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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Yeah, I don't even know what roaming is anymore. I've always ran condi druid, and throughout time it has had various levels of cheese--currently feels on the weaker side, but that isn't the point...it's examples like this: It just feels off. The first fight the mes nukes my guildie but really doesn't play great despite all the invuln / stealth / condi spam going on. While not really cheesy to me it just feels annoying to fight, but my Druid build could probably feel same way to some people. It's the berserker that, I just don't know what this game is anymore. If I was on a power build it could nuke it in about 3 seconds; even on my condi build which is somewhat bunker (Dire stats) it's just a stalemate because of all the block / invuln / reflect / boon generation / condi cleanse zerker has. On top of that, if you go into melee you get every condi known to man on you +25 stacks of instant vuln. I for one would like to play less condi bunker, but anets balancing isn't towards that right now. Guess this whole post is just to agree that WvW roaming is just a mess at the moment.
  2. Kinda proves why adding yet another ranged weapon to the class is a bad idea because of all the projectile hate. Q.E.D.
  3. This is the exact issue many of us could foresee coming when they opened up all weapons. I say they compare staff burst to LB rapid fire and balance from there. Since staff is an auto (and not a CD skill like rapid fire) they could decrease the power coefficient a bit to bring it in line--I don't think touching the rate of fire is a good idea because it's primary a healing weapon if not used on memebeast. I'd be more in favor of reducing OWP to its PvE equivalent but upping the damage of all weapons to compensate, as a lot of them are underperforming damage wise already. It may actually be fine though, as I haven't seen staff used literally anywhere outside of the meme WvW montages. Even in sPvP right now it isn't used as the rest of the kit is all control so not very useful outside some very niche builds.
  4. Ya but it's a benchmark they supposedly no longer balance by, so it's just weird to me. If it wasn't a bannable offense could just make a script to do a perfect rotation like is done with speedruns and TAS. Yeah, it does beg the question what they actually are balancing around. If it's not golems, they have to be gathering data somehow and seems like 9/10 groups I see fail because of mechanics and not DPS. I guess I agree that most misuse these DPS benchmarks for elitism when if you know perfect rotation and have no awareness you'll be dead and doing 0 DPS--so the balance is in the middle somewhere.
  5. Bladesworn has always kinda been this way--having the new relic is just back to when tactical reload affected all shouts. It's low effort spec; usually I try to stalemate one on a node that way it isn't bothering the other two nodes. I do have to laugh though at bladesworn sustain being too much and soulbeast burst being too much. Which one is actually 'too much'? 😃
  6. Rules of Ranger Club: #1 - We only talk about burst soulbeast #2 - We don't talk about staff soulbeast #3 - Your pet stops working, goes limp, or glitches out the fight's over #4 - Only two rangers to a node #5 - One node at a time fellas #6 - No shirts or shoes, only trench coats #7 - Fights will be over in 15 seconds or less #8 - If this is your first sPvP game you have to play Ranger
  7. Why are all these DPS numbers always against a golem with all boons on the character? This rarely every plays out in real situations--need more people running arc and getting actual CM raid / strike numbers.
  8. What does 50 accounts cost in real world money--and if I'm buying 50 accounts why not just buy like 50k gold outright and be done? Unless we're just talking about the outliers in the OP that scammed Heroic Ed. keys no one is buying 50 accounts at like $20 or whatever the game normally costs. Even if someone does, is this an actual issue? I've played for 11 years and never have farmed once, have one account, and one main character; according to GW2 Efficiency my account is worth more than 76% of the other accounts on there (nearly 400k accounts). The point being I don't really notice if someone has more than me because most everything in this game is about materials not gold. In fact, once you start making legendary everything then gold becomes kind of pointless outside niche cosmetics / infusions that guarantee half the people have no idea what they are.
  9. I think it's more telling when people point to Mukluk vids in relation to anything competitive... Mukluk very casual PvE'r, anyone like that will struggle in competitive environment.
  10. Calm down strawman. What you aren't realizing is that burst ranger IS the handicap for any team it's on. In the past week all the way up into high gold I see teams stacking 2 rangers, both burst soulbeast rangers---and they just melt to condis lol. These matches aren't close, they are like 150-500 in favor of the team without the burst rangers on it. Also, OWP works nothing like its PvE version--unless you want them to bring PvE MH axe to sPVP and I really, really don't think you want that. They balance different modes differently, so before raging at posters and calling them 'morons' you may want to do some research as to why things are the way they are. Agree; which is why anet really needs to rebalance ranger as a whole and stop pigeonholing competitive to these one-shot builds. Problem is, they can't because it would require fixing pets and they have openly admitted over the years that is impossible for them. So, they need to balance around Soulbeast, and we will always see burst from that due to the way might stacking and modifiers work when you merge.
  11. Guess you missed the nerf to teleburst untamed which was the meta burst build for ranger prior to this slb one? Or the fact that no one plays anything but burst slb so why would you nerf the other specs when they are unused?
  12. This is why to me, shaving damage only on soulbeast is way to go. Nerfing smoke cloud is a bad idea for every other ranger spec that needs to combo off it--we're only seeing 'one shots' on soulbeast atm. Smoke cloud is actually fairly hard to land outside a setup situation as you have to go to the smokescale, which isn't always in a great position or swap to it which burns a swap. The only other source of stealth we really have is hunter's shot--which is a way easier combo into a one shot, but projectile hate is currently shutting that down fairly well. A few of us ranger mains have said this a few times now, but the problem with soulbeast and specifically soulbeast is might stacking which leads to this burst. The rest of ranger defensives and weapons I cannot advocate for touching since I'm going to guess most everyone in this topic has only played meme soulbeast and nothing else so has no idea how weapons work outside of that.
  13. Thought all servers did this besides the known 'personalities' (monkey, fastcar) that troll in team or if team gets clogged because of other known personalities / things (claire, VIP, indo, etc.)
  14. Why would Instinctive Engage always give quickness if Hunter's Shot doesn't always give stealth? Also, why should FF be faster to cast and less CD (especially with the CD reduction on hit aspect)? We need less boon spam, not more. Soulbeast is also fine in PvE and WvW, keep the sPvP salt to the sPvP forum.
  15. Maybe the solution then is let the engineer merge with their robot...
  16. Ranger pets can't either? We talking about the robot here not the engi--gotta keep up If it dies it might as well be, already 60s without BM slotted. But ppl still die to ranger somehow...so yeah....
  17. Agree. Need to up the speed and responsiveness of all pets. This kind a proves the point that mech is to low level (bronze/low silver) play bads what burst soulbeast is to mid (silver/low gold) level play bads Just kite the slb like do you mech and you'll be good.
  18. I've been top 250 and only play condi druid but go off 😃. By ranger, do you mean Soulbeast? As you seem to be conflating a lot of things here. As try using the pig pet unmerged and see where it gets you lol. I think the OP was even dying to that as they wanted a 60s CD on Sic' Em but I can't be assed to find it, so take that with a grain of salt. Also, on the build that is discussed in this fabulously titled all caps topic, there is zero survivability on it. So, if you nerf survivability which the build doesn't use, and keep boar maul intact---you've come in a circle. Or worse you nerf other ranger builds for zero reason and keep the one everyone is complaining about intact...that doesn't seem super logical. From my perspective, you tone down Strider's Strength a bit in sPvP. It's the only thing that changed besides the sword you and a few others are saying is fine. Things like OWP, Sic Em' and WH #4 have been around forever, and no one paid any mind to it. Finally, mentioning mesmer isn't moving a goal post, it's a counterpoint to that stupid manufactured video being thrown around. Hilariously the counterpoint comes from the same creator of the video beating a soulbeast at a disadvantage of surprise (and returning cheese for cheese with literal Moa) and then dying to his own class with literal one button press. All clipped by members of his own community...
  19. They could have just left the outnumbered pips alone, but nope they had to break something that wasn't broken to begin with. There's like zero benefit to playing outnumbered outside ego. If I wanna do that I'll just roam, don't need anything else; since most people don't like roaming and would actually like playing the mode, they need to put the pips back (or some equivalent).
  20. It's dumb. Either you sit in EBG or somewhere with a tower wall open and a gank squad at a time where population isn't dead and can maybe get it, or you just don't get it at all due to the way it works. Just replace it with 'kill x invader' ones and be done, both are defending but if you kill someone it doesn't have to be in a specific area to hope it triggers. An analogue is 'kill x invaders in the ruins'--no one would do this because you'd have to make sure the opponent is on a ruin to trigger and there isn't much benefit to ruins. No different for towers--keeps maybe since it's easier to get groups to come to those, but towers need to go.
  21. Griffon Stance. Vulture stance gives you poison. Thanks for the lesson tho. This one is weird as supposedly they come out at like 60% which is just over halfway so kinda interruptible--but I do agree the skill is and always has been super buggy. I'd prefer they rework it altogether honestly; I hate it much like OH Axe #4.
  22. Not even the final form of it either...still figuring out Druid after all the changes they so love to do to it 😂. Still convinced they changed this at some point--if I'm bored I'll go back and look at old vids for confirmation, but may just be because I never really use my stunbreak to clear condi anyway (other than immob). I obviously did it there and noticed because the wb skill also immobilizes because everything else it has just isn't enough...
  23. Or you could use the other video of them getting owned by their own class mesmer with exact same one shot mechanic from stealth....? Not seeing how a manufactured video being purposefully baited into a burst then facepalming for the camera provess literally anthing. It's not new lol. It's been around forever, only 'new' to you because the rework of Strider's Defense and overzealous dmg coefficient on Pounce. Spellbreaker can still perma-cc you with hammer, how exactly can you do that with gs? Warrior also doesn't have a pet to contend with and just does full damage--also why are you comparing warrior to ranger if I can't compare mesmer to ranger? 😂
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