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Everything posted by Loboling.5293

  1. It's more like you've been going to the same restaurant every day for a month and enjoying steak. One day they serve you tofu and tell you they don't serve steak anymore. You ask for a refund and they tell you to pay you back would require they ban you from the store. They need to consider some kind of compensation. But I doubt op would be satisfied. The reality is you enjoyed your build for a month. But no more than that. It goes with the territory in MMOs. Things change and with a sub game you can just cancel your sub. But GW2 makes money on microtransactions and expansion sales. So there is no sub. Only the choice to not buy future content. So give feedback and don't support anet if you feel like they tricked you. I personally get bummed sometimes too when my favorite build is changed. I miss my old meteor shower ele.build. But I still got to play it. They didn't trick me, they are just adjusting the game as they want to. Over time, things will come and go. So enjoy it while you can and accept all things end eventually.
  2. I love both weapons for different things. The staff is a great control and support weapon, and the spear is awesome for glass canon goodness. I wouldn't mind some visual updates on staff, but I'd prefer some quality of life improvements, and dialing back some previous nerfs. For instance, I wish the staff fire 5 meteor shower didn't deal reduced damage per hit and still hit 5 targets per meteor. Also, they could reduce the cast time of Earth and Water 2 skills. With just those two changes, I would then consider visual updates. The staff is still lots of fun, but I can't stop playing with the spear. It's my new favorite weapon for open world. Staff is still my favorite for competitive modes, I just wish it had more oomph at times.
  3. I don't know about the other orders, but there are order of whispers agents in the world that will talk to you if you're a member, revealing information of the area. Also, there are hidden rooms you can access. I've only found 1, but there might be more. Hint, the hidden room I found is in lions arch. If you like RP, pick the one that matches you. I only don't like the vigil now... I joined them once and for a military order, they had never been exposed to military strategy. Seemed too odd to overlook. The Priory seem interesting, but I would want access to their archives, to read up on lore, etc. to my knowledge, there is nothing exclusive in this light. It's the same reason I don't like playing as an engineer. I'm supposed to be talented, but all the big jobs are done by others. The order should continue to be part of your experience. And to my knowledge, only the order of whispers has anything for RP, after the missions. But it's not significant enough that if you like the idea of being a scholar over a spy, just do it. The messages from order agents is generally useless. And the hidden rooms are in safe zones already. Also, your character will call someone Master, which comes off as odd.
  4. The skiff is faster, but the skimmer is more mobile.
  5. Buying expanded material storages when on sale is highly recommended. But the above advice is solid regardless. I can't stand games that create inventory problems only to sell you the solution. But GW2 is one of those games. Once I got 1000 max storage, the tricks the above poster mentioned work just fine. They would work at lower max too, just likely have to do it more often. I also, grab 250 items from my storage on occasion when full and just sell it. I get a couple of extra gold this way. So if you aren't planning on crafting anytime soon, I'd sell each stack when full or sell half (125). Otherwise, the first investment in my account would be materials storage increase. And/Or start refining the materials to store them.
  6. My thinking is more something like this for open world: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGQEQHsN7CHvlt2KA-DSZYBBvFFgYYlRTFQgJgaLIhxG41cjXLAA-e 100% crit chance, you cycle between Fire, Air & Earth as needed, and use water if you need some healing or want to buff a skill with water spear 3. It's a constant stream of aoe damage, with your highest damage in Fire & Air. Earth comes with some control effects and projectile defense & stability.
  7. Tempest is good with spear. As I mentioned, spear doesn't really have tools to survive or keep distance. So even though it's ranged, the enemies will close the distance. So, enter attunement, cycle through your etching, charge your element, and switch. Tempest is almost perfect for this specialization. Even better if they ever add a trait that allows you to select ranged overloads. That would finalize these two to fit perfectly together. But for now, it's the best fit for the new spear.
  8. Yes, it's clear from the design of this weapon is should be ele's highest direct damage weapon, ignoring elite spec mechanics. The spear has very little control effects, very little sustain, very little defense. It also restricts itself in mobility, with it's etching system. The only benefit to this weapon is the range and damage. It needs to chunk hard. I've only tested it in open world, and from a design perspective, it's awesome. It should open up new territory for elementalist, because it gives up so much to achieve it's goal. It should allow the devs to buff it to very high levels of damage. I'm glad they held it back with the restrictions they gave it, but it has to counterbalance with hefty damage.
  9. I'm going to say it, the new Elementalist Spear is fun to play. I finally got around to testing the weapon, and I don't know about the balance of it yet, but the gameplay and dynamics that exist within the weapon, along with the inherent weaknesses to the weapon, make for interesting gameplay. So kudos to the devs for this one. I'm enjoying leveling a new elemetalist with this weapon. I don't think it will ever be considered strong in pvp, but at least it finally lets Elementalist play in a way that many would imagine when rolling the class. Funny enough, I find the weapon still plays best at melee range, given it struggles to keep any kind of distance. But it chunks if you use your utility skills to keep yourself stable and alive.
  10. Hey everyone, We just got a response to the feedback on Ele Spear. I didn't get a chance to try it, but I'd love to hear how you feel these changes will affect the weapon.
  11. Who remembers bring the player not the class? I hope they flatline group quickness and alacrity. Boons have gotten out of control, and greatly reduce build variety because of how integral and accessible they are to our rotations.
  12. That's pretty cool concept. I like it. I wouldn't mind it being a thrust that comes out of the ground as a shadow lance. Shadow Skewer. That would make it a ground target aoe stealth attack. Easier to use hit multiple targets. The idea of skewering enemies from a spear of shadow that attacks them directly from their own shadows sounds super satisfying., I'd also include at least a couple stacks of torment, as who wouldn't be tormented by their enemy vanishing and suddenly their own shadow is skewering them...
  13. I'd love ranged preparations. I agree, Shadow Portal shouldn't go ground targeted. The other ones should have 600-900 range.
  14. Skill chains shouldn't reset when an attack misses or is blocked. Stealth attack needs a ranged option. I'd say, make it a targetted leap, like a harpoon that pulls you into melee. Damage is applied when the thief reaches the target. Could even just do the normal stealth attack thrust at that point.
  15. Funny enough... I settled on Thief in the end.. haha After I saw the new Spear, I got kind of hyped. And I went with Thief primarily so the story is still challenging in some ways, as they can still be squishy. The game gets boring when it's just a repetitive cycle of abilities and things just die. I just played cele vindicator to unlock the extra weapons and found it fun, but repetitive. Engineer is not a bad idea. But I just don't like classes with too many keybinds anymore. I even wrote a whole backstory for my character. So now I've unlocked the new weapons with Rev, (I played the story with sound off to avoid spoilers as much as possible) and learned it's not for me. I'm starting my adventure with my old favorite Thief. I do love the class for PvP and WvW roaming. Spears will be available for testing in a few days, so I'll know if I made a mistake. But kind of excited for combos with thief. Kind of like Sw/D kit, but even extended. I do wish they would do something with initiative generation, that encourages different skills. To reduce the drawback not for spamming one button always when it is the highest dps. Anyway, wish me luck and thanks everyone who responded! So starts a new adventure this week. 😎 ps: I know the writing formatting could use a lot of work. But I wanted to share it, as it was just for fun to make my new character and the people here helped motivate me to get started back. Lobo Ling (Loboling) Young Wolf Background: Forty-one years ago… The King had summoned the two of them to his royal chamber to discuss something private… This made both Samantha Wolf & David Ling very nervous. They had never had the chance to personally meet with the King… The secrecy of the whole ordeal was extreme, but when dealing with royal matters, it’s best to keep your cards close to your chest… (Inside the throne room) The meeting was brief, but insightful. Both the Countess and the King described internal treachery and proof of it… In fact, we (Sam & David) had unknowingly been victims of this ordeal. Thinking it to be nothing more than a common burglary, our farms had both recently been ransacked by bandits. It turned out to be a much larger campaign that involved a lot more players than we even knew were on the board… Our minds were swirling, but our resolve wasn’t. It was clear that this would continue, unless someone stepped up. And as recent victims of this conspiracy, we felt it was our obligation to help… (End Scene) We underwent 2 years of intensive training that made our years of tending to plant and beast seem like child’s work. The Countess educated us on stealth, subterfuge and combat… I wish there had been more training… Thirty-nine years ago… We joined the ranks of the White Mantle with minimal difficulty. It seemed they were pretty open about their recruiting if you knew where to look. But it wasn’t as simple as joining and getting in on the scope. We had learned from our training that the whole organization is compartmentalised; and the mouth does in fact, not know what the hand is doing… We would need to infiltrate quite deep if we wanted to get the answers we needed… Both of us pretended to be a couple that had come down on hard times, and was looking for a score to keep our bellies full. The truth was closer than even we realized. It wasn’t before long that actual emotions started to brew and things swung out of hand pretty soon. Thirty-Five years ago… With the birth of the Lobo Ling, things became complicated for our spies… They had additional resources from the Countess delivered to them by courier at random times. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to tide them over. There was no way of contacting the Countess without risking their cover, and food was short in supply. Maybe it was desperation, or maybe some higher instinct, but eventually David’s pockets grew a little larger with each run, and a little more full… He was stealing from the White Mantle to feed their child… (End Scene) Little Wolf was born in a quiet village south of the Delanian Foothills. Although he wouldn’t be there for long… He travelled with his parents far and wide; it seemed the world was endlessly vast. The reason for this was his parent’s secret mission to expose a White Mantle plot given to them by the King himself… They were to infiltrate their ranks and expose who was backing them from within the council. Lobo was privy to this from an early age, his parents taught and trained him, and his circumstances forced him to grow up quickly. Both the King and the White Mantle couldn’t learn about his existence, and his only education came from his parents. This was for the first 3 years of his life though… Before his parents got killed…. Thirty-two years ago… It took nearly three years for a mistake to cost David almost everything… Well, it cost him and his wife everything. Samantha was doing laundry, and David was in the shower when they came at night… They set fire to the house and killed both David and Samantha when they fled. Luckily they had a small safe room built for Lobo in case anything should happen and he needed to hide. It had it’s own air supply and was built beneath the house… Hours later, as his parents instructed him, he left the enclosure and found only destruction around. The fire had turned everything to ashes. And his parents were no where to be found. But he waited patiently for days until the hunger got hold of him and the thirst was too much to bear. He drank water and fell asleep by a stream… Hungry, sad and alone… He awoke to the smell of food cooking by the fire and noticed a tall woman wearing a cloak standing by the fire. She called him over and asked if he was hungry. Telling him she had found him by the stream and he seemed to be in bad shape. I explained that I was looking for my parents and she understood. But told me that my parents had not been seen in days and for safety reasons, I should come with her to Divinity’s Reach where I can get a safe night’s rest and food and drink. It wasn’t safe for a young boy to be about. I’m not sure what it was that made me follow. I was usually so obstinate with strangers. But something in me commanded me to follow. Like I could trust this person… 1 day ago… Lobo had gotten mixed up in so much trouble growing up, you’d think he was the devil’s child himself… In and out of orphanages, and never having reunited with his parents. This little rascal had become quite the headache for the citizens of Divinities Reach, but all that was about to change. And had been gradually changing. Something inside Lobo called him to a greater purpose. But he couldn’t tell what it was. For now, he made a living stealing and tricking others into giving him what he needed. It wasn’t a noble life, but it was honest in its own way. If he ate one night depended on his success that day. He was ruthless and cunning, but also increasingly kind and compassionate. He didn’t want other children to go through the kind of life he had. He wanted to stop needless violence. Why kill when you can simply steal… This is the story of how our young boy became the Young Wolf… Loboling.
  16. I've been playing around with both classes and they both seem fun. I think I prefer the Revenant, but I'm worried about that old Revenant bug with skills swapping position. Also, I worry I'll get bored before I finish the story again, so maybe engineer will give me enough diversity to make it through. I just wish they could change weapons in combat. So torn.... Going to fiddle around some more today and see if either of them stand out more from the other. To reiterate, I want to take this character through the story, while completing open world objectives. I also want to use this character for PvP when I'm bored of doing story missions to break the monotony. Do engie and Rev have fun pvp builds right now? I could just play my warrior there. I can never get over how fluid warrior feels. And if it had a few more ranged options and banners were actually interesting, I'd be sold. Support war feels bland. (At least it did before staff, and staff seems to mostly be a sustain weapon from my quick testing)
  17. Hi fellow Tyrians, I'm stuck trying to choose a class to focus on when I come back to the game. I became pretty disenchanted with the game around EoD and the new expansion didn't manage to kindle my interest. But recently, I've run out of alternatives that are equally enjoyable, so I'm coming back to gw2, to see if I can enjoy the new story and maybe do some pvp. I would like to do both with a single character. I'm really interested in hearing what people think about the: Engineer, Revenant & Warrior; in the current state of the game and going into the new expansion. While I'm a veteran with almost 10 years playing, I can't find any lasting enjoyment with any of the classes. Not enough to finish the story. So if I can just complete the story and have fun doing it, I would be happy with my pick. Engineer: As a previous Ele main, I enjoy complex gameplay, and the engineer is one of the most diverse classes in the game. It's the only class I got to 100% world completion back at launch. And when I didn't feel like playing Ele, I would swap to Engineer or Thief. I love the fast, combo gameplay, along with the concept of a diverse kit that keeps things interesting. I dislike the aesthetic/theme, as I work as an engineer in real life, and this doesn't get me as hyped as things I do in real life. So there isn't much sense of wonder, although the laser tech is pretty cool. Revenant: The revenant was my favorite class at HoT launch, and got me to abandon my Ele, Engie and Thief around that time. I loved the highly mobile gameplay that focused on being slippery in combat. I was mainly into PvP back then, and I loved the flexibility of the class. But eventually, I got tired of two things: bugs and rigidness of the class gameplay loop. The bugs would swap my utility bar order, changing my ability keybindings during combat. That drove me completely nuts when I didn't notice before a match, and found I had to relearn my class while playing a ranked game... The repetitiveness in the gameplay came from the loop of cycling to get back energy and popping everything you could. It felt a bit like the Thief. Which I found the least enjoyable for PvE. Revenant has my favorite Aesthetic, although, I don't really know much about the characters I channel. Warrior: The warrior is my favorite class to play when coming back to the game. I always find the gameplay loop very enjoyable and the class feels incredibly fluid, especially spellbreaker. I think spellbreaker is my favorite class for open world. (For a while). But the warrior gameplay does become stale after a while. There isn't much diversity in how you tackle a problem, like there is with Engineer and to a lesser extent Revenant. I want to love this class and commit to it, but I get bored eventually, and find my options don't leave me more than just 1 or 2 enjoyable gameplay loops. I get more out of both other classes, but they don't feel as fluid and enjoyable to play when I just want to pop a few pvp matches. With the release of the staff, I almost believe it could add more to the class, but I'm not convinced. Only core warrior gets t3 burst skills, and the staff seems to mostly just add heals to a class terribly focused for support. When I play Rev, I love to play as a healer, engineer is decent at it too. Warrior never felt good as support. Has that changed? Thanks for your time! 😁 Edit: I spent more time in the pvp lobby trying things out, and I've ruled out warrior. I feel staff is more of a personal sustain tool for warrior. So to truly have a variety of playstyles, I'd be better off with either Rev or Engie. Does anyone have any suggestions between the two?
  18. I'm surprised players are reporting P/P failure so soon after release...
  19. I just want to clarify for anyone confused. I don't mean increase the required dailies from 4 to 10, but rather increase the pool of available. To be all of them each day. So players can direct themselves into areas they like. Some people prefer magumma? Find them daily and join up with them for activities. Some people love defending in wvw. There are different defense dailies now. Etc. Allow players to focus their attention on things they enjoy and make sure they all overlap, so groups can form for them.
  20. The vault is cool, but shared dailies is a core feature that made the old dailies significantly more enjoyable. I still think they need to unshackle the options and let players all have the same 10-20 dailies. Then players can choose how to complete them. And communities can form around specific tasks. GW2 is a social game, we don't need systems separating us artificially. The reward system is interesting, although I don't like how acclaim is deposited. But the system could use some big improvements that would really improve the dynamics within the community.
  21. Yes, the delay on pet skills is totally unacceptable. This reminds me of the Revenant class bug if your action bar switching up randomly, making it really hard to fight in combat until you get a chance to set it back. The pet is a core part of the ranger. The fact that they may not even cast the skill you tell them too means the pets need better training... Maybe they didn't like being kidnapped at such a young age... Anyway, I hope this gets fixed. It really makes the ranger feel less responsive to play. I'm glad I took a break from PvP, because this would make me tear my hair out in that mode. But I did find a workaround for those interested. Not 100% tested, but it seems to work so far. Press pet return before pressing your beast skill. They will immediately cast the skill.
  22. You want to play a power Herald with greatsword. (Revenant) You'll need to unlock weapon mastery and the elite spec. Enjoy.
  23. I've got it everyone! New proposed solution. Any dailies that are completed, but the reward hasn't been claimed, are auto-deposited at the end of the daily cycle. With this solution, the benefits of clicking on your dailies to manage your intake for not overcapping are kept. Also, the benefits of not worrying about losing on rewards you earned without going through additional steps in a menu that's laggier than the rest of the game are also brought in. At the end of every day, any rewards you didn't claim will auto deposit into your account. Same for weeklies every week. Let me know what everyone thinks.
  24. Core builds work just fine for some classes. I can personally attest that core power ele, while incredibly difficult to play is viable and lots of fun, and can be played as team damage. Core ranger is also viable as a roamer. Core guardian can play support. Core thief works as a roamer. Otherwise, all the other classes can play, but at reduced efficiency. I'd say the next one's with a chance are core rev and warrior. Mesmer and engie would be a bit of a gimmick and necro would be dog kitten. Still anything is possible in the game mode, just depends on your bracket. In silver and gold, all are viable if you're just having fun. But Mesmer, engie and necro start to fall off in gold. Rev and warrior is kind of similar. The rest can surely hit platinum with enough notice skill. So your options are ele, guardian, ranger, thief if you want to win. Rev, warrior if you want a chance. And Mesmer, necro, engie if you want a gimmick build to mess around with. Probably some good one shots for Mesmer and engie you could pull it off. Not sure how to build a core necro.
  25. I love staff, its the only weapon on ele I truly enjoy. I don't use it for open world, as it kind of sucks for that, but for pvp, its my weapon of choice. I use it for both zerker and support healer. Both work well for my playstyle. I'm worried a rework would remove the charm of the weapon, but I agree that some number changes would do a lot of good. Removing the meteor shower nerf, buffing fire skill 1, and honestly, I think the weapon is just fine. It really doesn't need much for it to feel good.
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