reorganization. Also, renegade, is so much better than any point before. Not that it is competitive, but with certain setups it can work. Power rev, it is not terrible. But not good either. Warrior, core and berserker are same as before. Not really viable, but not absolutely unplayable. SB is being carried by the ridiculous number of spamable CC. There are... Mesmers? I only see them suck, even in the hands of players I know to be good. D/D all in all considered now, it needs a nerf to mobility. Rangers, aside from side not trolling, has no viability. I guess not much has changed? But as with all power builds the low damage is so forgiving that enemies need to kitten up like 50 times before you can effectively down them. I have not seen any eng suck or do good. I do not think it is bad but if your goal is to rank high, it is not a good option. Ele, cannot determine. Tempest plays mostly as a troll bunker/CC build (so does before, SB, condi rev and FB). Which is the name of the game. It is surely a terrible time for sPvP. I lost interest in it. It is a troll CC and condi spam with many builds having so much lewy that you can make so many mistakes before enemies with none heavy CC build can capitalize on it. It could be urged that the game now works better as a team game. Compared to before, where hard carry was more possible. However, considering the dwindling population, that is negatively effecting the match making system and how kitten slow the PvP has became, it is not a good idea. Best game analysis by far, nothing to add really..everything you've said is spot on!
  23. This is a MMO...not a single player RPG with multyplayer attached, if people just want to kill some AI mob all day can choose to do so in PvE in a MMO or go their way and play Final Fantasy 7 or similar
  24. Neither scrapper or tempest have access to aoe burn/weakness/cripple etc etc while supporting. Maybe just maybe shared stability should be very very limited and devs should force people to bring at least one form of personal stability instead than monopolize the game with the only class capable of multiple source of shared stability. Can we have some variety in this game after 8 years? They nerf the roaming scene at every corner...but it's fine to have the same 2-3 classes dominating the rest of the game mode since launch, if they want "variety" in the roaming scene which is absurd to start with...can we have some variety maybe in the main attraction of the gamemode which would be zerging? Nothing but melee trains of guardians/necros or pirateship with guardian/necros or boonmeta with guardian/necro or condimeta with guardian/necro for 8 years straight....kitten for real
  25. Never wished for a spec to be completely deleted as much as Firebrand....the support is just broken and makes the already OP necro that much worst to deal with especially when it comes in a pack of 20+. WvW was the only thing bringing me back to GW2 after the fiasco of Pvp...now the game is truly not worth playing for the first time in 8 years, was already resigned of not being able to roam anymore given how direct dmg was completely gutted...so you go and try to have at least some resemblance of fun while zerging.......I am completely useless...can't do enough dmg with zerker stats...or support/heal anybody with nomad/minstrel stats...unless I play a guardian or necro. Call me whatever you want...keep it this gem of game design
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