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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. I'm not sure that house is glass my dude, you've obviously never met a guild like QQ if you think those roamers are bad. Firstly, I don't post outnumbered meme montages as they are too easy to call out for what they are--beating up on low skill players. I do have outnumbered in some of my vids, but usually no more than a 2v1..maybe 3v1? As after that it gets into the former territory of just beating up on ppl that don't know what a keyboard is. So, in that light, all of those fights on my vid (besides EBG at the end) are 1v1s on a non-cele condi untamed. Only Druid footage in there is the QQ one as I had to use a build I'm familiar with actual sPvP on because of the fact they are generally quite skilled. Even that isn't cele though as I think cele for Druid is sub-optimal personally. But yeah, thanks for the views!
  2. Using PvE coefficient is problematic, that's for sure. But otherwise, there is severe lack of context here--is full glass hitting 18k against like a bunker? As that seems normal, because I can go berserker amulet, etc. on power untamed and probably hit 18k full melee mode. If this is a more bunker (i.e. not berserker ammy) then that might be an issue considering all the innate defenses most necro builds have through shroud alone.
  3. So yeah, that works out then...GoE would be 6-8 hrs for normies, GoB 4 hours without booster madness. Not really even sure if that's an argument for or against putting them in reward tracks as the timing is pretty close--wonder what it works out to gold as they could just put them in vendors now for like 100-200g ea. They really need to find other things to get players in the modes besides these, as components for legendaries is about the most boring method possible.
  4. Since you get two gifts of Explo and we have mad mount speed now--I'd wager a gift of exploration and gift of battle take about the same time. It can't take more than a few hours to map complete core tyria anymore, and it takes at least a few hours to finish GoB track provided you don't have old WXP pots to spam or boosters or something. Anyway, would not be opposed to GoB in PvP as either way you are doing a competitive game mode. WvW has conflux anyway as well which you need a bunch of specific currency for outside the GoB.
  5. Nope, never brought this up weeks ago to massive pushback that rev is the most underpowered class in the game, and I simply got "Merp'd".
  6. Easy fix, just remove them off leash/unleash and put as default on weapon swap. Then change the GM trait to something else. Maybe something fun like reducing CDs of your cantrip skills only if the ambushes actually hit. That way no icon, no ICD, and no unintended double ambush to worry about in PvE (where you use ambush, wait for ICD use again, then swap to use right away a third time). Would also be helpful if they moved them off the AA key but supposedly they are fixing that in the next patch so the ambush won't get consumed immediately if you have AA on. Being able to select what key it goes on (most likely 1-5 only) would also be great.
  7. I think the first two minutes was enough for me--just a bunch of PUG/PvE rangers (and a WB) chasing you on CDs. Really though, I mean, at 20s you literally LR right into 3 of them and they do nothing 😂. Then at 50s you panic kite, use both your CA form and heal--then rush back into them with no heal (or stunbreak) of any sort (literally all your skills are on CD), which tells me you could have just stood there and they still wouldn't have been able to kill you. Actually, fast forwarded the video and that's pretty much all it is--no offense, but I thought EU was supposed to be leagues ahead of NA in terms of skill? I mean genuinely, like at the end of the vid with the core engi and WB--are those actual players or bots? Anyway, if that's the general roaming skill level, then just roll and untamed, body them in about ~30s and leave. Save you time and video length tbh. I agree with this, but I'm not sure those opponents knew what keyboards are let alone CC skills.
  8. Funny thing is Druid has little to no stablity and one block via GS. Just because they are 'blue form' doesn't mean you can't CC them. Barrier spam is the reason a bunker Druid exists atm not stab, blocks, or anything of the sort. Overall, I don't see soft CC as an issue outside of the fact so many classes can ground spam it. Need to take the blinds / immobs / cripples / chills / weakness / poison / etc. off a lot of ground utilities or make them higher CD or something.
  9. Who are these players? You're ok with being 1490 atm with a duo (54% winrate)? So, when you say ' top 100' are you factoring that 1500 is now top 100 instead of like 1600-1700? I'm of the opinion you can't even really retain top 250 atm without a constant duo; I've fought duos (including yours) and had games with zero deaths, held points, did all the things. Still lost because I'm on full rando team. I also don't like the role logic, because as a roamer Druid I've been chased around map many times by WBs just to distract them from other things, because as a fallback a Druid can hold/contest a point way better than a WB can. So can we say roamer classes are now direct hinderances to matchups? If so, I say that's just game design flaw, not role flaw IMO. It's game design flaw as currently there's nothing to get bunkers off points besides more people, when a year or so ago whenever burst was a thing you could have a better roamer get a bunker off by doing more damage to them then they can bunker. Anyway, that's not what really strikes me here, as if duos are that potent you should be holding 1600+ at least--because if I'm 1400 without a duo and you are 1500 with one, you are saying that the players in the mode are so bad now that two people can't carry teams half the time? Or are you just running sub-optimal classes in duo and barely holding the rank as your duo partner makes up for what you lack or refuse to run?
  10. Can finally create Jet Set Radio type looks: gw176 — Postimages (postimg.cc) Fun stuff; spray paint bottle mace next plz
  11. Reaper requires you to have conscious effort? Are we playing the same game here? I'm unsure if you are aware, but the power creep for necro is through the roof atm. Agreed, but in this very topic we have arrow cart ranger cope going on--need a united front against that frankly dumb idea the devs created.
  12. I think the subtext here is 'buff Specter', but practically every class can do this now. For every heal war and Druid there's a FB that can stall for 10x as long, or a DH/Scrapper duelist that can AFK traps on point or run away with perma boons and superspeed. The only answer to fighting any of these builds is CC duelists--direct burst damage will not work as they've nerfed it too much.
  13. Why? What is the point of posting most games when they are 100 points of differential and the obvious conclusion is can't carry hard enough or rotations were slightly better on the other team? For example, I could post Rom demolishing my Untamed build in Unranked this evening and still winning against him because our team held nodes for longer, and all I had to do was distract him long enough to lose just enough impact on the game. Anyway, the metrics are there that most here are in g3 right now on NA, even ones who duo. There's no reason to post games when something is obviously broken--and if you do somehow want to see my gameplay, I have posted on Youtube at various points (mostly WvW but some sPvP too).
  14. I'm confused--are you basing your argument around Hammer? Do you think hammer is a good defensive weapon? If so, where, and who is using it? And then... Are you saying hammer is equal to say Reaper? As Reaper is the most potent melee necro spec. In general, how does a ranger actually go on the defensive? I will tell you any top ones I've played do it two ways, either stealth, or a bunker build using healing spring like this: But they are nerfing healing spring (condi cleanse amount, water field duration, etc.), getting rid of the Druid trait that enables builds like this, and getting rid of any stability outside elites and Dolyak. So again, we're left with bursts from stealth and also using stealth as escape mechanism. The problem with that is the hit and run nature--doing damage becomes very difficult against any competent team, as are finding openings. Literally fought against Rom this evening and let me tell you, the "defenses" of hammer are nothing compared to what can be pulled off with stealth and Sw/Wh + GS. Besides Eura, Rom is probably the best ranger player on NA--I would think they would balance around that (or Boyce over on EU). Fighting against them though, hammer was a strict liability--for the reasons I mention in the quote above, it's too easy to kite and then just get destroyed. Anyway, at present they seem to balance around the bunkers which can and do get outplayed at very high levels (via CC); problem is the class mechanics aren't meant to bunker. We're like ele with a half working pet and no aura spam and slightly more HP if you actually want to kill anything. It's pretty rough out there.
  15. Nonono Vindi isn't overperforming, it's just Merp is broken, see here:
  16. Welcome to my TED talk! gw2 pvp — Postimages (postimg.cc) To start, I feel something is seriously off with sPvP lately (NA don't know about the sun-averse pro's over in EU), I've seen it in my games and have seen it on the leaderboard--have many good players that were once plat in the g3 range now. I myself have fallen to g2 (47% winrate atm) because every game I get is either this, or a blowout. If I die even once the game feels as if it is virtually over / usually spirals out of control, and I can't put my finger on why. Even here, I had zero deaths and almost 400k dmg with nearly 20 kills (which at 30% of team is about1.5 players worth of kills) and still the game felt entirely over at most every point. It was too, because the 53% of deaths vs. enemy team means my team was feeding for as much as I was killing--there's no way to stop that. Also, for instance, I can't count the number of times this season from 1480 to now pretty much 1300, all ranges, that I've seen people run out of my smokescales field at any given point before I can blast it and give them stealth. I would expect this at the lower end of 1300, but at almost plat range? And not 'oh I played 12 games and am 1480', I'm at nearly 125--and each game just going down more and more. For others that have the titles and stuff, is there a certain point in the season where you go 'welp time to be done until next season'? I see a lot of people here with 200+ games but like 51% winrate and that tells me that initial placement kept them where they are--but why even play that many games? Some of you even duo and still hover around a 50% winrate, and that can't be coincidence. I know it isn't coincidence as I have video evidence of a top 10 duo (one was 8 rank and other 12) getting wrecked by a non-leaderboard metabattle Druid build--that shouldn't be possible (as hilarious as it was to watch). Can't even play unranked either, as people there are actually sweatier than ranked. Since it uses your ranked MMR you get carry duty 99% of time and super, super volatile matches because of it. You also get the same 5-man comps that steamroll games so you can't do anything except get another 5-man and with the mode as dead as it is, that seems impossible. I've never tried ATs, but just the pre-match banter in the sPvP lobby is enough not to make me want to, with number of people throwing or not readying up, forfeiting matches, etc. Lastly, there's the 'just play don't care about your rank' crowd--but that doesn't work for me either, as the lower I get the dumber people get. I'm well past the bottom end of where my skill is (which I'm guessing is 1430-1470 in current climate just solo), and so once I'm far enough down there really seems to be no way to climb back. I don't want to put in 200-300 games to attempt to grind back up there either as already have the title and only really want to be there for more enjoyable games. The tldr; is I think seasons actually need to be shorter. Need more hard resets or something, as I know 'the mode is dead' but you are losing the remaining players as it's not fun to have to carry 100% of the time or lose for like 3 months on end. Having random balance patches in the middle of seasons too (multiple times) is also a whole other discussion for why this all isn't working.
  17. From that 'document' Counterplay is a fundamental piece of competitive gameplay in Guild Wars 2, and it's important to build skills that can be interacted with effectively. This means we generally don't want instant-cast skills that heavily impact an enemy because we want players to be able to see and react to what their opponents are doing. Instant skills are usually best as defensive skills, though we also want to avoid instant healing in significant amounts. Yeah, they failed at all that. What's funny is he wrote all that too when ports were (and still are) a huge issue to the point to where now pretty much every class has one. Not only that, counterplay is now impossible because of boon spam and general visual clutter. Not to mention stealth, which outside of cleave CC'ing a random area around you has no counterplay.
  19. Should just rename it to Rune of Adventure and Rune of the Adventurer then you'll be happy.
  20. Literally any class can be used at high ranks or for 1vX depending on your skill. If you are new then your skill won't be near what it needs to be to play in 'high ranks' anyway, so just play whatever you like. As at the new stage every issue is a L2P issue no matter how broken the class that just killed you seems.
  21. But something like merged Soulbeast is objectively easier to play than Untamed, because you have way less buttons to worry about. The same holds true for core ranger, which is what OP would start with if they were concerned about intensity or learning curve. What the question sounds more like is which one is going to get through content the fastest. That's where we come into a problem as it's a subjective debate around what 'content' means---which OP needs to figure out themselves really. For my two cents though, start with core ranger and figure out if you like dealing with the pet. If you don't there's only really one option in perma-merged soulbeast or find different class. If you do, then can add on the CA form of Druid, unleashed state of Untamed, or constant merge/unmerge of soulbeast.
  22. Yes, 15% dmg and 25% healing in all but PvE where it is 25/25. I still don't see it as an issue; when we fought earlier you did get force of nature reset once but only because I didn't back up off the point as needed to keep it contested. Was able to do that as another +1 came in as well--which is why I said earlier vs. bunker or more tanky things you need to be full glass for it to have any effect. Like right now Mace needs the rest of the balance changes on the 19th (as does hammer) to even begin to look at where they are. As of now I stand by if maces give a place in WvW then leave them, and they aren't any better than Sw/Wh right now in sPvP even with the whole 'grow large' mechanic. In fact, Mace/Mace is probably the least effective configuration and that's the one you really need to use force of nature anyway.
  23. Think it's fine, in sPvP at least. You can't really dent bunker builds with maces unless you are full glass and then you have the opposite issue of little disengage with them unless you specifically run soulbeast. Soulbeast itself has had enough nerfs in the burst department--if they start nerfing maces on damage then to me, might as well pack it up as all skill has left the game. I'd also leave them in WvW if ranger is actually seeing zerg play. No need to nerf something that is allowing the baseline of enjoyment for the mode outside of heal slave Druid.
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