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Everything posted by Copyright.9082

  1. In 2024...(hollywood trailer music) Gw2 Esports...(hollywood music intensifies) Coordination, Dexterity, Performance ! (drums rolling in) We present to you, the ultimate hand exercises video (hollywood music climaxing) (Because gw2 pvpers also deserve to pleasure their hands).
  2. It's like that? Next time we q together, i'm going to put down black powder, call you for stealth and just steath myself and not you, while the train of vindicators dodges on you. I will just watch 🙂
  3. I think we should just nerf power chrono because that's what Terrorhuz likes to play.
  4. I can feel the FFA mesmer tears running down your cheeks and i drink them, i drink them all.
  5. WvWers and PvPers are the target audience of arenanet. Do you not feel it?
  6. Just sitting there, in complete darkness, the only light being the blue light emanating from that screen projecting on your futile hopium that endless timer.
  7. Every MMO is like that. I watch a wow stream and i don't understand kitten.
  8. leaps witout smoke fields? More smoke fields pls. Cata can't stealth in 2023? such a meme.
  9. Deadeye is fine bruh, just play daredevil.
  10. I approve this post. I garantee it. I stand behind it. Make the change.
  11. Dude, can you carry me with that op engi condi build? I'll pay you IRL
  12. What do i get out of playing pvp? The thrill of playing a perfectly balanced game constantly throwing new and exciting content at me while i have the privilege of meeting the most friendly people there can be : )
  13. I enjoy getting moa'd. I have mastered the pecking abilities. I'm somewhat of a pro in moa form. You could almost say i'm a moa main. So please don't nerf what i've spent years mastering.
  14. Precasting hiltbash, cuting hiltbash animation with unatural traversal, swapping pet, executing maul and a pet attack (wolf or riverdrake) is a 5 step combo which could be even more complex depending on what you added to it. The port was untelegraphed, like every numerous instant port in the game, but the combo was not uncounterable, which is why you would win untamed vs untamed by either saving your elite (stab) or stunbreaks to nullify the spike. We shouldn't reason in terms of "untelegraphed" but rather in terms of counterability. "You can't see it in teamfights" is not an argument. There are so much things you can't clearly see coming in teamfights except for degens like us who played this game too much. Any stealth or porting class should be deleted if we develop your argument fully. And now you have an unblockable + superspeed which btw outside of being a braindead skill which requires no setup and no thinking has no visual tell at all except for the signet icon below your hp bar. That's for the untelegraphed part. The oneshot is the only problem untamed has and its' still not fixed. It simply does too much damage. Ferocious symbiosis and vow of the untamed needed to be nerfed by 20/25 % to start with, with further adjustments if that wasn't enough. But now, the arenanet solution is going to be to destroy the port, eventually destroy the signet and nerf the damage so that untame becomes completly useless, when they should just have kept the port and reduced the damage modifiers. Also, the 5 additionnal seconds on signet of the hunt indeed changes nothing. Also, the meta is not aids because of untamed, it's aids because of kitten like tempest.
  15. Flood all the maps and bring ESL back. Try to about face juke me on z-axis now you fool.
  16. I like how it gets nothing whatsoever in return. Blinding powder has more utility than this elite now xD.
  17. Don't you dare rework untamed in pvp. It's the most beautiful class ever created. Do w/e you want in pve/wvw idc, just split the changes.
  18. I ++ this. I'm glad that the class, in its current state, is trash. Rework it or keep it trash.
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