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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. You can't spam dodges in a lot of legy and champ bounties, though. You'll end up dead in under 20 seconds unless there's 0 surrounding mobs and the boss is super telegraphed. The rotation is based around maximizing Havoc damage for Death Blossom while retaining reactive survivability. Most of the sustain and damage come from torment application and/or bleed. It's a fine line you walk between managing proper DPS and endurance to stay ready for trouble. Sure, most bosses (such as HoT hero points) are trivial. But I'm mainly talking bounties - legendary and champion - that are the hardest solo content in the open world at the moment. You can clear base game bosses without ever dodging and on zerker gear. It's that easy. Also, if you call condi dd "cheating", I want to hear your opinion on renegade and scourge, lol.
  2. "Destroyer of the Last King" exists. Plus revenants have access to Legendary Dwarf Stance. It's rather safe to assume Jalis is long dead, long gone. Same goes for Alkar,.
  3. This would be effin' cool. It makes total sense with the physical skill category, too.
  4. The actual "buff" was much higher due to cumulative effect.
  5. Health is nice when you have the entire spectrum of wild life lining up to annoy you as you're killing a boss that spawns tornadoes on top. But it's ultimately useless if you have nothing to sustain it back up. Invigorating Precision is nice, but it loses you a lot of DPS in No Quarter. And I'm not exactly sure how it measures up with non-zerker gear. Taking a hit here and there cannot be avoided in most scenarios. Then again, plenty of these bosses would be hella easy if it weren't for extra mobs - Forged Tormentor, Zehlon Ossa, etc.
  6. OP had a PvP-vibe about his post. But, true, deadeye is good in WvW.
  7. I legitimately forgot endurance food existed, might give it a go tomorrow when I practice soloing Ellutherius Wintergust. Base game open world is easy for power, but I find condition and hybrid to be much more efficient in the expansion areas.
  8. Isn't Vampirism only efficient if there's enough trash mobs to leech off of? I can see it working w/ staff, not so much on p/p. Does power have enough gas to solo bosses in under 10 mins? I've been using both Trailblazer and Celestial builds. Some places you want the added hybrid sustain over tankiness, and/or you want to be spamming autos in-between rotations.
  9. Thief used to be able to pimp on necromancers, particularly reapers. That was pre-Feb 2020. Now you can't kill them 1v1 even on your best day unless they're incompetent. And before someone says "DEADEYE", I'd like to remind you that both necromancer and guardian have an on-demand reflect to guard against your initial burst, and LoS to skip the follow-up. And even deadeye's damage is so neutered against necro's damage mitigation and guard's blocks, that they can actually just sit on node and let you waste your time. At that point you're better off on daredevil anyways. If you want to play deadeye, use dragonhunter instead. Superior damage with much less windup time, and isn't as hard-countered by some other meta builds (herald, etc). Also, Head Crack (stolen skill) is particularly efficient at locking down a guard you're +1'ing, so DD's got that going for it as well. TL;DR: thief is strictly roamer, do not try to 1v1 anyone or fight over a node vs guards and necroes.
  10. I swear. Doing all these group events, champion and legendary bounties on thief, solo. Some really require damned lot of effort in terms of LoS and timing (and resource management). Then you see all these videos about viper scourge soloing bosses just walking around casually and spamming skills, tanking through stuff with barrier while transmuting condies. Tough to be a thief, huh. Maybe we could get something on par with mirage and scourge in End of Dragons, eh. EDIT: for the curious, I'm running celestial gear with a hybrid build. Torment runes with Spider and Skale Venom.
  11. In 5 months, we will have a major meta shakedown with 5 necro specs per team. Don't worry.
  12. Has OP ever considered that winning, and by extension perfecting your mechanical ability on your favorite class or build, can be fun? I've said this on League forums in the past, and I'll say it here as well: as far as competitive game modes go, you can ignore, or even mute a toxic, player. You cannot mute or ignore their bad mechanics and/or tilt. If your mindset cannot endure a player speaking their mind in the chat, maybe the competitive mode or game. at hand. isn't for you.
  13. That comment's kinda funny in general. Ah, yes. The commander (player character) utilizing Sohothin, Balthazar's own sword - arguably to its full potential, none the less (as far as mortal wield goes, anyways). No big deal.
  14. What I meant by [8 players / heroes / henchmen + Kormir] was precisely this: the party size restrictions aren't necessarily an accurate gauge for a boss in terms of ability and power - plus, we have no idea how Guild Wars 2 characters compare to their "ancestors". For all we know, they could even be a bit weaker - or stronger, who knows. I actually didn't recall only 3 chains being broken, good catch on that. Personally, I also don't think the claim of Abaddon being the "mightiest" of the gods is a testament to his raw destructive capability (versus, per say, Balthazar); I think it implies he was the most strategically and magically apt of the Six at the time. Now, what does this imply, then? As you pointed out, he probably knew of the other gods' weaknesses (if there are any), and how to best approach them in battle (both strategically and in single combat). We have to remember: 1) Abaddon was the one who haphazardly gifted mortals with magic, and 2) he was formerly called the god of knowledge and water. Not secrets, knowledge. Which ties in with the previous point regarding his battle prowess. Agreed on imprisoned Abaddon being stronger than Dhuum or Balthazar (by the time of Guild Wars 2). The latter was effectively (and I believe it was even stated somewhere?) a demi-god at the time, and Dhuum relied heavily on Abaddon in his plans to free himself - I don't think their armies converged at Realm of Torment for strategical reasons, alone. It's also because Abaddon - and, by extent, his realm - are easily at their most potent (versus Fissure of Woe and Underworld controlled by Dhuum's forces) at the time.
  15. We know Abaddon was the strongest (or mightiest) before his fall and imprisonment. His elite force, Horde of Darkness, was able to fight alongside him against the other gods, which is an impressive feat of power bestowal (for comparison: Elder Dragons and their champions) However, this also has other implications: Abaddon was not strong enough to stand against the five alone (5v1). Or, in other words, the power gap wasn't as large as one could first assume. I'd imagine the same stands for Balthazar's rebellion: he had powerful elite soldiers stand by his side before he was dethroned. I don't see the other gods utilizing their allies in this manner, aside from perhaps Grenth.
  16. Bobby Stein has been an absolute unit on the forums, sweet Maguuma shrooms!
  17. If you're not running Signet of Malice, you should be running Hide in Shadows for the revealed +power bonus, access to stealth attack and CC (breakbar damage) and condi cleanse. You lose a fair bit of damage not taking No Quarter, so that'll also help make up for it. Even if your damage in longer encounters is notably lower due to notably less fury uptime. To offset this, you should use Signet of Agility as well. In instanced content, if you have Spotter druid or similar, you're free to run another DPS utility instead.
  18. 1) Abaddon was close to breaking free by the time the players reach him in GW1. The prisons, or gates, for his power had been all but vanquished in their entirety. Plus, it is his realm we're fighting him in. Frankly, and unlike Balthazar, Abaddon was not stripped of his title, power and claim. The Five Gods were either unwilling or unable to do so. There's not much, if anything, to imply that Balthazar, in his downtrodden state, was stronger than Abaddon before the latter's demise. He certainly could have achieved that state of being were he not stopped and killed in Joko's Sky Garden. 2) The dialogue shared with Kormir during Path of Fire: Act 2 heavily implies it was every gods' plan to keep Balthazar specifically imprisoned instead of exposed to fatal outcomes. It appears to me in that manner, at least, anyways. She's quite annoyed / angry about Rytlock enabling his escape - because she, more likely than not, knows where that'll lead. It's not just Lyssa who cared / cares. 3) I can no longer recall the dialogue detailing Dhuum's fall. Has there been anything aside from Grenth usurping him, and transferring his power to himself?
  19. Abaddon was defeated by a party of 8 + Kormir in Guild Wars: Nightfall. It's not really that good of a meter to judge by. Regarding the Dhuum fight: we have to keep in mind no one's been able to decisively terminate him - he's always been imprisoned. The details of that fight, in particular, are completely unknown to us. Unlike the battle between the Five True Gods and Abaddon, they didn't even leave behind terraformed and scarred landscape. It isn't that far-fetched to wager what transpired was more about cunning than raw power. Because, as we know, it takes 10 people AND the reapers to beat him in Hall of Chains. And it's safe to say that Dhuum, like Balthazar, wasn't at the apex of his might. Last, but not least, the legendary trinket 'Vision' has this lore attached to it: "They killed him. Balthazar. If Lyssa ever learns of this...I don't know what she'd do—what any of them would do. They still claim benevolence, but let's hope they weren't watching too closely." This confirms something very simple to us: the rest of the gods want to avoid killing their own kin at all costs. Whether it's due to the magical ramifications or personal attachments, that we don't know. As for why "it took all five to strip Balthazar's powers" - very simple, it's far more difficult to imprison someone than it is to kill them. Plus, Balthazar was apparently the most apt among them when it came to forging artefacts and tools for various purposes - including "depowering" entities.
  20. How do the human gods fare in terms of power level? We know it took all of the rest to strike down Abaddon, and Balthazar has on occasion boasted about being the "mightiest of the Six". The latter also forged the chains holding the former in his prison in the Realm of Torment. If we compare models (and model sizes) across Guild Wars 1 and 2, we see that Abaddon is seemingly much larger than Dhuum and the Six (Kormir and Balthazar are roughly the same size, so it's safe to assume the rest of the Six are as well). For the sake of fun discussion, where do you Dhuum on this list? Was Abaddon the biggest and baddest, or was it his knowledge of magical secrets that lent him a hand in holding his own against his kin?
  21. Normal mobs, and normal mobs only: - staff daredevil - greatsword berserker - greatsword reaper - sword / axe + greatsword soulbeast At least those, to my knowledge.
  22. The mechanics in this game aren't in any shape or form balanced for arena-style 1v1 dueling.
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