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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. There are literally icons for Unleashed Power and Pet/Ranger unleashed on the right side of the bar. Also, the pet icons change to unleashed icons when they are unleashed; normal icons when ranger is unleashed. Currently also have the green effect on pet when its unleashed, but them making that fade away won't really help matters--would be great if that didn't go through or was a toggle but meh. And finally, the ranger almost always yells 'Unleash!' when unleashing and 'Set em' up for the kill!' when the pet unleashes. Like, a lot lot.
  2. Isn't it a 180-radius blind? With optional projectile follow up / combo with itself deal? I guess if you are outside of it then it isn't 'mandatory' but if you are in melee good luck not getting blinded with that skill. Multiple times.
  3. Agree with this, teamfighters are basically DPS now and are 'tanky' through boon application or kiting ability. This is why most thieves while on 'roamer' builds are consistently at mid picking people off. Reaper would be S-tier, and put Holo at A. You forgot D/P DD and DE, which are also A. For probably like B/A in low gold would also be Specter. Meme-tier is mech.
  4. Which is great, but probably broken in competitive anyway. As can just blast the stealth field to reposition or something, then use spear stealth to get a stealth attack. People hate chaining stealth (i.e. thieves) so wouldn't be surprised if that tracks to ranger spear. I mean either way I don't mind.
  5. Not in NA. Top 250 is ~1380 atm, g1 isn't too far off from this and will get matchmade with Top 250s anyway. This isn't 2015 anymore where p1+ has any meaning 😂
  6. Just saw this but there is no way not to have Untamed be able to use spear AND combo with the smoke field (while holding the spear) unless they nerf the pet unleashed skills. I seriously hope they don't do that. That said, I don't know how they'd differentiate stealth unless they make the spear mechanic work like Stalk used to. I don't think they would as Stalk bypassed reveals (the pet could attack in stealth with no reveal), but who knows.
  7. Tripwires? Laser Traps? Hell, Landmines? A LOT of traps show you where they are placed.
  8. I thought DH traps used to show a red ring when they are laid? Few games tonight, no rings, so no idea where they are--walking landmines, just getting hit for a bajillion damage and CC's by moving to the wrong spot 🙃
  9. I would say the difference is you can afk your way to skrim tickets...but you could afk your way to shards too. I guess the lazy way to get skrim tickets is get a camp and afk, but you should not just afk in pvp matches so meh. I find them both equal, made Ascencion without even caring about the shards, and made an entire legendary set of armor in WvW without caring about skrim tickets, bought the infusion, etc. and think I'm still over 25k of them.
  10. How did the WS changes make WvW worse? The loss of refined toxins / shared anguish was a hit to your average cele condi roamer, but I don't think that's even on their radar as far as balancing. Things like Survival Instinct / Carnivore were clearly designed for mace/hammer in situations where you can disable multiple people--because everyone keeps complaining how ranger has no place in zergs. Again, I really hope they add stealth attack buffs or something else into Marks now, it would combo well with new spear and the existing traits there which rely on opening strike.
  11. I usually do it when the mid fight is clearly lost, to try to stretch out the opposing team and let people get back out of spawn. Going immediately is another matter, typically that should only be done if you know you can clear them off quick, as in addition to the 3v4 at mid, they could make it a 3v3 themselves, send one to your home and if they win that you are in bad position.
  12. ~~Linked for the very first time~~ Felt apropos, the world restructuring is going so well that it makes me wanna strap on cone booba and everything
  13. Love visiting the WvW forums and seeing the same accounts that act like they are on anet payroll and go on damage control anytime a topic comes up that isn't 'everything is perfect!' 😂
  14. AFAIK rank gain is constant, like WvW. You could increase it with potions until they removed them, and you get more for winning--but that's about it.
  15. I actually imagine if you don't select a WvW guild they'd actually do this. I fully expect those who don't join to any guild to just be dumped in some overflow team. inb4 'as they should, all hail community guilds!'
  16. Shoot out animals, naturally.
  17. Right, which is why I consider it an awful concept, when you have to take a GM to use the main mechanic of the entire traitline. Yes, with remorseless. Get the reset via fury from CC / Midnight King or can get it with Brutish Seals / Signet of Hunt or whatnot. It whataboutism. Like, marks is bad but what about if you use Remorseless to make it good, or what about if you use it with Midnight King, etc. The line should be good regardless, but Opening Strike makes sure that's not possible. Now it isn't because you can use M/M, Hammer, etc. that have CC's to proc Remorseless and whatnot. When it was created it was, because LB/GS is such a classic combo they based the entire line around it. Why else would they double down and make Lead the Wind literally ONLY proc off PBS? Could have just lowered the threshold to 900 to accommodate the rest of the weapons, no?
  18. Good advice, but for my money at best (and I mean no mistakes made) leads to a 450-500 loss since the DD was bullying OP from the gun. I've had enough 450-480 to 500 losses recently and most of them were 'throws' where we were winning then the team spazzes out--if getting bullied it's even less likely to eke out a win unless OP can outskill at least one of the other two thieves. My guess is enemy team would just keep nodes perma contested (esp. with two mirages), have the zerker burst people down and the DDs would be around to stall/bully OP if they tried decap. As opps had two thieves and somehow won, this tells me either OPs comp was fubar'd (i.e. like three necros + a mech + them or something) or there was a big skill difference.
  19. Wonder why that is. Oh yeah, blind. I maintain these forums do not struggle with DE, and DE is only good in a duo. Stealth on dodge doesn't change that--a SoloQ DE is going to have a rough time over DD.
  20. I gotta see it. ofc cele, suggesting any other stat combo in WvW right now is facetious.
  21. Opening strike as a concept is awful Hunter's Gaze/Stoneform are awful Brutish Seals is bad outside of Midnight King synergy, signets you also use to setup longbow burst (like Signet of Hunt) Farsighted is bad now that they nerfed longbow burst builds (not that it was super great to begin with), no one uses that for Axe or Shortbow Lead the Wind, yes, is terrible There are a LOT of bad things about marks--you even said it, any 'good' marks build is used with its GS synergy, and 99% of time that was LB/GS, especially when the traitline was created. LB is also not a secondary weapon in those builds, GS is. Seriously what 'good' power build prior to M/M, sword overhaul, etc. used marks and wasn't LB/GS? Marks is terribad, only reason it used recently with M/M is again, Midnight King relic.
  22. I don't care about bad builds or whatever people use the different traitlines to do. Marksmanship is even in the name; it was made for bows.
  23. For context, IIRC they run full cele bunker Druid--so I'd wager that can survive a WB either long enough for it to get bored or make a mistake. Just stealth 'use' to keep kiting the WB. Now, if they are doing this without using stealth I'd love to see it.
  24. I mean, it kinda is, especially with Lead the Wind specifically proc'ing on PBS now. Marks was always made for LB/GS, was assumed you'd run Marks/BM/X; they just never changed it after all the power creep / nerfs to Ranger one-shot builds.
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