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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. I'm fairly certain there will be a Kurzick equivalent to the siege turtle/tortoise. Maybe not on release, but it will come. It's actually quite interesting how there are possibilities that this mount feature could be utilized to revive Stronghold.
  2. No, no no. Ignore all the good signs that showcase Anet learning and building on pre-existing, enjoyable features and mechanics. "You showed us nothing!1!" - so you didn't watch at all, or weren't paying attention.
  3. The siege giants in GW1 were actually turtles, though; as were the ones Luxons were building houses and furniture over. Oh, and they were slow.
  4. And, to be fair, we haven't seen the other legendary weapon sets. There might be a couple of surprises and distinctive features.
  5. I knew this was coming since the Forging Steel release with tank operation. Well done building on the previously established opportunities and evolving the game.
  6. Man, it really sucks when they offer you the option to use real money on cosmetics that have no effect on the gameplay in a vast online game without a subscription fee.
  7. Tengu serves as the most functional addition regardless if we're looking at pre-existing models, animations, outfits, etc. as well as personal story potential in terms of racial content. Could be one of the reasons the expansion got delayed a notch, who knows.
  8. There's still some groups doing it, late evening is your best bet.
  9. Same as warrior. It's rather outdated, and while ranger does not have evade attached to half their kit (for some kitten reason - and Power Stab's frames got removed due to double standards), both longbow and shortbow offer gameplay patterns that really are just not very interactive. Anet's fix has been to ignore both classes. Aside from nerfs every now and then.
  10. Don't even need a mesmer to completely nullify a deadeye at the moment. Since, y'know, necromancers finally learned how to use Poison Cloud.
  11. Deadeye has traditionally been countered by a lot of meta builds.
  12. Does kill equal beat? Because you're never killing a decent mesmer.
  13. I'd imagine condi thief would greatly enjoy that change. I, for one, would not.
  14. Are you implying scourge plays out like PvE in PvP?
  15. Warrior in its current state is either an overpowered duelist that easily secures side nodes with the aid of Rampage, or a mobile dead weight unit that provides nothing more then hindrance and kills to the enemy team. I'm afraid that cannot be fixed at the moment. The problem became magnified with the Feb 2020 changes, as warrior's heavy-hitting telegraps became less punishable and their passive sustain stood out more than before. Deadly Arts already has Mug in it to provide "minor healing". Trickery is a must due to the extra initiative and boon rip, thief cannot exist as a viable force without either at the moment. Steal dazing is the sole skill where thief does not trade notable amounts of damage for an avoidable form of CC. I'm not sure if it's fair to count Shadow Shot as a ranged form of blind, since canceling the 2nd portion to lose the soft burst, gap closer and 4 initiative is generally speaking a horrendous deal. Root trades stealth for a potential Cluster setup and loses all the Backstab damage. Aside from that, it's just daze and cripple. Assuming you're referring to Leeching Poisons, it's on Shadow Arts.
  16. Mesmers are not an avid comparison. There is a choice to be made, there.
  17. Of no-brainer, low risk / high reward metas dominated by spam. Your aunt's trained cage monkey is now viable for PvP, but you've alienated every veteran.
  18. Necro sub-forum, scourge-specific thread. Take your whataboutism elsewhere.
  19. I think sand shades being cast both at the target marker and at the caster's feet breaks one of the fundamental principles of good PvP game balance: choice. Anet will never be able to properly balance out scourge as long as the mechanics remain as they are.
  20. I faintly recall this community hating anything that deals damage, even if it sports a third of the defenses of some of the most outrageous bunker/support specs. Frankly, the specs with sustain and damage, and sustain doubling as damage, don't seem to get as much flack as they'd logically deserve.
  21. Unironically, necromaincer icon checks out. Of course the current game's state is to your liking, you are never getting punished for misplays hard enough. I'm pretty sure almost everyone here hated the instakill stealth builds pre-Feb 2020. But aside from those, the meta was actually pretty kitten good. You could get good duels with people in similar range of skill, albeit ones that actually ended before long. If you were getting instagibbed, it usually just meant you were more than one tier below your opposition in skill.
  22. It's ridiculous how highly some players prioritize beasts on Nifhel. It's made me hate the map entirely.
  23. Your daily necro main "debunk" attempt. Your daily disappointment of fundamental PvP balance misunderstanding.
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