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Ya Ya Yeah.7381

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Everything posted by Ya Ya Yeah.7381

  1. Mag doesn't outskill. No no no, they once were a bit more skilled years ago, but since then they have become this hybrid of stack siege (even in open field) and hide behind it, and a bunch of longbow rangers and condi DHs. Outside of that everyone that can possible can runs a pull, so they can pull one player and 5 others can kill him. NOW, there isn't TECHNICALLY anything wrong with this, BUT, that isn't skill. Sorry. It is a different playstyle for sure and there needs to be some credit where credit is due. They are trying something different. /clap The thing is, it's not Mags fault for this really, it is Anet for the poor balance and lack of attention to the game mode. It is also players fault for just running endlessly out to " Skirmish" I have heard some call it, but really it is just getting farmed and ignoring other objectives in the game mode while havoc groups run around and cap everything. The funny thing is, that the overall awareness and game knowledge of most players in the game mode has dropped significantly to point where MAG is actually relevant and a topic to be discussed. Even when I or other players try to help and make suggestions like, go out another way or hey don't stand on the edge they gonna pull you, or don't run glass, first run tanky to learn to spanky. Things like siege placement, call outs, positioning, proper builds, map awareness or actual combat tactics are just forgotten or ignored. Nobody listens anyway. So, yeah, WvW has real problems, but I don't think Mag is really one of them. For example, if Anet delinks and opens all the servers, then what happens? Well, Mag goes bye bye. Here is one more piece of food for thought, what would happen if there were actual rewards for winning the weekly matchup?
  2. End server linking's and open all servers. Let's see what happens then 🙂 Server linking's are total match manipulations at this point due to non-host server transfers and lopsided coverage due to match pairings. Might as well open them. Open them all.
  3. Are all these complaints about this for PVE or PVP? Cause for pvp purposes I like it back the way it was and is now. Sometimes I don't want to trigger it but still use a quick burst. It is one extra button, and I just don't see a problem with it for PVP purposes. I could imagine though if it was scripted pve play it might change my rotation some. Overall, I like the changes and it seems to be moving in the right direction. They still need to look at increasing burst damage and also if they intend to make hammer viable then it still needs some damage on the 4,5 abilities or the other more boring alternative would be to buff auto 1. Speaking from a PVP perspective for those that missed the point of this post 🙂
  4. I really think it is funny to see them hopping around like the incredible Hulk, BUT, it is making it hard for me to test new zerg builds and for that I find them very annoying and not cool. Hotfix the Hulkinators please!
  5. End these linkings, END THEM! They are doing absolutely nothing to balance the populations of the game. Players just bandwagon to the link that is connected to a winning server for the 2 months. Instead of linkings, they should be called MATCH MANIPULATIONS! End them and bring in the alliances or just END THEM!, Either way END THEM NOW!
  6. The report function is a placebo pill. Nothing more. So, take it if it makes you feel better. I knew a player that harassed every single commander on a server for years, cussed at them, belittled them, siege trolled them, false tag trolled them, called them names, insulted them and probably more stuff that I'm just forgetting right now, and hundreds of players reported him and guess what? Nothing happened, for real, not a thing. The guy did it for YEARS!
  7. Match making = craptastic duo queue = craptastic build diversity = craptastic afkers = craptastic match manipulations = craptastic I haven't pvpd a ton but when I do play it this is what I think about it, which is why I don't do it much. It's like, why try, when there is so much wrong with it. Sorry, I want to like it, but...there is just so much wrong with it.
  8. I'm trying to find something in the notes about boon removal or boon conversion or something to tone down the boons in WvW, but I guess I haven't read that part yet.
  9. Guess what? ..... All my other apps and games are running wonderfully fast and great.
  10. Yes, something is up. I normally run around 38 ping on both of the pcs I use. Now, i'm in the 300-1000. Started today.
  11. Try using any ability that says stun break on it in your utilities. I use a couple actually. Also, I think we could use more boon removal. I have suggested replacing the current model with a model where boons are split in to 3 categories: offensive, defensive and restorative. This way it isn't one rip, corrupt or convert takes them all. Boons could be balanced the same way they are applied. Some classes would bring the damage boons, others would bring defensive or maybe restorative. Same could be done for the boon removal, some classes take the defensive boon others take the offensive boons etc...
  12. I think op is referring to the lost art of the "scout call". They just don't seem to understand that the benefit of the scout call information is for commanders and other groups to get the information and weigh the variables, communicate with other groups and then respond all while calculating current objectives as well as dealing with real time combat. Location- good information Numbers- good information (doesn't have to be perfect) Color- good information Guild Tag- good information (if applicable) Siege- good information (if applicable) Example: 25ish Red [Quetin Lake] rams up, TOAD guild.
  13. This is EoTM 2.0 and the death of server community. Alliances will probably kill this game mode. Scrap this and just focus on a few new maps and some decent rewards for winning. Open the servers, ALL of them. Let the guilds recruit. Give GOOD REWARDS and a few new maps. Fix the boon ball. Take all boons and put them in to 3 categories. 1.) offensive boons 2.) defensive boons 3.) restorative boons. This way it isn't one boon rip, corrupt or conversion kills them all. This way it takes thought but also some counter play to this mess of boon ball. Balance the classes to handle different boons removal, JUST LIKE THE APPLICATIONS of them. This would help the game, not EoTM 2.0 dead server communities. Look, it is fine, we were desperate, and we wanted something different from the same old thing, so we asked for anything, but what the wvw community really needed was some attention in general. Alliances are a bad idea imo.
  14. Logged on this morning, couldn't get in yesterday, and what I saw was lopsided coverage. I was on red, and green was pretty much dominating. I know this doesn't change much or anything, but wasn't the whole point of this to create equal coverage? It felt just like edge of the mists on WvW maps. I was never a fan of anything edge of the mists, that place always felt like pve noob heaven. The thing is I felt like I lost the server community and got stuck with a bunch of noobs, which is fine because everybody has to learn but does this mean that every time they switch the match ups, it is training time again or just watch endless silly mistakes? How does this benefit the veteran players and steady wvw player base even though I'm still seeing lopsided coverage? I just don't see how this is going to help anything for WvW except to give the feeling of randomness. I'm going to make a prediction here and I hope I am wrong, but I think this will be the new shiny in the beginning like EoTM was and then, it will absolutely DIE and be reduced to nothing. Anet, please trash this idea and just open up the servers again. Stop strangling servers and preventing new players from coming into full servers so that guilds can recruit properly. I mean with queues and lag and lopsided coverage; we literally have gained nothing and lost server identity. I guess it's just like it always was, but without server community feeling. Sorry to all those that like it, just put me in the " No Thanks', category.
  15. I laughed hard, thank you. Now you can say that you have tried to explain it in every way you possibly can, including modern hieroglyphs. And yes, you are right.
  16. Ok, fair enough. It does have a very strange application. If I apply 20 stacks to one target and then switch to another target for 5 stacks, the pulsing benefit won't trigger. I'm not sure if that is a bug or it is intended. If it is intended, then with the carapace having a 30-stack maximum, that made it really weird to track because I was watching the stacks and when I would put 20 for 1 target, switch to another for 5 and it wouldn't trigger it, but I would soon be a max carapace stack count so, I was left with no option but to let the stacks drop down substantially and then reapply them in order to get the pulsing benefit. So, if this is intended then that would make the requirement to get the pulsing benefit 25 stacks of carapace per target. Something seems off or the requirement is too high imo.
  17. The thing is though, harbinger can bust the stack amount anyway at 25 stacks of carapace, id even wager if they raised it to 30 they could bust and almost have a 100% uptime with the right stats and build, it already is a spam for the harby builds. What other builds can reach 25 stacks and how often could they maintain them. I've tested a few, not many can do it and if they are able, they can't do it very often. That pretty much makes it a weak grandmaster trait outside of the Harbinger, this is why I made the suggestion for Anet to consider. It would be nice for other builds to be able to more access the corrupters fervor GM trait, outside of the harby. It would make it nice for other builds. Players are going to play what they want. There is no way you can say what other players are going to want to play, there are many options and many builds available. You are clueless dude; I'm not going to respond anymore to you. Sorry for your misunderstanding.
  18. Ok, listen, I understand what you are saying but, there are other builds that could come out of it. If you don't see it, or understand the direction, that is cool. I was really making this post on the off chance that somebody from Anet could read it and give it some consideration. Sorry, I just don't feel like explaining myself, it is clear that if you can't see the possibilities from this change then it would take way to long for me and possibly you might not be able to understand them either. Sorry, no offense meant. 🙂
  19. Ok, then it isn't a problem then to lower it to 15, since it is already easy and ALL elite specs can already do it, cool. This would be for build DIVERSITY, not for builds that can already do it. It could possibly open up some NEW interesting builds.
  20. Please reduce the threshold from 25 to 15. 25 stacks is high and not many people run the Death Magic trait line anyway. Making this change could make for more build diversity.
  21. Just take a break, it'll be here when you get back from it. The Boz.2038 I do agree with your complaint about the linking's, they FEEL broke. They feel like Anet is picking the winners and losers for the matchups. I'm not saying they are, that would be crazy, but that is how they FEEL. They also feel like they are a way to pay to win, purely as a result of the fact that they FEEL Anet manipulated. The only reason I say that is because, well, Anet picks who links with who and sometimes the coverage is very lopsided. My suggestion would be to just END the linkings and just offer free transfers for a month and let people settle where they want. I remember a time when it was free to transfer. You could even transfer multiple times in a day. So, it isn't like it would be unprecedented.
  22. I dislike the boon ball very much, but I also think that there is value in it IF you are trying to attract a new player. If a new player comes in and is like hey what's this WvW thing all about, there is like 100 + ways to get stomped, burned, bleed, finished, kicked, pulled ...etc... just trying to do something as simple as flipping a camp. So, I can see how the boon ball benefits new players. This way they can come in, join a tag, and basically get carried while also making contributions. In other words, THEY get to LIVE for a while. All bias aside though, the boon ball in its current state is too protective. I think we need to buff boon corrupts and boon rip just a bit. This way we are not nerfing an individual spec or build rather we are just giving more counter play besides by boon ball is bigger than yours. For me, that just isn't balance. Based on what we have seen, clearly Anet likes boons and boon application, we just don't know to what end they want it. Buff warriors bubble a bit. Buff necro sand savant, increase its target cap back to 3-5 targets.
  23. I used to buy the normal siege and sell them a long time ago, but that got tiresome. I forgot, I do use them for siege disablers too, but that doesn't take too much away my stockpile. @ Junkpile.7439, That is a LOT of badges!
  24. Right before I logged out, I looked at them and just wished we could be something more with them.... Sometimes I buy from permanent portable provisioner to get the daily, and in an emergency, I buy the crappy food from the provisioner, that's about all I use them for. What about everyone else? Anyway, I'm at 53,105.
  25. Lol, not even close on the AMR. 🙂 Thats a funny though. I've only seen that one , one time and one time only, but when OP brought it up , it was no doubt the same hack. I honestly thought that it might have been like an Anet employee or something that was out testing something, and they might have some way to have themselves unkillable while they do it, otherwise they would just keep dying and respawn. /shrug.
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