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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. Keep in mind usually players look for 100% crit chance in a squad environment with all the relevant boons, permanent Fury in this case as it gives crit chance %. Fury gives you 25% crit chance baseline (20% in pvp modes), some professions can get more out of fury via traits.

    Also many professions give % crit with traits, sometimes in a form of an effect that needs to be maintained. For example Berserker Warrior gets 15% crit chance when in Berserker, which can be maintained 100% of the time in most instance encounters but that might be hard in some other game modes, encounters. Many power dps builds have such modifiers.

    So you have to apply this to what content you are playing. Maybe that precision is more valuable than ferocity for your situation. Because if you're not criting all that ferocity has no value.

  2. Sounds very interesting. Gw2 has probably the most boring loot in rpgs. Usually big bad bosses drop iconic weapons or other items, some also with unique effects. In Gw2 you get some random generic items and some generic currency. 

    If killing a boss would enable you to get skill modifiers which can be completely horizontal progression, that would improve the feel of killing a tough boss. 

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  3. On 12/17/2023 at 4:43 PM, Aeolus.3615 said:

    I think ur getting confused here due how much players are poking other players, the issue isn't players stack up  nor the players making game unplayable, but Anet mentality giving to much overperformance on minstrels stacking and the perma boons scheme while nerfed the counter to perma boons, situation like rip 14 stacks of stability from a target and the next second theres already 10 stacks of stability that  and many  other boons that  CARRY the zerg of boon ballers that is the issue... Balance and ANET lamerways of giving more low effort  to the big blob of minstrells.

    Anet rewards way to much the boonnall that is the real problem and some players ending in bashing on the players rather the guys making the "balance".


    IF Anet removes minstrell lameness from the game WvW balance will be much better that is the real issue behind the zergs.

    Note: no matter how much Anet cut the support quoficientes the stats are still there and players will stack even more minstrells if needed, the problem are the stats themselves.

    @ANET THE  PROBLEM IS YOU! NOT THE PLAYERS, at least remove toughness from minstrel and add something else, crit chance would be interesting tho.

    I don't think removing/changing minstrel would really do that much. It would require the 2 supports per group that run minstrel to play better but the damage dealers are still mostly in berserker so yeah. It might even be detrimental for the meta diversity as the squishier supports might just fall out of meta.

    Also if you have a 25-35 man squad which I see is what many guilds get together on their raid nights, you have at least 5-7 strippers in there (probably a few more). You can strip a lot with those 7. Yeah stab will most likely be reapplied immediately but the point is not to just strip. You have to immediately follow up with cc, dmg and more strips. I do think they overnerfed strips but the most cruicial is Wod in my opinion. Wod should be completely reverted (not the part when it was targeted to caster, that was just crazy). because Wod was that trap. The problem with Wod was only because you could stack SPBs and it got crazy at some point.

    So instead of nerfing Wod which I think is a great ability, they should somehow discourage stacking multiple SPBs with Wods. For example if you get caught in Wod, after it ends you get an effect that lasts 15 secs during which you are immune to follow up Wods.

  4. On 12/23/2023 at 7:25 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Tags are not a requirement. Tags are optional.

    If you want to join a Tag but don't want to accept their lead and or requirements then you can:

    • Follow along anyway - we have so much boon share you are still flooded with boons while just zerg surfing along



    Well many squads dont really like pugs running along for various reasons (rally bots, telegrafing stealth, causing orange swords...). But those will run invis tag anyway.

    Also there should be no boon spillage outside of subgroup let alone squad. If theres spillage some are really slacking on movement.

  5. Play what seems fun to you.

    Profession forums are all mostly just a lot of whining.

    Warrior is fine and a good starter class. Its quite easy and straightforward to play and its very durable baseline. I used warrior for a long time as my progression character in instances. Because it was quite easy to play, lots of health and armour so I didnt die so easily. That way I could focus on mechanics. The only thing with warrior, its not very versatile. But thats fine, you get what you would expect, armored tough guy that swing big weapons.

    Warrior right now is in a really good spot in pvp. 

    Guardian is just good and very versatile. Used to be THE versatile class. Now we have more of those.


  6. I like my eles (got 2 to accommodate all the builds). It's more than fine everywhere besides instanced pve. There I don't play it. It's adequate, even very strong in some roles I guess. But comparing to Firebrand or various Revenant builds it's just too much hassle in general. I mean on my Rev I can literary cover all the roles in a squad, with three of the build having very similar gameplay so no fear of getting rusty on a specific build. And Firebrand, regardless of the build, has all the utility baked in baseline and very easy to use. Ele has lot's of utility but it come at much more cost and requires you to know fights very well to be pre-emptive. So unless you really really like the class and main it, there are usually better (and more important easier) options.

    But outside of instanced pve ele is great.

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  7. I hate it when UI is designed with too many clicks. It annoys me because it feel it's wasting my time. I generally use keybinds as much as possible. In OS, different apps that I use for work, in browser (and mouse gestures, those are awesome) and games. If the UI allows me I will keybind everything and then it becomes second nature, no more menus and submenus and multiple clicks. It might sound silly to some but for example at work someone else is sharing his screen and we all have to look at him/her going through the menus figuring out where specific functions are, it's painful and its wasting everyone's time. And this time can add up. How many of you are wasting useless time because someone is setting up stuff the first 5 minutes of meeting or trying to setup something that could be done with one keyboard shortcut.

    So yeah this UI annoys me. Because it's inefficient and also because it's possible it's designed on purpose in such a way to keep you clicking at rewards and looking at useless stuff, instead of  actually play the game. It has definitely a mobile vibe where games have very little content and a lot of clicking through kitten and adds. In general gw2's ui is not that good and they're just making it worse with such additions. It is a first world problem though. 

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  8. I would recommend you play the game to at least lvl 40ish before you jump into pvp. Well I in truth I would recommend to play to 80 and some more because the character build system is quite complex and the combat system is not the easiest and needs some adjusting because its semi action and quite fast. But at least play so much that the game will introduce all systems.

    The skills go like this though:

    1-5 weapon skills and change depending on you equipped weapon(s). Available weapon choices depend on your class & elite specialization. You can have 2 weapon setups which you can swap in combat and thus change your 1-5 skills in combat. Elementalist and engineer can't weapon swap in combat but have other mechanics to fill that gap.

    6-0 skills are utility skills, you can choose those out of many available outside of combat. The unique case here is Revenant on which utility skills are dependant on your legend of choice and you can equip 2 legends and swap between them thus also swapping utility skill sets in combat.

    Skills F1-F5 are class / elite specialization dependent and really vary between classes. On a warrior these also change depending on your weapon of choice. 

    Since you are interested in spvp early. Spvp has normalised stats so your gear quality doesnt matter. You have to equip your weapons. Any quality and lvl of weapons will do, stats dont matter. You can equip lvl 1 grey weapons and it will be the same as lvl 80 legendary weapons. Instead of armour and trinkets pvp uses just one piece of gear which is pvp amulet which you can choose freely. If you go to your equipment tab there is an icon I think in top left and you can switch from your normal gear view to pvp amulet view. If you go to pvp lobby (there is a button in the top left UI which will teleport you there) I think amulet shouold be the default view.

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  9. This will unpopular opinion. Thank god there's a mode in this game with a bit of toxicity in it. It shows there are still some players that actually want to win and get frustrated over it. And no it's not worst than other games, it's probably a bit better.

    This is just how it is in competitive sports and in competitive games. I play basketball with friends and until lately also in regional tournaments. And yeah there are tensions. Adrenaline and testosterone is high, we are 10 sweaty guys on the court and we want to win. Arguments happen. It's real life and we know each other so it's not on the level of toxicity that internet anonymity brings. And there should be, because when there is no tension it means we don't care and the competition is not there and it's just not it. We had guys quit our group because of low intensity competition, we hadn't had guys quit because of some on court arguments. As long as it doesn't spill off court.

    And it's similar in online games. It's worse because most don't know each other and can go full on kitten over the internet. But in the end if everyone would be just nice to each other, what's the point. It's the nature of competition and dealing with it is also part of it. Maybe a bit different aspect but dealing with competitive tension and not letting it get into your head is a big part of competition. One of the reason I've always played fps games with standard models and no enemy names and kill msgs if possible. So you don't think about who is on the other side, thoughts are on the team strategy and tactic and you don't go into tunnel vision over a specific opponent or some personal vendetta. 

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  10. I see this game having 2 types of maps. The expansion and vanilla maps which are larger, intricate, filled with sides stories, secrets and exploration. Layers upon layers of content to discover. And there are LS maps which are generally smaller, packed and mostly serve the basic story. There are some exceptions to this like Jahaii Bluffs which also has a ton of interesting side content.

    Soto maps definitely fall into the LS maps category. Archipelago gives good first impression but is just bland and uninspired once you uncover it's first and only layer. Amnytas they were trying to have a coherent map where everything leads to a big finale but it feels like they stopped developing it at 75% on pretty much all aspects; map design, event design, secrets... It just feels unfinished and a bit copy paste. And Nayos looks promising with the first part but is for now just too small and too much packed into one small area. Let's see how it unfolds.

    I'm practically done with Soto. There is nothing really in it for me. Maybe a daily strike from time to time and finish the story once it comes out but that's it. I have my legendary armours so am not interested in rifts and convergences and they are so bland and boring I wouldn't do them for fun. 

    On the other hand I started with Nevermore achievements yesterday and had to do Hot outposts, one on each map - VB, AB and TD. I started on the event chain put on my mentor tag and in 5 minutes there were 20+ players around me and we did the events which still after so much time felt unique and fun and epic at points. I think they tried that with Amnytas but just don't have the creativity and resources anymore to pull it off.

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  11. New starts are the best periods of an mmo. The game is new and not much info is out there yet so it's up to you and your friends to figure it our. So yeah I would like gw3, I'm just afraid that based on the current mmo market and also the current gw2 direction it would not be a game for me (pvp modes not being developed, instances content practically scrapped and going into mobile game practices).

    As for the engine. It's still a mmo that handles large battles the best as far as I've played. It will handle 100+ players on screen together easily. It's just that Anet really really (really) like particles and lightshow vomit. If they would just decrease that (or gives us more options) it would run smoother and offer better experience. 

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  12. 14 hours ago, Leger.3724 said:

    So sure. Put a DPS meter into the game. Keep it as a third party addon. It's not going to impact much of anything. The reason no one is raiding in this game, the reason barely anyone does strikes is because they don't want to put in the effort when there are better alternatives out there in the form of better games and also bigger (but still dying) raid communities in other MMOs.

    You're completely right. Nail on the head. So why even discuss dps meters. It's something a part of player base enjoys. And it's not really impacting anyone outside that group of players. No one is forced to play with them and they aren't forcing anyone to play with them also.

    I like rpgs in general and probably the most interesting part for me is making builds. I'm coming from quite some time back, from the 90's dungeon crawlers and later games like Fallout 1&2 and Baldur's gate and all those Infinity Engine games. I played those titles many times over just to make new builds. There were min/maxing communities for those single player rpgs. Guess what, I would be even interested in dps meter and similar tools even in those games. I'm not even a good player when it come to gw2 pve, mostly because I have 2 kids a demanding job and hard time to get any time on schedule to play. But even without raids and strikes and fractals I would interested in dps meter. Because I like to measure my build's performance. And there are players like me that enjoy that part of rpgs and are not bothering anyone wanting to play their way to a point when they step into their group of like minded players and feel entitled to tell others how to play.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Gendalfs.7521 said:

    GW2 game design is based on jumping puzzles everywhere.

    I got ''Been there done that'' thanks to youtube.



    Finding everything yourself would probably take years because theres not a single marker on the map. When doing daily JP I dont even know where the kitten thing starts 🙂

    Hmmm I dont know. Ive done most vanilla JPs without any guides mostly finding them along the way while leveling up or doing my first and only map completion. A few have hidden entrances but due to luck I guess Ive stumbled on most of those early (actually usually there are hints).

    But based on authors description he is in Ember Bay. And whoever designed that map and especially token collector probably had some masochistic notions at the time. Im actually completely fine with Chalice of tears. Its a crazy JP but it can also be a fun group endeavour. But token collector on that map is insanity. But beyond those and maybe Draconis mons I cant remember a JP that really require guides.

  14. 7 hours ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

    Nah, Ashan is definitely right this time.
    Convergences is SoTO only content, so ppl LFG in SoTO section the most.
    In fact, Ive never seen Tyria Convergence LFGs.

    Yeah you're right since it's clearly Soto and not even in Tyria, let alone central  Tyria 🙂. I've done only a few in the first 2 weeks, I know one comm posted in Central Tyria and got full anyway quite fast.

    But sometimes, in general, it's worth just checking the central tyria squads because I see people post various stuff there.

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  15. 20 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    Here's how it's supposed to work for instances like dungeons, Fractals, stikes etc.

    1. You go to the map where the entrance to the instance is - for example for dungeons or Fractals you go to Lion's Arch.
    2. Open LFG, find the right section, find a group you want to join and click 'join'. That will put you into the party or squad but won't do anything else.
    3. One person needs to go through the entrance, which for some things does involve navigating a menu to pick the right version.
    4. Once they're inside everyone else will get a pop-up in the middle of the screen inviting them to join, which includes a summary of what you're doing (including things like how many people are required) but they just need to click the button to join.
    5. Then you'll load into the instance.

    So what might be happening is you joined a group but no one started the instance yet, meaning you didn't get the prompt to join. In that case you can either start it yourself, ask who is going to start it or just wait for someone to enter and the popup to appear.

    This is all correct. There are some exceptions. Dungeons, strikes and raids have 2 entrances. You will only get a prompt when youre on the same map (map, instance doesnt matter). While most players enter from hubs, sometimes someone will open instance from another map and you will not get a prompt. But you can always join them through portal.

    I do agree the lfg / instance joining is clunky and could be updated to a more modern standard.

  16. Arcdps gives you objective info. Without it its all subjective.

    You can use any build or gear you want and if Arc says your doing what is required youre good. Without Arc players will evaluate you  based on info they pull out of their kitten.

    So if anything Arc helps against unfounded toxicity.

    I dont run Arc though. I might do it once in a while when I want to see how my build perfoms in certain fight and to do a sanity chech but generally no.

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  17. 4 hours ago, Godfather.9058 said:

    As I previously said, that's not the point. People speedrunning in WOW classic could easily send a lot of stuff from their main characters to help. But they don't. They do it for the challenge and fun.

    The thing is, wow is much different. Its harder to traverse the world, lower lvl zones dont give exp, you have to find quests. I played vanilla wow and lvling was a long journey. I also played on a pvp server so that was also a factor.

    In gw2 you can literary do anything and lvl up. You can go directly in pvp and never do 1 thing outside of arena. You can only chop wood in the starter area. You can just explore vistas and poi and never do any combat.

  18. This is not about meta builds, just about fun and caster feeling.

    Mesmer. Greatsword feels great, 1200 range, power. Now with soto you can complement with dagger main hand and offhand of choice. Lots of mobility and best utility. Not so heavy on aoe as ele staff but you can equip enough aoe if you want.

    And very strong condi ranged setups also. Condi virtuoso for example.

    All elites will actually do fine (talking about fun and caster feel, not viability in specific content) allthough I find mirage most fun. Virtuoso if you dont like to deal with clones and just want to nuke or chrono if youre weird.

    Now theres just one thing. Instead of fireballs and ice boulders and lightning bolts, youre casting pink lasers and swirly purple farts and throwing imaginery friends at your foes.

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  19. 20 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

    Ofc it's all speculation and will stay so until release, but I doubt the recipe will include any SotO mats. Relics are a core mechanic and should probably be available to all players, regardless of expansion.

    I kinda doubt it. Many legendaries are locked behind expansions and you can't fill all spots with core game only. You can get very close though if you play all modes.

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  20. Probably no one really cares about speed running lvling because of the Tomes. Also there are lots of cheesy options because everything gives exp. Like if you have Skyscale and LS4 teleportation tomes you can teleport to LS4 maps like Thunderhead Peaks and collect volatile magic motes with your Skyscale. I think each mote gives like 2500 exp before any modifiers.

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