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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Real question is, how much dumber do we want to make WvW? In what world are 3v1's normal? If OP is winning multiple 3v1s then for my money, the attackers shouldn't even be able to penetrate the tower. Rewarding repeatedly dying to 1 dude is a dangerous path, especially when they already have cele builds to put everyone on equal or greater footing. With cele, you should never lose in numbers unless you are less skilled, and three times less skilled means something needs to give, or they will lower the bar so much that Drizzlewood is harder than WvW. I do realize the game is 12 years old and naturally probably have to set the bar lower to get players in, but too low benefits no one. It is a big reason I no longer really actively play WvW as there is no reward for being good at roaming. Not that there ever was, but now more than ever it is a colossal waste of time to defend literally anything.
  2. Without seeing it, guessing because staff warrior nerfs allowed Vindi to move up into actual mAT play as slots opened up. I don't know about you, but facing actual top vindi can say that the damage is pretty insane if you aren't sure what to look for, because you are getting damaged by literally everything they do close up. Even if you do know what to look for, you have to be super careful--if vindi hammer is 'mediocre damage' than I'm not sure what burst damage is anymore. Like, for burst classes, I can fight a thief or an engi on a point--good reaper less so (like idk who "Ruby Pumps" actual main is but face them when I was p1 level and in ATs, and they are very good Reaper on NA), and vindi is very tough for my M/M ranger. It's no less oppressive than daze druid or Untamed, but does more damage and opponent has less time to react to said damage. I actually want to watch the mAT this time to see what's all in it though.
  3. You are aware that 'zerging' is a general term and not really related to sizing? There were such things as four ling rushes on bloodba--oh wait, I forgot most people have no idea where the term originated from 😂. Annnyway, repairing first is only backward now that they nerfed literally everything about defending. Prior to this, you could disable the siege, repair the gate, then either AoE bomb it from the wall, or go out and destroy it while they try to get back on / use the doors for kiting. Towers specifically, as keeps like hills or bay it indeed makes little sense to repair until the siege is down..but OP wasn't solo defending a keep. I mean, double devil's advocate here but, they really shouldn't be trying again after getting wiped 3v1. Maybe flipping camps is all they can do until learning more about the combat system--I for one don't think covering up bad gameplay behind boons, gear, and literal unlimited free chances at structures is good for anyone.
  4. All that to get to the bolded part which is the actual outcome 99% of the time. I did lol at having to replicate multiple 3v1's as being 'correct strategy' when there is absolutely no penalty for the three just to keep zerging back over and over. That's literally being punished for being good at the game. Which wasn't enough, so they made it so you never can repair and have no breathing room of using the tower doors for kiting anymore.
  5. Just want to quote and agree this is the baseline for actually terrible specs. A lot of people forget that. Maybe that's why such the defense of Vindicator as the other rev specs are straight trash in sPvP. It would be nice for anet to bring those specs up instead of hammering everything into Vindicator.
  6. It makes me three months ahead of the curve, as I can fight obviously skilled players and know when something is overperforming?
  7. Calling Merp a clown? This forum talks a lot about high skill but apparently has no experience actually fighting it 😂.
  8. At least unlike AED it doesn't heal for a shitton if you miss the icon on the bar and do lethal damage.
  9. It's weird to be like three months ahead of the curve on something--but yeah, Vindi has been good for a while now.
  10. The problem is that traps are now balanced around Dragonhunter. When OG trapper runes (the throwable ones) existed, DH wasn't a thing--and then when it was a thing it became way more impactful than Ranger with the runes. Not sure anyone wants invisible DH back atm, so a relic is probably out. Trait would also be unfair with current balance--if Trapper's Expertise or something allowed invis, just imagine what M/M Druids could do (hint: healing spring is a trap). Though I kind of want to see what the sPvP forum would do with an invisible perma-stun Druid build 😂...maybe next April 1st?
  11. Just don't let Persephone find out.
  12. Ranger hammer needs buffs to compete with maces
  13. Why would you out yourself...I tried to specifically not out you by not quoting but...😂
  14. Imgur is so busted for me, I dunno wtf they did to it. Like, super-sized UI with ads everywhere so can't see the actual images anymore...wild.
  15. Man, the engi main I thought would be in here having AI write old school rap disses towards OP for even saying holo is OP actually is ITT but was predicably too busy with memes to read any of it 💀.
  16. Better solved by having leagues split based on F2P / paying.
  17. Again, they can't be everywhere. They camped mid until they were losing on points from not having the sides, then spread out too late and couldn't stop me from harassing the node so they also could not go back mid, and eventually lost. If three people can perma cap three nodes from five people, chances are they should win as they'd win on any build. If they switch to burst, they'd just end up spawn camping you. I am one of those that will kite a point to keep people distracted, as that's how I find best success in winning without resorting to duo q. I don't think this is a class balance issue but rather one of points for kills not mattering as much as say if they were +10 or +15 instead of +5. Right now, the way the node capture mechanic works, fighting without a purpose is just asking to lose even if it does seem trolly.
  18. If you stomp someone in a combo field...should be a blast finisher. Other than that, smoke probably needs blind component removed from it, or stealth, but I find the blind way more egregious.
  19. I'd argue this is a theoretical now. Like, yes, the math has been there from the start, but boons can make you survive way longer on literally nothing as long as you aren't getting stripped. That being said, I have no idea what Thron is getting at--are we saying OWP still has too much burst? Or that it needs more burst? Also how do you slot OWP on Untamed?
  20. They can't be everywhere--when you see that amount of bunker/support need to run more DPS and sidenode. This happened to me other game, core guard, chrono bunker, and scourge all just camping mid like a picnic. Took far with one other person, and the other people dying at mid respawn and kept home occupied--we won like 300-500. I can't even remember if we had a support tbh. This was coliseum too, so when scourge or core guard come over to recap far, they lose control of mid and can't catch me as I like to play super adventure box on that map.
  21. Just think too that the matchmaker assembled that legendary super team all on its own...
  22. Basically this--it's been weird for a few seasons but like, I think I'm in high g1 right now (with like 11 games played lol) but normally would be sitting high g3 for most if not all the season. Might even out later but as with the screen above games feel stupid bad atm, even if you win. Also, that game...+22, the previous was -29 and it was much, much closer than a literal freaking shutout 😂. I think it was a true shutout too, like matchmaker is on some serious drugs atm; as no one on either team said a word about throwing or anything (which normally they would after first mid fight loss), it was like the other team was literally entirely, naturally, bronze.
  23. Everything's fiiine: gw2 shutout — Postimages (postimg.cc)
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