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Everything posted by TheAgedGnome.7520

  1. Speaking for open world, I'll still use staff mirage after the 25th patch. It feels a smidge less powerful, but still quite strong. But I also run a unique Seraph/Plaguedoctor build, so that may play into it.
  2. I do know. I still don't understand it. :)
  3. Very true. I don't understand why they let bugs like this - that fundamentally sabotage the spec mechanic - persist.
  4. Forgot about the power builds. This greatsword power Mirage is fun and cheap, if you use Berserker trinkets (I like Marauder's for more health): http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PihAEZlVwUYbMImJOyK5PNA-zRRYBKmKQM4yIwSIiMwk5oaGA-e This variant uses Inspiration trait line instead of Domination for more sustain, so its more forgiving and more survivable: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PihAEZlVwUYbMImJWyTrPNA-zRRYBKmKQM4yIwSIiMwk5oaGA-e Even with exotics this will be quite capable, and is one I've used in Tangled Depths often. Clone generation and shattering is your focus, so typically start with GS4 > GS2. Clones are also generated from Deceptive Evasion trait and Signet of Illusions, so getting a third clone is usually automatic. Stay at range, and use GS1 & GS3 as fillers when Mirage Cloak (via dodge) isn't available. Power builds like this are very satisfying, and its nice that it can be quite effective in exotics.
  5. This may suit your needs. It is very inexpensive exotics, but should be fairly viable. I think will give you a good sense of what the mirage can do, so you can see whether you want to invest more into it. This is the kind of thing I'd do to see if I like a spec, knowing that I can upgrade to more optimal gear over time: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PigAYZlVwgYesImJWyP+PLA-zRQUbYVUhLE04MThIqA5XjqA-e Uses Rampager/carrion instead of Vipers. All Rabid, or Rabid/Dire mix is another option. Tormenting runes would be better, but they are expensive. The mobility of Travelers is handy and they are very cheap. The food is kind of a necessity to make dodge (aka Mirage Cloak) available often. This is a staff/staff mirage, so you can still use Hizen's guide as a rough instruction. Here is another guide, which is post-May11-patch so it provides updated information. It is focused toward instanced content and boon maintenance on allies, so don't worry too much about those details at the moment. Just use it for the gist of how to play this spec (note that you would use Self-Deception instead of Renewing Oasis for this style).
  6. This Diviner/Wanderer open-world chrono heals about 1600 per well. Agree that it's not great healing, but the heals are kinda nice extras to the quickness/alacrity. http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABs6tzlFwWYMMHWJmSX5tVA-zRhYBRL0FExZiBH0+ZEhUIdFgHnl/H3A-e
  7. I understand the intent, but staff being in a good place doesn't mean it is OP - it might just mean that axe is underperforming. When you've been in the cellar for so long, daylight looks overly bright. :) Only if ANet across-the-board reduces power creep should staff be toned down; otherwise, keep staff as it is now.
  8. It doesn't have to be all one or the other. You could have TB trinkets and Viper for armor/weapons, for example. The toughness and vitality from TB will be noticeable for survival against harder content. What weapons are you using? Do you have any on-crit sigils or on-crit traits? Knowing that will help to determine what damage output you might lose by switching some or all to TB.
  9. Any troglodyte can mash a few skill buttons in the right order, but mashing a few skill buttons while looking fabulous - that's next level!
  10. When you say 'skills', do you mean traits, or utility skills, or all choices (weapons, gear, traits, upgrades)?
  11. I do a lot of fashion wars, and find the instantaneous almost-subliminal reactions to provide my best input to my alterations. Some of these kinds of thoughts on looking at your images: Those boots and pauldrons don't work for that armor - they are too clunky/blocky. The pastel blue drags down the energy of the whole ensemble. Try an entirely different color (e.g., purples, greens, tans) to complement the darker blues. Its all too blue-on-blue-on-blue. There is a mismatch between the more "primal warrior" tattooed face & body vibe vs. the elegant sword & T3 armor, especially with the pastel blues (blacks/reds/tans might make the armor match the vibe better). This all results in: "I don't know who she is", which I think you are also sensing. Sometimes I try the most improbable choice for an armor piece or a theme color, and build around that, to see if I can come up with new or interesting looks. Doesn't always work, but it helps me to break out of mere incremental changes that are often underwhelming.
  12. I played this build quite a bit yesterday, and continue to be impressed with it. Soloing Mayatl the Fierce in VB, my biggest enemy was the clone deletion bug. It also works well doing bounties, metas, dungeons, and other group content. The build has a nice combination for me of active gameplay to keep my mind engaged while still feeling pretty chill overall. This may become my primary Mirage build.
  13. I've always been a mediocre Weaver, and ran into this video today, which breaks down the rotation of a condi Weaver in great detail. I wonder what more experienced Weavers think of it:
  14. I was noticing today that my clones seemed to sometimes evaporate, but I thought maybe it was something I was doing, or somehow the bosses were being extra good at killing my clones. Then I saw this video, which explains that it is a current bug. Edit: looks like the YouTube author has already posted this issue in the Bugs forum.
  15. I've been enjoying my staff condi Mirage post-patch, and wanted to play around in OW with boon duration and see what healing can be done, while still being able to run around and kill things. This is my current experiment - Chaos/Inspiration with mostly Seraph and a few Plaguedoctor pieces for a bit more health: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PigAYZlRwgYRsDmJe6TpvKA-zRRYoK6gC8biwdGJKBCRBY3ZpKhN-e It still works quite well for running around solo and sure feels tanky. The group healing is a bit meh, but the alacrity is 5s and might is 24.5s.
  16. Veteran Chak Lobbers in TD melt fast, and the Guano HP vampire bat in VB went down way too easily.
  17. Just playing in OW for a bit, staff mesmer just seems overpowered now. I mean, its fun for the moment. but I don't know if we were supposed to be that much better.
  18. It looks like they don't want that interaction, so they made the speed increase to be NOT superspeed: July 16, 2019 Instead of granting superspeed when dodging, this trait instead causes Mirage Cloak to grant +66% movement speed. March 05, 2019 Superspeed's duration has been reduced to match Mirage Cloak's duration.
  19. The 'best' build is the one you actually enjoy playing. I like this DH build for open world/story. For me, an OW build has to work well soloing in HoT. I like the mobility from Sword2 and Judges Intervention: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWxAw2NlJw8YgMH2JWUPrtdA-zRQYR0hlwCjoKoKFMnkRzA-e
  20. Armor of Earth has 10 stacks of stab, whereas Stand Your Ground has 5 stacks and Dolyak Stance is 6 stacks. To me, more stacks aren't of much value because you are only going to get hit with "control effect" conditions only a few times within 6s (except maybe wvw zergfest, but that's to be expected). It doesn't justify the longer CD. According to the wiki, AoE went from 95s CD to 75s to 50s to 50s(PVE)/60s(PVP&WVW). So, at least they haven't worsened AoE CD, except at that last split.
  21. Agreed - there really isn't a caster class. It's frustrating that Ranger gets do good damage at range, while also having a pet tanking, but a staff ele has mediocre damage at range while also being much more squishy. Even shortbow Revs are far better at ranged. Scepter ele is decidedly meh, with several kitten skills (Dragons Tooth, Phoenix, Shatterstone). Ele staff has a place in WVW but its of limited value.
  22. Looking at the Weaver build, it has some issues: (edited -my error) All that Ferocity is unusable with 5% crit (25% w/fury), and the Vision sigil only crits for 3 sec. after swap You have swiftness in Air from Zephy's Speed, so swiftness on runes is not really needed. A possible alternative: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGwAwiZlNwSYHMEGJWWXuvdA-zRRYDRXIG+CpxgIzUJiKQ2B-e Replaced Vision sigil with Accuracy Replaced most of Valkyrie with Marauder to reach 57% crit chance Used power/toughness runes for better melee survivability.
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