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Everything posted by Xentera.4560

  1. What I think you are saying is: don't worry about cc, bring a BS cc bot, and focus on dps. I feel at least in the second phase, everybody should be contributing to breaking the cc bar.
  2. I have been running a Condi Soulbeast build in 100CM since launch. Usually with Shortbow as the only weapon set. My dps was at least on par with most dps classes and usually higher in most instances. With the new nerf to consumable cc's I will have to adjust my build to bring in more cc skills. I was wondering if I should bring a second weapon set just for cc, or switch pets from my iboga to warthog or something else. What do you guys think?
  3. Scourge may not be the highest dps class there, but I’ve noticed having a blood scourge along makes things go alot smoother.
  4. I would like to pick your brain regarding your experiences with DPS classes in 100 CM.I have already finished it a few times, and got the “Dances with Demons“ title. I have found the following classes to be most viable there: 1) Condi FB 2) Condi Ren 3) Condi Mirage 4) Scourge, full Condi or with Blood 5) Condi zerker, without banners I am in no way excluding other classes from this CM. Just sharing my experience with you. Would love to hear about your experiences there.
  5. I can see the OP does not have much experience in forming groups for raids.Raid parties in GW2 have to have certain roles filled. It is sad coming from a company who stated in the past “no trinity”. Instead we ended up with this disastrous mix of tank/heals/Alac/quickness/BS. That often has to be fine tuned with every boss encounter.I don’t think it is a problem with the raid community, or even the general player population. It is a failure of design of both the raid content that was designed in a way that any member failing a weird mechanic can result in a party wipe and group disbanding; and a failure of the game design itself that removed the Tried and True trinity, only to go back and give us a much worse system.
  6. First 30 keys are always worth it. The question is: Do you want to gamble and buy keys for 25s?
  7. Because the matching system is an easy to manipulate, kitten fest.
  8. Population is low coz the matching system is pure kitten, and on top of that you get punished (by rank points deduction) often severely; because of the results of what that kitten match system produce.Player should not lose rank because this matching system decided to put them in a team 2 leagues below their level just to insure that 50:50 win rate...
  9. Whenever this subject is brought up, I think: “Remember, this is the dev team that thought having a premade team of 3 go against a random PUG in ranked, was a good idea.”
  10. DuoQ simply should not exist vs a random PUG. This has been brought up a gazillion times in the past. The small minority that get that unfair advantage in ranked by duoQ, start crying every time this is brought up that we don’t want them to play with their friends. And that the population is too small for them to wait for an opponent with a duoQ. Solution is simple and straight forward: 1) Remove unranked, it really serves no purpose. This will instantly increase the population for ranked. 2) Remove duoQ entirely from ranked 3) Premade vs premade only in AT And there you have it. Problem solved! Any system that pits a premade vs randoms is just a kitten system.
  11. We really need to stop blaming this on the dwindling population levels. I would gladly wait extra time to match with players of comparable skill level.And let’s not forget the reason why the population is low in the first place.PvP needs some serious overhaul, balance is the least of its problems.
  12. How much gold do you make per strike mission? I’ve seen some videos with people saying you make around five gold per mission. Is that an accurate estimate? If so how?
  13. How much gold do you make per strike mission? I’ve seen some videos with people seeing you make around five gold per mission. Is that an accurate estimate? If so how?
  14. Definitely more fun now. No self-respecting game should allow a player to be one-shot 100-0 in a split second while cc’ed. And often from a long range, or from stealth.
  15. PVP has been in a sad state since they introduced elite specialization. That made any kind of balance in matchmaking impossible. The result is the kitten fest you see these days.
  16. Because no class should be able to cc u, and then insta kill u from 100-0 in one spike before u even break stun. And that was happening with some builds.
  17. ^ThisAnd that usually creates major balance problems.
  18. What exactly is holding them from separating the 2. 1 queue for premade, and 1 for solo. I went against 3 different premade teams in a row yesterday. So it’s not that they don’t have the numbers to make 2 separate queues. When common sense is no longer common.
  19. ... And I say good kitten riddance. Maybe next time we will have better sense than to allow a fully premade party go against some random PUG, and not only call it competitive, but call it ranked too. "The privilege of absurdity, to which no other living creature is subject, but man only." And this "mini season" was as absurd as it gets.
  20. Did not receive the mastery point for tier 3. Hope this is fixed soon.
  21. @Vallun.2071 I assume your vid is all premade 3v3. I think that’s a good mode as long as it is exclusively premade vs premade. Having a premade party go against some random PUG is neither challenging, fair, or remotely entertaining. If they want to keep this mode it needs to be reworked to premade groups only.
  22. The OP is clearly here to say other games are better and have more longevity. Not sure why many of you took the bait. If you feel you had your fun with the game and the ridiculous amount of content that you are missing out on does not interest you then by all means: Kthxbai
  23. The more I read in this thread the more I reach the conclusion that those defending premade vs soloQ, don’t really believe that it’s fair or even sustainable, they are just arguing to keep an advantage they have over the vast majority of the player base; because they know without that advantage, they will go back to a win rate of 50% ( like every other competitive MMO out there that does the matching right). So quite honestly there is no point trying to convince those to change their minds. It’s like trying to convince the rich they need to pay more taxes. What I’m hoping for is that the devs will see the atrocity that is premade vs soloQ, and maybe take a course about the difference between Random Arena, and Team Arena from GW1. Till then vote with your time guys, not just your wallet. boycottranked
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