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Everything posted by Kuya.6495

  1. I would prefer anet just be more strict and efficient with toxic behavior. That is: 1. The time it takes for a gm to respond to a report should be within the same day the report is made in. 2. If a player is found to be engaging in abusive behavior, it should, at minimum, for a first offense, lead to a 6 hour ban. Repeat offenses should lead to 24 hour bans, 72 hour bans, 1 week, 1 month and lastly a permaban. If banning players from the game as a whole isn't an option for anet due to economic reasons., Anet can just play with banning players only from the pvp game mode and removing them from rankings for that season. 3. Abusive/toxic behavior should be defined as: throwing expletives at players, refusing to play, spamming ping on map, spamming call target on teammates, and harassing other players for their gameplay in a non constructive manner. I really think the toxicity problem in pvp queue can easily be solved by just making it a guarantee that being toxic will get you removed from the game mode. In fact, if someone is so frustrated by pvp that they can't control their anger, maybe a timeout from pvp is just doing them a favor.
  2. I think people here are under valuing the benefit of being able to provide 100% protection duration to 5 people for firebrand. Aegis is situational but permanent protection means less damage overall to heal which for firebrand, that has less burst healing than druid, tempest and mechanist, is a benefit. For anything that you needed aegis for, advance and shield 4 is still available. It's easy to flip out about losing aegis because when aegis blocks an attack the feedback you get is obvious and satisfactory. But you don't really get a sense for how much damage you are avoiding from having permanent protection if you don't use some app that calculates how much damage you negated. Which I dare to say, might be way more than what you negate with aegis.
  3. Specter bad in pvp? Honestly this forum reminds me of why disabling chat in pvp is a good idea.
  4. Every nasty build on engineer seems to revolve around juggernaut
  5. The effect of permeating wrath is activated when rushing justice is used and you receive the buff rushing justice. During the time the buff lasts, the passive is activated.
  6. I'm still waiting for a response for this too. Never seen this event spawn.
  7. I would prefer it would just not be based on attacks at all. Alacrity only if you can attack instantly makes it a less valuable choice vs alacren and way less useful than mechanist. There are times when you need to provide alacrity to your team during downtime so they can get their heals off faster but as a wb you can't do that if the boss is invul.
  8. I dont know if it's a lack of reading comprehension from some posters but I noticed a few replies that keep bringing up other aspects about the expansion and about how somethings needed to be taught in core game as, apparently, some sort of rebuttal to the OP? The OP literally stated the goal of his post: to praise the increased difficulty and the attempt to layer the difficulty progressively in EoD. The OP isn't talking about elite specs. The OP isn't talking about the plot. The OP isn't talking about core, HoT and PoF. He's talking about difficulty ramp up in EoD specifically. If people are going to critique a post they should at least address it directly and not try to derail a thread with a completely separate topic. To the OP: I'm sorry. You might as well be speaking another language to half the people in this forum. They completely failed to grasp what you were saying and then proceeded to rant about whatever perceived personal slights the expansion has committed against them.
  9. All 4 metas give a daily hero's chest on completion now
  10. I did a quick test just now and it seems to be none of the above. Your allies never get the flowing resolve effect no matter what you pick. if you don't pick PP and you take BP, they still don't get flowing resolve healing, but they still get regen from inspired virtues. You also always get regen from inspired virtues so basically PP's regen has no benefit to you if you take virtues. If you take virtues but don't take BP, your allies still get regen due to inspired virtues. So it might be a bug that BP doesn't give flowing resolve heals to allies? I can see how the blurb under battle presence could be interpreted to mean f2 from willbender give's flowing resolve healing to allies. I understood it to mean just the alacrity as per their blog post last year and they never said anything about extending flowing resolve's healing to allies via battle presence when they talked about the change.
  11. I don't get your point. Both traits, deathless courage and phoenix protocol, literally tell you they remove aegis and regen respectively (not the boon). As in, it's by design. Not a bug. My point was: wb virtues move the passive effect mechanic unto a buff mechanic given by activating the virtue. As in, it's not a bug. It's how they were designed to work. Your reply has nothing to do with what i said.
  12. As mentioned, all traits that trigger with passive effects now trigger as active effects on willbender. For example battle presence only triggers when f2 is activated and during the duration of the buff you get from activating it. Similarly permeating wrath's effects only works when you use f1 and the effect lasts 8 seconds if you take the second grandmaster traits, essentially making it a perma effect as if it were a passive (as long as you use f1 off cooldown). Willbender's passive effects are now active effects in the sense that you need to use an f ability and attack a number of times to trigger the effect. Against single enemies this feels underwhelming but against multiple enemies you see a faster activation of your passive virtues and traits than you would on dh, core or fb. For example aegis passive happens on a set interval on f3, but on wb f3 it will happen every 5 strikes. Making it so if you cleave multiple targets you will have perma aegis for the duration of f3's effects.
  13. I think there's a bug in the special forces training area that causes boons applied by yourself to be reset every time the boons applied by the console refresh.
  14. I also have the same question. Tried searching in areas where purists are in old kaineng and I found nothing. Also tried searching in the library and nothing. I also tried doing the kaineng meta and no purists there.
  15. The gs5 doing enormous damage was remarked on in the last beta too and the fact that it wasn't patched already shows they were really rushing to release the expansion in February. In fact we didn't even get a patch notes for the changes they made from the last beta to release probably because they didn't have much to show. And if you play pve you can tell from all the bugs and the fact they released on a Monday that they have a lot of delays. I honestly would not expect a balance patch to address concerns with the new elite specs until April or may at best. They got their hands full with just pve right now.
  16. I too have found myself preferring to play condi willbender in pve than fb or dh. The dps rotation is easier and more satisfying and I've also enjoyed the mobility when doing the eod strikes and meta. Being able to dodge and then use f2 and then use f3 to get back to dps makes me feel baller. I only wish it performed better on its alac build and I wish it performed at all in pvp.
  17. First of all, kudos on this meta event! It's the most engaging meta event in the game, the most challenging and with the greatest music. I'm still in awe of the sheer spectacle of it. But I wanted to address two concerns. One is a lot of players feel the fight is unfair when it comes to the rng aspect of the boss's behavior. I think that's a valid complaint. It feels bad when you successfully destroy the cc bar like you're supposed to only to have the boss put up a tail and completely negate the damage buff. Second, lots of people are saying once they get their turtle mount, they won't be returning to this meta again. This is a real problem down the line when new players who need the mount can't find enough people to do the meta with. So these are my two suggestions: 1. Make it so that when you break the boss's cc bar, she cannot put up a tail nor change sides for at least 15-30 seconds. Additionally, make destroying the cc bar immediately also destroy her tail if it's up. Note i did not say extend the stun timer. Just make her not use specific attacks such as putting up the tail and changing sides. I personally think 15 seconds of her being locked is good enough but others might disagree. 2. Give the meta better rewards that will keep people coming back. Please add memories of aurene to completing the first part of the meta, the fire team phase before the boss fight. I think 5 memories is fair. Then for defeating the boss, please consider adding a reward chest similar to what's available in the HoT metas. The chest could have as options to give you: 10 memories of aurene (this is in addition to the 5 you already get for defeating the boss and the 5 you get for doing the fire team phase as I suggested), large amoung of jade slivers, large amount of writs of your choosing, fishing bait or lures with over 200 fishing power, mystic clovers, large amount of research notes, etc. Basically give something for everyone to choose from. Also please consider adding really rare drops such as infusions, super rare jade bot modules and, while you haven't done this before, i think it will keep turtle lovers coming, a super rare turtle mount skin. Hopefully these suggestions would make the meta seem more fair and also keep it alive for a really long time.
  18. I've seen a lot of complaints about the meta in the last EoD map and among the complaints is that maybe 3-5 people are doing 10k dps and everyone else is doing below 5k. That made me think about anet's efforts to get players to learn about combo fields and defiance bars. See, while you can learn about combo fields and defiance bars if you research outside the game, anet realized that this design choice wasn't good for the game in the long run. Most players won't go out of their way to find information about combo fields and cc bars and this limited the scope and complexity of the content Anet could create. So in return Anet has begun to explicitly teach players about these mechanics and in some cases making it mandatory to succeed at the game. I would like to make the same argument about dps. Right now if you want to know about your dps, you have to go way out of your way to find out. You either gotta download an app or you gotta go to the aerodrome, a place a lot of people don't know exist, and then go to the special force training area, another thing people don't know exists, and finally make a raid squad without other people. That's a lot of effort that isn't directly explained to players to find out about a number that could help them improve. So my suggestion is, why not make it so the game shows you your dps, and only your dps, to you personally? It could appear in your combat log like it does at the dps golem. It could appear in a separate window. It could only activate during boss encounters and give you a summary of your dps after you beat the boss. Kind of like the pvp stats panel. And depending on how much effort anet wants to put in it. They can add customizing options. They can let players toggle it on and off (i would leave it on by default and let players turn it off if they want- we want to lower the barrier of effort to get this information). They can let players set the time interval in which they get the information. It's up to Anet how far they want to go with this. Now to address some points: 1. "Toxicity." This feature would not lead to toxicity since you cannot see other people's dps and they can't see yours. It is information presented only to you much like your hero panel is. It is meant to encourage self improvement. 2. "No other game does this." That's not an argument against doing this. GW2 is also a game where there is no tank/healer/dps archetype as a default. Is that bad? Anet can use this to set itself apart. 3. "Why is this information necessary?" The hero panel already gives you information about your attributes. Players can ignore this information or they can use it. But using the hero panel lets players know that if they equip toughness equipment, their toughness number in the hero panel goes up and players understand how to improve this number. Giving players access to dps also lets them see a stat, and then find out how to improve it. 4. "If you can only see your dps, you have no context about how to improve it." But if you know how much dps you do, this allows the community to do the rest of the work. If you know your dps, you can communicate in guild chat what your dps is and ask how to improve it. Your guild mates can then advise you how to improve this number and then you test to see if your numbers grow. The context is provided by the community when the player asks how to improve their dps numbers which are now fully visible to them like any other stat in the hero panel. 5. "Dps isn't just about your stats and rotations. It's also about boons". Sure, but that's an argument for why anet needs to add content that explains to players what boons are and what they do (and also food buffs while we're at it). It's not an argument against a dps meter. It's an argument for adding tutorials on boons. 6. "I don't want to know what my dps is." That's fine. I'm advocating to make it optional. You can turn it off or on.
  19. This is a good time to do a penny wise rp
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