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Ya Ya Yeah.7381

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Everything posted by Ya Ya Yeah.7381

  1. This may be the lowest I have seen morale in WvW, it is very concerning. This combined with the limbo of alliances, or lack thereof and nobody knows what is going on or whether or not to even care about server contributions because everyone is thinking alliances are coming so what's the point, combine that with the unbalanced boon meta and it is just a real mess. It is like wth is going on for real. I have seen more players talk about quitting the game this week than I have seen in a long time. The last time I saw this was when players were so frustrated with the lag during the WvW seasons. I remember that very well, players were so ticked off about the lag all I kept hearing was that as soon as the season was done, they were going to quit. That was the last time I saw this many players complaining and talking about quitting. If I was them, they might want to really think about the direction of this game mode.
  2. This is NOT A DISCUSSION ABOUT BOONS FOR PVE. The pve crowd can have boons all day and night. The problem with boons in their current state is that they are killing build diversity and comp diversity. Their are players that are running perma boon builds and they are up to max stacks all the time, OK, THAT IS FINE. RIGHT? Right now, if you aren't running some kind of full boon build then you aren't going to be as competitive as the players that are, but in order for you to be able to do that, you are stuck with whatever class/comp that provides those boons and that is it. Where is the build diversity in that? If boons are going to be just required in order to compete, survive and CONTRIBUTE then why aren't they baseline for more specs and classes to have access too? The way it is now if feels like you HAVE to play a certain class or spec or run certain comps to compete with the ones that have them. THAT DOESN'T SEEM FAIR! So, we don't have a choice? We have to play the build or comp that is boon buffed or forget it, we are just second-class players if we don't? IT IS OBVIOUS that there is a conscience commitment on the developer's part to make boons the baseline for balance, but they seem to have left a lot of builds and comps out. On the other side of the coin, there is a HUGE IMBALANCE between boon application and boon removal. WAY TO EASY to apply boons and keep them without fear or losing them and if you do then no big deal, boom, ill just put them back up. Something is really off here, and it just seems to be taking the fun out of game. The same old classes that bring the boons and same old comps that have them , AND THERE REALLY isn't that many. Just ask any guild and it is like must have WXYZ and then 1 slot for whatever in some cases. What kind of balance is that? I really think that whoever is in charge of this really needs to consider this the next time they just want to give only certain classes and comps the OPTIMAL access to boons AND maybe, just maybe INCREASE access to boon removal PLEASE! This is just my opinion, what do you all think?
  3. It is true there is too much CC. But it doesn't affect the boon stackers, so it is not high priority. The last thing in the world they want to do is take away the boon ball. They don't even want them temporarily stripped very often or they wouldn't have nerfed scourge and spell breakers boon removal abilities into the dirt. That tells you everything you need to know. You know what they should do, is add a boon that is called super boon. Super boon is so nobody ever has to worry about dying ever. Never mind, bad idea, they already have hackers that can get pretty close to that. Oh well, I guess we just have to live with tons of CC that never affects the boon stackers.
  4. For the OP, use more toughness. Plain and simple. I always tell new players or those that just struggle with WvW survival this... First go tanky, then learn to spanky, but seriously, go tanky, go ultra tanky and just learn how to survive first, then just work your way backwards until you have enough damage to kill somebody. Then it is up to you how much one you want to sacrifice for the other. After that, come back and I'll give you part 2 which is based on stun breaks and escapes. If you still want help come back for part 3 which is unbalanced builds that Anet refuses to address which will net you lots of bags. Your journey has begun, good day to you. 🙂
  5. Does it count monthly towards the daily too? It must count the monthly too, because I have exactly 277 points in the monthly category. Ok, Thank you very much 🙂
  6. I have 14723 daily achievement points. Thats what it says when I hover over. Thank you for the response, I did not know that, but seems I'm still owed 277 points before cut off then.
  7. Anyone else not getting your 10 points added after completing daily achievements. Mine has been stuck for weeks. I have tried to submit a ticket but every time it tells me to login, then I login and try to submit a ticket then it tells me to login again. It is like a never-ending loop and never get to submit a ticket. I'm getting no progress towards my achievement chests.
  8. Title says it all. I am trying to login to submit a ticket. I can log in to post but it won't let me submit ticket regarding daily completionist achievement not giving me 10 achievement points and therefore not making progress on my achievement chests.
  9. The combat speed penalty applies no matter what speed you are using buffed or not. I don't know what particular situation the op is talking about, but there are a lot of players that run speed hacks. Sad but true. Once you know what they look like and you have played all the classes and used all the boons and experienced the cc condis in combat enough to know exactly what speed a player should be moving at any time, then it becomes obvious when it is not a natural movement of the game. This might be what the op is talking about. It does make it unfair and is noticeable.
  10. The problem with reaper is actually a very old one that goes back to the original release of the deathly chill damage. They nerfed it because it was to strong on capture points for the most part or anytime you had players grouped up, the cleave plus the slow was crazy. I would frequently 1v5 players at camps. You see, chill used to actually cause damage via the trait and CHILL targets to slow, this was before they removed it and changed it to bleeding stacks. When it was originally designed the Deathly Chill trait cause chill to do damage AND slow its opponents, which was really strong, but it was in line with the original design being that Reaper is a melee spec. Basically, if you got close enough to your enemy they were going to pay dearly. The fact that chill was so accessible basically whenever you got close to reaper you were permanently slowed down (think chilling fog without the fog effect visible) sort of. First, they nerfed the damage to deathly chill, which was fine. Then they nerfed the damage multiplier which was fine also. Then the changed the trait to cause bleeding. Now here is where the problem began. Simply because it took away reaper gap closing advantage without the mobile CC of chill effect. The Reaper class WAS designed in the fashion of it having that component. Everything since this has been trying to fix the fact that it has a undesigned broken mechanic. HOW TO FIX? I honestly don't know; we have what we have, and I think that is about it. Giving it more damage would be ok but that still isn't going to give it an advantage against so many other more mobile builds and ones with more defenses besides a few extra k health on a slow regen process. I think Reaper does great in WvW zergs and in certain Spvp situations depending on the builds they are facing.
  11. Clearly it isn't. I thought this upcoming balance changes were supposed to be focused on the competitive modes based off what was written on the wiki page back in June, but sometime between then and now apparently, they changed it the description of that to not be focused on competitive modes. Even if I read it wrong, they still do not give them enough attention. I just think it is time that the facts are faced. 10 years and 1 new map vs pve lots of new maps through expansions and all the living worlds. Balance issues, most of the player referred balance problems are not fixed or addressed even. They don't even say yes or no we do or don't agree. Bugs within the specializations and core talents in competitive modes. Rarely fixed unless there is outrage. Exploits, cheats and hacks within the game modes themselves after years are still not addressed in WvW. Matchup manipulations for years and nothing and they gave us more match up manipulations with the linking/transfer system. 5+ years of waiting for alliances, which is the only carrot on the stick the competitive modes have seen. No rewards for winning the matchups making them pointless. This entire expansion of specializations which is the only new content we get and most of them aren't even close to balanced for wvw. In closing I finally understand that they were misleading us in thinking they care for the competitive modes " CONERSTONE" of the game. We should expect nothing else from them in the way of improving the game, what we have is all we get. I for one think that the competitive game mode has tons of potential but is being ignored and not even discussed as to WHY they don't give them more attention. We all have theories and jokes about it but all kidding aside we are just plain dumb if we think the competitive modes will get better. GL all and keep on keeping on, I'll keep an eye on the patch notes next year...lol.
  12. I'm very sorry to see this update. We wait so long for improvements, and I have to say this is not improving the competitive modes. It is clear that you do not listen to your competitive player base as a whole. You all seem very out of touch and your direction, lacks direction. This is not just a PVE GAME, it needs WAY more attention to the competitive modes. My only hope is that someday you will consider this, until then, I'm looking for new game. GL.
  13. Yeah, matchup threads were great for gamely competition back when WvW was at its prime. They did get toxic, but, meh ..competitions can be civil or brutal, depends on the competitors. As long as it's about the game or the competition I would be for it. They will never come back though; I can guarantee that. It has been way to long with them gone and way too many threads closed just for mentioning 2 server names. They pretty much killed that forum following.
  14. The mechanic itself works great; it is just the fact that it can be grieved so easily. If this was a mode that was given a priority, then yeah, they should look at maybe adding some kind of system that only siege damage will disable the waypoint but player damage would only trigger the swords. It is just one of those things that will never ever get fixed but, yeah, it is garbage that one player can delay 50 endlessly (with a proper troll build) from getting to an objective.
  15. Sorry, I should have posted in the OP, I was looking at scourge from WvW pvp perspective. Thank you for all the responses.
  16. Signet rework, plus small weapon buffs would be my guess.
  17. I'm confused about the elite scourge spec. Is it supposed to be a support spec only? If not, where does the damage come from? I can see damage coming from the wells which are utilities but where is the actual damage from the spec. It seems like it is gutted out so condi isn't very strong with the limited torment stacks, because I don't see condi scourge around really. I do see a power spec sometimes but I'm not seeing a lot of weapon damage or power traits to support it really without just stacking power and dropping wells. so...the shades don't seem to do much damage but they do offer conversion and bubbles...I'm guessing it is a support spec only. It seems weak for condi damage and power damage comes from wells, so , I guess it is only a support spec, but if that is the case why does it have so many underperforming condi traits. I'm just confused about it.
  18. Here is the only problem I see with the pulls, to many players running them now. It is kind of like after the first couple of nerfs to scourge shades, they weren't overpowered at all, but so many were running scourge shades, they had to be nerfed into oblivion (to satisfy the boon ball brigade) to get players to stop playing them. Seems like anytime you are fighting on small-scale the pulls are everywhere, if you don't have stab then get ready, because you are about to get yanked back and forth and up down and all the way around. It gives the feeling of powerlessness, which in gaming, makes players NOT happy. Now, if you go look at the wiki page for GW2 pulls, you will see that a lot of them have been in game since day 1, not all but a lot. The thing is, back then we had a different stab though, it wasn't based on the stack system. So, YES, there is a balance issue with pulls right now OR there is a balance issue with stability, or they need to significantly up the CD on pull abilities.
  19. Can't get passed the character select, after I choose the character and attempt to get in game, it dcs.
  20. They would have to leave all the servers open for a while. I don't see much of difference between doing that and having the ability just to switch your alliance in the wvw tab to change which alliance you want to go to, which is what we have now. Maybe it will change. /shrug I don't really think that they will listen to any of these suggestions at this point (they have too much rhetoric behind this idea as well as public acknowledgement) so it doesn't really matter they won't do it, but I can tell you this new alliance system is a disaster in the making if they don't put in some rewards for winning the week. You have to have rewards to make the very fundamentals of WvW applicable. There needs to be a reason to defend. PPT has to come back to mater, THEN the fights begin over the structures like the first couple of years. That was the time that most people look back on and say were the good times, until it got boring. Well, now they need the carrot on the stick to get it to happen, then the fun will come back. To Anet : Make winning matter is all I am saying. Promote competition to make combat matter. The game is designed for it. Just needs the support for it. If they don't put in rewards, then it will turn in to eotm 2.0 on wvw maps. Which is going to make it easy for the pvers that want to get stuff done and the occasional new player, but it will be at the cost of probably a lot of players that actually loathe eotm ktrain structures with little to no defense style of play. In this beta, just talking about this beta, already you have those not even caring to respond to defense, just letting T3 structures get capped cause, well, they are capping a T1 somewhere about to get that 800 WExp, they don't even try to make it. Last beta was the same but not quite as obvious. The objectives force the combat, it forces the sides to come together to fight. The PPT forces the objectives to matter. What is missing? The REWARDs to make the PPT matter. TL;DR Rewards for winning make for good fights. This alliance system without them, guaranteed to fail or rather keep everything the same pretty much as before. No defense, lot of fight dodging, so why change and destroy servers unless there is some greater plan that we all just don't see.
  21. Honestly, they could have just closed some servers and funneled the remaining players on to the rest, gave everyone free transfers and opened up the surviving servers and we would pretty much have the same result as now. I just don't know if there is something else coming later that will make all of this make sense. There has always been fight dodging but, I'm seeing everything the same as normal - ghost town borderlands, nobody defending, ktraining and dodging fights. Pretty much like normal, just a bit more because we are packed into basically megaservers. Eotm 2.0 It's just that it is on WvW maps. This is just what I see.
  22. Yeah, we need some rewards to avoid this turning in to eotm 2.0, so, what would you like?
  23. I noticed the past couple of days that I am seeing more and more fight dodging going on than normal. I think this is happening because there are no rewards for winning the weekly match up, therefore nobody is defending. Players are just running around and capping objectives in circles just to get the bonus WvW exp. It is starting to feel more and more like eotm 2.0. SO, if you could have a reward for winning the week, what would it be? I'd like a winner's chest that would offer a choice between a bunch of T6 mats, or gold or a currency that would allow players to accumulate. This currency could be used to purchase new weapon skins or new siege skins or siege dyes, Warclaw skins or armor skins and then you could pick just one. Something like that for rewards would be ok, I think. What would you pick if you could just pick one reward for winning weekly matchup?
  24. Still gathering info, but from what I can tell, there has been some mismatching and some that just got deselected just like me. Strange, I'll get back to you later with more info. I'll get back with that info and also there seems to be issues with the map names corresponding to actual alliance names, I'll get back with more of that to probably by tomorrow. But, hey, at least there is some action now 🙂
  25. and I logged out about 9 et. Today when I logged in, I was not selected for any, and I got put out of my selected alliance.
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