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Everything posted by Animism.7530

  1. Your response to others' concerns over playstyles is to call it "super trashy" and writing "Do not use it". I'm not reading a block of text from someone who is just undermining people. You can make your own post instead of trying to derail others.
  2. It's fine for you to make a juxtaposition that the other spellcasters, magic users are wizards. But don't ignore the fact that there is a historical reason as to why Elementalists are associated with being the archetypal wizard. It's literally conjuring aspects of nature and relates to old religions, forming the basis for nearly all fantasy wizard tropes. The same way Necromancy and Illusionary magic is always associated as dark magic. From various religions to mythologies... Staff is rubbish. Small changes to something rubbish sound good. Did you use Staff back when it was a meta pDPS weapon? I'd accept for that period...? A long time ago. I posted vaguely what I think it should do in the other thread on this subforum. TLDR; a lower single target DPS weapon that should be one of the best, if not the best AOE weapons.
  3. Yes. It is. Play Mech rifle then tell me Staff ele is good. Thanks.
  4. Increase projectile speed, change/revamp fire 3, water 4, air 2, 5, earth 4. Make it an AOE class with lower single target DPS but massive AOE. Savannah Heat, Tehnai's heat. Maelstrom. Invoke lightning, Arc lightning Unsteady ground (GW1 variant). Just some obvious examples. Fix Meteor storm as the nerfs over the years have trashed it.
  5. Wizard with a hammer... -_- Revamp Staff please. Lost my patience for playing Ele despite wanting to.
  6. Stop trying to derail conversation with random tangents that no one was talking about. Thanks... If you want an intelligent answer, it's an addition to maintain perma stealth. Though surely, someone clearly looking for "gotcha" moments doesn't care to actually have a conversation.
  7. What does it matter if it's one or the other? Please elaborate if you think it makes a difference, though it clearly doesn't. "Allergic to smoke fields", is that an attempt to deliberately undermine and evade the fact smoke field stealth stacking is far worse than it was before? Even to the degree that it is now pointless and won't save you any time? Right... Ok...? So far I consider both your comments inane questioning with no purpose but to try undermine.
  8. Bring back the Mursaat, the best villains of this game series. Genocidal, murderous, self-survivalist, and godly. Classic villains. Even the Charr used to be great villains... Now... Yeah.
  9. Uhhh when I wanted to run with full stealth which has now been removed? Was that really a difficult answer to figure out or do you just like inane questioning?
  10. Just went onto my Thief after a bit of a hiatus, to find out about the Shadow Arts nerfs and Stealth being pummelled into the ground. Must you persist in destroying every unique thing you created in this game to replace it with this homogenised sense of gameplay? You could have removed it from PvP, as naturally that is the obvious issue, instead of butchering all of its style completely. Who could possibly have supported this as a change in PvE and why?
  11. If you farm these things a lot, yes it can easily become confusing which you have done and which you have not. The same thing exists with raids, and you have to manually go in and see which you've completed? I'm all for more information being displayed... Also a counter in the LFG for each subsection so we have an idea of where active parties are. Instead of, late at night, mass clicking through them trying to find something to do. I hold no expectation that Anet will even see this post though. I would have thought that latter UI would have been implemented years ago.
  12. Funny how the balance patches keep breaking the classes I'm playing and forcing me into other ones as they become so superior...
  13. Please fix staff Ele... It has been practically broken since crowd control was changed and has had dramatic damage reduction. Rendering it one of the worst weapons... I just walked into harvest temple for the first time in however many months since the expansion came out, plopped on a rifle mech build from metabattle, and got top dps with no issues, just mashing all the keys. Yeah. Fix Ele please. I just want to play the kitten class that you first introduced me to way back when you released the GW1 prophecies trailer. It has always been my main class and I was always gutted that you destroyed the viability of the signature weapon. It used to be brilliant, when defiance bars weren't a thing, tactically using the range of soft-ccs on staff, capable of soloing your way through an Uncategorised fotm 49 & 50. That's when I last remember staff being great. Obviously, things have changed, and so should staff... All these years of you buffing the other classes, and playing Ele either feels like an absolute moshpit on the keyboard to achieve "slightly" higher DPS, if you didn't get downed already; or you just suck. I'm sure most classes can autoattack for more damage than staff eles rota.
  14. If you're going to compare ease of the activity, it's probably worth pointing out rates from one method to the other. To be honest, the only time I found farming gold in this game was good, was when there was an activity I really enjoyed to continually farm it. To be clear, that method was shut down by Anet long ago by nerfing dungeon rewards and trying to force players into other aspects of the game. Fishing is nice and easy, but you are wasting your time playing the game and fishing to earn gold. Likewise, most of the meta events are a waste of your time. If you want to maximise gold per hour, you will either be logging off in between the best meta events, strenuously checking what is next, where to go, etc., or just find yourself quickly burnt out... I managed to grind Runescape gold farms for longer, let that sink in. You could sit at Drizzlewood, but I'm not one who finds open world meta trains fun in the slightest. Visually, it's a complete mess. There's no synergy between a load of random people scaling events, and it is not fun to watch. I'd like it if they increased the ambergris drop rate... The price would probably soon crash and level out, but so what?
  15. Maps closing then losing your 99 stacks.... Um k.
  16. I am sad to report that this doesn't change at T4. You can check out gold estimates with some communities per content, and most things are homogenized to be worth relatively the same. It's a problem GW2 creates for itself by trying to keep its vast wealth of content relevant, skipping the favourability by gold per hour or generally most popular activities. Think monotonously farming materials VS a fun fight. Meta trains, daily locked content rewards, etc.
  17. Some people like to hunt achievements, some like to go straight for gold farming to get the skins (to facilitate the reason why they are playing). Each to their own, but yeah, nothing will tempt me to be an achievement farmer unless I HAVE to.
  18. I wouldn't say any of the attunements on staff are fine, not even close. It's insane that the archetypal 'ele' weapon is the weakest in all regards. While the utility in water is ok and perhaps burning retreat, practically every other skill is completely underpowered since the changes to CC, stability and defiance bars long ago. Fire 1/2/3/5, air 1/2,4,5, earth 1/4 could all use updating or changing entirely.
  19. There's a difference between acquiring rewards through a different activity that certain people may rather play, and making them passive rewards. That's just ridiculous conflation. You dodge around the prospect of OW Legendary armour in your post by saying you don't have to do raids if you don't want to, completely missing the point that people do want legendary armour but also that some, simply will not like raiding. I'm not one of them, but I would like to see different legendary armour sets, specifically that are more accessible to obtain and not requiring insane amounts of materials.
  20. Obviously it's better for everyone if legendary armour is more common, certainly through a different avenue and with a different style. Is your point just that you don't think there would be a greater level of player satisfaction if Legendary armour was more common and "accessible"?
  21. Some of the top fights in Conquest 5v5 can go on for a long time. It is the same in TDM and isn't really distinguishably different.The thing it does promote however is a team build for a 5v5 fight, and understanding/testing those builds. We have Stronghold, why not TDM on that basis? I mean, I already told you why TDM was removed... it wasn't well liked. if your argument is we have stronghold, which no one likes and is hardly played- so why not also have TDM that people didn't like so much they got it removed. then yeah, sure add back TDM. we can have two extra gamemodes that no one likes. I don't object to having TDM in the game, but it does seem a bit silly to re-add something that was removed because the community didn't like it. it mean maybe they would suddenly like it, but I'm not convinced. TDM was very snowbally, and very unfun for team in the receiving side. it has basically no come back potential. you can't rotate to sides if the enemy team are beating you in teamfight like you can in conquest. in conquest a strong teamfight team can be beaten, the three point system makes the 5 person mid teamfight tactic pretty bad to be honest. personally I would much rather 3v3 or 2v2 replaces stronghold as a permanent queue option if the devs have no desire to rework stronghold to be actually good. I don't think re-adding a gamemode that has already failed (TDM) is the move. I would also like 3v3/2v2/TDM. Realistically, anything that isn't solely Conquest being played. I don't agree that conquest is much better by having the 3-point system. A side-noder plus a strong 4-man team build annihilates every match. There is no competition when more than half the enemy team are constantly on respawn and movement between only two nodes is so easy (and all that's required). If a team was likely to get 'snowballed' in TDM, it would likely occur in Conquest also. yeah, but in conquest you can play sides and win if your teamfight is weak. if you wipe in TDM people just afk at spawn. your only option is to go back out and teamfight and get farmed again. if you think conquest can get one sided TDM, is much much worse. it's also incredibly hard to carry as 1v1 is no longer important there. it really is luck of the draw with queue. like, getting a thief is basically 4v5 because it's a trash class for 5v5. 3v3 and 2v2 as the exist in the game are much more fun, and the community actually likes and plays them. unlike stronghold, which is abandoned, and unlike courtyard (TDM) which the community hated so much they got it removed. I know TDM can seem really fun and good if you actually never played it, but if you were around in the day when we actually had TDM you'd know the reality was very different. it's not like 2v2 and 3v3 that the community enjoy and want to have all year round, not just off season. people hated TDM. basically, unless you were actually there when we had TDM you can't know what it was actually like. it was bad and people didn't like it. I'm happy to stand outside of spawn in a queued team and cc lock and farm the players from the enemy team until I hit max points and win. however, I don't think a lot of people want to be on the other side of that, something history supports. TLDR: you think TDM would be good because you never played it, but it was pretty bad look, I just searched on YouTube for courtyard and this is one of the few things that came up watching that, I can't say I miss it at allIn fairness - thief is obviously not good in a team fight and the video you linked is from the perspective of a player using a thief. Your description of what happens in TDM spawn-locking the opponent is often what can happen in Conquest. It's just a more delayed process (or irrelevant) since you don't need to in order to win... FYI I did play TDM. Also the lottery of matchmaking applies to Conquest the same as it does TDM. Having a thief isn't much of a boon.
  22. Some of the top fights in Conquest 5v5 can go on for a long time. It is the same in TDM and isn't really distinguishably different.The thing it does promote however is a team build for a 5v5 fight, and understanding/testing those builds. We have Stronghold, why not TDM on that basis? I mean, I already told you why TDM was removed... it wasn't well liked. if your argument is we have stronghold, which no one likes and is hardly played- so why not also have TDM that people didn't like so much they got it removed. then yeah, sure add back TDM. we can have two extra gamemodes that no one likes. I don't object to having TDM in the game, but it does seem a bit silly to re-add something that was removed because the community didn't like it. it mean maybe they would suddenly like it, but I'm not convinced. TDM was very snowbally, and very unfun for team in the receiving side. it has basically no come back potential. you can't rotate to sides if the enemy team are beating you in teamfight like you can in conquest. in conquest a strong teamfight team can be beaten, the three point system makes the 5 person mid teamfight tactic pretty bad to be honest. personally I would much rather 3v3 or 2v2 replaces stronghold as a permanent queue option if the devs have no desire to rework stronghold to be actually good. I don't think re-adding a gamemode that has already failed (TDM) is the move.I would also like 3v3/2v2/TDM. Realistically, anything that isn't solely Conquest being played. I don't agree that conquest is much better by having the 3-point system. A side-noder plus a strong 4-man team build annihilates every match. There is no competition when more than half the enemy team are constantly on respawn and movement between only two nodes is so easy (and all that's required). If a team was likely to get 'snowballed' in TDM, it would likely occur in Conquest also.
  23. Some of the top fights in Conquest 5v5 can go on for a long time. It is the same in TDM and isn't really distinguishably different.The thing it does promote however is a team build for a 5v5 fight, and understanding/testing those builds. We have Stronghold, why not TDM on that basis?
  24. The scene of PVP is quite strange. First up we have Stronghold, a mode that is seemingly rarely played or enjoyed, thus, most of us probably skip it which answers itself. Conquest - a nice idea for a single gamemode, brought down by a lack of matchmaking and being able to make a premade team to actually play Ranked with any form of team tactics.Gold 3 above is full of toxic know-it-all flaming over tactical choices not aligning and tournaments are won by the minority of premade teams made up of top players. Naturally introducing premade teams into ranked presents an obvious problem, though at least it may force a greater level of competition...I don't like that there are builds not fit for SoloQ due to the lottery nature of matchmaking and how a class may or may not pair with synergy. For the short time that I played TDM whilst it was in the game, I really enjoyed it. It gave vibes of Guild Wars 1 PVP and being able to make interesting team builds.
  25. Agreed.This post should be more about why Guardian only has a single, easily negatable tactic for pvp... Spamming burns through a variety of sources. It's strong when people don't cleanse - and almost utterly useless when people do cleanse.Guardian needs a buff in some form, not a nerf.
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