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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. *plays the worlds smallest violin* Rangers sword only has leaps too...any more cope for the class?
  2. Sounds like cope. Wurm is an instant 'get out of jail free' card and you're calling it clunky, lol. Anway, for mobility you have two teleports and now leaps (meaning you can use smoke fields others lay down for stealth); somehow this isn't good enough. With two HP bars, boon strips, chill spam, and CC. This is actually hilarious. You have to time it at exact right moment not to get stripped or 'do the lottery'. Necro mains are something else, I tell you.
  3. 'Kills stuff fine' is arbitrary when half of WvW is PvE players just wanting a GoB. You could also be talking about killing literal NPCs for all we know, as 'stuff' is super ambiguous. Also, AFAIK condi druid wasn't in December mAT finals. Druid was, but not condi Druid. The Druid in mAT finals was more support than anything, had glyph of tides slotted and everything. Its whole purpose was team support with glyph of stars and holding the sidenode against a soulbeast, which pretty much any form of Druid can do. Anyway, plenty of 'somewhat functional' builds are limited to gold, especially g3 which is Top 250 in NA atm. If you want to take a non-bunker condi Druid into plat without a duo carry and especially if you somehow end up in AT finals doing it, please stream it or upload a VOD for the rest of us.
  4. idk about all this; ancient seeds Druid you could sleep up to like 1550 with it, your new 'top tier' Druid struggles to get past g3 without a duo carry. You're also conflating 'Druid'. It is 'top tier' in WvW as a bunker, and 'top tier' in sPvP as a bunker--neither are the condi Druid being talked about. That one is only in PvE and is 'top tier' because they didn't neuter Eclipse damage output and things don't move 99% of the time. I know I personally never said bunker Druid was nerfed, I said that anet has no idea what a 'condition druid' is, and they just nerf random things to try and address bunker builds, because they hate those. Well hate those on certain classes--other classes never get touched because that's the 'role' (i.e. Core Guard).
  5. But...can they walk? Spectral Walk - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Or..how about do the wurm?! Necrotic Traversal - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Necros are pretty groovy in terms of movement...
  6. For me from competitive: Greatsword: a 1000 range leap with an evade frame baked in, a block and 2 hard CC. Block is really your only survivability here if enemy isn't running unblockable; can get CC'd out of swoop as evade frame is at end and if you try landing hilt bash for a defensive CC you are most likely getting cleaved to death before it lands or shortly after; counterattack kick is ok for survivability if you kite right away Hammer: a few barrier sources, some CC as well as protection/weakness to reduce incoming damage. None of that is going to save you at present; might be better once they update the hammer skill activation times, but right now it's too easy to dodge and is melee--so if you are caught by a ranged only possibly the untamed #5 glitch/trick will save you, otherwise going to die Longbow: stealth and a gap opener. Fine only if used offensively. If used defensively, that stealth is going to miss as hunter shot is VERY hard to land with someone porting on top of you or something, and PBS isn't even as good as barrage is for defense Shortbow: an evade frame as well as control effects. Concussion shot is good defense, you aren't getting super far with #3 without something like speed relic--but overall shortbow might actually be best defensive weapon Staff: Movement, sustain, protection, projectile hate and control effect. Will agree, but can get CC'd out of #3; rest is literally built for defense--and it mostly works except #4 isn't hitting anyone and #2 is useless. So, it boils down to the wall and #3, have to outskill most times to use these correctly Axes: Weakness, projectile hate and control. Nothing here is saving you defensively, not even whirling defense because it roots you Daggers: Slow (MH), Evade frame (OH) and control (OH) Nothing here is saving you defensively, only reason we see D/D is healing trap is currently 'overperforming' Maces: Sustain, control, barrier and defensive boons Yes to #4, no to everything else as the leap on #3 is super short making kiting with this set alone super difficult Sword: an evade frame and some amount of control. Kiting is about all the weapon is good for outside +1's so, sure. Warhorn: weakness and control This ones ok, but because of the regen you can trait WH with and the weakness--#4 is useless for defense however Torch: nothing 😉 Right Shout: "Guard!", "Protect me!" Protect me yes, no one uses Guard Signet: Signet of stone. Yes Survival: Lightning reflexes Not like you may think as it does damage, so you are getting revealed or proc'ing auras with it Spirit: Stone spirit (AoE blind), Sun spirit (Aegis) I don't think anyone uses these--effects aren't' doing anything spectacular Stance: Dolyak stance, Griffon stance. Yes Cantrip: Forest's fortification. Yes, but with caveat of 90s CD if you use it purely defensively--you also forgot RaO as shout above, but don't worry everyone did as it's kitten General: Unflinching fortitude Yes Devourer: Devourer retreat I've seen this used once in like 1885 by a hipster named 'John "Sax" Bluesmith', he died shortly afterward Smokescale: Smoke assault Not as you may think as it requires target so you are going at your enemy--as soon as that evade ends you die unless you use something else. I would have agreed had they kept the KD with takedown but... Bear: Defy pain Sure; I've seen I think 1 bear in sPvP and/or roaming WvW and I use it--but not for merging You actually forgot the soulbeast leap skills, Untamed hate bubble, as well and smoke field--which above all are probably your hands down best defense/survival tools. But anyway, I actually agree with Mell for once. The traits carry survivability far more than the weapons, from obvious like WS/NM to things like BM with superspeed on swap, GS CD's, regen on shout, etc.
  7. I forgot this was going on...but you don't actually play WvW do you? If you do, I encourage you to run around without a mount there; for extra fun, can even broadcast in map chat that the game would be dead without mounts as you get mauled by them. Anyway, I highly doubt if they gave warclaw for free to anyone entering WvW that new players would wonder 'what's new in the expansion?!' when there's like 500-1000 hours of PvE content amongst all of them now. Also, your argument is flawed as you can look on general or anywhere else and see people complaining about the length of the recent expansions and that they are 'same old thing'. So, players are indeed wondering what the expansions actually offer, and game still isn't dead, and this discussion has been going on since EoD / Gyla Delve 2 years ago.
  8. Speaking of getting with the times...have you played the game since 2022? You were actually wrong on both counts lol. Eclipse is a straight downgrade from Ancient Seeds; but the part you were wrong about is condi Druid came about because of Eclipse--it didn't. Primal Echoes is also gone, it's Blood Moon now. Straight downgrade there from losing all staff CDs, and the 1 bleed doesn't begin to make up for what Ancient Seeds was producing.
  9. Thief: Stealth => OOC => Mount => ??? => Profit Random Noob: Running for that 'classic feel' 😂💀
  10. Maybe your zoomer condi Druid uses Demon Queen and Quick Draw. OG Condi Druid exists because of Ancient Seeds--it always took WS and Skirms. Removing Ancient Seed (and replacing with Eclipse) and nerfing Druidic Clarity from 13 to 3 definitely did nothing for condi Druid except harm it.
  11. Ah, so you're saying they should give "Chilled to the Bone!" OWP treatment. I'm all for that.
  12. I'd classify that more as bunker than condi, even though it uses a condi weapon set. Not having Celestial Shadow means no disengage, which is also why I classify it as a bunker as you are meant to stay on points and hold rather than roam. It hard carried by healing spring and warhorn regen, with glyph of stars in there too--two of three that are about to get nerfed on the 19th. Not saying a mace version won't pop up, because as is--it definitely will, but all power (mace/mace + sw/Wh); condi roamer Druid will still pretty much be dead outside the 3 of us playing it for years on end.
  13. For good reason, it tops out at g3 if you get very, very lucky (or had started there from a prior season). Too many things can outsustain it now, like spellbreaker for instance was tough before but winnable, but now with staff can just stall point indefinitely. Same with Reaper, bunker Druid (the D/D ones on metabattle), of course Core guard, etc. Only thing you can do with condi druid now is try to sidenode and hope there are thieves, mesmers, or non-bunker rangers on other team that you can duel. Then rest of time is just rotating around map trying to help CC, but so many classes also have tons of stab now so even that's hard. Basically even if the fight is winnable, if it takes half a minute to win on a neutral or enemy color node--then you've essentially put yourself way behind. This is why for anyone who has played ranger at a high level, mace nerfs make no sense. Mace would be the only thing keeping Druid around in PvP at this point--either a bunker or power variant of some type. It won't be even all that strong compared to literally anything else--as even on glass power soulbeast, maces are super tough to run if there is anything with ground pressure (scourge, DH, etc.).
  14. I told you I'd poll the community haha, cause you said it was 'secret' 🙃. But yes, engi explosives are actually quite difficult to tell apart in the midst of not getting blown up by them by people that are well above average.
  15. You can miss both parts of #2 entirely (second part almost always misses unless someone really isn't paying attention), and Mace #4 is no different to how WH #5 works, but it gives stab to you and barrier if it hits. The good thing is Mace #4 does damage as well, but that's to make up for #3 doing no damage. Mace #3 is super easy to dodge without quickness and #5 the only upside to it to make up for its low damage is you can move while using it. In general, they aren't really worth it to run over Sw/Wh unless you are super bored. They may be slightly better in zerg play because you can just spam skills off CD and get participation, but for roaming they're pretty balanced and suffer from all the same shortcomings melee weapons with little to no defense/kite ability do.
  16. It may have been Mortar, honestly was somewhat hard to tell against nades for me in all the action. I admittedly have not fought enough high level engis (like 1600+ engis); this game was all alts with no titles so hard to tell top players but they certainly played like it. I'll get an actual video next time, it's just such a weird build. Like it doesn't directly hit anything on the node but is enough to come in and cause a lot of indirect chaos and be super hard to CC with all that superspeed / boon going on. Thanks for the input.
  17. Do I need to post up a vid of fighting heal zerker on a point and show how many boons / heal potential it has?
  18. Encountered a new engi build (scrapper) this evening, has perma boons, perma superspeed, and just spams nades. I thought I had a vid but apparently not--all I have is this screen: https://imgur.com/sVIl5ew I realize there is a DH trap in there that helped kill me, but most of the dmg prior was coming from the engi, and the chasedown was nuts. Actual engi wouldn't do anything except run around a point and just spam said nades while being relatively immortal because of the perma vigor, prot, superspeed with much quickness and might as well.
  19. Even with the 0.5 coeffic it still heals for more, and that's the point. You shouldn't get a 4-5k crit and then a 1k heal off it. The point is rampant growth only gives a 3k 'burst' on full power and a 1k heal, so that's probably as much as you can expect from rampart splitter (as they seem to be balancing primal bursts along the lines of unleashed ambushes or vice versa). They probably just overnerfed splitter and it'll be back to the 3k mark at some point. BTW it is trauma dumping when as mentioned ranger staff does no damage outside a meme build that was nerfed many moons ago. And as mentioned, Ranger staff also doesn't have half the utility of warrior staff...so yeah. Look if you put bullet catcher or line breaker on Ranger staff, I'd be happy that wisp only crit for 1k instead of doing...oh yeah, nothing.
  20. Or unranked. Full comp teams already allowed in Unranked so no one would care about duo there. But the Top 100 currently need that DuoQ safety net, I'm finding this out the more I play against them.
  21. This is rampant growth. Rampant Growth - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Less damage (by over half), less healing, no regen, and same immob as Rampart Splitter. As for staff in general, ranger staff does zero damage outside of the auto-attack. But keep on trauma dumping your Warrior experiences
  22. Had this yesterday, but it was two players from a previous game fighting. One said the other was 'bad' and so they AFK'd 90% of the game; I just reported for idling and moved on with the -15 rank loss. It's crazy, because I did ask them to leave if they were going to AFK anyway and they told me no, the other person must lose points. So, they intentionally threw based on something 3/5 of us had no clue about. Fun times.
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