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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. It makes chak noises when walking lol. Spit Goop should probably just become a light field as Ranger lacks that--and can make it a circular area instead of a line which is hard to hit with (like Rev's Road). How would making Electrocute single target with a 240-pulse range that no one is going to ever get hit with...make it better? Could move the cripple over there or better yet a blind...
  2. Good thing is I'm not sure they can fix it. Mounting / dismounting has weird side effects like counting for a weapon swap, the same may hold true for pet reset because merge/unmerge has always instantly brought them back.
  3. I'm hoping they meant the usual 60s death CD unless you are soulbeast and magically merge them back to life.
  4. Why would I bet gold when your opinion on something WB is: Unless that was trolling, in which case--carry on. BTW, March mAT was after the patch where everything you list above was available for builds--slb build in semis even use savagery sigil, etc. Anyway, my last serious take on this is, switching over to Druid does nothing, and taking hammer does nothing. When you can provide some insane burst on M/M + Sw.Wh SLB there is zero reason to switch to Druid to spam like three more dazes and take an inferior weapon in hammer.
  5. In what role, bunker? So, Druid would try and match with staff SpB for this role, and ultimatley lose as war has more CCs and Ranger little/predictable access to stability?
  6. Remember certain posters telling me maces were useless in all the betas, when I posted videos of them working pretty well in WvW and had opinion that only thing holding them back was Natures' Strength generation (which they fixed). Anyway, now here we predictably are with the complaint threads in the PvP forums because mace/mace appeared in semis of EU mAT. I hate to say it, but with or without maces, power soulbeast is oppressive. It always has been, no matter how many times they react nerf it because the community hates Ranger. It also always will be oppressive, because you can sub mace/mace for GS and have slightly worse but very similar results. Problem is, oppressive or not, it's still not good enough to make mAT finals like support chrono or staff spellbreaker--actually good specs.
  7. Yeah idk, I see WBs more in unranked now that we're between seasons, but I swear I still see more FBs. Last nights game was 1 WB and 1 FB for like three games straight as same people, but still...even representation. Had like at least one DH each game though, some Reapers, and of course Rangers as matchmaker counter-matching. So, no idea. WvW is one thing, but in PvP I really don't see the issue right now.
  8. It never did make a whole lot of sense why the Tamini camp no one goes to or the Skritt caves exist. Spiders at South Camp somehow cause aggro too sometimes without even going near it.
  9. Getting yelled at for being 'afk home' is fun too when if you leave it instantly gets decapped, and no one is capping far so they win off their home / neutral mid + kills from teammates zerging to mid.
  10. WB sure, DH maybe isn't as meta as it was a few months ago but--Reaper and Support Chrono are about as meta as it gets. Reaper more in non-tourney situations but chrono is like everywhere in any comp now. Staff Spb isn't far behind in tourney comps, which is kind of the point of the topic I'd think.
  11. I was seriously unaware anyone still mained WB in sPvP outside of Saiyan. Literally the only one I've fought in like two seasons outside of Unranked. Every other Guard I've run into is core or DH--hell I've seen more FB's than WB's when I play tournament matches.
  12. For the confused, my post is referring to competitive, for PvE its different story with hammer. To expand...competitive based on the last mAT for EU at least (only one I could find streamed); semi's had a mace/mace + sw/Wh SLB...no Hammer. Unsure if this is where Eura's argument is coming from with Hammer vs. Maces, but it stands to reason without the flip skills of Untamed, Hammer is undoubtedly worse than Mace in competitive, regardless of how you spec it out. Only outlier would be WvW zerg play as that's obviously not represented in sPvP in any meaningful way (outside of the games where 5 ppl rush mid in a group the entire game). I'd probably think Hammer is better there by nature of how certain moves function and the fact you don't need like OH Mace #4 in zergs.
  13. Yeah, you got me--you know we aren't posting in a topic where top 100 ranger is musing why hammer is entirely useless compared to maces or anything. Musing based on the premise of the non-togglable hammer btw. Anyway, for my money, a few merged skills + Dolyak + some scaling if you take BM or CA form + some Druid dazes is not going to save you vs. a good hammer untamed who knows how to play the class. You won't find many Untamed's to begin with because it's very difficult to be performant, however if you run into one you will immediately realize why hammer was made for Untamed with the ambushes / skill flipping.
  14. It's not even stealth, thieves have so much mobility that most times they register as just blinking across the screen. I'm not sure why anyone even fights it--just leave, as with celebunker meta they can't dent you anyway. But no... people voluntarily chase or determine to get n camp back with 2-3 thieves in there just porting around all the high terrain wasting like hours of time. For literal nothing.
  15. Please send the Druids that are hurting you my way, I'd love to see who they are. It's more I think people have no idea what CC skills are or when to use them. As like, Glyph of Stars takes over 1s to cast (easy interrupt) and few mesely seconds of stab ever 20s on CA form--but we don't know how to beat it? 💀 Anyway, it takes me probably ~3s to kill someone on power untamed / soulbeast and ~10s to kill them on Druid as have to wait for condis to tick and hope they don't have a clear. Otherwise, it's all no damage bunker that's no different than any other class can build at present. It's not even the best ranger bunker by a long shot--I have ranger build that basically does no damage but have vids where I full tank an entire team for a good ~10s before they bring me down. An entire team. And not Druid either. Spellbreaker has also always had degen CC's, they just gave it a staff to make it immortal. Regardless, I'd take Full Counter over CA form any day, as at least you aren't a giant blue 'stay away from me' sign that somehow people still don't understand. But seriously, the amount of people who voluntarily stand in CA #5 is friggin' wild. Not even just stand in it, run toward it, and do nothing but auto attack until it finishes the long kitten cast animation--there's nothing that can fix that amount of stupid.
  16. Hammer was created specifically for Untamed, it suffers under any other circumstance. Your unleashed ambush for hammer is way better than mace, and the flip skills way more flexibility under unleash/leash circumstances. The only problem is hammer is still a bit too slow, they tuned up the animation times but could stand to do a little more there. If you look at it as just hammer vs. maces then yes maces are superior because they weren't designed for literally one spec and then half kitten updated to work with others (the choose your skills thing).
  17. This? The bolded is what I had issue with as I still want to see someone upkeep prot 100% of the time with little to no BD. Like the ele I fought in the video, that's perma prot to me--not perodic reapplications of it. Access is one thing, but upkeep is something entirely different, especially in competitive when at least for Ranger it requires sacrfice of some sort to get the prot boon outside of few sources (Mace and Dolyak are two I can think of that are more free, Dolyak only cause you typically carry another stunbreak anyway). I don't really want to go down the evade detour here as that's going to make me bring up counter points about them removing stability. For me, barrier access is a better talking point for that line of reasoning anyway, but not relevant here. Same kinda with condi cleanse--not really wanting to derail down that path, but I'd actually say that ranger still has enough of it or can make up for it now with traits like Carnivore.
  18. idk maybe ele: That weaver literally had protection on the entire time and instead died to condi burst / CC / I play a lot. Pretty obvious they could delete a lot of people pretty easy though, which is why they just kinda let me come in and contest the ring. Was a glitchy WB earlier here that had a high reapplication time of protection too--WB can delete people pretty fast with its burst (especially in WvW) while having prot up most of the time by spamming buttons. Dude I fought in the vid was either hacking or lagging as they hit like zero skills despite being on me most of the time--they were just getting major desynch but I should have eaten more damage than I did. Not like Spellbreaker doesn't have a ton of prot now with staff and still do damage as a duelist in sPvP either, as I alluded to before. Maybe not perma, but equal or greater to what ranger can do + a lot of other boons ranger has little to no easy access to. Just don't know why some are trying to nitpick the OP here. Pretty much been proven a few times in this topic Ranger has to blow critical skills to even get prot / blow dodges to get it. Dolyak is like the only 'lol free everything' button we have and that's only on soulbeast. Everything else comes at quite a large cost.
  19. Ally Targeting was a mistake. They specifically go and make pretty much everything unable to ally target, then add Specter and as consequence make Staff ally targetable then further cause issues by opening it up to non-Druids. I say opening it up is an issue because they don't even properly balance Druid support traits anymore, just leave Grace of Land useless, Cultivated Synergy only somewhat useful, etc. when half the traits there were initially intended for support. Anyway, looks like Lyhr was kind of the final straw there. Memey at best--guess now they went and just made it unusable so Ranger could be left off support duty again. Because they want ranger to be sidenode bunker, not full-on support.
  20. The random warrior mains in this topic apparently use it only to boon copy protection in a non-ironic way as a method of permanent upkeep. I don't want to quote your own cele roaming vid to you, but since you use WHaO and this topic about prot boon I feel need to bring up you lose it a lot during that first outnumbered fight. Probably lose it lots later too, but 2-3 min is enough proof for me that realistic perma upkeep isn't possible. Maybe should quote it so the warriors here that think creating WHaO meme builds means perma protection is possible in an actual scenario. Because you play the safest cele bunker I've ever seen in WvW and it can't even reliably keep up perma protection. And by that, I mean this: I literally need to see you play Ranger in a competitive environment and upkeep perma prot while actually contributing something and not insta-dying from blowing all your heals and stunbreaks to do so. As it's 100% right to complain about prot access on ranger now that they push melee and remove most easy sources of stability and aegis like warrior gets.
  21. Should probably, you know, not ignore your opponents.
  22. Bruh please: With no extra boon duration: Oaken Cudgel - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Line Breaker - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) 4s prot for Line Breaker, 3s prot for Cudgel; Stun and some Nature Strength / Force of Nature and Pet Heal (lol) vs. 3k Heal, Aegis, Unblockable and Weakness. 450 Range vs. 1200. Mending - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) "We Heal As One!" - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Mending 6520 base heal + 5 condis removed, 3s prot when traited 20s CD. WhaO 6520 base heal, 2s prot copy (if you already have it) 24s CD. So far, we're at 7s prot vs. 5s prot with just these two skills. For upkeep, war is way ahead due to a four second CD difference between healing skills. Now just assuming spellbreaker vs. protect me: Full Counter - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Guard Counter - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) "Protect Me!" - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Traited Full Counter: 5-Target Flat Damage, 100% Damage reduction on next attack, Stab, Daze, Counterattack Evasion, 3s Prot on 12s CD. Literal profession mechanic. Protect Me: 3.3k barrier, 4s prot, 32s CD utility skill--also blowing one of your usually two stunbreaks for this. Now at super basic level we have War with 10s Prot vs. Ranger with 9s Prot--but Full Counter is on a way, way lower CD, is not a utility skill (so you don't have to sacrifice a stunbreak)--so Warrior is still way ahead here. I'm not going into Invigorating Bond, because you threw up Smokescale as your pet of choice instead of Siege Turtle--so we're way past meme now. Even with Turtle I'm blowing a projectile block for another 3-4s prot. Don't need to fill out the rest of the builds (as for Ranger upkeep would require also blowing dodges with WS); just going to leave it at, please stop meme'ing. If you are losing to a ranger or stalemating a ranger on a healbreaker, seek help.
  23. Which is fine. Most of them are only in Plat 2 because power of duo--if you take that away they aren't staying that high. Even if they smurf, I bet a lot of plat 2 settle to low plat 1 / g3 solo only, whether that's beating everyone until they get to that level or losing until they drop to it. People have to realize on NA there is zero difference in skill between 1550 and 1450 right now, despite crossing plat/gold threshold. Realize OP is being facetious / meme'ing but just wanted to throw that out there for anyone who isn't picking up the subtext. There is a large difference from say 1450 - 1250 though, and that's where I believe a lot of match volatility is coming from due to low population. It's also why you see people with like 300 games barely hitting 1500 at end of season with a 52% winrate or something...
  24. 8k on medium armor (ranger), not including the damages axes do after the immob + little tell gets you insta-gibbed when you combo both: gw2 thief axe — Postimages (postimg.cc) It was 16k dmg in under a second, from stealth lol
  25. It not just stealth, it's stealth + ports, then weapon skills, dodges, heals that remove pretty much any soft CC (big one is immob) + blinds (pistol field, utils like blinding powder, etc.). There's no counter here except bunker and laugh as they lose decap / cap to stealth and roll / port around trying to dent you--but I really don't think that's great game design.
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