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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Yeah, 2s delay on swap for it to do anything. Manageable though considering how decent it is, and also considering they are never fixing it.
  2. Also found this vid you might be right...Virutoso is OP.... trashgamegarbagebad - Twitch
  3. Virtuoso is immortal but Soulbeast is unstoppable...seems balanced to me.
  4. Keep that hopium alive One day the big bad ranger will go away...one day.... 😉
  5. You don't even know the name of the skill you are trying to make a point off of?! You quote it as 'confusing to find' but want to dissect a video on ranger... Oh, I love these forums 😂
  6. Why do you have a SLB icon now? 😂 Also, can you explain your first video when I'm assuming you got nuked by the ranger but then have a clip of beating one when they try to gank you in the dueling area?
  7. True, but I'm more afraid of what happens if they fix it to line up and start the damage when the cast does. We already have enough stationary burst skills like Worldy Impact and Whirling Defense, we don't need another if they 'fix' Warhorn #4 to work right away but make it so moving cancels it.
  8. You really comparing burst ranger to signet cata and then talk about having an idea about PvP lolol. Nade engi still exists btw. I do take offense to all this crying about burst slb though because if it does get nerfed my matches are going to be harder to win as they are so easy to counter. To be fair...half the people can't dodge Worldly Impact and that roots the ranger.
  9. Of course, because it proves the entire premise false. I bet if a ranger 'in any capacity' posted a vid getting destroyed by the same guy you'd give it a like and a share. Yes, because that SLB was actually good; I can post 10 examples of bodying awful ones on some variation of the same build, don't care if they are full melee, use Sic' Em or whatnot it's all the same to me. The very soulbeast you complain about has no pet by their side as they are merged with it 😂. My pet is also not by my side, it's on the point and I am not--oh ya I forgot body blocking is probably OP too. I love the spin on these forums. Would have to change rapid fire too, as it's the same thing but actually works unlike the birds (and also tracks through stealth). I think people notice the birds more because no one used it until now--rapid fire has been used since literal game launch. We get much less complaints about rapid fire now with the copious amounts of invuln / block and very strict access to unblockable.
  10. Yeah, the one thing Druid has is a lot of CC. Soulbeast has Dolyak stance and that's it--everything is also very easy to CC them out of if you know what to look for. You can also dodge roll the birds just like rapid fire--WH #4 is kinda hard to hit with once the enemy knows what it is. It's actually funny how much mobility staff gives you and now with unseen evasion you can pretty much fly across the map--guess that's not a druid unique thing anymore since weaponmaster, but still.
  11. Also, before the usual suspects say anything, I realize the slb in the video was using longbow. That doesn't mean he couldn't have bursted me down and in my estimation if he was using GS (like the meta battle build) it would be far easier to dodge than a quickness rapid fire. I know I for one wouldn't have had to waste my wall on a melee and instead could heal with it, etc. etc.
  12. The solution is a handicapped Druid? I don't know what to tell half the people on this forum, it really is just a skill issue. Sure, the damage is super high and if you get caught not looking you can be downed pretty quick, but sPvP SHOULD be about awareness and from all the complaints I'm seeing the opposite of that. I guess my question in return is, why should an amulet choice alone negate a burst? As you see from the video you can survive, and I have no boons outside swiftness and a little bit of fury (which is negligible as my build has practically zero power damage). EDIT: And I'm not even saying the video I linked is a perfect 1v1; I literally recorded the first time I fought this new burst SLB--hadn't played sPvP in 6 months prior to that. The point was just to show it can be done even on a build like Druid that's had a about 4-5 nerfs in the past year alone. Now add all the immunities other classes get to burst and land where I am...not seeing the point of some people on here screaming in all caps.
  13. No? The runes themselves got more powerful as they all have additional stats where the sixth slot effects were. The most we lost were some bonus effects like trapper runes stealth on use; for 99% of the rest the game got more powercreeped as objective fact of adding additional stats to the runes. That, and relics create even more creep by letting you take bonuses you'd have to sacrifice big for--see speed runes.
  14. Relics are like runes and sigils, not armor. Typically, with runes and sigils you lose them if you are not slotting them on legendary (that is, without aid of upgrade extractor)--instead of locking you to a relic they just made them soulbound on use. Long and short of it, you can swap out relics freely--if they were to be stored in armory and account bound there would be literally no reason for a legendary relic.
  15. What does Moa have to do with ranged or melee? 😂. Also, last time I checked, mesmer has copious amounts of access to distortion while also being able to burst like crazy. So, what exactly ARE you getting at?
  16. Can still play condi druid, just way, way harder now. I've never used trapper runes, so the removal doesn't affect my build, but every other nerf to Druid sure did. But ya, WvW in general is some form of soulbeast for roaming, it's just way easier and can build as glassy as you want. Sic Em' isn't needed and I rarely ever use it over another stun break like Quickening Zephyr. The only time I break out Sic Em is when encountering annoying thief builds like whatever core thief scepter cele/condi abomination is going on right now...ran into that a few times yesterday.
  17. Well for one, standing on top of the hut and looking at the stars is a bad idea in a competitive mode. Also, you (or they, not sure if that is your Twitch) literally watched the SLB start its burst and stealth, then continued to stand there 😂. But yes, just move off to the other side of the hut would have stopped that; as even if they did land prelude lash through the wall, you'd be able to get away by time they ran around to you. Also, you or whoever that channel belongs to literally has a clip of how exactly to counter the slb on a mesmer: Average sPvP player moment - Twitch Which is actually hilarious considering all these complaint topics.
  18. Carrion amulet? Got 25k HP when equipping that, the only thing you have to do is learn how to dodge the burst.
  19. It's called weak to condis my dude.
  20. Soulbound because otherwise making a legendary relic woudn't be a thing, as legendary armory can be used across account. As for sPvP and WvW...if us 'competitive scrubs' don't have to do anything then why not just do competitive? Open world PvE is a grind because its literally no consequence gameplay.
  21. Relic of the Unseen Invasion - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Nope, none at all.
  22. The monthly AT had 5 elementalists to 4 rangers across both NA and EU and TWO elementalists to only ONE ranger in EU. Looks like elementalist still needs nerf.
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