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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Oh, no WK is most definitely instant cleanse--on further review looks like I had poison master slotted. They definitely changed something with priority canceling, as I mentioned before, pets suffer from this issue now too when before never was a thing. I know for a fact in the past LR canceled other actions, even if it was a heal. Thanks for the input, look forward to your roaming videos.
  2. WK is instant cleanse, no slow to worry about. Turns out looks like it was skill lag, same thing happens on pets all the time just wasn't prepared for it on actual utility skills.
  3. Except for I have WK traited so it should be removing conditions. Will take a further look at this.
  4. Right, Mesmer is skillful to play when most of them spam invuln, can burst from stealth, and if all that fails throw out a Moa or blink away to safety of team. Mesmer has just as many tools as your list...of which you are listing griffon stance as an invulnerability now...😂. The reach here is insane. Oh, I forgot your entire post history is complaining about FotM builds lolol. You wouldn't be quoting obviously manufactured videos if this were the case. Find one where the player doesn't have an agenda and isn't stupidly easy to prove the opposite with two other videos on their same Twitch channel. This talking rhetoric proves none of the complainers actually play ranger. So far in the past few days I've seen 'that one skill I can't remember the name of but it like rev 3 skill' and 'smoke beast' as well as this talking about gs which his hilarious considering it relies so heavily on Dolyak Stance to work in melee effectively. If gs was 'one of the best pvp weapons in the game' we wouldn't have salt mines about Sw/Wh. The entire ranger class isn't Soulbeast.
  5. Here, we'll turn this on its head. Suppose people get their way and ranger sword, pig, and wh #4 are nerfed (only one of which had major changes and is the only actual overtuned thing)--what does ranger get in return? All of our pets are bugged to either delay or straight up not work in the case of the new pet. Some of our builds 'half work' like Untamed but are completely shut down by killing said buggy pets unless you outplay massively. After the nerfs you will still have the same soulbeast and the same damage unless you also ask for nerf of sic em and OWP, in which case you will obliterate soulbeasts only role, and that is burst. This is what the complainers do not see because ranger isn't nearly enough of a problem for anyone to bandwagon it like almost every other class. Even in current iteration burst ranger dies to literal mesmer, as I've proved with two clips from the same guy that you posted the original link from. Let that sink in, the guy dies in 4 hits to a ranger because he gets pulled has no movement, etc. A complete fabrication. Then in the next clip happens to magically outplay the same type of ranger while being caught off guard, and in the third dies to a burst with ONE button from his own class. It's no fabrication either that condis completely shut this burst build down and somehow that's not balanced enough. tldr; there is no derailing here, sword is probably overtuned because the devs thoughtlessly made it into a power weapon and took all the evades out--the rest of it has been in the game for years and never were issues, so are not issues now.
  6. trashgamegarbagebad - Twitch This mesmer's Twitch is not the hill you wanna die on for this discussion 😂 EDIT: Proof is here too that mesmer is just as broke in burst dept. and as you admit has 'unadulterated bs' (assuming you wrote bs)--so why you being classist against ranger?
  7. So, my stunbreak (D key / Lightning Reflexes that I start spamming at about 0:11) decided to just not work for reasons I cannot figure out: I realize I had slow on me which is why the entangle animation just prior was so slow, but AFAIK slow doesn't just stop you from using a skill altogether, it should just make the action slower. Is this some WvW bug or...? I'd blame ping but up until that point everything works fine, and Arc shows 70 which is about right. How does this game keep getting more broken by the second?
  8. Average sPvP player moment - Twitch
  9. Yes, thus Cata going from godmode to 'S' after the nerfs. Let's not, mech having a pet is why ranger pets aren't responsive anymore because anet had to add LI builds for engis. Also, engi and ranger have exactly the same number of options in sPvP--nade scrapper = slb, and holo = untamed.
  10. Yes, Ele's big nerf from godmode to 'S' tier. Guard in same position, WB is still A+/S tier. As someone else pointed out, 1-shot nade engi has been a thing forever so that certainly didn't get nerfed. Necro has always been in a weird spot, the only one that qualifies as boon corrupt did get big nerf. It's not that it took Ranger mains years to figure out how to play other builds, is that no one played Ranger until these thoughtless sword changes got a burst build back into the meta. It's also the other ranger builds that rely on the pet are literally non-functional. Thus, the topic. Fix pets.
  11. OP, please tell me you aren't losing to thieves on Druid. If so...😂
  12. Half expecting them to increase the cap each season to allow for legacy items to be at least double of what they originally were. Probably up to a point like 5-10k acclaim. True, as it is as battle pass system so acclaim probably will reset each quarter too. Agree and think the cap doubles as a reminder to spend it rather than save it.
  13. +1 for having to click to claim is asinine. Why it isn't a floating chest like literally everything else, who knows. That is, you do your daily, it goes to bottom and becomes floating chest for you to click--when you do, you get your AA. Even that's a little tedious, so they could just make all of them auto complete besides the final reward one, that one could be floating one like old daily.
  14. I think if they just contain the Wizard's Vault pre to Gen 1 only we're good. Could maybe put Aurene weapon pres in there but those are a little new IMO to be doing that with. Gen 2 is what they never should put anywhere except through how you do it now. For me, they are meaningful as you have to do collection to craft them and you can't just buy them on the TP. I have a hope the fourth gen will be like gen 2 again where you have to craft them, but it's not a high one.
  15. That will always happen, because a vast majority of people (in life in general) want instant gratification. They want easy, point and click mobile game style content because low effort content is still rewarding in some fashion. Just look no further than the Wizard's Vault to see that direction in action. For me though, HoT was a golden age as it was actually crafted content. Yes, TD is a pain in the kitten to navigate, and yes Dragon Stand was the first 'meta only map' and I hate those--but overall, it brought a lot of new things to the table. What I think this topic is aiming at and what I want is for them to step back and create something meaningful, even if it does take a few years to get. That may be well impossible now though with all the power creep they've introduced and 11 years of non-SoTO maps and content to maintain--but one can dream. Basically, as a summary for me, the first 5-6 hours of SoTO is what I wish the rest of it was. Had meaningful use of core maps to introduce it, then the first rift you get pulled into / hell and hiding from big kitten demon dude--all great. Introduction to the islands, great. The open world part after is where it all falls apart because they lynchpin the next 5-10 hours on 'hunt rifts and let's introduce you to skyscales again'.
  16. Who said stronger--I want them to actually function. Or is the Druid icon on your PFP some hidden protest like the newly minted SLB icon accounts are? 😂
  17. We had Bristlebacks in base GW2? Smokescales? Pocket Raptors? etc. etc. We DO have Fire Elementals, etc., etc. that SoTO rehashes. I'm finding Amnytas particularly bad with this as one of the first events you can do upon map entry is an event to corral identical enemy types we've had over the years, but the twist is you have to unpossess them first. Also, just because something is difficult, and they change it doesn't mean it's a good thing. It's called selling out to keep the game alive--sure that's a necessity for any company, but the players don't have to like it. If you like paying for little content now with the promise for more later, great. Don't project that on those of us who remember complete expansions though.
  18. The burst has always been there, which is what 90% of this forum is missing. Sword 2 and 3 are new because they gutted the soul of the weapon for pure damage increase--for ranger players to put up with salt from this dumb decision. WH 4 has not changed and the interaction with Sic Em has never changed. Why this is getting complained about now I still can't figure out--something like Staff yeah because it's a consequence of opening up all weapons, but WH? We should have had outcry about this for what 6 years now since Sic Em' Soulbeast became a thing? Same with Pig Maul. The best excuse I've seen is it flew under the radar for all these years--but that's not a good thing because it shows Ranger players have to pick literal meme pets to meme their way into ATs. Even if you nerf all what you want, can still get to plat with just LB/GS as always. So, what really has changed?
  19. Have to disagree with 'same experience'--you have no experience with something like HoT pre-mount and what actual exploring of something like TD was like. Nor do you have experience with all the changes LWS1 brought to the maps and what that was like, only the impact--no experience of old LA or anything. So yes, there's a lot in those 8 years to miss. You may enjoy exploring a new game and that's fine--it just isn't the same. Fun events...you mean chasing the same rift 1000 times? Compare above, with HoT. When it first launched you had no mount and only glider, and your map objective was to help the pact fight off vines/Mord--it all made sense and you did this in a whole bunch of ways. The previous LW tied into it with Scarlett, Sylvari were going nuts, lots of things happening. Now? They throw skyscale at you, make you chase the same rifts across the map which is just made up of 'fractals' of literal existing places no one cares about like Garenhoff. By design nothing prior really ties in aside from some cameos (Zojja) and brief mentions of Aurene. Ironically though, I thought the first chapter was great, after that just downhill. By the 6th chapter you are doing a collection hunt in the Wizard's Tower which is the most basic thing they could have done. I will agree this is way better than EoD which just throws politics at you the entire time without remorse. I remove the part I agree with; for the first part though, there were indeed metas; the entire point last map of Orr is a meta to open up the dungeon. Also have had world bosses since the beginning--things like Shadow Behemoth were original ideas for the bigger metas we have now. Maps weren't really flat either, PoF brought the truly flat maps--and those I actually hate. Maybe it's me playing all the way back to GW1 when the lore was actually intense in pretty much every facet of the game. GW2 has been a big step down from that to start with, but has really seemed to replace a lot of the details with copy paste events as the one poster put it.
  20. Anet staff reading this, please fix pets to actually be responsive. It's not often ranger gets the sPvP forums full attention, so have to take advantage of this to try to get all the bugfixes we can. If you do fix the F2, people may actually unmerge and allow the silvers and below to play the game again. This would be beneficial for all.
  21. From someone who started in beta... I think it's kind of objective fact the SoTO maps are possibly the most bland ones we've ever seen. The first one is just annoying to navigate but obviously serves a purpose of enforcing skyscale = mandatory. It's also uninspired, a bunch of fractal islands of other places in the game... The Wizard Tower I'm not even sure why it's a map other than they needed some themed hub. Compared to something like Arborstone in EoD its terrible. I got like three feet into Amnytas so I could get the new ranger pet, but already it just reminds me of Edge of The Mists and I'm not really rushing to go back. Newer players don't realize this but there is such a thing as no more soul left to a game. Unfortunately for anyone starting now they won't get to experience what it was like doing heart quests and having each map crafted to be explored. Now it's just blaze through everything with a mount and if the maps become any more basic, I'd expect a mobile version of GW2. Really, call it jaded or whatnot but even IBS maps blow these out of the water. That's saying a lot.
  22. Actually, with the way they're going, yeah, why not. I agree with you that putting ascended in as a daily reward is dumb--armor dropping from fractals is one thing I guess, but they've went overboard with it with things like Bitterfrost. I don't craft for profit either, just think it is beyond stupid that whole armor pieces drop/can be bought when they made crafting for this reason. In short, you should only get ascended mats as the daily reward, that way people still have to craft things. But, doesn't look like they are going back on that--as they put the lege starter kit in there that gives you a literal precursor and about ~500g of value in total for 1K AP. Sure, it's only the gen 1's (for now) but the sentiment is the same. In short, whole ascended items and especially precursors shouldn't be in the daily thing. You need SOME sort of progression, and yeah I get the game is 11 years old now, but no way to kill it faster than what they are doing now.
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