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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. It's also the only versatile archetype canine. For me, I use it all the time, but only while merged.
  2. No? Warrior can literally contest points and down people (simultaneously) in sPvP if left alone when downed, it's not a weak downstate at all. Engi has a weaker downstate just like the ranger one? That's why they added the mech damage to it as well as with ranger adding Untamed ability to still control your pets fully (i.e. not just the F2, and only if pet isn't unleashed at time of going down). As I mentioned, the days of immortal ranger through pet rez or while underwater are long gone, damage is too high now. With ranger downstate, all you can do is hope the enemy is either PvE AI and leaves you alone to rez, or you had them low enough and are on Untamed or Druid so you can potentially down them in return. In a downstate vs. downstate, I will concede ranger is most likely going to win that--but I have lost downstate battles to glass thieves, mesmers, and such at times.
  3. Imagine not fluff posting to inflate your count.... Also, immortal underwater hasn't been a thing in years ya boomer 😂
  4. To compensate for weaker downstate I'd imagine. As pertains to ranger, without control of the pet the downstate is pretty useless as almost everything can out damage its heal potential now, and the 2 skill does very little in almost all situations (sure you can proc ancient seeds off it and stuff but that goes way beyond most players downstate capability). I'd give up pet control in downstate and the rez, etc. just to be able to run around like Warrior or yeet myself to saftey like Ele.
  5. Warrior is one of the easier things to contest points in sPvP while in downstate though, since you can freely run around. EDIT: For the discussion--for mech just use a block or any active defense when stomping them and you're fine. For Ranger...who is dying to downstate ranger pets in 2022? I've gotten kills off Untamed downstate before due to full pet control, but on other specs it's very hard unless you have CC pets slotted--and most rangers don't.
  6. They just need to fix hammer (already being worked on from looks of it) and add some kind of scaling damage reduction to pets proportional to number of enemies in area (like keep lords have). The boon rip itself I think is separate matter; Rending Vines just needs an overhaul as its pretty useless against the boon reapplication potential in the game, and ambush skills removing boons should just be baseline. Making Savage Slash unblockable is a slippery slope as then you'd probably have to make all of them unblockable, and the axe one in particular would definitely cause mountains of salt should that happen.
  7. Half agree--I think either siege hitting the outer guards OR hitting the INNER guards (or lord obviously) should contest the keep. This way you eliminate random warclaw nike tapping on 'I have every block, evade and invuln in the game' builds, and also allow for contesting keep from inside if you leave a mesmer or thief in there. To go with this, there should be better ways to sus out a hidden mesmer or thief without full on reveal on structure capture, but that's a separate discussion.
  8. Literally what meta? You'd think by now they'd split this sub into categories by mode but nope--we just get ambiguous 'meta', and assume PvE because it's the least dead thing in the game....
  9. From a Ranger perspective, we have to remember CMC is the one that created Untamed, and according to the community, it is 'mostly unfixable and propped up by either FF or UT depending on your mode'. Which is neither here nor there for me, my issue with CMC is he balances around memes more often than not. See bladesworn overtuning because 'big numbers are fun', Drake overtuning because 'tail swipe is fun', and now what looks to be DE's RP walk because 'reasons'.
  10. I believe it's far more powerful now, as you can still time it for when you get low but this time, you'll be immune to all damage instead of taking it to the 1HP point. Basically, Perilous Gift before prevented lethal damage, but you could still take damage with it active, lessening its overall heal. Now you can get the full heal at whatever point you trigger it at. That's in addition to what you point out, in that you could just trigger it at full health to have an instant invuln for a while. Normally you have to invest for this, signet of stone, or stout pet--and that's only physical damage. This is literally everything with no investment as you need a heal skill regardless.
  11. Apparently so--I'm never in endgame PvE scene so have (thankfully) not seen this. Since it seems the cries against FF are coming only from PvE, what happens if they go ahead with a nerf to it and the soulbeast stays top DPS bench at 38k? Do you then nerf soulbeast? What number is a 'good' DPS number, and which is a 'bad' one? Also, why do people care how fast a boss dies in PvE? It seems counterintuitive to want to nerf your highest DPS dealers, as won't you finish slower?
  12. Not sure if you were agreeing or disagreeing with that but you can see the huge ~3k difference in DPS there between Untamed and Soulbeast 😂
  13. Decent vids, but the Druid ones really point out how much of a liability the pet is (as its either contributing nothing or dead in your videos) and how easily you can get locked down if you are near the zerg tail not head.
  14. It is indeed grossly overstated. The only place where FF is used at the moment is Raids, and if you look at Snowcrows, the untamed vs. soulbeast build there is 38k (for slb) vs. 42k (for untamed). Literally negligible difference. FF is not and cannot be used anywhere else because you need a stationary target for most of the CCs to land. That is, Path of Scars, Storm Spirit, Exploding Spores etc. are not going to hit moving targets, so you essentially have maul and the bow skills. Even if these land it is little difference to just using Quick Draw. Not to mention seemingly the majority crying for a 'rework' of Untamed want more LI functionality like mechanist. That cannot be healthy for the game. You are right though, most times the devs balance upon memes or outcries against something rather than logic. See the upcoming patch with Drake, there was nothing else to balance so they nerfed Chomp. There was no thought to this, no discussion on how you can get bigger bursts (in sPvP no less) with other pets than Drake--just 'nerf' because it was path of least resistance to say they did something. The funny thing is they can't put a concrete reason on why they want to nerf FF because it would violate their 'don't balance around golem' philosophy. So for now we get 'we're looking at it' which essentially means 'the community hates it, and we'll figure out why later'.
  15. Outside of the CD on CA being wrong in sPvP (i.e. too high), Druid absolutley does not suffer in any competitive mode whatsoever. Least of all WvW...if you are somehow being 'perma immobed' as a Druid in WvW and not dueling another Druid of equal skill (or something like immobeast), then I don't know what to tell you. Those fights should go like 5-10 min and either both parties gets bored or someone finally dies to bleed. IMO, all they need to do with Ancestral Grace is give the evade frames back. The actual boons on landing don't matter much since you should be blasting into a water field anyway.
  16. I know you quoted me along with this, so just informing all of the counter points here are falling into 'weapon mobility'. So you'd still be handicapped by not using UT on Untamed.
  17. The changes to Drake and Druid are so random it's hilarious. Balancing around memes here. Untamed hammer changes are fine, but it's still way too slow to use anywhere but possibly a zerg scenario (maybe that was the intent but wasn't stated). Problem with zerg scenarios is anet always neglects that the pet is the liability here, so smart people will just run melee soulbeast anyway. In addition, we MAY see Untamed now as a node camper in sPvP but not because of hammer--that Perilous Gift change is more than slightly out of line for a heal skill that's on a 30s CD. Still trying to understand why on Untamed of all things to change this, when it worked as intended, much like a more forgiving A.E.D.
  18. I'll trade DE's the 1500 range rifle for a 1200 range shortbow on Ranger. Or, I'll also accept being able to move while channeling barrage and whirling defense.
  19. I think the point was not using it in sPvP is putting yourself at a direct handicap as there is nothing that can replace that mobility on Untamed. You don't have the speed a merged slb has, and you don't have the movement abilities they have either--so outside of weapon mobility (which is shared) you need to use Unnatural Traversal.
  20. Spirits pulse though. Take healing spring for example, you have to stand in it to get any meaningful regen or cleanse and that a lot of times isn't possible. This is what I imagine 'ground targeted' spirits are like. It's way more thoughtful play to activate the 'spirit effect' when you need to and then either use it selfishly, or stand by allies. Not to mention with the abundance of well/AoE/field spam, ground targeting would be super muddy compared to seeing actual color-coded wisps to know what's going on. In short, we aren't mechanists, we don't need 'boon spam' off one button press, it's not a healthy design route by any means.
  21. That's just Druid though and only in Raids. Pulsing around the ranger would be better in: sPVP, WvW, Open World Metas, Fractals, Strikes...
  22. Not exactly new... Back in my day, enemies used to camp Obsidian Sanctum so you couldn't get your gift of battle, as the JP used to award a lot of badges of honor.
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