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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. If pre-crafting, then the time sink is fine with me. I'd rather that over wizard vault or TP pres, but I know a lot will disagree with that. But no reason they can't make a gen 2 version where you also have to have Janthir currency since you know, both are wilds and all. Would make more sense than a gen 3, at least lore wise. They also won't have to arbitrarily introduce a 'gen 4' just for a spear. And as others have said, gets people back into the HoT maps, which also pulls some pressure off having to release a bunch of new maps for the 'expansion' right away. We really don't want a repeat of content drought from SoTO....right?
  2. I dislike MoC because everything will stunbreak it--the parallel to this was Ancient Seeds with increased bleed duration / expertise, it was great damage on paper but had limited practical application due to cleanses. What they could do is instead add it to LoF. Benefits shortbow and allows you to take warhorn with sword, dagger, or mace MH (if you really want to go crazy with stuns at expense of mobility). Marks is just kind of trash tier at the moment if not for Midnight King. Opening strike has always been gimmicky and with all the nerfs to LB and now maces, it's just...bleh. With spear it really needs a rework of some sort, maybe more of the traits benefit stealth attacks or something.
  3. Yeah, I find Harb to be 'wait out the elite' and kill them. It isn't like WvW where they have an entire stat set to support the elixir with boon duration stats while giving condi damage and some insane toughness levels. Reaper is far more dangerous, as they can use pistol like harb due to weapon master AND have a second life bar....
  4. Not sure you are understanding--TU is meant as an offensive heal, not a cleanse. Sure, it can cleanse up to 4, but Druid has about 15 other cleanses--so it is not needed to save it. This is why you see it used three times in a row like I did. Let's not get it twisted though, between cleanses, offensive condis via attacks and auras, ele is much more of a pain for me to fight in a sidenode situation--which is why I mentioned it in my 'redacted' post. Anyway, look at me, trying to bring knowledge to this troll topic--no wonder why they keep it open!
  5. Add ranked 5v5 Remove duo q from solo q 5v5 Remove unranked (so bronze has meaning again) Should solve most issues, no? AFAIK no one can see your rating unless you are on leaderboard (outside the hideable medal), so always wondered why more people are afraid to play ranked.
  6. Yeah, TU isn't for condi cleansing really, it's a nice bonus. Evey survival skill cleanses 😂
  7. Might be a hot take but... All the AoE ground puke (DH traps, necro wells, specter wells, etc. etc.) and people still can't handle a stealth on dodge. Look, when you see BP, any smoke field, or a DE with silent scope, and they go invis...just kite. It's been this way from the beginning of the game where it was far more important because if you didn't move you got 10k backstabbed. There's little room for complaint now when there are so many active defenses, and still some passives around like Guards aegis procs. An invisible thief (or anything) can't contest a node and can't actually attack you without revealing--have some awareness.
  8. Finally managed a 10 winstreak in SoloQ 🥳 GW2 winstreak — Postimages (postimg.cc)
  9. Either need another competitive ring + visual, or 2 conflux needs a visual. Should be able to look like a planetarium even if never raided.
  10. It's more having the secondary stealth for free. No need to use the weapons stealth when you can blast the smoke field from smokescale and get a free stealth attack. This is why I am also skeptical of even making stealth attacks to begin with, as they will nerf things to accommodate it. Such as Strider's Strength, smokescale knockdown was taken away to accommodate this, as sword became a very powerful burst when coupled with merged soulbeast smokescale CC. This of course hurt any other ranger build using the smokescale itself, as they removed the KD in both places. Even earlier, they nuked Jaguar's damage early on, and even got rid of its special effect 'Stalk' because of how powerful the stealth was and what bursts it was doing to players. I don't disagree that ranger lacks non-projectile AoE, but only because they literally removed all forms of it. Throwable traps, moveable spirits, etc. could have solved this problem a long time ago--and actually did for a time, as at one point we had throwable traps that would let us stealth and did decent damage. We may have to wait until Ranger Scepter becomes a thing (if it ever does) to get non-projectile ranged attacks. Again though, I'd rather they just use what we already have...
  11. LB4 doesn't give stealth... No one runs LB, it's been trashed out of the game. Mobility creep / stealth / active projectile hate / gap closers are out of control. Longbow has no place, doesn't matter if it's 2k range. If someone is losing to LB in 2024, they are bad, full stop. Will do little, same as dropping shortbow from 1200 to 900 did. Range dropping is just a hacky way to solve a problem especially when as mentioned above, the weapon has been practically phased out of the game (entirely, as no one in PvE is running longbow outside open world LARP'ing).
  12. Yeah, CTF was (mostly) a joke due to how absolutely whack Spirit Watch is. Though, some of that is because the map itself is terrible--they could go a long way to fix that to make it actually fun. But, with GW2 it almost seems if the constraints have to be around capture mechanics of some sort. Maybe something like third team added (5v5v5) or having to simultaneously hold nodes to score points (not additive like now but all or nothing). If nothing else, they could look to old games for ideas. Specifically, FPS like Unreal Tournament, some of those modes could be pretty fun in GW2 context, and also stick to the 'arena' nature of sPvP.
  13. At least in PvE these have never ended well. Aforementioned Southsun Survival, whatever the Halloween PvP mode is called (Lunatic Inquisition?), etc. just kind of become stale as they are mostly underdeveloped and are quite buggy. Have a feeling a BR mode would be like Super Adventure Box in that it would be one dev's passion, but from out of the gate just so out of scope nothing gets done. The number of resources to make a functioning BR is astronomical. If they were to do that, they'd be better off working from a WvW shell instead of a sPvP one anyway....as BR usually like 100 players at a time.
  14. Can't wait to play stealth wars with DEs on the boxes of capricorn and coliseum....
  15. Go tell them lolol: Yes. Probably broken to the point they nerf smokescale. Again.
  16. Why? We have traps. They could make the traps more useful, but it's not like we don't have unblockable ranged AoE options. I'd also disagree heavily with this being 'useless' in PvP...it sounds utterly, insanely broken. On paper alone. Which worries me for the smokescales stealth field to be honest. As how you going to have a weapon that stealths, blast mechanics that can stack with that, and a field to do both with? They also didn't learn with the flip skills being atrocious idea...*cough* untamed hammer *cough*. Finally, unblockable owl spirits to LARP with but we still have to trait piercing on BOTH our bows. Makes sense. EDIT: Watched the vid, what is with the absolutely ginormus telegraphed leap when necro gets yet another port....would be nice to be able to 'spear' our pets and teleport to them somehow, but nope we get a...bunny? leap?
  17. It's going to be capture the flag
  18. Do 'Chilled to the Bone!', if it hits, go to town in melee, otherwise yeet away while pew pewing with pistol. Q.E.D.
  19. Play holo then? I've always played Ranger and have basically mained Druid for forever now and it has gotten more nerfs than buffs, and rarely makes it into AT unless it's some niche support build (last time I saw one there it was using glyph of tides). My posts were referring to the 'top duos' or what AT comps would run--even in the daily AT's I see DEs fill out the DPS role far more than holo. Not that holo wasn't prevalent for a bit, Naru for instance liked to run that in duo earlier in the year, among other 'top' alts that I fought who I can't be bothered to trace back to actual names. Guessing that's why it was nerfed. As someone else said, anet likes to nerf top 1% builds to 'bring them in line' with the rest of the trash mobility/boon/defense puke builds. Same thing happened to ranger's Unnatural Traversal, basically had to have a macro to get that burst to work but it's been nerfed badly for over a year.
  20. Boyce is probably one of the ranger GOATs...what is the point? Are we saying there are no rangers in plat? Why would anyone play holo over DE anyway unless bored? It was far less forgiving no matter what scenario, why would you just choose it to be hipster? There's way too many thieves in g3 and above atm.
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