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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. It's 2-3 hours per day for 22 weeks if you want it as fast as possible, I fail to see how this is unreasonable compared to the other options, especially because it requires nothing outside of time. The exaggerations here are rather incredible though.
  2. Would you also like to make unmerging and unleashing happen on weapon swap button as well? Because nothing is less confusing than having one button to enter and one to exit!
  3. You've never met a tempest, weaver, or catalyst with a brain, have you? Mesmer would fit your use case far better as its vastly more niche, but no you decide to go with a literal GWEN staple class 😂
  4. Hmm... World vs. World (WvW) WvW group compositions have a similar makeup to PvE group compositions, with a focus on damage dealers to deal damage and support characters to defend them. Stability is always in high demand and is essentially a requirement for every group. Support Support is a broad term, and there are a variety of distinct tools that can be the focus of a support build in WvW, including healing, condition removal, boons, crowd control, and other general utility tools. Most support builds bring more than one tool to the table, but it's important that a single build can't excel at too many things. Damage Dealer These are builds that primarily exist to deal damage, but they also commonly bring additional pressure tools such as boon removal or crowd control. As fights get larger, area-of-effect damage becomes more important and single-target pressure loses some of its value. This already is concerning--the definition of 'support' here virtually conflicts with the 'holes in roles' philosophy because everything is named besides damage, which can still be built for in different ways (mostly support + condi damage). The definition of 'damage dealer' mentions that single target loses SOME of its value in larger fights--when it literally loses ALL value. There is also no mention of ranged versus melee damage and which one is more valuable in terms of balance. Also don't like 'similar makeup to PvE group compositoins', when I don't think that's the case at all. PvE comps are built around skill rotations and mechanics, WvW comps should be built around group size not mechanics.
  5. Would be nice if there were a larger grace period for class swapping, as I personally never minded the mechanic outside the possibility you start outnumbered. It lets groups that spawn with like 2 thieves, 2 rangers, and a core guardian to actually recomp themselves into something useful.
  6. Top players almost always have a duo carry, and I'm guessing the matchmaker takes this into account and favors that team. Watched a bit of Naru last night, he himself was getting wrecked the entire time by badly playing Willbender, but the duo carry was there and always won his games.
  7. It's literally a Boyce video though. I assure you all of that can be done on a soulbeast; as 80% of that was just good movement from Boyce and bad straight line zergling/feeding movement by the enemies. Even the enemy untamed just ran up and got wrecked like a bot. Anyway, if played correctly the soulbeast can actually do more damage without risk of losing the pet, and be more flexible now with pet swap. But, I'm glad if no one listens as these endless 'nerf' threads are exhausting.
  8. Could try leaving bronze/silver. Although you may not want to, because if you come far enough up into gold you will start running into soulbeasts and those will make you wish for your bad untameds back...
  9. Nah, it's just the 'Top 250' is down to like 1,400 now meaning all kinds of weird builds may have some amount of effectiveness. This particular build would get melted by anything 1,500 and above.
  10. Yes, great Havoc by Mag/AR---they even learned to fly!
  11. Always be thankful that other players and your pet are invisible, unlike the first year 😂
  12. I mean, we have mini chainsaw: Mini Chainsaw the Skeleton - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)
  13. Wait until Friday, then you should have some idea of what direction they are going. Not that it'll be agreeable, but it will be a direction.
  14. Oh ok, wasn't clear from the title, I thought it was a general warrior vs. ranger complaint. Was going to say you guys also do have Spellbreaker which is pretty effective in the right hands and definitely can cause most ranger specs some real trouble.
  15. As someone with a whole 15hrs total on Warrior I can still probably mash buttons to plat 1 on Bladesworn in sPvP; before the patch you could nearly AFK and be in plat 1. You actually have to press buttons to play untamed. That's the general difference regardless of tooltips. Warrior at least has a LI build (Bladesworn); Ranger does not, because Anet took what we have in Soulbeast and made it more complicated.
  16. Really need to start showing rank in these vids; because if it isn't happening in high gold / plat, no one will care.
  17. Cele when the only condi output is some minor bleeds from axe; warhorn and nature magic but no windborne notes... I mean, yes, its alternative for sure. I'd call this one 'Panic! At the Labyrinth'.
  18. Rank points should be based on some form of top stats. If you'd lose 20 points, but have 3 top stats, then maybe you only lose 8 points. If you have all five/six top stats on your team, then you should lose nothing.
  19. I'm glad sPVP finally discovered A.E.D after 10 years.
  20. It feels so weird, in 2022 Engi is 2013-2014 LB Ranger---people complain about the rifle (instead of the LB) and the pet (regardless of engi or ranger). The most hilarious difference now is there are so, so many ways to mitigate ranged damaged compared to back then, and people STILL complain.
  21. I got diamond box this week and also got the reward on log in (no idea about achievement as nothing showed).
  22. Theoretically it should pass here too since you can capture any objective or defend with one person, so not like it's a scale issue. But who knows...
  23. Bad logic is bad. Can say this about any legendary--you really want Aurene weapons to have multiple skin options when you are too lazy to craft a Gen 2? Anyway, I would like it if you could get the 'planetarium' effect off two confluxes, or something similar.
  24. We are the test environment... It cannot be called a PTR/PTB because there is no separate environment, no test servers, nothing. It's also not opt-in so even the term 'test' is facetious. At the moment it's just 'turn it on and see what happens' type of deal. They should have some way for mocking up achievement progress though, even if the internal testing environment is very limited or even non-GUI based, it hopefully should exist. Starting to doubt as this has been non-functional in some capacity for a long time now...
  25. It is, but logically WvW is a subset of PvE (same gear, food, npc enemies, vistas, etc. etc.) so you don't get all the pets unlocked like sPvP. Also the reason you have to tame wolves themselves in WvW.
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