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Some Call Me Tim.2319

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Everything posted by Some Call Me Tim.2319

  1. Frankly they should make it so the countries eligible are the only ones that can see the notice.
  2. Ya we’re definitely NOT US! The Dell site also clearly says they won’t ship to Canada. pfft
  3. But not in Canada? Thanks ANet. 😖 https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/get-guild-wars-2-path-of-fire-with-your-new-dell-g-series-laptop/
  4. Sad isn’t it? I ask myself the same question in the real world. At least here in gw2 it’s just fantasy.
  5. Such a pile of crap. I can play almost any class, including my ranger and deal with rangers just fine. l2p… period.
  6. That’s right. I only play Ranger because my pet is cute.
  7. ah you mean like engi’s and their grenades.. 😏 roflmao. It’s a GAME. Nothing is equal and never will be. As usual it’s a learn to play situation… or in rangers case.. go down and kill him. 😏
  8. You betcha! Lord knows we’ve explored every inch of the borderlands a zillion times! Two thumbs up 👍!
  9. What on earth could you do in wvw for this other than a reward track… which basically is free goodies.
  10. Selfish? To actually WORK for something instead of having it handed to me? You want something basically for free that can only be used in a game mode you don’t play. None is that makes sense. Then you get mad and insult those of us that actually play both modes and earn our goodies.
  11. Actually yes it IS a huge accomplishment that takes a lot of time. You want the easy way. Too bad, you will have to work for it. Yes like the rest of us did. 😏
  12. lol. If you don’t want to pve then why get the mounts? So you can float or race around in LA? 😖
  13. You want pve then go pve. WvW is not that except for some annoying pve npc’s. The last thing wvw people need is a bunch of pve people doing nothing for the borderlands. Then again an influx of pve players could fill my bags with goodies as I and others punish them for entering for the wrong reasons. No, leave pve to the pve world.
  14. If you want pvp goodies you go pvp, if you want raid goodies you go raid etc. Why would you go wvw to get pve goodies?? That makes no sense. If it was meant to be easy then you could just buy everything with gems. Do what the rest of us did for our pve mounts and go do the pve grind.
  15. lol. Either way the result is the same. A kill is registered, I get a bag and in this case the satisfaction of knowing I got you to log off… to apparently save you a few seconds running back from spawn?? 😖 Which, even with SSD, takes longer than the stomp. 😖
  16. omg. So that was you? I don’t get the point but I suppose my “team” does. But I have to say, everytime someone alt-f4’s I am honoured to know to I made you not only die, but actually log right off and have to reload and log back into the game, then wvw. Man that’s just as good as putting you in prison. In these days of the points truly meaning absolutely nothing you are punishing only yourself by doing this. 😏
  17. hahaha. You do realize that they still get credit for killing you right?
  18. Just because we don’t like your idea in any way doesn’t mean we don’t understand it. We understand it very well. If you like that type of game play them go find a game that does this. If something like this were implemented in gw2 it would definitely cause an exodus from this game… with me leading the charge.
  19. This would get so badly abused and then the massive posts would flood these forums. Nope, not a good idea at all.
  20. There is a forum here somewhere that you can report these things to. The problem is that there just go into a big black hole. I’ve reported to the proper forum with screen shots etc and nothing happens. I stopped wasting my time with reports. Just watch for the comments here because this is about the only type of response you’ll likely get.
  21. lol. Standing right in front of supervisors I get obstructed now and then. Totally ridiculous.
  22. The problem of course is that it’s not likely you’re going to agree that anything is better than what you have already deemed the best. (that’s just my impression of your post) For example, I like mine much more than yours but that’s because I designed it the way I wanted. Nothing bad about yours though. It looks pretty cool. Almost as good as mine. 😏
  23. You’re talking about making a completely different game. Start programming 😏
  24. From reading posts in here it seems that people don’t realize that ranger can hit multiple targets at once. Although it’s not really made for big group fights, it can be incredibly useful if you know how to play it in a group. I run Soulbeast full time. I even run squads on it. NO they are not “fight” squads but they’re quite effective against most groups we meet unless we’re outnumbered. I am welcomed into the fight groups that I run with but admittedly it’s an exceptional situation. If it’s serious fights then typically most people will be asked to run fight classes. The dps, on 5 at once, that I put out has me at or near the top of the dps/damage chart regularly. That’s what you need to be able to do, and you need to know when to drop the right bombs in the right spot to generate downs, then focus on finishing them. If you truly love this class then figure out how to prove you’re more than just a wall humper or one hit wonder. And ignore the rest that don’t understand the class.
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