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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. I solo a few story modes just prior to the change to get around that req, because I needed Tyria masteries and don't have a solid Fractal group. Anyway, I have no idea if the change makes sense or not as never bought anything from a dungeon vendor prior. Did you need to run the dungeon before to spend any currency you earned in WvW? If not, I'd say yeah bad change; if so, then not sure how it differs from any of the other PvE related things you need to actually PvE for (aurora, vision, skyscale, etc. etc.).
  2. I obviously can't show how to get up there or it's a bannable offense (not that I actually know how anyway). But, it's good to dream...if they have actually fixed the exploit, then it'd be the first time they addressed it in what 7 years since DBL has been around?
  3. Sure about that? And yes, before anyone asks, I submitted a report about this 3 months ago.
  4. Not really. People still rage at CS:GO on the daily and, we'll I'll leave it to you to Google when that came out.
  5. Druid...dependent on Maul....oh boy. I'm hoping you mean soulbeast because if I ever see a druid running gs over staff I'm going to lmao (or cry if they are on my team). I don't think DE is overperforming though. It can +1 easy enough but it suffers from the same weaknesses mech does in that there's too much range denial now. Not that DE isn't strong, but even near g3 I rarely ever see them and if I do, I don't think they necessarily turn the tide over any other thief spec.
  6. You'll know a higher tier player by positioning. If they are unkillable due to terrain, then probably tier difference. That is, lower tier players are not usually aware of points or positioning so either beeline it onto a point and die or ignore them; good players hover around or near them as needed, using the entire map like a jumping puzzle. That said, only 'immortal' builds I've seen lately are top tier defense spellbreakers. Though I was able to chase one who claimed to be 1800 ELO off a point a few times on my Druid (with a good bit of effort). Again, they just used terrain to kite and come back to point, which not a lot can be done as at that point have to rotate or get a +1 to avoid point loss from stalling. That's actually my tip for you OP. If you can't kill something, out-rotate it.
  7. Oh, it's great...so far from silver 1 to gold 2 I've had (at least) one spellbreaker on each team, every single time. I can't imagine why.
  8. Adding it contextually depending on your trait is something I don't know if they've done anywhere else. Seems like a lot of flexibility added on top of the lot we already have. You can still run boonbeast with merge/unmerge playstyle, as they haven't altered Fresh Reinforcement. Or should say never changed it as it wouldn't make sense on swap since it's a Soulbeast merge thing. Outside of that, the Zephyr change just gave you more flexibility on when to trigger it, as for roaming I don't see anything better than eternal bond at the moment. Leader of the Pack would obviously be a waste if you are mostly solo, and Oppressive Superiority has always been overkill due to the modifiers soulbeast has.
  9. Just put the stab back on Dragon Trigger. Right now, the protection only means you can get CC'd out of it by anything competent. Outside of that, I'm not seeing how the old shoutsworn build is all that nerfed besides the elite obviously not refreshing shouts anymore. The rest of it is intact and I'm still having success playing it into mid-gold and I'm a ranger main...
  10. I've said these in other threads but... Need to move unleash skills off the AA as it currently pretty much breaks hammer if you have AA on (and if you don't you lose quite a bit of DPS potential). Fervent Force should just apply to Cantrips.
  11. It's a huge problem, particularly shift signet. We're using engineer as an example of how not to balance here. Essentially, that's the point, you buff signet of the hunt it becomes bloated garbage like shift signet.
  12. How does this even work? As a theoretical, let's make Signet of the Hunt mirror Mecha Legs to give the unconditional speed, and also the duration decreases to buff it (since it's outdated). This doesn't work...why you ask? Natural Stride - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Now, as a Druid you have doubled up the same functionality--exactly my point of why traits and utilities should not be interchanged. If you say remove/rework Natural Stride, then we have a balance problem as now I can take signet of the hunt, get the old trait functionality, and take something like Celestial Shadow. I've essentially doubled up on traits via a utility, the problem I think should be avoided at all costs. Which is why my tldr; in this entire discussion is just make move speed functionality into a trait, across all classes and specs. If they want to reduce work then they can just rework a core trait to work like Mecha Legs, or they can continue splitting it up like they do now, in which case it'd make most sense to have movment speed on Ferocious Symbiosis as outlined prior.
  13. Again, that a stealth topic is made but not complaining about thief in the OP should be very sad for thief mains as at least 2/3rds of the class revolves around it. You can't even permaroot necro's anymore, which is equally sad as a ranger main. Literally every class has ways out of root and most are straight up immune to it, to the point where playing Druid is a gamble. Anway, for mesmer clones the trick is using an AoE attack at the right time. If there are no clones, there is nothing to shatter.
  14. I don't personally think it's healthy to load up utilities like Shift Signet. By forcing you to take a trait you have to give up something else, if you take a utility, you are just adding to something else. As in, utilities should be side-grades and slot in based on how you play, whereas traits should change how you play. We also have the initial conundrum of things like Mechanical Legs being a core trait; I wouldn't be opposed if they made a core trait increase movement speed for all classes though. As an aside, the game is just too fast now, and roles have given way to homogeny causing untold numbers of problems. As in, FWIW I don't think Ranger should be teleporting, nor Guardian, etc. I think teleporting is a thief thing because of the squishy nature of it; but this is obviously role-based thinking. Anyway, things like runes should always be tertiary (behind traits and utilities), I don't agree with them in a discussion like this, as they are not a band-aid fix, they are to supplement everything else.
  15. It's relevant as you brought signets into this. I just assume that's trolling at this point because ranger signets haven't been relevant or good since release.
  16. Sure, because even the signets are totally comparable: Signet of the Hunt - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Shift Signet - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) There's some saying about throwing stones in jade houses...
  17. Of course you don't: Mecha Legs - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Also, it's 25% max movement speed on FS, but might as well be 15% as that's all you can normally keep uptime on for things that move due to how much the pet misses. You also have 0% uptime when starting from spawn in modes like sPvP and WvW; but I think you can gather why this is an issue.
  18. It's 15% and conditional but I guess that's another post for your post count...
  19. How do you do double hammer leap without wielding 2 hammers though? Meanwhile in Druid land for instance, you can take Natural Stride + Staff + Sword / Wh (or GS) and fly across the world with a ton of stealth to boot. There just really needs to be a trait that increases movement speed--Untamed is the only ranger spec that doesn't have one and has to rely on core or some crazy gymnastics.
  20. You do, but it otherwise allows you to build in a lot of projectile defense where you may not have it. Or add to your defense, like with a staff druid. EDIT: Stationary bubble isn't a bad thing either--if you are running from something you can just set the bubble behind you to have a dome-shaped wall. Then either keep going or kite back into it, in both cases you nullify anything projectile based pretty easily. I'd classify the other three pets as useless. Tiger doesn't hit anything, Pheonix is glass, and Wallow doesn't do anything.
  21. It is easily fixable by having whatever is unleashed gain +25% movement speed if traited with Ferocious Symbiosis. Otherwise, yes, Untamed is by far the most immobile and it isn't even close. Both Druid and Soulbeast might as well be ultra-marathon runners compared to Untamed....
  22. They're annoying, but I fail to see how it's any different than say your average tank tempest or similar. The hammer stuns on Spellbreaker may be a bit egregious but they are also pretty telegraphed.
  23. Would need the PvP lobby to be actually useful for this to happen. Meaning, you would need to be able to see who you are comp'd with before the match starts and have a grace period to change--this is different to now as it would be before you were matched with another team (not after) so the matchmaker could still do its job. As there needs to be some way to fix when matchmaking decides three thieves to a team is a great idea.
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