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Everything posted by BobbyT.7192

  1. I guess its time to buy up all the gold, silver and platinum ore and ingots in the TP
  2. In all honesty, how should have Anet communicate changes if tool tips are not good enough? Patch notes in the game launcher maybe? Well they give you a link to them on the wiki, but if someone is the type to not read tool tips, then they are not going to a external site to read up on any changes. Especially if it been a few update since they last played. Remove the pet swap button? Sure, but i willing to bet someone will complain about the pet swap button being missing. Sometimes you can't account for every level of ignorance.
  3. I find it amusing that it was developed by Xunlai. Interesting to see that they went from a storage managing organizations to a golem producers of some sort. Would be neat to see how this guild grew. Would be neat to see them manage your bank storage and or trading post instead the BLTC
  4. Stand out side and carpet bomb it with aoe, plenty out there thats not a projectile.
  5. How is one utility skill triggering so many. Its not like its the only aoe that suppose to your life difficult.
  6. Seems to me that this was not originally planned to be in the game, but anet saw that there was not enough hype for the game. So it was developed later then the other features. no proof to support this, but just a gut feeling about this. Edit: why so many confused emotes? I don't think this opinion is that far-fetched
  7. I would be fine with this, Some where out there, a Mechanist is crying
  8. Totally missed that, i can see a bunch parked near jumping puzzle chest and such. Also would be neat if others could use your waypoint, then mesmer portals would be obsolete
  9. What this bot can do that was shown in the preview video Speed up your skiffs Energize your mounts Recycle and scavenge items for you. Creates an updraft for your glider Enhance your vitality Assist or allows you to ride power lines Revives you awhile your in down state. Attack kittens Edit: This will totally have Gem store skins, calling it now edit2: seems like you can get a personal waypoint as well
  10. Would it be better to go back to combo support playstyle? Nuke alot of the aoe and self buffs from the classes, and revitalize the combo system? Make combo meta again? Any reason why boons like quickness, alacrity, stab, and etc couldn't be allotted to a combo finisher/field. Could fire field give more than 3 might for a single blast?
  11. Don't forget about the tried and true method of coming to the forum to complain about the class you just lost too. Because there is no way they would have beaten you without using such a broken class
  12. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAsiVlFw2YUMWGJOuW3xKA-zRJYvR3fhkTE0RCESJY+0AidLA-e This is what I came up with for a condi build, its fairly durable because of plaguedoctor gear. You have a lot of modifiers for your conditions and this build focuses on that. You can definitely swap deadly ambush for sleight of hand for more utility. Pvp, you could take Sage amulet with the standard thief utility skill
  13. Compared to mirage, DrD doesn't let you dodge to avoid damage after being CC'd, Dodge during stomp or rez. Mirage's dodge mechanic give them alot more utility than a simple dash to escape. That exhaustion is prettying punishing and forces the thief to disengage, a thief running away is not doing anything to help a team fight.
  14. Endurance regen and exhaustion, there's your icd
  15. As I said Never double check the transforms, but at the same time, the point I am making is that most of the changes to weapon skill could have been done with the weapons themselves, which would have been the bulk of the changes anyways. After that individual skills out side of that would but looked at separate with a lot less work. No need to nik pick
  16. I put 5 stacks of burning on a target, and they cleanse it. It now becomes a "nothing happens" conditions.
  17. Most none weapon skill strength hovers around 690. This includes transformation, and traits, with a few outliers. Engie kit damage is based on actual weapon rarity. (Rare vs Exotic). I would say having a separate calculation for conditions between game modes would be a preferred method. So like a single stack of burning is doing ~75 damage instead of 131 with 0 condi damage, with scaling down by a 1/4.
  18. Spectre has a 300 traits, and not really a good one anyway. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shallow_Grave On topic: imo they did alot of work to the skills when damage could have been adjusted with the numbers on the weapons themselves. Then you wouldn't need the splits as much (out side of your CC skills i guess).
  19. Immobilize shouldn't be a "I win condition".
  20. Unblockable boon steal that prioritizes stab and prot was design for classes that had high up time on those boons. It was meant to break the defenses and assist in killing bulky boon classes. It's just doing its job.
  21. I think aoe boon uptime should be looked at. Anything that give quickness, alacrity, 25 might, or etc to 5 of more people shouldn't be able to maintain it with 85-100% uptime. Aoe boons should have small up time windows and be reserved for big burn phases. If a dps character want more quickness than that, then they should supply it them self. Though problem with this idea is not every class can provide quickness or alacrity to themselves even. Another problem would be people might just keep stacking classes that can do aoe boons anyways until near 100% uptime is achieved.
  22. If blind is an issue, so is blocks, invuls, evade, dodges and interrupts. All of which helps prevents damage. Not just little damage either, big aoes, multi hit damage, big juicy numbers. You need the blind spams, the block spams, invuls and dodges to off set the crazy amount of damage spam out there. No class is meant to absorb that kind of damage with health and armour alone. Especially thieves, they need the blinds, and port and stealth in order not feed kills. Some classes can keeps you locked down with CCs. Other will heal spam through it all. Is any of that fair? Just as as fairs as what thieves are doing IMO.
  23. Nothing really new to talk about? On another note, there's like 3 topics on the pvp forum talking about players want thieves nerfed again, all made with in a day. Nothing new really, just another day. 🙄
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