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Ya Ya Yeah.7381

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Everything posted by Ya Ya Yeah.7381

  1. It ain't happening. I wouldn't blame the devs though. The resources (time/money) are directed by those that are higher up, they don't know squat about gaming but they do have business degrees. It's unfortunate, but as long as the sheep eat dry old grass, they won't move them on to greener pastures.
  2. I can answer this question in a few words. Hyperboles, a large percentage of low skilled player base and poorly thought out balancing. However, this is not exclusive to the necromancer. :)
  3. Yes. That being said, it wasn’t asking if people cared about winning. The score is a measurement to determine who wins or loses and where you place. That is the whole purpose of a score. If I don't care about a score, then I don't care about winning, at least that is the way I view it. Which is cool, I know loads of players that don't care at all about scoring. I happen to care about score and I think a lot of players secretly do, since it is the only measurement to tell who wins and who loses, who goes up and who goes down. Some care about it just to beat specific servers or groups of players on those servers. I just think that we need something to give us that information. It can't always be , " ZOMG , we just wiped (insert guild name) +pugs ". Although it is fun to do that. In the end you still need the score in order to measure who wins or loses for placement.
  4. Score is just a measurement to tell what is achieved during a match. That measure will indicate who is the winner or Loser. If there is a desirable reward then, YES, people will care about it. Also, this isn't a thread about fear of server stacking , it is a thread about scoring!
  5. The reason a lot of players don't care about score is because there is no real reward. Toss a legendary armor piece or weapon out for the winners and see how fast score becomes important. I like the score because it is the only real way to know who wins each week :)
  6. Apparently SBI tanked to hard and confused everything must be Devs playing on SBI Why would sbi tank though? It's just the start of the week. We weren't tanking. We just don't have PPT guilds on SBI, so we lost the guilds trying to keep the borderlands capped, and now basically entirely get points from fights. Our new pugs aren't used to fighting with our commanders, aren't as comped up, so we are losing a few fights we otherwise wouldn't have. For two months we had a bunch of people putting in a lot of work getting meta builds and being as diverse as possible, and now are going back to the days of having a kitten ton of people not using meta builds, not understanding how to fight in a group, etc. A lot of us did want to go to T2, but no one was actively trying to get there. HoD relies on siege so hard that they build it in open field fights, BG commanders dodge Indo as hard as they can while their pugs sit on siege and camp 3+ dragon banners everywhere you go. T1 just isn't fun ATM, so we didn't care that we where losing. We weren't dodging, tanking, or whatever. We just aren't going to focus on PPT when we want fights. Yeah, we might cap a borderland when everyone is dodging us, trying to force them to fight us, but no one on SBI logs in to cap keeps being defended by 5 people. That's our last resort in trying to get people to stop dodging us, not something we actively find fun. We care about fights, not points./popcorn...
  7. I heard, this is just a rumor... the ghost of Bruce Lee is actually the roaming king and the original mma master.. /shrug
  8. It has been my experience regarding business when working for companies that there are usually one or sometimes two people that are in charge. Those 1-2 people usually set goals for the other employees. These goals become the focus of activity in the work place outside of the day to day operations. Sometimes other issues and ideas do arise and can be brought to the attention of the other's as well as those that are in charge but generally get ignored, because, well... those that are in charge have decided that the goals or aforementioned day to day operations are the priority. Btw I agree with your overall point regarding communication and attention to WvW :) It is unfortunate that whoever it was decided to take the game in a more artsy-pve story telling direction instead of a more combat/competitive Pvp direction.TL;DR Probably not the Devs fault, they do what they are told by somebody and probably don't even have much information outside of what they are given to do.
  9. If this is really a cry for help then here is some of the best advice you will get. Play a thief for a while. Not just make one and go pve, actually make one and go roam or hang around some zergs and pick off stragglers. Do that til you feel that you are decent at it. Then you will understand that thieves aren't the gods or villains that everyone makes them out to be. In fact they aren't in a very good spot balance wise right now. You will also understand that they have weaknesses and how to survive them very easily if you want to put in the effort. Hope this helps.
  10. This would be a great idea to do 1 week before alliances come out :)
  11. Arena net playing anywhere in WvW is a good thing. I wish they had a whole guild of players that ran around 8 hours a day playing WvW for months. Imagine what they would learn if that happened.
  12. I guess the current philosophy by anet on this issue is simply this, " why fix what has been broken from the beginning". This issue is Anets "skeleton in the closet".
  13. These thoughts are natural Padawan. Learn to clear your mind and know your enemy.
  14. That Charr needs a haircut and possibly a dentist :)
  15. Just wondering if it has come to the attention of Anet that the lag has been really bad lately, almost unplayable in 3 way fights. I know its been this way for years, just saying, its a lot worse lately. If any Anet people still read these forums or care about it, maybe you could try to improve it. It would make playing the game a lot more enjoyable.
  16. I'm thinking world restructuring might end up being a feature on the next expansion. Maybe not on release but half way through it.
  17. So.., you cant beat players that just spam? and you want to punish them?
  18. I saw something very similar to this the other day while in EB on N side of stone mist between there and OW. Except it was 2 warriors on a necro and I was on my ele messing around with a new build and the 2 warriors were on him when I noticed him to go down I and an engi ran over except the engi was in stealth coming from different angle, 1 warrior was way out of range though he was pointed in the right direction and the other was right on top of him but was slightly pointed in wrong direction, So, what happened was I tossed a water field and then rezd him with the engie, that was pretty much it. Not saying this was the same incident , just that im sure this sort of situation happens a lot. The only reason I remember is because after that everybody kept on skirmishing and I got this epic rage whisper which was incredibly long and hilarious, dude was raging for like 15 mins straight.
  19. This is like opening up a book and being bothered that you don't know the ending when others have read it. Just take the time to read the book or in this case get the mount, it isn't really hard if you like WvW.
  20. Incredible commander, sad to see him go. Why did he quit?
  21. because you can set up sieges still in that area to hit all structures but you defense would be lacking if you do since walls dont repair. Also since Walls dont repair its pretty much always open and roamers can congregate there along side other enemy scouts. Ok, that explains it . :s
  22. Saw a lot of open field siege year 1 of release, players adapted and it became a waste of supply/time unless you had the map painted all one color and were spawn camping the other colors, then it just served as a check point while players slept.
  23. ok, thank you for clearing that up. I don't no why I thought it applied the regen to the caster outside of the mark as well.... been a while I guess /shrug.
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