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Everything posted by hugo.4705

  1. Can't stand that Taimi would die! Plz!! For an asura she is higher than the averrage, and definitely worth more than Phlunt! I'm very impressed, she is the proof that beyond the height you can still perform great things... I have enough of seeing characters dying... In a world of ninetailed fox, floating airships, laser cannons, golems, low gravities, dragons.... Don't tell ME that you CAN'T create BIONICS, IMPLANTS and PROSTHESIS for Taimi! We even have peacemaker medics able to tell you if your life if compromised or not! I don't understand that such an advanced society, they can't cure any disease..2 others options: transfert mind into golem, and if it's possible, awake her, some joko's generals have the power of awakening, but I don't know if being awakened prevent you from disease...
  2. Very disappointing, another kourna map so I expect nothing great but in addition these crashes... That's enough! It happened for each episode of the living season, those crashes shouldn't happens anymore! 3 months!!! Mhppffff.... will wait one-day or two I guess... was not hyped but I'm more than not hyped now.
  3. Agree and since the patch! :/ Very promising! Network error :101... I'm in lion's arch.Code=1083:5:7:1596:101Already a bad point for that episode. Sorry.
  4. Largos, because we have already studied enough of land-based races during personnal story (exception of quaggans), the largos are the more intriguant and I'm still waiting for a suite for trahearne's largos friend. I don't really care of tengus, those are just birds that hide themselves in their empire of winds. I want more contents, lore etc underwater.
  5. Thanks @"Just a flesh wound.3589" ! But yeah... we return at the same issue, It's surely a lack of information for F2P players, many things should be explained since they start their journey like "You can buy armors in WvW for badges and gold", "You can sometimes meet big enemies, they're called world bosses, kill them to earn fabulous rewards", "Use gw2wiki Event timer to know when happens the next world boss!" What I 'm asking is putting these vendors in PvE, these players would not seek for them infinitely until someone told them "go in WvW" they also have NO notions about the crafting disciplines, crafting should be explained.
  6. Just another thought before I forgot. I met a really nice guy which was playing with a F2P free to play account and have amassed a serious amount of 51 gold coins, but that poor guy have no sink to spend his gold, he just want to be full exotics 80. He hasn't enough karma and find the story boring. He disturbed me and I'm really sad for him, could you add a vendor, selling exotics armors and weapons for 1-2 gold each, soul-bound on acquisition? Available for these F2P in any city? They would have no advantages these poor peoples don't have access to a part of Trading post, are restricted about sending gold through mails, don't have access to login rewards, so no laurels, so no armor box. And surely would lose a considerable time to upgrade and perfection their armors. (PS: Tell me if I'm wrong or if I miss something, but imo the tutorial is horrible and these players aren't informed of where to find exotics, what are world bosses and so on...)
  7. Would be nice to edit the mordrem specialist vendor at durmand priory!! He should sell his stuffs for mordrem organs samples which can be found in silverwastes instead of being a dead content!!! What's the point of these awesome rewards like scarlet shoulders and gauntlet if the vendor can't sell them to you? Should be fixed imo ASAP. Could be traded against 50-100 samples of any organs from silverwastes. Would bring more players in that map and will make some LS1 contents return.
  8. I have an AWESOME idea!!! Here she is: Make HEAD armors which AREN'T armors on the gemstore for 100-150 gems each, let me explain, instead of being an armor/head accessories it would be simply HAIR EXTENSIONS (strands/ extra hairs/ ponytails / spikes)No needs to release 50 of them in 2 days, progressively , just some for players who aren't satisfied with their actual haircut and that just want to add ponytails... Will sell a lot imo, more customization! But yeah need some works.
  9. Add Pact Supply vendor icons on world map, would be easier to find them without having to use a website or anything else.
  10. We already have rich ores, why not rich logs and rich plants? Would make more sense imo to have a big trunk instead of a lot of smaller versions side by side like near statues in orr, would economize some models for the same result. For the plants, could appear as a sterns carpet on the ground.
  11. haha that amount of chairs! Just happened to me while waiting for the shatterer, someone spawn the table, we spawned the chairs! ;) Always someone playing harp too, a great addition these novelties!
  12. Yeah plz give instruments some love! But before adding more, plz fix the old ones by adding half tones as f1->f5 skills, and record better sounds especially charr bass.We pass near a ton of musics due to the lack of half~tones. Add mores if you want but keep in mind these fixs. Ideas: little piano/ accordion, little pipe organ....
  13. Bring back the old character screen showing your order! That is very useful for me when I want to purchase special order armor/weapon but I don't remember which character is which order!
  14. Agreed about the mechanics, they can make a difference, but I'm pretty sure that lowering health/damage can help players to earn timed achievs like X-TER-M1N-8.I almost earned it solo with my holosmith, I only need 30 more seconds on the timer or a little less boss health.
  15. I really think that story instances should have difficulty like SAB, an easy mode to progress faster and less sub-events between main parts, normal like the instance is currently with boss fights do-able solo, tribulation where it's a nightmare where you need to bring friends with somes bonuses but higher risk.E.g: Exterminator golem ls4e2:-easy = boss -10% health, -20% attack damage-normal = boss -10% health, normal attack-tribulation = boss +10% health, +20% attack damage(With achievs timer adjusted)
  16. An item, scroll thingy or device that allows people to do various usefull things, like ,knowing the next world boss, teleporting into an empty/pacific version of an already visited instance even if she doesn't exist anymore: Old Lion's arch, Rata primus (cube), claw island, aetherblade retreat..etcWould be an awesome thing for farmers and RPlayers. :D :3 :)
  17. Thanks to the beautiful and very kind donator! Thanks you very very very very much!! I have no word to tell how I'm happy and satisfied, whoever you are, thanks you so much for the exo-mount pack!! :DD <3 :) :+1:
  18. Here is some bonus screenshots with comments of course! ^^ A mysterious cube, located near the bridge, totally empty inside. Force fields gallery, under western complex and eastern complex. Towers and tunnels nightmare, occupe all the space between the west cliff-side and rata primus, underground. Bonus: Specimen chamber from the roof.
  19. No monsters plz! :open_mouth: Areas out of the maps are fascinating and sometimes more interessant than the map herself! Love the confetti box at the south-east of Domain of Kourna! I hope Anet will continue to put some cool little things like these outside their maps! Recently I broke out of mons draconis and only found a giant wall like in game of thrones.
  20. Yay very sad trying to do a legendary currently, used 20 coins to earn 7 clovers so ..... around 1/3 yup.... please stop lowering the rate ;(
  21. Thanks! I also investigated under the olmakhan village: The Iron whale is based on the breachmaker asset, the biggest part is outside the map just like an iceberg.
  22. Add more food plates! And let us have a special slot to use them in novelties! I found the best food in-game xD she's called "Petri Dish Delight" and can be bought at rata sum, can you create "Plate of Petri Dish" ? :D !
  23. also the button is textureless... plz change the icon into a note or a question mark or eventually confetti! My hand sweep regularly and I misclick the novelty button instead of the mount one! Can you plz make, a third full sized square, right to the mount button, that can be disabled/enabled through menu?
  24. ADD flame of kryta and zephyr sanctum model to redrawn-able item from the panel in hero -> achievments, plz for players which are already completed the achiev but don't have the item.
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