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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 22 minutes ago, Ordin.9047 said:

    Most of the players run solo or just follow a commander while doing damage. The content that requires support is next to impossible to break into and is too time consuming for your ordinary player. The people saying that I am wrong are the loud minority believe me, you have the data.

    How is something that mostly lasts around 10 mins time consuming? 

    Besides support weapons can be very handy in solo play as a secondary option.

    13 minutes ago, loonatic.1689 said:

    I think gw2 has done support roles exceptionally well, criticisms of the boon system itself aside. 

    I agree. I never liked the classical healer roles. I really like how gw2 implemented healing supports. You're actually engaged with the boss all the time and not just a heal bot.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Batel.9206 said:

    Here's a question for everyone who's arguing about pay-to-win:

    What do you "win" in Guild Wars 2? How do you "win" this game?

    Genuinely curious. 😕

    How do you win any never ending live service game?

    Are you going to say no such game can be p2w? So we can basically remove anything thats not a finite single player game or a competitive pvp game from p2w?

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  3. 28 minutes ago, Kiki.9450 said:


    A lot of games, especially mobile games as they have a greater outreach than PC or console, will use pay-to-win tactics to drain wallets. Not a hard concept.

    This isn't literally that. This is "pay to skip."

    I played korean mmos everyone regarded as p2w, I play mobile games. I havent seen a swipe exclusive power. But I see p2w in all of them in a form you name p2skip.

    Its something you came up with. If there are lots of games one example wont be a problem.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Kiki.9450 said:

    Pay-to-win actually means paying for a power advantage that cannot be obtained without paying for said power advantage. It's like if legendaries could only be bought for real money (not gems, not convert-gold-to-gems), and everyone else was stuck with exotics.

    Give a real example. Most games deemed as p2w, you pay to skip time to get power. Many korean mmos like BDO for example. 

    I actually dont know any game where power is exclusive to swipes.

    And yeah I consider gw2 p2w, its just not as impactful as many games because timegaps are lower. But you can swipe for legendaries. Cant get more p2w.


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  5. 4 hours ago, Spicoli.6807 said:

    I researched my role, greastsword reaper. Im doing the rotation the guides recommend... yet IM GETTING WRECKED.  I have all orange-con Berserker gear. Can't find anything better on the market than what I have.

    There are no roles in open world or story. You are all roles in one character. I recommend having at least one reliable condition cleanse and one stun break ability at your disposal.

    There are no rotations in open world or story (or pvp). You have to press buttons depending on situation.

    Berserker is ok but you will die faster than for example marauder. But on reaper you have a second lifebar so should be fine.

    But your problem is most likely just not doing the instance correctly.

    • Like 4
  6. Withou any math but it makes sense to me.

    Buy the cheapest non f2p variant, level to lvl 2, do only spvp dailies/weeklies. Those are probably the fastest anyway.

    You can also park your character to a profitable spot as you wont need to move in ow at all.

    Sell unidentified gear.

    Maybe buy pof/hot so you have access to elite specs and wont grief your teammates. Allthough spvp is the only mode where some core specs are ok.

    Youll lose on special tasks if you do it this way and if you dont buy soto. But long term youll need to buy new expansions anyway for those.

    Still having only lvl 2 char has limitations. But you will get tomes over time so you will lvl eventually.

  7. If you camp staff you'll miss on fury from axe symbol and protection uptime from shield though (assuming axe/shield). Fury is often not a problem though as everyone is spewing fury nowadays. In general boon uptime is the top priority for me as support and healing second. Just because healing is usually a by product of using your boon/dmg rotation unless you need to burst heal during a heavy dmg phase. 

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, Dawdler.8521 said:

    That's literally what WR is. Well except it's populated every 4 weeks.

    Yeah I know but the point was in the second part of the sentence. Now pretty much every server has a community discord. You get linked to a new server, you're a new player, you transfer to a new server because reason, your guild dies... you have a point of community entrance which is server discord. You can look for a guild there, for a late night drunk raid, or just chat with players.

    Now you will be a part of this world that dissolves after 4 weeks. There will be no community beyond your guild and no one will set up a world community for 4 weeks. It would be nice if there was a tool where you can connect with other players and guilds in the world  beyond guild chat. And yeah in the end everything will be going on in guild discords but these are much less available to general player base than server discords.

    • Confused 1
  9. Its called drama and it's something I miss in gw2. If they add some more incentive to actually win in wvw, the drama would get even spicier. 

    What I will probably miss with WR is that server discords will become obsolete. Maybe some will transform into community guilds but I think most notable community contributors will stick with their primary guild and these server communities will die, fast. Server discords are a nice place to get some organisation going when your guild is not playing. Alliances could be that larger community but maybe not even that if its capped at the same amount of players as guilds.

    It would be nice if Anet had static worlds that would be populated each reset with guilds and solo players and they would run a world discord or even ingame tool so everyone can connect beyond ingame chat. But that's not going to happen. 

    • Confused 1
  10. Pretty much all classes have now at least one boon support build. Boon ranges vary between 180 and 600 with addition of some specific cases like Firebrand mantra frontal cone. So groups should basically stack within 180 range to be sure everyone gets all the boons or you can judge case by case depending on the composition. But with so many boons, abilities and builds it is not realistic to expect players to know every ability's of every class boon range outside of statics. 600 range baseline (even 450 or smth like that) would really improve the life of everyone and I dont think this homogenisation would bring anything negative.

    I really hate it on my FB when 1 player from my group is slow and is not within range. What should I do, should I start booning and ignore that player or wait a little bit, maybe he moves but risk everyone else. If not on discord you can't really start typing to move their as. And that is why I really like Herald because of the range and also because you have constant ticking so it doesn't matter when I use the ability.

    Now for spvp 600 range would be super overpowered. So the range should be limited to pve. Not sure if they can do it.

    • Confused 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Waffles.5632 said:

    We've been in bunker meta for awhile now. Every game is tempest/guard/bladesworn at the very least. Some games will even have teams that double up on those specs.

    Tempest is far away the strongest pvp spec in the entire game atm. Ele in general is still insane, but tempest specifically is just crazy support, so much so, that if there's tempest+another support on enemy team, GL pulling out a win seriously. Certain combos like tempest+bladesworn atm are just not fun at all to go up against.

    I'm not really good enough to see a big difference. If I play against better players it's a burst meta for them and if I play with my golden buddies we're all in bunker meta because we can rarely get some coordination going 🙂

    I just watched a few vids from last mat (Vallun's one of them) and burst meta was mentioned several times and people got deleted real fast. Not old videos, 2-3 weeks. It's probably different environment though compared to some random ranked matches.

    Also I played some tournaments lately and we didn't even do so bad. But when we got paired with better teams I noticed dps chronos and scrappers are kinda insane on the burst side right now.

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  12. New one will be hard to find. Youll need to find a second hand one. Youll also need monitor, mouse and keyboard and sound system/headphones.

    You can get really good deals second hand but its always a bit of a lottery. 

    Do you have any gamer or graphic designer friends that can help? Those usually have a bunch of old stuff that are more than decent for gw2. You could also ask in graphic designer companies. When I was in highschool I was buying old monitor, found a company that had a full room of old stuff. We walked out with like 5 monitors (for all my friends) for basically free.

  13. I have 2 leggy armour sets and some currency stashed for the third one in all 3 modes (it will come from one of the existing modes, depends on what Ill play most in the future). I'm only semi interested in skins in general. These essences are pilling up like crazy without any intentional farming. They are overflowing my material storage, clogging bank and inventories.

    I understand they needed a specific currency for this. But at least they could make the amounts sensible or make it a wallet currency and not a material that we need in stacks. 

    • Like 10
  14. With Soto's new masteries Skyscale got a nice buff, additional functionality. Griffon also to an extent. Skimmer was also upgraded for underwater some time ago. 

    I think it's time for other mounts to get some new perks and buffs also. Not just better numbers, although that might be also welcome for some. But some new fun skills via masteries would be better. I don't think this would really ruin races as most races are already power crept with newer mounts. I also find beetle just perfect, not really needing a buff unless its something fun.

    A few of my suggestions.

    Bunny gets a parachute for those precise landings. You can also glide horizontally a bit with it.

    On a Raptor, if you do a max length jump your each next jump will get faster and faster and longer and longer. You would need to follow jumps one after another right away. So if you time your jumps nicely and can sustain long jumps you can swish around real fast. But if you miss a jump, your Raptor gets fatigued and stamina recovery get really slow. The faster you got, the slower the stamina recovery.

    Warclaw. Just give him some wvw abilities in pve. Aoe speed increase for allies. Lance dmgs and immobilises your target and dismounts you. Chain pull pulls the targets to you and dismounts you.

    Jackal I don't really have an idea. It's already a fun mount for me. Maybe just increase it's running speed a bit and give it a little bit vertical movement on jump to distinguish it from Raptor. It becomes a better mount than Raptor for just running around but with lower ceiling for max speed. 

    Skiff, quite obvious. It needs a threat/aggro wipe mechanic. Can even be a short to medium lasting invisibility.

    Griffon is just fine actually. But maybe a little bit higher horizontal speed without any speed boost. It's faster than Skyscale at just gliding in a straight line. But it takes Griffon quite a long time to get ahead of Skyscale with all it's dashes. 


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  15. 8 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

    I thought this thread would be about the vesperite and somnorite ore nodes in the Nayos map. I was surprised they just yield mithril and orichalcum.What is the point of those names?

    The ones in the Bastion of the Obscure are just... obscure.

    Well they couldnt add another material tier. And I prefer to not have another area specific currency/material with limited use. 

    I think its a nice touch for otherwordly map. Same with Bastion of obscure strange nodes. I actually go and gather just to see what Ill get from those.

  16. 15 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

    I can't believe no one has mentioned the gate event. So... long... so... boring...

    Hehe. I think we have given in the fact that from now we will have gates and big boulders to break all the time because otherwise players might forget turtle exists. And they just needed to add something to break with the new Skyscale mastery. I will take the gates as long as I don't need to do another turtle tunnel. 

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  17. 44 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I just did the Seitung meta for the Weekly, and that one is a lot more boring than the new SotO meta, especially when you take the pre-events into account. Its boss fight isn't any better than Ignaxious, the phases are monotonous and the mechanics are simple -- the only "complexity" is for people to realize that ranged damage gets reflected by the boss and to bring stability or dodge at the right moment. And it feels sooooo darn long.

    Seitung is longer and there is some waiting before final boss. But the pre-event champ bosses there have more mechanics than Ignaxious who really has one notable mechanics and thats it.

    In the end I think we are kinda bored with these meta events. I am for sure. It's been a norm for a long time now that each map needs to have a big meta event and it's becoming stale. I think the last map that really broke this mould was Grothmar. The last meta event I actually enjoyed was Dragon's End. Its just so long that's its hard for me to find the time to do it in full. I also liked Drakkar which is quite standard but still more interesting than many after and it's also a very cool dragon boss and the whole setting.

    I wouldnt mind if we got more maps without these generic meta events. But those fewer metas should than be really good. I also hope we get another Verdant Brink someday. Although I doubt they are willing to ever do such an intricate and detailed map ever again.

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