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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. It also encourages exposing yourself, because every second you spend in attack animations is a second you're not dodging, evading, blocking or, in some cases, kiting out damage. Consider how fragile thief is, to boot.
  2. You got me wrong, I was referring to the common response, not yours.
  3. It's funny how many read this as "TAKE AWAY FROM THE GENERAL AUDIENCE, GIVE IT ALL TO HARDCORE, HUR DUR!" Reading comprehension, people.
  4. Specter is currently the best spec for soloing bosses and other higher end content due to its kiting ability, ranged damage, boon uptime, continuous DoTs and synergy with numerous stat combinations. It's really, really effective once you maximize juggling shroud and initiative usage. Condi daredevil is still workable, but it has never been up there w/ mirage, cele-ele or even warrior. It got heavily nerfed w/ the Tormenting Rune changes, but could somewhat make up for it w/ Signet of Malice. Power solo for thief, currently, is just UGH. Unlike condi, you really need to invest in offensive stats hard if you want to be able to match the timers on bosses. And there's not a whole lot of bosses out there who don't nearly, or outright, oneshot thief.
  5. It's got a great class fantasy, and playing thief - once mastered to an extent - feels wicked great. No other class quite nails that clutch and sly feel. In competitive, playing thief to a good effect requires creativity and a great sense of improvisation and awareness on the spot. In PvE, unfortunately, thief has been largely neglected for years upon years. Other classes receive constant QoL buffs and changes, we do not. It's fun, and nice for occasional roleplay, but not "meta". Never has been.
  6. Bollocks. EoD brought with it so many gap closers, evades, blinks and blocks that you cannot possibly claim you have an issue with deadeye.
  7. So now what you're saying is, you wants rewards for no effort? The same as every other cry thread here, too, then? Nice.
  8. That does not depend on the time span, but the amount of content you've played through, experienced and mastered. Simple enough, no? You're neither a veteran nor a new player, obviously.
  9. I honestly don't understand this. It's like there's blatant and obvious class favoritism at work. Condi mirage was already god-mode, same for many cele-gear builds. And those get a pass, whereas already weak PvE classes like thief get the shaft, hard-end. Anet, you wanna explain your thought process on this? Maybe just band-aid fix P/P for the time being instead of mauling the entire class?
  10. Then they can stay out of ranked PvP. If you see a sign that reads: COMPETITIVE; do you go there to "chill and netflix"? That's an insanely selfish mindset, and perfectly reflects the entitled current generation, and some of the previous, too. Skill cap is what keeps competitive game modes alive.
  11. Stop catering to the casuals at the expense of veterans and more skilled players, at every turn. Thank you.
  12. Yeah yeah yeah, we get it. This didn't affect casual content, because everyone and their mother obviously uses No Quarter there.
  13. I feel bad for new players because they can now jump in and feel like good players without actually learning the game. When Anet then, eventually, reverts some of the changes the awkward truth will be revealed to them in full.
  14. Yep, because those require timing. Necromancer facerolling while facetanking everything was to satisfy the casual player power fantasy.
  15. Celestial gear abusers: "nothing wrong". Rince and repeat until Anet finally removes it.
  16. Thief kept relevant by a 50-sec CD skill. Without it, no one would even bother running thief. Let's be honest. Very nice balancing.
  17. I assume it's there to balance out the telegraphed burst. If you're dueling a bladesworn, prepare to take your time. I'd tone down the sustain and up the damage, honestly. But, alas, we're in 2022. Sad.
  18. Very nice. Come back when you've soloed every legendary bounty there is, as well as some fracs and high-end event bosses.
  19. Herald is a "sub-class" of champion, and ranks of higher importance overall. The gem store outfit is even called 'Herald of Aurene outfit'. Champions act as the 'representative' of their respective elder dragons all the time in the story. It's not something specific to a higher cast.
  20. She's a champion. It's pretty clear we're THE HERALD of Aurene. That's a rank above normal champions as far as dragon minion hierarchies go.
  21. This. Too many specs can just vomit out weakness and protection, or some other form of 10+% damage reduction. Passive defenses do not make for healthy gameplay in PvP. But, as has been for 2 years now, Anet's just catering to the inexperienced, casual or otherwise unwilling to improve players so they can play out their power fantasy even at the expense of veterans' fun.
  22. Yep. Consider that i.e. mirage can actually dodge without losing out on DPS. Well, thief can't.
  23. This. The trait enabled thief to do what other classes actually do on a regular basis: tank trash mobs. There was absolutely no issue regarding bosses, because you still had to dodge all of the key attacks if you wanted to solo 'em successfully.
  24. Considering how much utility and dps you lose by taking SoM, it's a deceptively big change for power daredevil. No more defiance bar damage via Hide in Shadows + Hook Strike (plus the extra power if you trait Revealed Training from kitten). Consider the kiting/re-positioning options as well, and you'll see that it just got immensely harder to solo bosses as power thief. This change quite literally sucks.
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