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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. What server? I'm on Darkhaven and there have been so many transfers to and from the server in the past five years it's ridiculous. The only enemy server people seem to hate is Mag... which is an incentive to not log in when we face them.
  2. Except Alliances are just a grouping mechanism. If you theoretically had an alliance with no guilds, it would be essentially the server structure we have now. Everyone just runs around, maybe follows a tag, but mostly AFKs at spawn. With Alliances you can at least group like-minded guilds together. Or even less than that, just let people play with their friends by being in the same guild. I mean the tldr; here is that server pride hasn't been a thing for 6-7 years now. Since that point we've been operating in what you call 'serverless WvW'; the server is a name only to be freely bandwagoned to depending on what tier anets manual relinks put you in.
  3. Support Druid gets like 300 healing ticks a second just off regen...
  4. Yeah, all ambushes were literally made for sPvP; so that's why you see things like SB ground target and ADHD axe because all ambushes assume your targets will be 5 capped and all near you (i.e., near a point). The ambushes translate oddly to both PvE and WvW because of this--as you noticed, they definitely to not discriminate between person and random woodland creatures 😂.
  5. If this were 2012, yes. Anyway, most success I've had with MH Dagger is on a boonbeast / quickness extends boon trait build in WvW. Just go full glass with it and can do some serious damage with instinctive engage and the autos if you root people.
  6. Mesmer hasn't been meta where for upwards of 3 years? Because chrono and mirage are still meta picks--chronobunker for sPvP and mirage in endgame PvE. Reading is your friend. I never said mesmer was 'stupid' or OP, I said there is no skill cap for it. It's too technically mechanical for that. I wouldn't be bagging on WvW players when you can't even properly read 😂.
  7. You do get better results though, as mesmer historically has been taken care of very well. You can fit pretty much any role in the game and high skill mesmers are up there with high skill eles, just not really touchable. Both ele and mesmer players have mad history with complaining though. Anyway, from a ranger perspective, more work for same or worse results would be Untamed atm.
  8. I'm not going through the effort of setting up a 2v1 I didn't explicitly ask for (just showed its possible and pretty easy on the right build); anyway, the fact we're even talking about a 2v1 already means mecha is free 😂. That was the point--I wouldn't be offering to 2v1 two mesmers, least of all not in sPvP where spaces are tighter than WvW.
  9. You get more pips for winning than you do for losing. This is just normal ranks, not even what you can get through MAT's (if wintrading wasn't a thing). Not even IRL do losers 'get nothing'. Look at any podium event--silver and bronze still get paid, and still get literal metals. So the 'loser get nothing' logic holds no water. I mean you linked a literal evo tournament video and somehow have no concept that there's way more payout than just the final winner....
  10. You calling a shortbow a longbow is telling me a lot here. Anyway, if you want to come find me go ahead; again, I've never seen a top tier mechanist. They'd switch to holo by the time they go up tiers.
  11. The recap, the purpose of the video was to show mechanist isn't OP in the least and has a hard skill ceiling. You admit you see everyone aside from me coming up to them going down really quick, because most people aren't great at the game. This doesn't mean mechanist is OP. Again, this video comes from pre-rifle nerf when you were getting huge damage for just pressing 1; but that's all you get--kite them and its free. Past that is a 1v1 with a mesmer that I acutally have a decently hard time with. This isn't coincidence, because mesmer can be an absolute nightmare if a person knows what they are doing, and if you add all the evade spam and whatnot from distortion it is just night and day with mechanist. So again, yes mechanist is a destroyer at low skill levels because it was made to be LI. No one should balance around low skill level though, so I just hate it when I see 'OP' and 'mechanist' in the same sentence.
  12. Care to prove me wrong? Because I'm here to show you even pre-rifle nerf mech was an absolute joke: Yes, I understand this is WvW and not PvP, but it's the only 2v1 mech fight I readily have available. Can also just say the mech would be about half as powerful in sPvP anyway due to how the modes work--so my point still stands. Mechs are free.
  13. Just popping in to say Mechanist has a hard skill ceiling at a certain level, because the mech itself is a hinderance. Mesmer...absolutely has no skill ceiling.
  14. Probably no causation for removal, especially when mode splits exist. I don't see a reason to take FF in competitive, because most of the CCs abused with it won't be taken (i.e. storm spirt) or won't hit (i.e. path of scars). Other two GM's are just better picks here. If they want to balance it, they could just make it apply to only cantrips like they did with bladesworn shout reset. If they do this, the 2s/4s split won't even matter as PvE'rs will stop taking it anyway. Just my two cents, but I'd temper the expectations a bit there. Fervent Force doesn't even work with pet CC's and unleashing the pet is literally half the spec. So unique, yes--carefully designed? Nope.
  15. One thing I can think of is ambushes like shortbow's are ground targeted, while the others are not. This isn't just a different flavor of ambush, it literally is a different mechanic from every other ranged weapon. You also have issues like Relentless Whirl not being a whirl finisher--in fact I don't think any ambushes are finishers. This would be out of line with the rest of the skills in the game, as most of them have finishers appropriate to the skill type. Finally, you have issues like greatsword ambush removing boons but none of the others do without traiting it. This is just left field and makes no sense.
  16. Sure, but if they buff sword damage it'd outclass gs anyday because of the number of evades (and evade > block due to unblockables). So really, they should just have one set for all melee and one set for all ranged to please everyone.
  17. Would be great if they'd make it so PoS (an apt. abbreviation too) actually hits something non-stationary. Also, there is no stun on PoS--it is literally a pull. Might just want to write 'CC' in the opening post so as not to be confusing. Finally, let's not mess with Honed Axes to band-aid a problem with FF--devs already have way too much history nerfing core traits to serve elites instead of just fixing the actual issue.
  18. Just as a forewarning, never craft Astralaria--as its the main sound you hear when drawing the weapon lol.
  19. Anet would never implement it this way. What they'd do is change your skillbar if you unleash your pet to the hammer ones, and then you get the unleashed ranger ones only if you have hammer equipped. That would be a net loss of a weapon set (when pet is unleashed). There is just no other scenario where you get a weapon swap + the unleashed ranger hammer skills, because it creates a problem with hammer itself (as now its redundant), and also is out of line with how they do kits for every other profession. Even if they would implement this, I'm not sure I'd want that--because it would force you into melee every time you unleash your pet. It's also super problematic because when you unleash your pet you are already losing all DPS on the pet itself, and now would be losing DPS on every weapon set (because unleashed pet hammer skills have zero damage). EDIT: Just quickly thinking on it, what they could do is have a common set of melee/ranged unleashed pet skills depending on what your other weapon sets are. So, if you were on longbow and unleash pet, you'd get ranged, if you were on gs, you'd get melee. This would fix the hammer toggle problem (as now it toggles on all melee weapons), but they'd also need to add in a mix of damage because going only CC mode with pet unleashed isn't as clean of a break as I think the balance devs want it to be. Implementing it this way they could still add ambush to a separate key you hit regardless of what you are unleashing (so could fire it off on ranger or pet unleash now, and off auto).
  20. For the Untamed ideas, all I'll say here is I think the unleashed ambush should be on a separate key than the auto-attack. I mean, sure most of the time it waits until you press auto for it to fire off but noticing it will just consume the unleash anyway if you press another skill first. On Hammer I've noticed that specifically, I will unleash pet, CC (#3 or #5), unleash ranger, use #2 for combo dmg, and then no matter what it will consume Relentless Whirl if it's up since my auto-attack is on. Having auto off on hammer is a huge dps/usability loss (like with sword), so would be nice if they just moved ambush off the auto. Anyway, for WvW, I think all you need to do is beef up the pet. Either double its HP, give it a breakbar, or similar--something short of outright making it invulnerable. Because the pet issue affects Druid and Core too, not just Untamed. If they really want to solve this issue, we need a perma stow button. This way we can put the pet away in zergs and bring it out for smallscale, because the pet will never be effective in a zerg setting. The devs must know this, they can look at any support druid's YT or Twitch and see they run double bear or bear + turtle and just set it to passive, using the F2 as necessary for a bubble or whatever. That's just hacky design. They can split this out for sPvP for all I care--pet is fine there since it's 5-man max. Sure it still gets condi-bombed and sucks at pathing but its manageable. Like, a perma-stow there would be great but not having one isn't game breaking in the way it is for WvW.
  21. Absolutely is not---here is a 2v1 to prove it: You can see multiple times during the video I have to spam the key and / or wait for the F2 to respond (as indicated by the prolonged flashing). This never used to happen prior to the auto-attack update. Case in point an old duel with launch harb in WvW: See how fast the F2's respond here?
  22. They are. And mech is objectively bad in 2/3 modes. Yes, ranger has pet problems and probably always will--but now might be the most balanced time we've had. If anyone is failing at playing ranger at the moment, they have a serious L2P issue.
  23. Could be wrong but think condi is dominant in PvE for both Soulbeast and Untamed--so Viper.
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