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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Nah man, in UT3 it was all about sniping across the map to spawn camp. Same goes with CoD from inception, but with grenades and later like tact strikes. Prior to them becoming Fortnite clones that is.
  2. It does, inevitably loses to staff war / chronobunker combo though. Not sure about now after the nerfs to war--curious if ranger can make it into grand finals again.
  3. No more slotting a tactic, every structure should have an EWP and it should be on a 15-20 min timer. Scaling timer based on spawn is fine too, so N towers are like 25 min, but Garri / Side keeps is 20 and S towers 15 min (flip for enemy BLs and non-home configurations). This way, at any time, any place you can have a fight in a structure. Attackers won't have to fight as much siege, and defenders can show up at will to any structure. Spies can still troll the tact pull as usual. EBG can stay as-is because people are already in close proximity anyway.
  4. The zerg drivers ITT are hilariously easy to spot.
  5. They post balance changes for all three modes weeks in advance; not arguing that WvW balance isn't based off sPvP + cele gear then scale it to fit 50v50...but still. RBL was redesigned just like Skyhammer, it used to be even more asinine. Also, they've never made another sPvP map since either--I would count both modes pretty well forgotten in terms of new content. The changes for WvW are just so inane that I'm actually thankful sPvP is on auto-pilot. They'd probably do something like take away the side nodes to make matches faster.
  6. Ranger pets? They've been trying to kill those things for years...
  7. Every class in the game can do this now my dude.
  8. This is the most accurate take. War, Mes, Ranger, all got hit in the patch--the first two were represented in the finals, and Ranger always catches strays if it gets even close to the finals of a mAT, but I digress lol.
  9. Ya'll got invigorating bond nerfed by proxy so...congrats 😂.
  10. FB avatar, raps on a podcast about WvW--calls people neckbeard; pot meet kettle?! Anyway, capture circles getting smaller are very good for 5-man troll groups and very bad for any PUG wandering around, as its way easier to share boons and cap in a smaller radius. Once objective is capped then you just have to build siege in it and jump up and down as PUGs flood out 1v1 to die. Siege golem not contesting seems to be a follow up to 'siege disruptors' as typically the way you stopped those from contesting was to disable them prior to someone getting in. While mostly used by trolls, they did have legit stall uses and...well, can't have that. Walls repairing at 50% is hilarious. Only time people could screw you were towers--never had a keep wall being repaired screw me if I'm outside trying to distract, as I have a build that you know, can run away pretty easily and not get insta-rolled trying to kite back through a wall instead of a door. Now there is legit zero reason to repair walls, or anything, at all, ever. Real close to unticking the WvW objectives in the vault as roaming / scouting is what I liked and it's mostly entirely dead now. No point in running from camp to camp for a daily when I can just play sPvP for an hour and do an entire weekly, and actually as a bonus fight people instead of NPCs.
  11. Just makes it way easier to follow someone around now looking identically to them and harassing them or makes it far more likely squabbles start over who 'created' a look. It may not seem like much, but just the fact you have to research skins now, and especially identical dye combos is a huge barrier to entry for this type of harassment. I'm not sure you are thinking this through all the way here as to the negative portions of it.
  12. Can't inspect people to see gear, weapons, or builds--but fashion is ok? We don't even have proper DPS meter in the game to help out, have to rely on Arc. I see this just making it so people call others 'whales' and whatnot if they have a lot of gemstore outfits, or other bad behaviors depending on rarity of skin. As of now, it's hard to do that as have to guess lot of times or wiki it to even know if its a BL skin or normal one (outside things like leges which are pretty obvious). Fashion in this game is competitive, it's part of the reason why every outfit and legendary is glitter lightshow puke. Also, why it's IMO hard to make a masculine looking dude, everyone looks like a runway model. So, it's understandable why the fashion community would be upset, as now in addition to the Jesus Saves LA spam and DMs, can add some nice whispers about how people think you have no life or whale for the game because they sit around in LA or other places right-click inpsecting people...
  13. I realize WvW has more hackers/exploiters than it should, but this topic really screams 'help I just downloaded the game yesterday, why are the red people attacking me'.
  14. Shorter seasons would be better now that the population is super low. Give less time to stagnate in G2/G3 and maybe open up some of the plat tiers again if people actually had to play instead of decay farm on alts. Sliding decay might be nice too, so higher you are, faster you decay out of the leaderboard. Anything to cut out the number of alts and smurfs at this point.
  15. Was great fun watching Summit1G ragequit WvW and legit uninstall live on stream a few years back lol. Would say no changes, unranked uses ranked MMR afaik, so chances are the vets either have to carry the team or are facing other vets along with a team full of newbies. Most maps do actually have multiple exits, only Coliseum, Capricorn, and Temple don't off top of my head--Coliseum might, it has that long kitten hallway to I'm not sure where, as I've never actually ran down it. Is there a wall at the end or does it lead to home, and no one uses it? If there IS a wall, then they really could open that up or make it shorter / useful.
  16. Finally got around to watching the vid, but: I know you down them later, but I'm still not seeing how switching off M/M + Sw/Wh helps them kill you better. On Druid for that matter--as they secured the down and kill with OWP and merged soulbeast--power druid cannot replicate this. But who knows, we'd need a ranger main to actually make it to mAT finals first with any build to really further the discussion.
  17. This doesn't seem like a thing, is this a thing? I know you can see overall rating if they display it (bronze, silver, gold, etc.) but actual rating if they aren't on the Top 250 board? Seems sus...ingame or third party?
  18. Agree to extent, however dying has a purpose sometimes and also pure bunkers do just always fight on node to stall, see here: No stealth, and nothing outside me seeing if I could fend off 3 people at once kills me. I would have still died, but as I label in the video probably should have just backed up and kept the node neutral instead of running off it to try and stop the entire group. If you are a +1 / burst type then something like Smokescale is beneficial, however there you shouldn't be full capping nodes (only decap), so my point about stealth impeding capture isn't relevant.
  19. Instead of dropping on the ground, these items should go direct to inventory (like thief Stolen items). Ex: Siamoth Feathers, Boar Rock, etc.
  20. Wyvern/Gazelle was actually a pretty popular roaming combo for condi druid a while back, due to the number of CC's that could proc ancient seeds. Obviously, things have changed since then, however I still use E. Wyvern quite a bit myself as the launch from its wing flap tends to hit a lot more reliably than gazelle's charge does--they just need to fix Lighting Assault from going through things and being somewhat useless outside of the field.
  21. Me either, I'd like old Ranger F2 and general pet responsiveness back before Mech was a thing. Been broke for what, two years now? For ranger, current pets are just CC and player controls the skills if Untamed and meant to be played in tandem. I'm not sure how it's any less fun to fight than clone spam, teleburst spam, or stealth spam is...
  22. Amazing. I'll take it. You just buffed condi Druid to completely and utterly destroy Warrior, not just stalemate it. I want you on the balancing team; then you can add your healing reduction increase on CC to say poison master and we can run Demon Queen and I finally won't have to deal with warrior CCs anymore. Or anything else, because it'd be true 99% healing reduction and Druid would be immortal! Mwahahahaha
  23. It makes chak noises when walking lol. Spit Goop should probably just become a light field as Ranger lacks that--and can make it a circular area instead of a line which is hard to hit with (like Rev's Road). How would making Electrocute single target with a 240-pulse range that no one is going to ever get hit with...make it better? Could move the cripple over there or better yet a blind...
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