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Everything posted by Loboling.5293

  1. I think most of the staff is good, but a few replacements and rehires would do wonders...😄
  2. Terrible decision to include this. I already hated boosts, and this is just another step. Shame.
  3. Or maybe a leap skill... If only there was just something, ANYTHING, this weapon had that was unique compared to other necro weapons. If only... 😜
  4. I think we need more projectile reflection in the game, but it should continue to bounce endlessly. The person who's shield breaks first gets the cumulative damage of all those bouncing ranged attacks. 😂
  5. For me HoT was an amazing expansion that had the only issues being short story and ruining PvP for 6 months. PoF was kind of weak, but Joko and Canach were hilarious and made me enjoy the story. It's really during IBS that things fell over for me, the focus on strikes, over open world was a big mistake. And EoD was just boring story. I'm not sure if their retention and player activity metrics would say EoD was best, but if so, maybe this game is just steering away from the type of content I enjoy. I'm fairly certain I would enjoy Soto if I played it, but there aren't any features I'm excited to get that are available right now. Looking forward to seeing what they do with the new weapons I paid for...
  6. I am likely done buying GW2 dlc. EoD was awful to the point I only recently finished it and now I'm lagging on starting the soto expansion, knowing it's incomplete and the main features I was excited for, new weapons, weapon mastery and new story is either incomplete or implemented in a way that doesn't allow me to fully enjoy it. I wish new weapons were available at low level for making a new character for this expansion. If I could've leveled new characters with weapons I've never used before, I'd have probably pushed forward and gone through this expansion. But my hype is non-existent. I feel zero problem with waiting until the story is released to finally play through it. Tldr Basically, EoD was damaging enough to my GW2 experience, that I'm not as invested anymore. And Soto feels like it lacks features to get me excited to play it. Using elite weapons with other specs would've only been enticing if I could make a new character and use them. (Ala mastery) I'm going to just wait until I'm ready to play to buy the next expansion, if at all.
  7. Balance is a very delicate thing. Which is why it's important to make over 100% changes to values between patches, to ensure people keep buying things off the gem store, as they will be tempted to reroll. Changes like this remind me of an old blue whale meme, but I won't mention which one.😂
  8. You can't expect anet to fully implement relics. They didn't have time, since they needed to rush out the expansion without most of its features complete. It would be unrealistic to expect a finished product for release. Be patient, if they ever feel like it, they may release some of the old runes back to us. Maybe if we're lucky as an additional dlc....🙃
  9. Doesn't work like the old dailies for getting them later. I tried playing with some bad internet the other day. And couldn't load the daily tab to click on the rewards. I could do events, and play through the story, but couldn't load the daily or gem store. So basically, I would have to skip my dailies until I get back to some good internet. Make it a chest again or whatever, but we shouldn't be required to click on the daily reward each time to get it. Otherwise, make the daily click be out of some laggy interface, like the chests that float on the bottom right of the screen. (Like they used to be)
  10. I probably activated it by accident and switched, in fact I'm almost sure I did. Thanks for clearing that up. I'll try to forget what I read... haha Demons? What demons? 🙄 So about the void, I saw we expelled it from Soo Won and that killed her, but where did it go? I thought Aurene would absorb it, but nothing I saw seems to indicate that. Using the extractors to remove it from the water dragon had it just sort of vanish and all balance restored? I feel I missed something something still... 🙃
  11. Hi everyone, I'm finally catching up on EOD story to finally jump into the Soto expansion. But even after beating the EOD story, I'm immediately lost. Maybe I slept through something or skipped the wrong dialogue.... I have two questions: 1) Aurene was supposed to absorb the void energy once we expelled it from SooWon. There was some concern what would happen to her if she did. Next thing, people are celebrating how we "Got rid of" the void... HOW? 2) Gorrik writes you at the start of episode 16, and asks you to meet him, because he has some clues about our "Demon Problem". What? I don't remember any demons in EOD, the void did corrupt some people and dragons, but they weren't called demons to my knowledge. Maybe I just missed it. So when did the void must be suppressed turn into demon problem? Sorry to ask this, I feel like a giant nub, but I just have no clue what's going on all of a sudden, and I didn't think I missed much other than fluff dialogue at the engagement announcement. Was so bored, I had to alt tab. Was that the reveal of demons?
  12. Same, old dalies got me to log in and out. New dailies feels like a minigame with fun rewards. I also feel having 200 alts that you daily log into not healthy gameplay. I think they could do a lot to improve the system if they had more options, so you could select between a few more, which dailies you'll complete to get your rewards. This could also protect players who don't have access to certain zones yet on that character. It makes the daily experience more friendly, while keeping all the hard work that went into turning dailies into an interesting system that allows much more variety.
  13. I'd love some color variation for the classes, ideally through some kind of in game activity. Make them collections or something, to go and gradually build up a repertoire of colors that affect some of your skills. Mostly trails and effects. Blood Red death shroud, Blue butterfly explosions. Non-green jade mech I like the sound of that. But it should be done in game with collections. I don't want to see an endless release of new options. Or they tie it to the dye system. Which would probably be the absolute coolest looking. But I'd still want players to have to earn color pallets or something of that nature. Unlock red, blue, etc.
  14. If you don't like being too strong for content you can always take off some layers. Your build is optimized for lategame zones, while I could totally understand your worries if we didn't have full control of our power levels, but since a bad build is doing about 5-8kdps vs a good build doing 40kdps, you could just change up your traits to focus on group support when in the open world. Again, on my ranger when I play with newer players, I play with gear and builds with very little damage and lots of support. Look, I'm not against your suggestion, but I find in solo self found for new characters, the open world is not trivial. If they implement anything like this, it should be focused ONLY on level 80 scaling in lower level zones. And I'd only suggest a 20% maximum damage reduction. Frankly, if you can scale you damage and survivability as much as you can, you should do that to enjoy the content you want to do. Without making the content difficult for new players. They don't have the experience you do, don't know metabattle or snowcrows. They don't know what power or condition damage do yet. 1-79 is for learning the game. It should remain that way. But at level 80 with an optimized build, ya you just one shot everything in core tyria. There I prefer to play RP builds around a theme and my builds are usually much weaker than if I tried to optimize damage only. But when I want to just plow through content, I'll put on a real build and just smack kitten. TLDR: If you do anything like this, make it only for level 80 characters. Another option would be to give players a handicap slider, if inventory if an issue. It lowers your damage and raises enemy damage. They use this or difficulty sliders on many games. It would work fine here for core tyria, although I imagine it won't get used much.
  15. It's almost like the old world is mostly made for levels 1-79. Just take off some of your exotics and ascendeds and replace them with masterwork and fine items. Use low level weapons and bang, open world is more fun again.
  16. I completely disagree. Side objectives like this make the map significantly more interesting. I actually think these are the best map mechanics available in PvP. The only issue with them now is how much mobility has increased over time. They are too easy and quick to get to, removing some of the strategy involved. If they ever reduced mobility creep, the map would regain its former glory. They could also slightly redesign all PvP maps to make them 20-30% bigger. To offset the mobility creep. I'm not suggesting changing the layout, just the dimensions all by the same amount.
  17. Churning earth needs a leap finisher and should blast twice. I also propose that it drops a multi field just before that acts as EVERY combo field at once. Just a little qol improvement for ele. Also consider making fire scepter autos deal 1.5x base power damage. I think right now it takes too many autos to kill tank builds. It should be 3-4 at most.😏 Ps: Please don't ban me, got a suspension last time I made a bad joke on the forum. I claimed that the mirage on launch became so powerful they manifested into reality and had taken over arena net headquarters. Was my first infraction.😅 Pps: my suggestions are jokes, please don't follow through CMC
  18. Druid needs help with alacrity, but otherwise I agree.
  19. They should reduce mirage dodge back to one, but keep the new restrictions. That will help...🙃 Maybe they need to nerf the hammer and scepter weapons a tad.
  20. I think the new sword is better than the last iteration. I was enjoying playing it, whereas I avoided the old sword for most things except PvP and wvw. And even then, it was rare. The new sword is better in most situations. But I do miss the old sword from launch. The one with target tracking. You could activate the auto attack and your character would stick to the target. Was good fun, very unique and powerful in some circumstances, weak in others. Much more personality than what they did with it. But after the first transformation of sword, I'm glad they finished it finally. It finally feels like a decent weapon again. Maybe just a small update to skill 2 to also be a short evade. And the sword will feel better than ever.
  21. Please decouple alacrity generation on druid from CA. I like some people's suggestions for making it apply on Regen application. Druid can spam out a lot of regen with different skills. This would be nice. Doing it on blasts works too for druid. I also think the spirits needs higher boon uptime, and a slight increase in the timer until they set off their blasts. It should blast 1.5-2 seconds after placing down. IMO. This allows you to place down 2 and more reliably get a water field down in time for the blasts to go off. I'd say each spirit should give 50% uptime on their respective boons. So with full boon duration you can cap on your spirit boons. Basically, some more boons durations on spirits, and decouple alacrity from CA, so CA can still be used as an emergency heal mode and not just cycling sustain with boon spam.
  22. Yes they need to decouple CA from alacrity generation. I like people's suggestion for Regen being tied to alacrity generation. The current implementation is bad design. Tradeoff are okay, but right now you need to play the spec badly to excel. I think it's unintuitive, spammy and unfun.
  23. There needs to be new skills for Hammer Dual Skills on Weaver IMO
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