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Everything posted by Saharo.5381

  1. Agree to disagree, then. To me, a buff that gives 100% HP, 50% dmg, and 50% healing increase automatically disqualifies something from being classified as "difficult" altogether. You can cycle through a Mukluk get to the point video in 10 mins. A walkthrough read is like another 15 mins. It does not take 2+ hours to get familiar with basic mechanics. However, if you are the doing over seeing type of learner, I can understand the time requirement being higher. WvW and PvP have barriers to entry as well, though at this point I think the assessment to look for is unduly high barrier to entry. Is your issue getting shitted on by a wipe mechanic in a training group? That's normal. You're supposed to learn from that. Everyone wipes their first couple times. Imo the point of raids is the "harsh punishment for failing a mechanic." That's what makes it fun. I see daily training group ads and LFGs, so I would not call them infrequent at all. I do agree that the raid selling groups need to be moved out of the actual raid LFG panel and into their own area though.
  2. Like someone else mentioned on this thread, I honestly think the reputation/social/communication component of raiding scares off ppl more than the simple inaccessibility of tools for beginners. I feel like ppl just echo that it's elitist/toxic/gatekept without trying it for themselves. I just started a few months ago and have no issues. I do recognize I'm just one person (though I know others who took it up themselves just fine), but I am yet to hear someone critical of raids say that they have tried training groups, watching videos, reading walkthroughs, and are still facing a ridiculously high barrier to entry. You can get the kill in quite a few raid training groups on your first raid attempt ever. Been there, done that, seen it tons of times when I hop on to help trainers. End game content is supposed to be difficult. That's why dumbing it down doesn't sit right with me. Like getting leg armor through PvP or WvW requires time, effort, and ultimately learning a new gamemode/playstyle/build/etc. I don't like the default mode suddenly taking away the challenge. Though I know you can turn it off, principle doesn't sit right with me. You should learn from every attempt and try to progress farther every pull. There is now no more incentive to do that, and it fosters the completely wrong mindset for incoming raiders. Your reward for wiping should be the knowledge of what went wrong. Then you try to fix it or not do it again. Buffing on death defeats the learning process. Also don't understand why just Wing 1 isn't Emboldened-enabled. Feels like an out to give people who don't want to put in the effort the ability to breeze through the harder raids, though I recognize I may just have my salty hat on for that opinion : p
  3. Ahh I see. Don't really agree with it as a good solution as there are training run LFGs every night and those taught me how to raid just fine, but I can't say it doesn't have potential to reach a larger crowd.
  4. Would have preferred a hefty rewards increase or another leg or two that requires achieves across game modes to draw in new raiders. I'm also confused who the changes are targeted at -- endgame players who don't want to put in the time/effort of joining a training group and educating themselves on raid roles/mechanics? Because that's a bit sad...
  5. Exactly! I started raiding recently and training runs/videos were plenty to help me become experienced. Lowering the skill floor and providing the same rewards diminishes the challenge and prestige that come with raiding. Not sure that defaulting to easy mode is good for the game mode.
  6. You left out the part of the quote that didn't fit your narrative, but nice try. Where in their post did they say they were better than others? They mainly spoke about people not getting their feet wet at all and blaming elitism/toxicity when there are tools to get you jump started. They spoke generally. It's you who is choosing to speak and interpret in absolutes. Have fun with that, try actually joining a raid training group before boohooing.
  7. Is there a reason why playing on Emboldened mode should yield the same rewards as playing regular mode? There's at least a minor incentive to play Challenge mode over regular mode for achievements, etc., so.... Also, does Emboldened mode need to be a permanent fixture? Why not a one-and-done, so if you've cleared a boss/raid on Emboldened mode once (or X times), you can no longer receive the buff. That way people will eventually wean off of it. If there's a new player in your group, the entire squad can still get the buff regardless. That way it encourages groups who want the buff to seek out new players if they've already aged out of their own. If people below the "experience benchmark" accumulating KP is an issue, that would also be solved. I got into raiding 2 months ago, no prior 10-man content experience, and am now experienced on Wings 1-4 and run my own groups here and there. I've seen multiple training LFGs every night, multiple raid training guilds/discord ads every night. I was able to pick it up easily. I don't really think the hurdle to raiding is that high. Not to say there aren't elitists/toxic players/etc. that can be mean to new raiders, but the resources to succeed are there. Many people simply don't look or don't want to take a chance. I've encountered many "new" players who haven't even bothered watching a basic walkthrough video of the boss/mechs and join a semi/exp group and expect a carry through the entire wing. Even in training squads, someone people refuse to listen to kind, easy, patient, clear instructions. When they keep griefing the squad and get inevitably get kicked, they whisper the comm/squad members to yell about raid toxicity. Not sure this [Emboldened] thing is a good solution to raid "accessibility" issues.
  8. @anet Shield 4 doesn't even reflect back Harbinger shroud 1 skills. Why are you so heated over it?
  9. If Blind and Aegis are a core part of your complaints, I'm not sure you understand the fundamentals of the Guardian class lmao
  10. Downright disgraceful nerf. Anet says: "We've seen the strength of the shield previously with protection holosmith builds" YET LEFT SHIELD UNTOUCHED FOR THE ENTIRETY OF PROT HOLO'S DOMINANCE. Talk about double standard. Why even bring up Prot Holo now? It's an nonissue and only serves to work against justifying the nerf. Engi has kitten weapon selection already. Anet said f all Engineers because of ONE spec we think is overperforming 🙄 AND why nerf the CD? Why not the effect/duration? To make it easier for opponents to plan for or play around rather than simply "solve" the issue by not letting Engineers use it? Because sustain Mech is running rampantly unchecked in tourneys. Totally.
  11. Currently showing the Honor description for Valor: https://imgur.com/a/Sd0rMCI
  12. We've been asking for a longbow buff/rework since the HoT nerf to DH 🙂 Stealth trap DH and heal support core are your only two options for Guardians in PvP imo after the burn nerfs. You can make them work well with the right playstyle and team, but sad to see diversity of builds reduced to this level. Core Guard has always been a simpler spec to play in PvP. But a good FB takes skill, maybe you weren't around for the FB meta. Just say you've gotten trashed by some Guards lately and go because you clearly don't know when to use your dodges and evades. Post nerf DH builds barely punish you for messing these up, and you can literally walk out of half of DH AoE casts and not get hit.
  13. Depends on how much you care about following the storyline and plot. Significant spoilers for LWS4 and PoF, which I think were enjoyable playing out without spoilers.
  14. Someone on balance team was clearly victimized by a mesmer in PVP for them to hate the class this much. They tossed lore out the window by slapping Alacrity on Mirage, and thought that Chrono "has been steeply overperforming in a damage role in all content" LOL
  15. Math already schooled you so I'm not gonna bother responding to your other stuff, you clearly haven't played guard or you'd understand the healthpool "tradeoff" a lot better LOL. Your arguments are poor and you have to fall back onto some kinda AT flex? Oop, you saw it twice so it's viable, nice solid argument there. Care to name drop the "best players in the game" running DPS guard? It'll do fine against golems/silvers, will probably fall apart and be outclassed in gold+.
  16. Also dude who's been playing guard since beta totally debunked your burst combo. You haven't proved that guard still has reliable damage, unless you define "reliable" as effective only on players who don't know what they're doing.
  17. So what DO you want support builds to be? Looking at the state of actual specs with support goals in mind (Druid, Firebrand, Tempest) and the fact that we're making a stabby warrior into a healer over these guys instead might be telling that what you're trying to achieve for supports is not what we're looking for in a support. Removing Mender will be a terrible idea, and we'll just revert to spam meta. Absolutely this. Why is your focus bringing support specs to ""where you want them to be"" if one of the flagship support builds you're measuring with isn't even supposed to be support? You killed the other support oriented specs so spectacularly that WARRIOR was the primary support of choice for a while. Warrior has ONE support oriented weapon and it's a freaking offhand, warhorn. Clearly your judgement on what to do with support specs is messed up.
  18. Killing support/tankier builds and amulets to solve the issue y'all created by nerfing damage down through the Earth's crust. This is smart and leads to lots of diverse gameplay options. Cancel insta rez signets next!! Then heal skills altogether!! What I'm hearing is WE DONT KNOW HOW TO BALANCE SO WE'LL REMOVE AMULETS. This is healthy and will not drive more players from PVP.
  19. Yu speak as if Guards have no tools to lock down people so that they eat the full SoJ.People don't just drop SoJ on people all random, they time it as a burst together with Scepter 3, Signet of Wrath, Lesser Signet of Wrath, Firebrand's Weighty Terms. It's so easy to land SoJ on someone once yur Immobilize lands. I'd argue it's easy to land lots of things once your immob lands.But is a 2 second immob long enough duration to make someone eat the entirety of a SoJ cast? The damage isn't even that good, and if you can only use it in select set ups I think it loses a lot of value. I heard it's getting popular to see burn guards running SoJ in P1/P2? I haven't seen any myself though.
  20. Went on a 10+ losing streak to drop myself into G3. Picked up at a moderately busy time (1-2 min queues) later, and matchmaking proceeded to throw me into a fight against a duo ranked in the top 100. Next round, threw me on a team with people in G1-2. So the usual shitty spread of players. Last season I was playing with someone still in placement matches, and we got matched against someone in the top ten twice in a row. Obviously we are nowhere near his level, so why are we forced into such uneven matches? If there aren't enough people in/near your rank, matchmaking should not pull people from so far away. Just give us a message saying there aren't people near your rank in queue, so you gotta wait. Don't throw people in silver against top tens! Lower ranked players shouldn't be punished just because high tier players aren't online. As far as team comp goes, you're free to change classes before the match starts. If you have crappy comp, get someone to switch.If the matchmaking does ~optimize~ and set up teams with good comp, there's nothing to stop a member from switching a class to something that messes up comp. So I'm not sure how useful that would actually be.
  21. Oh okay that makes sense, it must have been getting stab from other sources when it survived CC, etc. long enough to get the stomp off.
  22. I've been running Mass Momentum and function gyro casts with 3 & 1/4 sec of stability, most of the time it gets the stomp off unless boon corrupted or stripped. Lately, I've noticed that function gyro fails to stomp without either of these effects happening. Is this bug not completely fixed? Dec 2019 patch supposedly corrected it. Tested it against a core guard today in PVP while we were 1v1: I cast function gyro and went for the stomp immediately. 1 second into my stomp animation, guard used his downed knockback skill and function gyro was destroyed. However, this was before the stability wore off... Anyone else notice this?
  23. I personally like the rotations for the most part, but I agree proper 2v2 would solve this problem. 2v2 matches in most cases go faster than 5v5, so easier for reward hunters to rack up ranked wins, on top of it having a way better learning curve.
  24. Matched onto a noob team and carry ? +3Matched onto a noob team and lose ? -17
  25. I think a lot of the loud voices complaining truly do not know that rangers can't be a boonbeast and a sic em sniper at the same time, nor can they run Gazelle, Siamoth/plasma, and Smokescale at the same time. They just call out every feature that annoys them. Between knowing what type of ranger you're facing, some condi pressure, dodging GS bursts (Maul is the easiest animation to dodge in this game, it has the most obvious sound cue), and not running headfirst into a LB burst or sitting your ass tight on a point and eating LB fire, there are obvious ins to deal with ranger. Mainly condi. Are any classes that pack moderate toheavy condi complaining about ranger? Don't think so. Ranger is one of the worst, if not the worst, cleansing class. How the heck are you comparing it to Warrior?
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