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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. What? Have you played the story and its associated events?
  2. Just look at these forums over these past few days!
  3. Yup. Adjust the consistency a little, but leave the one-shot, CC and AoE mechanics as is. Encounters like these should be punishing.
  4. Very entertaining boss fight, one of the best you've made and a proof that some raid mechanics can work in open world content.
  5. 1) Enemy attack pattern variety and more emphasis on executing things like breakbar, successful rotations and movement. This is great for veteran and newer players alike, and adds to the satisfaction level of combat in PvE. 2) Audio-visual design and attention to detail. Most areas in the expansion look, sound and feel awesome; and exploring is about as fun as it is in Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire. The return of mini-puzzles and jumping puzzles plus the bits of lore spread here and there really add to the immersion. 3) More emphasis on doing activities together and being rewarded for it. Fishing and skiffs are actually quite fun, particularly when you're joining up with sum' guildies. Some of the new metas also require more teamwork than expansion metas before them (sans Dragon's Stand). Also, TURTLE POWER.
  6. I have, in general, 2-3 pre-made sets for PvE: the glassy DPS stat combinations used 90% of the time, and 10% I use a tankier and more sustain-able build for soloing more difficult content (i.e. legendaries and heavy-hitting champion bosses from expansions + group events with hordes of durable enemies). The former 1-2 sets are generally 1 power and 1 condi, Berserker and Viper lines, and used for any farming Gerent, Tarir, open world trash and story, raids + strikes + fractals and soloing some stuff (i.e. core game champions - and some legendaries i.e. Priest of Melandru). I'm sure many who say the same ("open world isn't difficult") refer to the general metas, trash ads and story that every player participates in. But trust me, you can make it difficult AND others can make it difficult for you (bless scaling CC bars....) and there's no way you're soloing everything out there with a glassy power build (particularly after ANET so graciously nerfed the kitten out of power-based sustain traits).
  7. Considering the response to Dragon's End meta the response to Dragon's End meta the response to
  8. Think it's safe to say don't expect new raids / raid-level content. Thanks guys.
  9. The Old Vault Key does not respawn and failed to open the chest the first time around.
  10. This is quite arrogant for a statement, honestly. Usually, that's exactly what it means. Granted, Dragon's End has issues that are unrelated to player skill.
  11. That's one of the locations, yes. But there's like 3 more, iirc.
  12. IIRC, they spawn in pairs at the top-most levels of the city near the wall, marked by a red skull and accompanied by an event. At least those are the ones I've been killing.
  13. I'm honestly curious about this. You play an RPG and enjoy being downed by a veteran enemy, whereas other players solo legendaries? Doesn't that hurt your roleplay/fun experience? Genuine question.
  14. Just as predicted, at the top of the food chain. Turns out giving a class small telegraphs, low cooldowns, high mobility, high damage and flexibility is pretty good. Meanwhile, as predicted, willybender and virtuoso licking the bottom of the barrel - both with their class mechanics telegraphed and changed fundamentally.
  15. This. The sad part is, the pet mechanic is hard to rework without completely messing up soulbeast (flavor and fundamental -wise). Otherwise, they could do something similar to the gyro rework. And, honestly, may still end up doing at some point.
  16. 1) Rifle deadeye sucks at soloing bounties, and the pistol main condi variant is reliant on the non-range hate (i.e. the critical point unstable magic buff). It's great for world bosses and other events, though (i.e. Gerent) - but you do not need IP in those, lol. You're doing subpar damage compared to daredevil unless you can consistently stay still and kneel. That's just a fact. 2) "Weaving in Vault" - what kinda builds do that? That's awful DPS. You use Vault to close gaps where you'd lose DPS walking, otherwise. Occasionally you MAY use it improvise in a DPS rotation. 3) All of this is valid if you're doing core game open world trash. I'd imagine MOST of us are concerned about the "end-game" solo encounters, though. Legendary bounties, you know the jazz.
  17. You can replace it w/ Signet of Malice, but I'm not really a fan of that (not only is it yet another boring passive effect, but you lose i.e. the stealth bonus you could prep w/ Hide in Shadows). It kinda kills build variety - and no, Invigorating Precision was not a staple 'take it always' -type of pick, anyways. But in most larger encounters, much less boss ones, you'll want at least a bit of sustain. Invigorating Precision made core open world trivial as far as, well, anything goes. That's true. But is the solution really gutting the entire trait? At the end of the day, you still needed to be actively on the offense to maintain the healing. And that, imo, isn't fundamentally bad design. ALSO, condition builds were already superior at the sustain/dps -balance act. In order to reap the better benefits of Invigorating Precision, you had to be fairly glassy (compared to MANY other builds, anyways). IF ANYTHING, they should support power-based builds more in the open world long encounters (i.e. events with immobile enemies etc).
  18. I think, if anything, more skills across all classes SHOULD be more like Hundred Blades. Trade-offs are so-so-SO important for any game that wants to be competitive and have a semblance of balance in the long run. You don't have to...?
  19. I, for one, took the "Take a seat, young Skywalker!" -route like a man.
  20. Rubbing salt and sea water on the wound, are we? https://i.imgur.com/dWMAcUW.jpg?1
  21. Boss / instance / hard(er) content soloing has been a thing in pretty much EVERY MMO for ages. There's no reason to nerf it, as it attracts more players and doesn't hurt the more casual ones.
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