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Everything posted by Xentera.4560

  1. It should be posted even more often. This is the biggest issue I have with ranked and have been this way for the past year at least. The MMR should not be the overwhelming factor in deciding who wins, and who loses a match.
  2. Ranked is literally becoming unplayable. A true random matching system would be more fair at this point than the monstrosity that is the current MMR. There is literally no reason to play ranked at the moment unless you manipulate the system. When I get matched against a group of 2 separate duoQs (yes, a total of 4 players on the other team were high rating premade) with a group of randoms with clearly lower skill level just because it is my turn to lose (per the MMR targeting that magic 50% win rate)... it literally sucks all the fun out of a "competitive" game mode. It is not surprising there is so much toxicity in ranked. And it is not the players fault. It is your kitten MMR.
  3. New players will realize very quickly that the MMR targets a win rate of 50% by placing you in a tilted matchup on teams very likely to lose whenever your win rate gets too high. Literally meaning there is no reason to be playing this game mode. At that point they will just quit pvp and move on to other modes; keeping the population kitten low.
  4. No it is not the toxicity. It is the garbage MMR that decides before the match starts which team should win and which one should lose with a near deadly accuracy, just to enforce an idiotic 50:50 win rate. As long as your system targets a win rate, this game mode is unplayable.
  5. That’s because the MMR decided that team A has to win and team B has to lose. And each player would be placed on the winning or losing team according to that player’s win rate. A system that literally discourages players from playing. Then people wonder on the forums why the population is so small. Why should I keep playing if your system is designed to keep my win rate around 50% no matter what I do?!
  6. MMR is doing exactly what it is supposed to do: force a 50:50 win rate without seriously taking into account any other factors (including DuoQ). Kitten system for a kitten and abandoned game mode.
  7. At this point a completely random “ranked” matching system would result in better matches than the current kitten MMR that tries to force a win rate instead of actually making 2 competitive teams.
  8. Pretty sure it takes the average rating. Just like it takes the average team rating. And then targets a win rate of 50%. Pretty kitten up system if you ask me.
  9. The MMR placing you on the team that is intended and expected to lose, is very different from you actually losing the match. Also very often if you solo Q, your win streaks are evened out by losing streak as well. Which at the end results in a win rate of around 50% unless you beat the system.
  10. Exactly. Which makes tossing a coin vastly superior to the current kitten matching system in Gw2. Every match should have a 50:50 outcome, and that should not be influenced by the result of your previous match. When your win rate is more than 50%, you know for a fact the MMR will place you with a team that is supposed to lose the next match. If this is not discouraging players from playing more ranked matches then I don’t know what is. Then we wonder why the population is so small.
  11. Fix this kitten MMR so instead of targeting a win rate of 50:50, it will at least attempt to place players of the same skill level together. The MMR should not be the most important factor in who wins and who loses. Neither should it be able to determine who is going to be the winner before the match starts.
  12. I would really love to hear about how this kitten meta design made it past anet’s QA testing before release.
  13. Because we have a kitten ranked system that is so easy to manipulate like others stated. And no fix in sight. Then people complain the pvp population is low.., With the current MMR and the rating system I am surprised anyone still joins ranked.
  14. No bud, the dumbest thing you ever heard is that you think it’s perfectly alright to play with 5 of your friends that you know, and coordinate attacks and tactics with on a VoIP… etc; against a group of randoms and still call that competitive. Queue with a party of 5 all you like, just do it against another premade 5 group. At this time you can do that in tournaments. But hey, I understand how some ppl can never gain rating without an unfair advantage.
  15. Premade vs random pugs offers a clear and obvious advantage to the premade. You have tournaments to queue all you like with your friends. Amazing how some feel entitled to a setting that offers them an unfair advantage.
  16. Premade team vs team is currently called tournament.
  17. I see it as a vicious cycle. The MMR frustrates the remaining pvp population into playing less, driving their numbers down; and that in turn creates even worse match making because otherwise the queues would take too long.
  18. As long as the MMR is targeting a 50:50 win rate, and setting matches based on TEAM average rating not INDIVIDUAL rating it will be kitten. Sadly it is working as intended. And that’s why this game cannot maintain a good pvp population. The MMR punishes you for playing.
  19. Right, because you need to be a “mental teenage judge” to figure out that someone arguing that getting something for next to free, that others spent countless time and effort on, is fair; is not a valid argument.
  20. And I wouldn’t expect you to see the problem. I wouldn’t expect anyone who didn’t go through the notions of making one to understand why this feels like a major betrayal. Having said that, I don’t know you. But I’m willing to bet a million kittens that you don’t have the transcendence.
  21. Give us a choice on what legendary trinket to pick at the end of the “return” bonus events. Making the end reward be exclusively a legendary amulet is a big “Go kitten yourself!” to all those who spent time and effort working on transcendence. I am willing to bet the reason anet picked the legendary amulet reward is because out of all the legendary trinkets, it is the least common to have. Few players have the ability to get the 20 tourney wins required for the non slumbering version. So anet decided to sacrifice the efforts of the very few who did that. GIVE US A CHOICE!!!
  22. An absolutely atrocious MMR that targets a win rate of 50% instead of matching u with peers of similar rank/skill level. Then punishes players by massive deductions in rank points for losing just because the MMR places them on the wrong team. Literally atrocious...
  23. As far as I can see it, the current ranked system literally discourages people from playing. Why play if the more matches you play the more likely you are to lose? when you start off with an already very small population, and you discourage as group of player from playing more matches the results is the kitten fest we see in ranked every day. Add to that the fact that the MMR, instead of matching you with people at the same skill level at least according to rank, targets a win rate of 50%. That was an incredibly shortsighted decision on part of Anet, and is very frustrating to the already small player population. instead of focusing on balance like you have been trying for the past eight years plus, try and fix the MMR and stop punishing players for the kitten fest it produces in each match.
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