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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Is condi zerker really a thing in WvW? Thought that was more sPvP...not that I like getting blinded there either. Who is getting immob'd nowadays 😲; all I get is blind spam thief and ele. Maybe if you get two Druid together now they can immob like one could before?
  2. The WB is what killed you not the SLB lol. Casually beat up tower guards with more care next time 😂
  3. You do need the raid ring to create the 'planetarium' effect--while divisive in its look is still why I mentioned the ring. I'd like that look (or at least something unique), and while I have enough mats to make another Conflux haven't purely because there is no visual benefit. Yes; here is one you need Molten Boss fractal for one step of crafting Dusk to make Twilight: Chest of the End - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Molten Collapse - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) I'm sure there are others, but not about to look all of them up. So, unless all that's changed where we don't have to do instanced PvE, we're going to still have to have 'longbow PvE' players to give us extra Heavy Loot bags while they grind their GoB.
  4. As someone who has crafted multiple Gen 2 lege's... They can take the GoB requirement out as soon as they take the fractal requirements out of lege crafting. Also, they need to remove the raid requirements for the one lege ring because I don't like raids. See the problem here? Legit, they could decouple the whole thing through the Wizards Fart Box or whatever it is called, but that would really drive people to essentially only open world PvE. Not sure that's a great idea.
  5. Not sure what to make of this. I get the exploiters and the fact this way should let you basically choose say laurels every day if you wanted instead of things you don't need, but if the value is better or worse will be dependent on how much AA things cost. I just hope they add to the dailies and not change them--I see that Obsidian Sanctum JP one in the screenshot, trust me, NO ONE wants to do that for any reason.
  6. From competitive standpoint... I would agree, but have no idea what pets from EoD are useful---turtle I guess? True; pets like felines have use in PvE, and dogs / birds in competitive with merged soulbeast. The rest are...bad. Yes, I know Drake Tail Swipe meme exists, still consider it sub-par for almost every situation except 'super awesome melee crash at mid' in sPvP. Since I personally don't trust them to rework anything (see auto attack skills breaking F2 response times, etc.) I'd rather they just add at least one useful new pet. Would be bad to have dog CC / mobility or bird mobility broken because they screwed something up with a wardrobe like they did legendaries....
  7. I take it as a sign that whover Moa's you knows you are a threat as the skill is on a larger CD and they've gotta target someone. Not that being Moa'd is fun though, most you can do is as others said, be aggressive with it. If you get Moa'd in the middle of a group or zerg though you just sorta have to accept being SOL unless that group is REALLY uncoordinated.
  8. Thanks for that but after being top 250 in sPvP multiple times and roaming for 10 years as a Ranger, I'm not going around showing my stuff unless its topical but can go look it up on YT if you want (I don't stream or post anywhere regularly but do have vids up). Without derailing this topic, pet burst is utterly negligible. The reason soulbeast doesn't stay perma merge is for the smoke field not the burst--so you can say pets are CC/utility tools. You don't want to rely on them for damage of any kind--if you don't believe that, set them to fight a random wolf or something in the BL and see how long it takes them to kill it.
  9. It's 16 seconds with BM reduction which matches what normal pet swap is. Not sure changing that is a good idea as when you unmerge it would be very disjointed for no reason. Better would be asking for merge to count as a pet swap again for abilities. Then it plays somewhat like Untamed where you get double pet swap bonuses (merge + immediate eb swap) instead of double ambush bonuses.
  10. Sure, a stream would be helpful. Has to be duels though--can't just be ganking random necros, since OP specifically refers to 'proper duel scenario'. I have two myself but haven't posted them here as one I lose as it was right when EoD came out and the most recent end early because was only really testing out the Eclipse changes and was messing up all my usual timing due to ancient seeds being gone. About the Untamed, I'm pretty much just running a semi-condition build right now with mostly Dire and some speed runes. It's not meta but I win a fair amount of fights with it; agree that the pet is the major issue here, have to constantly swap it out to prevent it from dying--basically time it around the shared anguish proc or use a semi-ranged one that is easy for the opponent to forget about (Iboga, Jacranda). Pets for me are only CC devices, so if they do die can still win, just a lot more annoying to do so.
  11. Gotta disagree; this is WvW here not sPvP--you won't beat a tanky / cele harb on a condi druid unless you vastly outplay them. Especially not after the nerfing of ancient seeds, because the counter-pressure of Eclipse just isn't enough to overcome the sustain harb has with the 'lulz all boons' elixer. I mean I play condi / immob / bleed Druid a lot lot in WvW and probably have only won a duel against a harb a few times and it was like a 10 minute ordeal, same with renegade, barrier spam ele, or really anything that builds super tanky. I do play Sb/Staff so half my kit is kiting which is another debate, but I do that to survive pretty much any outnumber situation and staff is admittedly less useful in duels. Anyway, for the topic, I'd recommend Untamed. Before ppl go 'oh Untamed sucks', you have both built in boon rip and a hate bubble, while also having great sustain, things that are invaluable against the condi pew pew that is harb. The rest is just outmaneuvering them, as necros are pretty slow but Harb isn't like reaper slow so you still have to be careful. Untamed also happens to have a ton of super speed, not to mention things like speed runes + all the swiftness ranger has, depending on how hard you want to go into maximizing your builds.
  12. The meta-event only maps are the worst. This includes Gyala, Dragon's End, and Dragon's Stand. If they are going to do these types of maps at least do them like Cursed Shore or Verdant Brink so there's something else to actually do besides the meta, even though the meta is the main point of the map.
  13. You won't be one-shotting anyone with NM equipped. Also teleburst was always GS for a reason, even pre-UT nerf, because Hammer has a leap on the skill you'd one-shot with (#5). Shared Anguish is also only one stack of stab, so good chance you still get CC'd out of it if you are fighting multiple people. Even a single Rangers downstate #2 can waste it a by itself as it is a daze/CC, so just downstate #2 then pet-swap into pet CC to stop the stomp entirely. I mean, when running Druid I'll take it but Dolyak Stance just blows it out of the water in every regard.
  14. These ele's were no fun but I finished in Top 250 literally 10 days before this was posted on aforementioned Druid. Ele wasn't any more bonkers during that time than perma-CC Spellbreaker, and to a slightly lesser degree one-shot Nade Engi, teleburst Untamed, etc. You probably should stop posting old vids then, as it clearly isn't nearly as bad now. I mean you post month's old vid and on top of that, Muk just being ridiculously bad at sPvP in general--it is starting to sound more like trolling than general concern. Anyway, I'm much less sycophant and more...git gud.
  15. Condi Soulbeast: Condition Soulbeast Build | Guild Wars 2 | Snow Crows
  16. I think you missed the part where the bursts are mostly combined, as he's mostly at mid kitten around. Look, competitive is unbalanced but high damage isn't why. You run 15k max HP like he did a few times in that vid you SHOULD die to anything, it's glass stats. I get he's got a cool talking Asura avi, but we really shouldn't be using Muk for anything competitive related.
  17. As a ranger that mainly plays competitive... Is he seriously in plat?! First 3 seconds of the video is blindly running to mid, getting bodied, then 'I waS nOT PreParred'; gets a rally, then just yeets off into nowhere land and dies again on what looks to be a SUPPORT build. The rest of the clips are either him on CD's getting 2v1 bursted or being in random corners getting bursted. Zero movement or awareness here. There's also the one clip of 'noo it's a catalyst' then proceeds to swap to staff and do absolutely nothing to avoid the burst 😂 Then this quote.."I can't rez my teammate because Druid starts wtih zero AF"---what?! Try actual rez with positioning or you know the Glyph of Stars you NEVER use? Even if you don't have AF it still provides AoE stability to get rezzes off with manually. And that last clip of just being at mid by himself, trying to hilt bash Youle's alt with 15K health and dying super quick because there's also a mes there bursting...lolol. In summary, running a builds with ~18k health or less to start with...of course he's getting nuked, that's like bare minimum HP on GLASS; I have 26k health running Carrion amulet... This isn't balance. This is a PvE'r going into sPvP, playing like utter trash, and making a whine video about it.
  18. I'd like to see numbers of Staff #2 vs. #3 into #5 for the burst heal. Although that's getting away from my entire point that they should just keep buffing Staff #2 and forget about the auto as single target heals are pointless in this game (and yes I know staff can affect multiple if they pass into the beam).
  19. You can't really isolate staff from Druid kit--it is balanced around all the other heals you can do there. Even with Weaponmaster Training there is no other healer ranger spec so I don't think they will rebalance it around anything but Druid. The auto is probably ok, and what they really need to work on is #2. They could probably scale it up a little more, and I peronally would prefer that then buffing the auto because on both ranger and specter a primary target heal is annoying to use. Practically everything else useful in the game is AoE, so I think it best to buff the wisp on the staff instead of the beam.
  20. Camping staff accomplishes the 'tradeoff' you are alluding to here, even though anet is intent on getting away from that (see soulbeast being able to swap pets now). Basically, if you want to provide alac you would have to camp staff, and thus alac / DPS wouldn't really be a thing. It probably shouldn't be a thing anyway as being able to heal AND provide boons like alac and / or quickness is what's getting this game in trouble fast. Healing really should just be its own investment and alac/quickness only on the DPS side of things. Since Untamed has quickness, then Soulbeast would get alac (via stance share) and Druid just focus on healing / control. Otherwise, alac just needs to pulse while you are in CA like the rev mechanic does. I don't like that for reasons above, but it's better than using your CA abilities just as alac generators which no amount of spin makes a good idea.
  21. I think if you go in and compare pre-nerf bleed numbers to everything Eclipse provides now you will understand. We went from actual functional damage to 'potential' if all the stars and the blood moon align. Essentially Ancient Seeds was great at killing people that had no idea what an immob remover is or catching people out. But vs. lot of cleanse or people running dual cleansing sigils it was nearly useless without setting it up with something else first (usually like Entangle, Pet CC to get them to waste a cleanse, etc.). Also, I have to disagree that even Sw/D is nowhere near Staff for kiting/solo survivability. The rest aren't even comparable to staff as they are either hybrid/straight condi weapons with no kite ability. Staff is literally insane, especially if you know how to reduce CD of #3 with pet and run QD, you are like sonic. Which is why I posted the long post above, to say IMO there really is no better option than Sb/Staff for a condi daze build--if you slant into power maybe Axe/Wh but it's kind of preference to me. This is also coming from Druid since the OP posted mostly Druid stuff in that build. For pure daze/damage I think Untamed is way better as you can get controllable Daze off pets there like Crack Gazelle. Also, more utility with it, but harder to pull off as if anything 'carries' Druid builds its Celestial Shadow.
  22. We all know the first two just don't happen unless you fulfill the third--know the commander, be in a guild the commander knows, or be active enough a roamer in map/team to get invited. Otherwise, for huge clashes a commander that is just picking out of hat is going to pick tempest every time or ask for boon supports like firebrand and run vindi for the healing portion. I don't deny Druid's heal use in 15v15 GvGs or small havoc roaming. It's very easy to even go offensive support there and keep groups alive--even ones like I run with that are mostly all DPS roamer who have never really tag stacked.
  23. Anything can be used--it doesn't mean you should.
  24. I wouldn't say the removal was well compensated for in the least. Eclipse has decent cover condis but that's about it--it's objective fact you are in for longer fights than you were with ancient seeds. Ancient seeds never actually carried anyone, as it had 10/15s ICD depending on competitive mode. It was very valuable for instant lockdown though, which is something that never got replaced because devs died too much to it trying to run back to their zerg / sPvP comp. Anyway, reason staff is chosen instead of another damaging weapon is there is currently no other good option. You can go Axe/Torch but lose all kiting ability, and now that you have both a chill and burn on CA skills it is just redundant. With weaponmaster this MAY change as you can run D/D---you'd still lose a ton of survivability though. In almost all fights tanking is way more important than damage--at least fights that aren't in your favor. If they are in your favor then just run glass soulbeast, nothing beats spiking a target in ~3 seconds. For OP, you should run Glyph of Equality, it may be the best competitive ranger skill in the game. I can't tell you how many fights it won me. Also, look into pet CC's, they are very important for lockdown of targets. Example would be: EDIT: Hopefully that starts at the right time, but its 6:11 if it doesn't.
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